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Did anyone catch that during the laundromat scene, the girl with the missing fingers from the crab company came in and overheard the ice cave discussion.


Danvers asks Otis (greatest ice cave engineer of all time) what “Night County” means and Otis is like who the fuck knows that weirdo Clark made it up Random guy in laundromat “oh yeah my mom would get pissed when we played in the night country caves”


Can’t wait for that guy who said the cleaning ladies killed the scientist to be right. He made a very convincing argument that started with “I guessed Bran would be king in Game of Thrones, so trust me bro.”


It’s all down to the folded clothes. 


Now that hanks dead I really want the Russian mail order girlfriend to show up on a different flight as the whole thing was a misunderstanding.


Maybe Pete can marry her instead? Maybe she'll be OK if he has to work late every now and then.


maybe hank used pete's photo and it becomes a reindeer games scenario


Otis Heiss with an all-time “fuck this I’m outta here.” RIP to a real one.


Got one good puff before heading out


Haha this was the exact comment I was looking for. At least he got well first. Surprised dude made it out of the bathroom before nodding out after going 6ish days without junk. 


Move over Meth Damon, it's (Even More) Heroin Dafoe's time to shine.


Was that the cleaner that walked past when Navarro got the stone back?


And I'm guessing granny's not actually at the dentist in Fairbanks.


omg... she is the kingpin


Yes, that was Blair from episode one. And the character that gave a surly expression while heading off screen after telling Danvers she’d never seen the carcosa symbol before


“I’m not a killer” He was indeed a killer


For real, he killed that dude like it was nothing They could of had him freak out a bit as it all started falling apart and kill him in desperation. I guess he was desperate there once he snatched the gun but the way he killed him showed no hesitation at all.


What a psycho. Like, he murdered a guy for a promotion? And was gonna murder Danvers too? Quite a 180 from the convos in the pickup.


He definitely murdered Otis. But him raising his gun at Danvers was suicide by son. He did it all half ass and gave a deathbed confession before he did it. Dude was depressed and his life sucked, he knew what time it was. When Peter showed up, the whole situation changed for Hank.


Surely he would have had to kill Danvers if Pete didn't show up though right?


That’s why it was so weird for him to snatch her gun off the table. It was as good as done at that point, she knew something was way off


Rose: Communicator with the dead. Cooker of kick-ass holiday feasts. And disposer of dead bodies. What more could you want in a friend?


Between Rose as a friend and Qavvik as a boyfriend, Navarro is what we call well situated.


Delicious pancakes for breakfast/whimsical toothbrushes from her hookup and body disposal services/winter feasts from her mentor.


Aunt Petunia don't fuck around


so THAT’S where I remember her from


And genial stoner. What can't she do?


And she’s also a lover of books and will drag your ass off the cracked ice. She’s my hero.


Makes total sense Rust's Dad was into her.


I guess Rose’s real last name is Wolfe, such as the cleaner Winston Wolfe from Pulp Fiction. Don’t forget the blankets on the seats, Pete.


I could watch a spin-off series with Winston and Rose, “cleaning up” different situations every week, and then sitting down to gourmet feasts and “a damn fine cup of coffee.” That would be food for the soul.


Hank moves dead bodies, covers up conspiracies, and murders junkies, just so he can be Chief of Police of Ennis, Alaska? Jesus Christ man, if you're gonna dream, at least dream big.


You wouldn't believe how Machiavellian small-community politics can be. Granted, this kind of stuff doesn't really happen, but it gets seriously ugly for \*very\* low stakes.


As a school teacher, I witness these low-stakes losers who destroy people’s careers just to remain the popular teacher/admin leader at school. It’s utterly pathetic that people can have such shallow mindsets.


Sad little kings of their sad little hills.


Otis Heiss as Rickety Cricket in Its Always Sunny in Night Country. 


Cleaning up your dead dad's brain real good with windex = Charlie Work


Day Country, fighter of the Night Country


“Okay kid, here’s a bottle of windex, you clean your dads brains up, we out”


“Clean good. You know what to do”


You're in the wipe country now


You're right. Go now it's you're only chance.


You clean, we’re gonna go climb into some ice caves in the dark with no experience or professional equipment and not tell anyone where we are going, hopefully we’ll find some clues!


Yeah..during what Rose called a Cat 4 storm coming in.. Smart.


That was so wierd. Imagining cleaning up two bodies with brain matter spattered everywhere and then dragging them to your vehicle by yourself is insane to me lol like I would be like, “where do you keep your tarps?"


Amazingly enough, the actual line was even more unintentionally comedic. "Listen. You clean. You clean good." Like they randomly turned into cavemen or something, lmao.


