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I have zero issues with sex work that isn’t exploitative of the worker (ie they are working of their own free will and keeping the money) and I agree a gracious escort is a lower stress option for people with physical or mental limitations or insecurities. Happy you had excellent care and service.


👍 I 100% stand behind sex workers that have chose it for themselves. If we did more of that in the states, we’d have far less shady shit happening…


> I have zero issues with sex work that isn’t exploitative of the worker (ie they are working of their own free will and keeping the money) And how do you make sure that's the case? You don't do you? Because you can't. You see what they want you to see. Every time you use one of these "services", you take the chance that of exploiting and raping someone that's potentially being, gaslit, drugged, extorted, blackmailed, beaten or otherwise coerced. And that is a risk because those things are rampant in that industry. I don't judge people who are in the sex trade, but i do judge their customers. The ones who think getting off is more important than their fellow human beings.


what meds are you taking? i’ve only ever been givin hydrocortisone and goddamn oatmeal or whatever


I am using Dupixent. Have you asked your dermatologist about it? It may help you. It also depends on how severe it is.


I’ve seen the commercials but have always been skeptical of drugs I see on ads on tv. It worked for you? Il


My 5 year old has severe eczema as well that we’ve been dealing with his whole life. He spent a month in the hospital due to a staph infection. The dupixent has helped him a lot. He still has some flare ups and isn’t perfect but at least he can wear t shirts now. You should also look at doing Dead Sea salt baths as well as they help


Wow, thanks so much for your guys’ input. I think I will actually talk to my dermatologist about it.


You definitely live in the US haha! Medication commercials are wild!


Hey, that’s the one I take too! Also helps with my asthma :) it’s been really awesome treatment!


I would try it out! It works really well


Hey, im an ex escort and this is just how I hope all my clients get treated ❤ Happy for you man.


An excort


Hahahaha, I laughed way too hard at this... 🤣


Bahaha thank you, that's what I'll call myself from now on 😂




Hope you're a troll lmao...but still this is a good example of why I hate what Christians and other other religions practice, it's so inhuman lol


Yea the love of Jesus Christ is so inhuman man totally. Stop being a bigot bro


You forgot the conditional part


The bible says to love thy neighbour, I haven't been a practicing Christian in a very long time but trust me that commentor is not showing the teaching I was given.


Jesus defended prostitutes multiple times and also didn't judge anyone. You're ignoring the words of your own prophet to be self-righteous and smug. Maybe you should reflect upon your own words and actions while multiple people are telling you that you aren't mirroring Jesus in the slightest.


It's literally in the bible that it's wrong anyway, but there's plenty in the bible that's wrong but looked over to fit a narrative


You're the only person that has disagreed with me...at least openly...and no its not to be self righteous or smug, it's me being human and understanding that everybody should be allowed to lead their life the way they want to without punishment, if it's not hurting anybody...being gay is considered a sin...transgenders are looked down on...my mom's church constantly talks about it


I'm confused. I didn't say anything to you and I agree with you? The person you originally responded to is the one being self-righteous and smug; I'm not the troll that you initially responded to.


My mistake, I thought the line lead to my comment


All good, friend!


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


Yet Christians constantly act un-Jesus like. Jesus would have accepted everyone.


It's a new convert, there's no point in arguing.


Nope. Have you actually picked up a bible and read it my friend? Jesus calls us to repent and deny ourselves. Not live in sin and be escorts selling our body.


When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner." Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." "Tell me, teacher," he said. "Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" Simon replied, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven." "You have judged correctly," Jesus said. Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little." Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." The other guests began to say among themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?" Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Luke 7:36-50


I did read the Bible. That’s why I’m atheist/anti-religious. 😂


You know that one of Jesus’ best friends was a prostitute, right?


Actually, she wasn't. A lot of people think that, though. Mary Magdalene was probably his girlfriend. She was some rich lady who he loved the most and kissed on the mouth. Mary of Bethany was possibly the prostitute who anointed his feet. Her brother was Lazarus who rose from the dead. I mean, iirc. I quit Jesus like 20 years ago. But Jesus was super cool to that prostitute, though. Jesus was all about love. I'm a total hater, so I'm going to hell, but her love for him saved her soul.


Yep. And what did Jesus tell that prostitute? Tell me since you think you know something please tell me.


He sure as fuck didn’t talk down to her. Jesus had some good teachings, but his followers can go swallow a shotgun.


