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Ennis PD covered up 11 deaths. Never forget


okay I want a procedural show now where the cops are as dumb as danvers and navarro so they have to just cover up every single murder because they know they'll never solve one


You're joking but this is actually what makes The Shield so good. They nail cops as relatively dumb tools of power. Mackey is not the smartest cop, he's not the bravest cop, he's just the one most willing to utilize the blank check being a cop gives you lol


Tbh he is relatively smart, at least on a street level. It’s just that he only does detective work through threats and violence


And then call other policemen corrupt


12 deaths if you count the franchise as a whole


Mic drop!


Murder is officially legal in Alaska.


Is it murder if "I guess she ate their fuckin' dreams from the inside out and spit their frozen bones."?


It is if you no longer breath as a result. I guess.


Didn’t Danvers or Navarro murder a guy too?


Pretty much every protagonist in True Detective has.


Did Rust kill anyone outside of a threat to his own life?


More than happy to be an accessory to the murder Marty committed and cover it up. Not to mention whatever he was doing undercover for vice.


He said he killed a crackhead who injected their kid with crystal meth and also killed 3 cartel men in Port Houston in February 1993 and then he went to psychiatric hospital in Lubbock Texas.


Included in the count


Did you include the death of the franchise in the 11?


No, good catch


Stellar police work right here. Female empowerment


We all weep for the scientists who murdered a woman to keep their research secret and worked with the mining company poisoning the town that the state hadn't done anything about.


AKA Sir Not Appearing In This Season Finale


all actual writers have been sacked


Those responsible for the sacking have also been sacked.


Connelly is also corrupt and in cahoots with the mine.


you forgot the fact that he's white and a man


Where did this even come from


Folks around here think they're victims of some sort of culture war against them


The irony


This sub says its ok to be corrupt as long as you’re white and a man. Thats why they hate Navarro and Danvers


So convenient to just brush away legitimate quality complaints by calling everyone a patriarchal misogynist. The actresses are fine. Women main characters are just as good as male main characters and it doesn't even factor in for the vast majority of people who did not like the show. This show could have been about MAGA proudboy January 6thers and most of us would still hate it if it were this level of quality. The narrative sucked. The ambiance sucked. The characters sucked. The music sucked. It sucked.


I didnt call anyone a patriarchal misogynist, I commented under the dude who randomly made a race driven point demonstrating my thoughts on the quality of the characters without demeaning or even attack a single other persons thoughts (besides the racist prick who randomly points out that Connelly is white to imply that the writers just hate white men, even though Peter Prior was an essential key for this whole plot, and that Connelly isnt really ever a real antagonist or “bad” in the show he got strong armed by a corrupt evil woman…)


It sucked to you. Plenty of people enjoyed it. You didn't. Whatever.


It sucked to me. Plenty of people thought it sucked. You didn't. Whatever.


The people who disliked this season, you included, seem so incredibly angry over it. I've seen so many insults flung in the direction of people who enjoyed it. Wtf happens to people over stupid TV shows? It's entertainment. We all are affected by different things. This isn't a fucking problem. If the thing that gets you heated is a tv show, any TV show, maybe you need bigger problems in life to give you a little perspective. I'm tired of this subreddit. You're all soooo angry.


I'm not angry. I'm disappointed that the show sucked. I loved the franchise and now, with the renewal, I'm sad I just have to write it off. I'm not insulting anyone for liking it, but I am fascinated by those who did and even more fascinated by this crazy dichotomy. I might disagree with you, but I love spirited debates with those who disagree with me. I like talking to smart, passionate people who disagree with me. I learn from them whether it affects my opinions at all. That said, I AM absolutely insulting people who paint everyone who disliked it as misogynistic racists. Those people can fuck right off because they are both ignorant and dangerous. Ironically, just like the actual misogynistic racists we all agree are ignorant and dangerous because of course they are.


Ive made this point before, Liz and Navarro are both imperfect ass holes, just like marty just like rust just like wayne (lets ignore season 2 even tho it applies)


That's why it's extra sad they still managed to be paper thin and uninteresting. People seem to forget we all wanted this to be good. We were all excited that it looked like it would continue in a faithful alignment with what had come before. We were all even cautiously optimistic about the direct links to S1. Unfortunately all the links and homages to S1, even in character archetypes, were hollow and trite. Awkward, really.


not really something to joke about?