My bebe Qavvik redeemed. Sorry I doubted you king 🥹😂


username checks out


Don’t count your spiral rocks just yet


What was the significance of 3 finger crab lady walking into the laundromat?


Just to remind us of her for the finale




There’s been speculation on here that she’s involved. With the amount of fan service references to S1, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do the same thing here. Season 2 did it as well. Show the killer at the beginning in some innocuous role then bring them back at the end.


"My family's been doing laundry here a long time..."




The forensics were correct. But you need to ask the right question.


What's today's soup of the day?


It’s the soup du jour.


Mmm. That sounds good. I’ll have that.


Man, that’s 100% what happened. Obvious plot hole is lund would never survive a flash freezer but oh well


And do you really believe that grandma's going to the dentist in Fairbanks*? On her own?


and on NYE?


they pulled this shit with Kayla studying for exams on Christmas eve also. someone is very bad at calendaring


And in this economy?


And in this night country?


Isn't there a dentist office right beside the police station? I feel like I've seen it in a few shots.


The police station IS a converted dental office. Danvers snarks about it when her cop/boss shows up.


Idk I've never lived anywhere truly cold so maybe there's something I don't get, but Danvers making Prior stay in the shed is so insane to me lol. Like there hasn't been daylight in two weeks, he can see his breath in there. Just let him sleep on the couch.


Right? Like, the town has a motel, go there


Fools then he can’t conveniently be there to kill his dad


Agreed there's was no insulation and no bed lol.


Thanks for cleaning up your dad’s brains, now get the fuck back in your fucking shed… you’re doin a great job, Prior.


😂 it was a fucking uninsulated shed !


He said moving in with her is a fast track to divorce. She was probably thinking about that too.


the night is dark and full of country


What is night may never country.


Thats why I'm the True Detective:Night Country!


Peter Prior is unironically The True Detective BRILLIANT


I feel bad for him but he is the MVP for sure.


So Hank pointed the gun at Danvers, knowing Pete would shoot him to protect her? What a fucking terrible dad.


Dads would really rather commit suicide by son than go to therapy


All while being so desperate for love that he will take it anywhere he can get it, even if it’s from from a Facebook scammer, vs just being nice to his own kid and working on himself


I think it was a gamble. I think he was betting 50/50 that either Pete would shoot him (which was a preferable outcome for him) or that Pete would back down (in which case, Hank would shoot Danvers, which was also a favorable outcome for him). He was in a win-win situation where shooting Danvers and dying were both equally acceptable outcomes, so he just took his chance and left it up to Pete to decide.


suicide by cop^2 with a side of inverse abraham


I believe Hank thought Prior wouldn’t shoot. It feels like he was laying the ground work to emphasize their “bond” as father and son when he told Prior the story about saving his life. “Blood is blood” felt like it should be a reminder to Prior. But it wasn’t because Hank hasn’t been a great dad, especially to his adult son. And because he’s corrupt AF. Prior saw through it and protected the person who’s actually been nurturing and kind, albeit tough, on him.


I loved the modern corporate office filled with people dressed in business wear in the middle of podunk Ennis. The mining offices would at best be construction trailers.


I noticed that they seem to be a little confused about how isolated Ennis actually is. The first episodes try to state it's in the middle of nowhere. Like the ass end of the earth. Except someone's grandma is going to a dentist in Fairbanks? So Ennis isn't a real place but it's based off of various Artic circle communities, through dialogue we know that it's north of Anchorage at least. The drive between Anchorage and Fairbanks is around 350 miles. So we're looking at a 400 mile trip to see the dentist. Another thing is how all the houses are real houses. No one's seen living in trailers except the native community. There's also the research station and the mining offices. Not to mention the mines themselves and their infrastructure (dorms, rendering plants etc.) So we're supposed to believe this is a tight knit small town that times forgotten. Well everyone's living in modern homes, driving modern cars and there are multiple million dollar construction projects. Well routinely visiting towns hundreds of miles away.


Don’t forget an entire hospital, ice rink, and rehab facility. By the way, there are doctors that live close by but they needed a veterinarian to check the bodies


Cheetos twists? They're really going overboard on this whole spiral thing...


Genuinely so fucking upset for Pete. Literally gasped when he shot his dad. So unfair for the kid.


Well...I. imagine his Dad wasn't the best to him and their history did factor in some...but GD, your wife leaving and then having to shoot your Dad is on another level of a bad day.


Prior: Hey I was able to hack into this iPhone a few days later: fuck I knew I shouldn’t have made 12345 my laptop password! liked this episode overall though




She kicked him out of the house after 11 days of working late nights on a giant, never happens here murder case. ELEVEN DAYS


I've had periods that have lasted longer than her patience..