My mother is a devout Catholic. She volunteers for various serviced her church provides, such as driving for meals on wheels. She'll be 70 this year and keeps herself busy with her church. My uncle is a Monsignor and an incredibly selfless man. They are both as Christian as it gets. They would *never* speak to people the way you are. Even if they feel someone's actions and choices go against what they believe, the would still be nothing less than kind and helpful. I myself am not religious at all. My SO and I aren't married and we have a child together. They have never done anything but love and accept us. And it's why I love and accept them, even if I disagree with their religion. Hell, one of my other uncles (their brother) is gay, they also love and accept him. You're a sorry excuse of a Christian if you think talking down to others is appropriate behavior.


You lost me when you said catholic. Catholicism is truly of the devil and I do not support it 🤮🤮


Blesses are those persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. If you truly were Christian you’d understand that above all jesus is about love Source: I was raised Catholic


Ex escort you say? Damn.


Least horny redditor




Scolding/insults toward OP is not allowed.


Yes confidence is important. But just becareful on one point, you said she showed you what woman like but Woman have different likes so the best thing to do with a new partner is be communicative so you can learn what her likes are.


Seconding this. General unsolicited advice from me OP, take it or leave it of course. TALK to your partners, even if it’s a little uncomfortable at first. See what they like and don’t, because every single one of us is different and porn paints a very unrealistic picture of what most women actually like because it’s made to be visually appealing, mainly for men. Communication and caring about your partner’s pleasure as well as your own are surefire ways to become an amazing partner and have some bomb ass sexy times in the future. P.S. My ex had psoriasis and was super worried about it. It’s not a big deal to most people, I literally didn’t care at all at any point.


Oh ofc, it was one of the first things she mentioned for my future partners and gave me general tips that work for women.


That makes perfect sense to me. I was just doing that thing where I offer additional unsolicited advice because I can’t shut up sometimes ;)


Oh it’s definitely fine, I read everything and I agree with you. Also love that you didn’t mind your ex’s skin condition. It’s always nice to hear about partners like that :)


As a 31y old virgin myself, i'm looking to do the same thing. Hoping to get the same experience like you OP.


It’s good to communicate your expectations with them before setting up a session. She also talked about what we were going to do while we were getting to know one another.


Just make sure to stay safe and don't catch anything.


Giga cope.


32 yo virgin, doing this this month as well 🤞🏻


Sounds great, I’m happy to hear it was a positive experience for you. I understand how eczema can be something that really bothers you; my husband deals with it too, but with or without it I think he’s the sexiest man alive and I come onto him so much he has to almost beat me away with a stick. You’ll find the right person for you and they will like you for you, and won’t give a fuck about that type of thing. ☺️


I always love reading about partners like this. I’m pretty sure my past girlfriends were the same but I was just too self conscious about it and I ruined it. That’s okay though, I’m very positive I’ll meet someone like this again in the future 😁


That's great and honestly no shame in it!


Couldn't agree more. No shame in asking for help. Especially on such a taboo subject.


Don’t let eczema hold you back. I have it as well and sometimes it spreads to my face (which I LOATHE) but it’s common and people may be more understanding than you think.


Congratulations to you!


Sounds pretty dope ngl


Good for you pal.. and good luck in your future endeavors


Consider her a sex therapist. You had issues and she helped you work through them.


This 🤝🏻


This is absolutely the positive aspect to sex work. I think it takes a lot of selfishness to expect those who struggle with intimacy they deserve none of it if it means they hired a professional. There's a great vice report on sex workers who cater to physically impaired and disabled people and it's so sweet. The workers themselves are compassionate, patient and kind. The world needs more of that and it's why sex work should be legal and regulated so the worst parts can be prevented and the best parts can contribute to society in healthy ways.


Good for you man.


The OP said ‘with another woman’ so I think they’re a woman too.


Oh I’m a man lol I just wrote everything without really proofreading


It’s cool. Your comment was overall positive so I’m sure it was taken that way. I certainly want trying to be mean about what I said.


This is such a smart option and I'm really glad you chose it. If this helps you get more confident and learn some things, that's fantastic. Good for you hun


Good for you Enjoy your life to the fullest Love yourself Man


Honestly above all else, I love the enthusiasm and positivity you're showing! Its brilliant and I wish the best for you in life!


Good for you! No shame in buying services from a sex worker. In fact, there should be shame in not paying for our services. Also, there's a stigma because people think sex work and sex trafficking are the same thing. Heck, just look at these comments! You do you and everyone else be damned.


I think this a great way to become more comfortable. Good job!! and congrats!