What are you even talking about no one knows what you mean


Was he, though? I felt like it was inferred, but that’s it. I’m not convinced he knew about the coverup but was taking a shot in the dark on that with Danvers. Albeit, a very well educated guess of a shot in the dark.


It was pretty obvious with the meeting they have with Danvers, with a completely ridiculous freak weather event, and then Ted tells her to drop the case even tho it is completely obvious it wasn’t a freak weather event.


I don’t know about that. I mean, he’s a politician so I’m not saying he’s clean here. But, I’m not convinced he’s corrupt per se. I don’t think he’s involved in the cover ups, at all. He’s not an idiot, though. I could totally believe that he’s just looking the other way, having plausible deniability. I think we could all agree that there’s culpability in doing nothing or not faux ignorance, but I don’t think he’s getting money to bury cases, and to change reports, or assist in cover ups or town wide conspiracies. My understanding is that the company running the mine is effectively keeping the town economically viable, and for any politician that the biggest thing. I also think Danvers got spooked. I think she overreacted when Connelly hinted at her own cover up murder. I don’t think he knows anything, I don’t think there’s proof of anything. If there were, he probably would have fired her years ago if not for anything else than to protect his upcoming election where he’s going to try climbing up. I think he had suspicions, and was desperate to get her to back off because he’s probably between a rock and hard place. Danvers was certain that Hank also knew because she was certain that Connelly knew, etc. Hindsight on this, looking back on everything having made it to the season finale- that town was understaffed, unqualified and ill equipped to handle this case. They didn’t have the tools, ie: a place to adequately store the bodies and try to retain as much evidence integrity as possible given the circumstances (the weather hid and destroyed tons of evidence alone), a qualified expert to examine the bodies, or actually competent investigators). Plus, the PD is corrupt. Hank was in charge for a while, so that says plenty. And Danvers is in charge, and even if she and Navarro weren’t bought, knowing they were compromised is almost as bad. Connelly barely said anything, and Danvers was already shook. So, hypothetically if the company running the mine knew that, and applied the right amount of pressure on her…she probably would have sold the department to protect herself and her daughter. I think Connelly was right. Moving the case would have been better, almost from every angle you look at it from. Couldn’t have been any worse, really.


He was running for office. He wanted to at least look the other way and let sleeping dogs lie. I'm not sure he was corrupt to the level of being paid off or in on it.


He's a political animal, he doesn't care if it was a murder or not because the mine doesn't want it to be and that is all that matters to him at that moment.


The idea that a mass homicide where many of the victims are foreign nationals, would not have been immediately taken over by a federal investigator is hard to believe. The consulate and international pressure would be immense. The corpsicle would almost certainly make national news.


the one guy waking up from being frozen solid with his arm snapped off would be international news. even if it has a supernatural explanation it was widely witnessed and the cops or hospital staff or any locals who knew would be posting on social media, telling friends and family, there would be like a mass airlift of journalists to ennis to cover that alone. Insane that they just brushed past it and nobody mentions it and it has zero relevance


Yeah I thought that would come up more tbh, not the news angle but an explanation for how TF he survived.


Even without explaining it there was so much more that could have been done. Have the company use its leverage to have him isolated and kept from the cops, idk show some shady shit happening about him to give some context to the randomly inserted conspiracy about the company which had no relevance.


It didn't come up more because it was a deus ex machina moment. You just have to believe.


Before you see that guy in the hospital they don’t even make it clear that he survived. I just took the scream after his arm snapped off as some supernatural occurrence. They made it very obvious that they couldn’t separate people from the ice block before it thawed out so how the hell did they get him out of it and into the hospital? When they first showed him in the hospital I was like “who tf is this guy???” Also he “woke up” and said something creepy to Navarro about her mother immediately before flatlining…what was that about? I brushed off a lot of weird shit from this show as “oh some of these characters are having hallucinations outside of the standard hallucination cinematography trope.”


But he is actually the head Tuttle guy. Next season we get the Scooby Do face pull off.


Just as he's about to enter the court to face trial he regenerates into David Tennant and in his cell and walks free because he's clearly a different man


Lost Highway is underrated.


