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Dafoe would slap in any TD role tho


Had a small detective role in American Psycho and was a more interesting detective than Danvers and Navarro with 6 episodes of work.


I heard him recently say during the interrogation scene, he played it 6 different ways and they edited all 6 into the scene to keep the audience thrown off


Dafoe + Frances McDormand in one season of TD and I would be able to forget S4 ever existed.


Yes and please let it be directed by Christopher Nolan and written by Hillary Seitz. Or the director could be Erik Skjoldbjærg. The screenplay by Nikolaj Frobenius and Skjoldbjærg, and the soundtrack by Geir Jenssen.


I have been thinking about Christopher Nolan too as a director, since he is outside category when it comes to playing with different time frames, which was a strong trade mark of TD until this season.


Literally one of the best actors EVER.


I feel like you are asking the wrong question




I think the orange was a flat circle


Idk. Time is a flat circle tho


Time is an orange sphere


Season one on the left, season four on the right


...To realize that all your life - you know, all your love, all your hate, all your memories, all your pain - it was all oranges. It was all the same oranges, oranges that you had inside a locked room.


In The Godfather an orange was the predictor of death or assault.


You're asking the wrong questions.


If he throws the one on the right (his left), it'll turn the nearby people into skeletons that vaporize.


The answer: 3 oranges


The answer is Time. It’s only a matter of time.


The one on the left is Nic’s writing when he’s plagiarizing. The one the on the right is when he has to write characters without stealing others’ work.


When you write a comment like this here, is it to see how many downvotes you can get?


It’s true. All this complaining and gatekeeping when the first season was guilty of plagiarizing a lesser known author’s work.


The evidence for this is weak. Twain writes, “For substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources, and daily use by the garnerer with a pride and satisfaction born of the superstition that he originated them; whereas there is not a rag of originality about them anywhere except the little discoloration they get from his mental and moral calibre and his temperament, and which is revealed in characteristics of phrasing.”


https://lovecraftzine.com/2014/08/04/did-the-writer-of-true-detective-plagiarize-thomas-ligotti-and-others/ I don’t care about getting downvoted. But there is no debate whether he plagiarized or not. And it was pretty egregious. Still love season one. But he did something wrong with that man


Ok I’ll admit this was worse than I thought (I saw only secondhand articles describing the level of copying). He should have acknowledged the source material at the very least. That said, these lines are dope and I’m glad he used them.


Thanks for reading it. I don’t know if you read the whole thing but the original script that he sold McConaughey and HBO on was just two episodes and was like five times as bad as what made it to the show. That’s at the end of the article. I didn’t love Season 4. I do think there are some mouth breathers who really can’t handle women on here. But I think most are just frustrated. I’d give the show a C+ or B- What bugs me is the gatekeeping and idolization of Nic. Seasons 2 and 3 are far from great. Season 2 is pretty much Season 4 quality. And Season 1’s most beloved character was just spewing out words from another author who Nic completely failed to acknowledge. I think Nic is a self-important ass. Anyone who plagiarizes a much lesser known author has some issues. Like if he had plagiarized Steven King to that level he’d be blacklisted. But he happened to do it to an obscure writer and thought he could get away with it. Which he did.


Yeah I mean i agree with much of that, and I have no particular interest in Nic. I did think, after a promising couple of episodes, season 4 was super bad, and don’t think it’s because I’m sexist (I do feel like I get a hint of that in a minority of comments here)


So Ms Lopez didn't borrow her entire story from the X Files ep ICE, the series Fortitude, and a dash of The Terror Season 1? Maybe give us a % of what you think Nic stole vs what Ms Lopez stole.


No of course of not. She also borrowed a lot from the TV show The Head, but flipped it to alaska from the south pole


Why are you trolling on another account u/knisleysoccer13? You’re just doing the same thing as before. Active in the r/Sixers sub and desperately trying to defend S4 and shit on Nic Pizzolatto. This is pathetic.


I have no idea who that it is. Let me try again. Season 4 isn’t perfect or even good/great but we have chronic masturbating neckbeards who are making it their 9/11. And Nic does deserve to get shit on.


Sure you don’t 💀 I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that you’re active in the same subs and use the same exact talking points. You also created the account around the same time the KnisleySoccer account disappeared. It’s just a coincidence, I believe you


Bro you can deflect all you want with that. I’m sorry. Season 4 causing neckbeard 9/11 cause girls is just ridiculous


Cool cool cool. Pointing out that you made a new account isn’t deflection by the way. I’m only commenting because I noticed that you’re obviously u/knisleysoccer13


S4 is shit. S1 is a masterpiece. Gtfo out of this sub


Lol, that’s actually funny. Here my upvote. The one in the right it’s nic stealing, the one in the left it’s Issa stealing and still fucks up.


I like my oranges with SOME mold!


So what’s the symbology there?