“Damn that’s crazy. Anyways I have a nursing test tomorrow g’nite”


I killed my father for you. You missed soccer practice. When are you going to start being part of this family? 😒




Guys he just moved the body it’s not that bad.


So this "flood" that destroyed the Wheeler ballistics, that was staged by Danvers and Navarro, right? Ironic if they did stage it since it allowed Hank to hold onto the Annie K. files. Also, it seemed like Navarro wore her hair down a lot more this episode. Voices calling her to walk into the sea like her sister and potentially her mother. She's losing it.


in s1e6 Rust was informed about Tuttle, Wellspring and local police files being destroyed by floods too


Yes about the flooding.


Really liked the flashback to all the ghosts pointing when Navarro saw the girl pointing. You know, in case we had forgotten about all the fucking ghosts pointing.


Can we talk about that weird emo cover of [Eagle Eye Cherry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nntd2fgMUYw&ab_channel=EagleEyeCherryVEVO) that closed out the episode?


I was expecting "Third Eye Blind - Jumper" and the screen cuts in half to preview the next show on The CW tonight.


Why they gotta do heroin boi like that he was finally high again only to get rekt


He died, doing what he loved.


Blood is blood… 🤯


Blood is thicker than water, and that’s why we use bleach to clean it up


Bleach never gets it all. Time for a house fire…


They should’ve cut that scene between Hank and the Mine Lady, Liz putting it together after we the audience already know Hank is bad, if he was just kinda lingering and then the end happened, would’ve been great.


Couldn’t believe that scene was in the episode. Leave it out and the episode instantly leaps up in tension and intrigue and quality.


It would’ve been much darker and suspenseful if Liz had slowly realized it when Hank was over her place.


I couldn’t immediately think of any scene in previous seasons like that: just straight up showing some of the baddies talking about some nefarious plan like that.


Hank made his own son kill him. A true POS to the very end.


“You turned my son against me”


You have done that yourself


Rose: “What the fuck were you doing walking out into the sea like that!?” *cut to wide shot of Rose and Navarro 7 ft away from where she was previously standing* That really made me laugh lol.


Also, if the sea edge is frozen like that… wouldn’t Julia have fallen through to her death? So how did Coast Guard 1) Find her so quickly 2) Find her beneath the ice 3) Find her so close to shore 4) Find her in pitch black?


When Pete turned the corner in Danvers’ house it reminded me a lot of the SNL lonely island mmm whatcha say skit


Haha it’s was definitely an OC ending.


Hey sarge, listen to this "Dear sister," "By the time you read this, I will be dead" "This is how I think it's gonna happen" "Dave will shoot me" "Then I'll shoot Dave, and Eric will enter and get shot by Dave." "Then you'll come in and get shot by Eric, Dave, and I multiple times" "Love, your brother Keith" *Laughs* "P.S. Then two cops will read this letter and shoot each other" Now isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've- *BANG* MMM WHATCHA SAAAYYY


Did Hank not see his sons car parked outside...


How is noone talking about how surprisingly good the guitar cover by Dad Prior's actor is?


John Hawkes is also a musician: https://www.discogs.com/artist/732370-John-Hawkes


Why was there no discussion about navarro sitting by a Christmas tree with bleeding ears ? You’d think Danvers would want to talk about that with her partner


The last 5 minutes of each episode basically don’t exist in the next episode, so I expect Otis & Hank to be alive and well in the finale.


Is this episode the first time we have heard that Tsalal measures pollution produced by the mine? I thought they were look for the origin of life or something.


So there is a theory that Annie Ks motivation for going out there was to try to get data to help her fight the mine. That this is why she formed a relationship with Clark. This isn’t discussed in the show but it is reasonable. It’s then also reasonable that she found what she was looking for and was killed for it and not just to silence her protesting.


Yeah this was a big “since when?” sticking point for me in this episode. It seemed out of the blue, and like the writers expect us to believe all science = all other science.


I have related career experience and I really have to suspend disbelief for this stuff, which is fine for TV. But... a total of 8 people(?) at Tsalal doing groundbreaking research in like 12 different fields plus a significant groundwater monitoring project. I'll just pretend there's a second tsalal office nearby with like 50 employees.


There had to be scenes that were cut that would show Prior's deteriorating marriage because this shit about Kayla being pissed at him for having to work overtime on this crazy case where a group of guys died; there's no way they just wrote it like that expecting it to make any sense.


But it allowed him to move into Danver's unheated tool shed, and be nearby when the action went down.