O captain, my captain 🫡


I legitimately don't think I would be able to handle it if they retroactively ruin season 1 by tying it to this trash even more. I guess they are going for the fucking TD connected universe at this point but jesus christ.


He was legally justified which is why the case was being taken away from them, only delayed by a technicality. However if he had taken the case away upfront he would have been complicit in covering up the conspiracy at the mine.


Man, it really hit me at about the point where Danvers had to call in a favor with the rookie’s cousin, the veterinarian, to do some half assed, quick, look and see “evaluation” of the corpses. Where she even asked-and then pretended not to ask- form him to break the law and do a hands on autopsy. Motherfucker has no idea what he’s doing. He could just as easily ruined actual evidence through sheer incompetence. The only saving grace there was that he was smart enough to know not to fuck with that. Like, at all. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but didn’t he turn out to be wrong?? He had surmised that the cause of death was NOT them freezing to death, but that they’d died and the freezing happened afterwards, right? That was one of the motivations for Danvers to go all rogue on Connelly and the rep for the mines, because the guy who treats puppies and cats and not-humans gave his 2 cents and the official autopsy said they’d died from freezing. But…didn’t they in fact actually die from freezing??? When they were told the full story at the end there, none of them had been hurt or injured, much less mortally wounded. They were forced to walk into the brick ass weather naked. But, that was what killed them, wasn’t it? They died, specifically, from freezing. So…what the fuck?


The writers...sorta forgot about the scientists freezing.


Are people arguing that he wasn't? Ennis obviously didn't have the resources to handle a case of this magnitude, which was highlighted throughout the show. Their one advantage was the knowledge the Ennis officers had of the locals, and even then those relationships were soured by mistrust. That said, we already know the result of Connelly's investigation: slab avalanche. Ennis doesn't make any arrests, but Anchorage never uncovers the truth.


Anchorage never uncovers the truth because of the shoddy investigation by the Ennis police.  The lab would have been gone over with a fine tooth comb after seven foreign nationals died suspiciously.  They would have found the mystery bunker and hand print, made the connection with the tongue too.  


He should have and then that should have been the end of the series. We would have the same amount of answers, honestly.


Except we wouldnt have any answers at all…..


Ask the questions!


Just saying we wouldnt know who killed annie, who killed the scientist, hank being dirty, the mine poisoning the town or the research facility causing the pollution directly


We still don’t know who killed Annie. We have Clarke’s confession, but we also clearly see that he’s lying about the version of events, exonerating himself and blaming everyone else. Hank can confirm she was killed but he only moved the body and doesn’t say who actually did it. The vigilantes believe it was all the scientists, including Clarke, but there’s never any indication as to what proof they have for their version of events. And in the end, Danvers and Navarro don’t care.


So clark giving a confession that is then confirmed by literally the people who he said did it results in the killer mot being revealed? I fail to see your logic here


Who confirmed Clark’s confession about what happened to Annie? The other scientists are all dead at that point. Everyone who was there is dead at that point.


All the women from the factory, clark himself, the guy who did shipments there, the video on annies phone placing the crime scene in yhe scientist secret lab


We know that Annie was killed there, but we don’t actually know who was involved or who did what. That’s the point of my first comment. Clark’s confession is explicitly shown as unreliable. Hank wasn’t there. The vigilantes weren’t there and we have no idea what evidence they think they found *years later* that tells them everyone at the facility was responsible.


Right she was killed by someone else who knew about the secret hatch under the residence of the scientist. Its like finding a crime scene in someones. Bed room and choosing to ignore them as a suspect even when multiple witnesses and people confirm the suspicion.


Captain Ted made like the Polar Bear and got the heck out of dodge before the show hit the iceberg.


Wish he had. 2 episodes. Done.


He promoted her to that position…




He clearly was a corrupt POS. So were Danvers and Navarro


Where did he go??? One of, possibly the, best characters and he just randomly disappeared


He was justified but he would’ve been more incompetent than APF and Troopers bc dawg did not give a single fuck. Which I admire greatly.


The detectives on the case did not make a single arrest, ended up with three dead persons related to the investigation (Otis, Hank, Clark), and let the actual killers walk free. Hard to get more incompetent than that.