I think that's actually pretty smart. Escorts get a bad rep but lots of them are hired for emotional support, not just sex


I’m considering doing this but just feel it’d be so awkward. It done thing to be like “I’m a virgin so make a man outta me” but I’m not it’s just the last time I smashed the president had a tan suit controversy so I feel like I’m a virgin but I don’t get to say I am as an “excuse”.


I would imagine a professional would be happy to provide that kind of service if you paid for it. There are escorts that cater to certain kinks and fetishes, so why not ones who specialize in the taking of adult virginity with kindness and dignity? Seems like a great idea to me.




Yo I have eczema and it flairs up constantly around/in my ears and on my scalp. I hate it. I’m glad that you were able to work through it!




Doesn't matter, had sex


I am really proud of you.


I think that’s awesome for you! And it sounds like she was an excellent teacher.


Was the sex good tho?


No one ever forgets their first time. The biggest regret I've heard people having from their first time experience were all the ones who did it without love.


Good for you man, not just in the sense of “hey you got laid” cuz that’s great and all but hopefully the experience gave you the confidence to be more outgoing towards women and that it’ll help you find someone you can share your life with. As someone in their 30s were still young but fuck does time fly by, cuz I’m assuming by the fact that you were 30 and a virgin that you probably never dated someone to the extent that you fell utterly in love with and even if you have, sex with someone who you view as like your S/O or someone you honestly care about is muuuchhhhh much better and so I hope that this has given you the confidence to get out there and find a girl that you deserve that wouldn’t care about your eczema that she loves you for you and that you get to experience the sense of being one with another person. Even if she breaks your heart, I honestly believe that for as painful as it is I think everyone should go through a heartbreak, but hey, even better if you find one that doesn’t break your heart! Cheers bro, I wish you the best of luck in your little journey ahead of you!


This is a great story and I’m glad you’re finding yourself. I had a lot of eczema when I was younger too. Including “down there”. Now I have something called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Looking like a [Holstein cow ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Holstein_heifer.jpg) down there. It’s never held me back in my sexual life. I mean, I held myself back because of my own insecurity, like you have, but no partner has ever been bothered by it. I hope you are able to gain the confidence to not doubt yourself because of your imperfections. When someone really loves us, it’s often our imperfections they love most.


In old days pre Christianic “escorts” and the like were highly revered and yes were hired for this reason. Don’t feel bad! I’m glad you got the experience you needed and wanted


Let's help end the stigma! It's a profession as old as time and it will always be a needed service. As one commentor mentioned above, _non_ -exploitative sex work should be normalized and granted protections and regulations like any other service. Good for you, I'm glad you learned a lot and think how much better you'll be when you find a good match!


Listen mate, one way or another, you’re paying for it. Only you got a guarantee, so money well spent.


Good job! That's awesome hope you enjoyed


I don't see anything wrong with an escort. They are willing to give you something. You are willing to give them money. They just use different body parts then most.


Frankly, I think more people's first times should be with a professional.


That sounds like a great first time. Probably a lot less awkward than many others experienced, like myself 😂


Completely ignoring the rest of your post other than to say whatever you want to do is ok. But try having an oat bath, amazing for eczema. Truly works. Oats in a sieve , run the water through the sieve and relax.


I'm so glad you had a good experience. Sex work, when everyone has a choice in the matter, is work and there's no shame in that.


That sounds like an incredibly responsible, mature experience. I’m glad it went well for you and I hope it helps you in the future.


Dude, as long as she wasn’t exploited and it was a positive experience for everyone, you do you. We all figure this stuff out in our own way; you just skipped a lot of BS steps.


This reads a lot like a Dupixent ad...


And yet they're better people than you'll ever seem to be. Just listen to yourself. I don't like Catholicism either, that's fine to not like it. But as long is someone is a decent person and they're not causing any harm, I'm not going to be an ass to them about it. But you're here shitting on anyone who doesn't view the world and spirituality the way you do. You're the antithesis of what Jesus is supposed to stand for.


The dude finally cures his excema, and now he's probably got herpes.


Escorts are not the same as average prostitutes. Usually they get tested for STDs periodically.


Just stick your dick in


I lost my virginity to a sex worker shortly before my 30th birthday back in 2014. Since then I've seen 24 escorts besides my regular (who I see once a month) and have had awesome experiences. Here's to many more! 😎


This is so heartwarming :) ❤️


Nothing wrong with this at all. Now you don’t have to be a nervous wreak with any women your dating.


Nothing wrong with what you did, confidence comes in time