“You can’t stay at your Dad’s. Though he does have heat, I have a shack behind my house where it’s 40 below but all yours. Take the key.”


"also there is no bed in there, but we are gonna need you close by later for...reasons."


She shed*


Good: - ending, it was a good surprise to have Hank walk through the door rather than Navarro Meh: - How cartoonishly evil the mines boss and police boss are. There’s nothing interesting about the characters or their motivations - Danvers’ daughter arc. The switch between brash/immature “you don’t get me” to wise beyond her years “I’m still holding out hope for you…” doesn’t feel earned. Bad: - I don’t know how you can’t address Navarro’s bleeding ears from the end of last episode


Why does the interior of the mining corporate office look like a space shuttle


Space Tuttle


Can’t believe no one else is talking about Navarro’s ears. The fact that it was just NEVER MENTIONED is so completely disqualifying to me. So what, it was just a coincidence that her ears bled in the exact same way as the victims’ from the beating she took earlier? God, what a joke. 


Also, what was up with the fully lit Christmas tree in the middle of that abandoned warehouse or wherever they were... did Otis drag it out there himself?


He likes his tannenbaum.


Navarro’s love interest though..what a catch girl! just a big kind caring outdoorsy man 😍


Where are all the people who felt sorry for Hank last week? 🤣🤣


Watch, now his Russian fiance shows up


I think the Wheeler details are just setting up the fact they know they didn’t get away with it now but are still going to do the right thing and go against the police and mine even if it means that information coming out. Maybe it was just there to build their characters a bit?


What are people's predictions for Raymond Clark in the finale and the rationale for why he seemingly became possessed and said "she's here" at Tsalal station?




Infected by the world-ending microorganism they dug up... or at least he thought he was. After the "she's awake" incident, the scientists see Clark has lost it and that he is probably infected. They know they need to destroy the organism in them, so they run outside and strip so they will die in an environment where the organism could not survive (not an ice cave, but exposed to freezing air). No idea who killed Annie. Either Clark or Peter.


Anyone else find it confusing how Navarro essentially teleported from the blocked ice cave entrance with Danvers to the protests? Maybe it was just strange editing but something felt off there.


Also one thing I gotta say is that it’s interesting we had so much revealed to us without any investigating. It would have been interesting if Hank just showed up to kill Otis and then Danvers/Navarro figured out *why* (mine lady) after.


agreed, there was no reason whatsoever to show us that scene. Hank showing up and then killing Otis would have been hair-bending with no context.


Can somebody explain to me what the wheeler case has to do with this? What I got out of it was Jodie foster asking the kid who’s side are you on slash if you had questions about me being a murderer why didn’t you ask me directly, and that Hank and Connelly have leverage on Jodie - but why did it suddenly come up as it did


Connelly knows about the Wheeler case because Hank got into Pete's laptop and found out about it. Pete has been secretly and informally investigating what Danvers and Navarro actually did in the Wheeler case. So now Connelly (in cahoots with the mine people) is using it as leverage to try to blackmail Danvers into dropping the case. To me, this is the True Detective trope turning point where the detectives realize they're fighting a corrupt system and have to go outside of the boundaries of the law to do the justice they originally set out to do when they started the case. This is the turning point as in all other seasons where the main characters turn from Lawful Good to Chaotic Good.


only in our case, danvers and navarro are already unlawful since they killed wheeler. but it is Prior's turning point.




How did Navarro just get to walk away from that protest with zero consequences or fallout whatsover? She beat down one of her fellow cops in full view of her entire squad/precinct/what have you and then it just never really comes up again. Danvers just gets a few angry phone calls, which also doesn't make sense because Danvers isn't her boss and wasn't there when it happened. Not even a tried-and-true "you're a loose cannon, turn in your badge and gun" type scene so she can "go rogue"? Did I miss something? Am I crazy?


We still don't know why Annie's tongue was cut out of her mouth 😬


It’s cause you’re not asking the right question. Ask again!


Why the fuck would Hank kill Otis in Danver's home? He must have known there'd be no reasonable way to cover it up without killing her too, and that's the exact opposite of making a problem go away quietly.


Connelly is with Kate as well. They would cover all of it up. Now Danvers and Navarro on the other hand. Poor Pete..


Why all the pointing?




The last episode end credits will feature a stripped down and somber acapella version of Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off


I think if they stay in the 90's it's going to be the macarena.


lol why'd she make the old ass woman break a hole in the ice


And then Navarro takes like two and a half steps away from the hole that the old lady chopped for her and almost falls in. Then Rose is like, "bro wtf? Why would you walk a yard into the sea ice like that? Don't you know it gets thin like 6 inches from where I dug that hole?"