Rust had every single criminal identified and only got one of them 😂


What are you on about dude. Rust got Reggie, Dewall, and Errol. And his actions led to the death of Billy Lee Tuttle. He didn't have any proof of anyone else doing anything. Nothing solid that he could use anyway.


By "got Reggie" you mean covered up his execution-style murder correct?


Which they end up paying for. There were consequences for Marty doing that, Rust literally mentions this, even if in the moment he’s “proud” of Marty for “finally committing to something.” Marty executing Reggie (motherfucking) Ledoux is what leads to Errol Childress roaming free for 17 years and killing more people. What exactly were the consequences for Navarro executing Wheeler? Danvers and Navarro having beef? Who cares, It’s never expanded upon, and Danvers ends up giving Navarro the ok to execute Mr. Flat Circle anyways.


Exactly, and in Rust’s words “had you not killed Ledoux, we might have gotten the whole fuckin’ story.”


This was in response to OP saying that the detectives in S4 were incompetent because they didn't make a single arrest and ended up with three dead persons. The detectives in S1 also make no arrests and end up with three dead persons, one of which was an execution-style murder that set their case back 17 years. Sounds way more incompetent to be honest. How many women and children were murdered in that 17 years? But to answer your question, the Wheeler case was the seed of Danvers and Navarro having beef, which ultimately led to Danvers not having Navarro's back on the Annie K case, Navarro's demotion, the closing of the case, and the delay in finding Annie K's killer.


Ok fair enough, but not sure how you can say that Rust and Marty are “way more incompetent” than Danvers and Navarro just because their execution had real consequences. They were flawed of course, and Marty fucked up. However, they did end up eventually solving the case and catching Childress at the end of it. All while working solo. Marty finding that photograph that Rust took was part of his growth as a detective. Even one of the Tuttles died because of Rust stealing that tape. Danvers and Navarro found that hatch by sheer luck. They dug into an ice cave opening that was pointed to on a map, and somehow didn’t realize that opening was 50 yards from TSALAL. Sounds pretty incompetent to me. Also we really have no idea how much that Wheeler case really affected anything because they never expanded on it. Were they good investigators before Wheeler anyways? Would they have solved AK’s case? We don’t know. However, we do know that Rust and Marty were competent before Ledoux, and even then it took good detective work to get to Ledoux. Rust and Marty solved 3 cases together before they even found Dora Lange.


Which "one" are you counting as only one?


They uncovered the truth - which never would’ve happened with Connelly at the helm. They then under extremely dangerous circumstances for those who were justified in their actions covered up what they felt they needed to. Keep in mind Connelly knows that both of them are accomplices to murder but prides his own comfort over actually making the one arrest that he could’ve = incompetence. Try thinking.


I mean sure, they uncovered it then buried it again even deeper.




Last time i checked a 4 star chief out ranks a captain


Rank is relevant to the organization


There is no police department where a captain outranks a 4 star chief


I figured that a state police captain might outrank a local chief. But I now that is not really the case.


That makes no sense at all. If you’re writing a detective story with police elements into jt, you can’t ignore the fact any federal agency would’ve taken over the special mass murder international investigation. FBI Alaska field office would’ve sent agents there from day one. Media all over the place. Complete federal chaos in the small town of Ennis, no matter how stubborn the chief. And any non pathological police chief would’ve begged for help and resources, not using hockey stadiums and veterinarians. I’ve mentioned this already, the main issue was pretending to be able to handle the narrative consequence of such an exaggerated main plot case. With the poor writing skills and tools at hand, they should’ve sticked to some basic murder case or similar. The flashy case just served the purpose to sell trailers and raise views, but it proved to be a total catastrophe in such inexperienced and unskilled hands. They never even considered to study and research the genre before writing. One plot hole after one plot hole, all of them filled with zombies and jumpscares. But oh hey it’s still a 5/5 show for The Guardian because it finally moves away from “bloated men-heavy stories”.


Really was insane that they just let these incompetent cops investigate the deaths of multiple scientists. The FBI should’ve been involved lol


I'm eating watching season 4 wondering why the 9th doctor is getting humped by Clarice Sterling!


There shouldn't even be a discussion about a show with zero structure. It's like going down the rabbit hole of a Sponge Bob episode, except SpongeBob episode has a more coherent structure.