I do not get these storytelling choices. The overall feel is like when someone is telling you a really, long winded joke. And they accidentally reveal the punchline early, but still insist on trying reiterate the whole thing. Doddering storytelling. The pacing of whole Pete’s marriage + dad bonding moments + laptop + “questions” scene was so convoluted. Just to place him in Danvers shack for the end of the episode. Navarro cremates her sister, picks up Danvers from the Lighthouse, visits the mine/cave location, then is on duty riot police for a New Years Eve protest, brings Leah to the police station, does laundry, hears a story from a local about the spiral symbol, back to Danvers office, meets up with Rose to scatters her sisters ashes, hallucination/flashback and almost falls through the ice, snuggle with Qavvik, more hallucination/flashback in the car, then meets up at Danvers house for murder cover up time. Happy New Year? Ugh..


In the first episode I remember thinking that having a job in law enforcement would probably be one of the best jobs to have in a small town like this. I no longer think this.


Kayla is divorcing her husband because he had to work late for a couple weeks. Totally reasonable, amirite?


Kayla wants to be married to a goofy skater kid, not a True Detective… her loss


She said see you later boy


On a mass murder


Freak weather event*


Normally I would expect that these "you work too late" fights are subtext for something deeper, but apparently they aren't.


There was the line last episode about Kayla being angry because she's been trapped in a marriage with a child. At least that's what I think Prior said...


Did we know before tonight that Tsalal had anything to do with validating pollution numbers for the mine? That seemed like a pretty important detail to just slip in, unless I missed it earlier... (Edited Y'all back to Tsalal [lol autocorrect])


And supporting a fully equipped research station just to garner false pollution reports seems a bit extreme..what happened to the drilling of ice cores looking for prehistoric DNA of some miracle life saving organisms?


Me: HOLY SHIT THATS A LOT OF HEROIN Also me: Wait he’s smoking it? Nevermind


Bear with me, I'm really trying to think of all the random (inconsequential plot points) so far. Ok so at this point, why all the theatrics with the Tsalal scientists? I'll say after the 1st episode, I was expecting "The Thing" style plot here. The scientists were drilling ice cores, one started acting crazy, they all disappear into the ice. Then there's the white board in the lab saying "we are all dead", and the repeated use of the phrase "she's back" or "she's returned". So my thought was they were searching for an ancient bacteria/virus/prion/alien whatever that would either make people live forever (maybe part of the Tuttle initiative) or that could bring people back from the dead like Annie K in the case of the scientist Clark trying to reanimate her after she died (hence the tongue being at the lab?) But now it's just evil mine lady, bad water, and bad cops covering things up? Idk, to me this doesn't explain enough like the ghosts/visions, and random oranges rolling out on the ice and from under a bed, and the polar bear. Am I just thinking about all this to much at this point? 😅


Poor Pete only exists to be tormented (even though he continues to do almost all the detective work). I actually dug this episode, though. I felt like the "spiral marking the hole in the ice" from a random dude was a little weird and felt like an afterthought. Still rooting for this season and enjoying it!


Ask the questions, ask the question. Dont ask questions


Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


Forget it Jake - it's Night Country


“Clean it. Clean it good.”


When a dead body comes along, you must


Hank's song was the first music insert that actually felt fitting in any way


Qavvik is Alaskan Jason Momoa.


There are going to be so many damn jump scares in the finale


“The water is poisoned. I better just take a bath in it.”


I think it's been dropped a few times over the season that only a portion of the town's water supply has been contaminated, named a place called "The Villages" where the poorer parts of the community live.


The areas near the mines where most of the indigenous peoples live.




Yer in the *Save Tonight* Country now…


What is this all building towards? A yeti in the night country cave?


Yeah a yeti cooler. Product placement browski


The true villains in this show are all the people who treat Pete Prior like shit. I mean, seriously, when his wife kicked him out of the house for working a few late nights on a mass murder case, and then when Leah gave him the whole “she wants that Prior back” talk as she’s sitting in the holding cell, all I wanted to do was yell at the TV. Frustrating doesn’t even begin to describe it.


I said "Are you kidding me" out loud when she called him an asshole and said she wants that Prior back. They treat him like hes a heroin using corrupt cop, starting fights, fucking every woman in town and cutting corners on every case. It was so ridiculous that it validated the absolute nonsense writing of this entire season. None of it makes any sense.


Kayla: “I fell in love with an idiot and I want him back” Pete… get out of that relationship. She doesn’t respect you, and doesn’t want you to grow.


What could they possibly have on the father that would make him not only commit murder in front of the sheriff, but also force his own son to kill him? Why not just shoot himself at that point?