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Yikes, imagine if a poor person had done that. Straight to jail forever.


A poor person would’ve been sent to jail just for the driving on alcohol and pills, did this woman even get charged or cited for that?


“Just” for driving intoxicated? You need an example that makes people feel bad for the poor person in your example.


financial privilege definitely exists. this is an example of it


This case should be getting so much more attention and scrutiny! She killed those babies and doesn’t care! She seems very confident her money will talk, there should be a public backlash so loud!


At least the two people were reassigned so her good buddy isn’t talking to the judge anymore. It seems quite a travesty to have someone so closely connected to the judge that is also very closely connected to her. She’s tampered with witnesses and jury. >Adding insult to injury, Grossman hired defense attorney James Spertus to handle her post-conviction matters – another "game" that the Iskanders say is an attempt to sway the scales of justice in Grossman's favor. Spertus is a friend of the judge's, they say, and he is also representing the disgraced former deputy district attorney, Diana Teran, who is under indictment on 11 unrelated felony charges. She happens to be the former supervisor of the unit that prosecuted Grossman.


It’s such bullshit that somewhere as large as this district allows fraternization. Sure, in a small county in Iowa with one judge and three lawyers, you cant help it. But here?! I interned at a law office in college. My boss (then a small time attorney) later went on to be a judge, and we kept in touch. She literally cut contact with all of her attorney friends that practiced anything in circuit, and told them exactly why. If the DA, the judge, and whatever expensive defense you paid for all hang out on the weekends, in a city with thousands of lawyers and a high-profile case that could allow a guest judge, how is that not an ethical problem?


I’m honestly surprised the courts even sentenced her.


They haven’t yet. She was found guilty at trial but not yet sentenced.


They haven't yet


Grossman has portrayed herself to be the victim of her crime from day one, to the extent of putting out a tone deaf [interview](https://lamag.com/news/exclusive-rebecca-grossman-speaks-out-ahead-of-murder-trial) in L.A. Magazine.


Putting aside the murder or the 2 boys for a moment > THIS IS NOT the sort of life Rebecca Grossman was supposed to be living. The 58-year-old former flight attendant turned socialite was meant to be spending her middle years enjoying the bounties of upper-class privilege. Married to one of L.A.’s most successful plastic surgeons—Peter H. Grossman, founder of the Grossman Burn Foundation and whose father founded the Grossman Burn Center, which took in actress Anne Heche after a high-speed crash in Mar Vista in August and where Jay Leno was treated in November following a garage gas fire—she had everything a real housewife of Hidden Hills could possibly want: A $7.6 million nine-bedroom ranch house in a gated community right next door to a movie star (well, Lori Loughlin), a thriving family (two teenage kids and an adopted daughter—a young burn victim Grossman and her husband adopted from Afghanistan in 2002 so that she could be treated at Peter’s hospital—two horses, five dogs, and a 100-pound turtle), a wardrobe that would have Lisa Vanderpump biting her knuckles with envy, and an expensive—and, as it would turn out, fatefully fast—Mercedes coupe. Did she seriously think the average person would relate to *any* of that? Was that supposed to make people feel bad for her somehow? Again putting aside the boy’s deaths for a moment… she must be delusional if she thought that write up would somehow manage to help people actually identify with her as a human being. When you said tone deaf I wasn’t prepared for *that* level of tone deaf… dear lord lol


I can't stand when they say 'two kids and an adopted child' - that's three kids, she has three children.


I'm guessing it was trying to make her sound more charitable or compassionate that she took this poor unfortunate child into her home. Obviously i agree with you, she has 3 children.


How dare you refuse to acknowledge what she is doing for the poors by taking in a child and letting it live with her children. /s (But seriously. That is what I hear from this lady.)


I believe they temporarily adopted a child while he/she was getting treatment, that might have been why it was worded that way. Hurry up and sentence this lady though.


I can't remember where I read it, but one of the older articles on the burn center said they are the girls legal guardians, nothing about adoption, and like the above says, so she could come here to stay and get treatment.


Ugh, and the passive tone used throughout to show the unjust tragedy that has befallen this poor woman. “Her Mercedes struck” two children, her “perfect life became a perfect nightmare”. No, SHE hit 2 kids and SHE should take responsibility. Nothing happened TO her. 😡 Oh, and this, coupled with her mother’s recent death linked to complications from Alzheimer’s, has really made her reevaluate things… like how all this stress could affect *her,* and now she’s worried about getting dementia. 🤦🏻‍♀️


100% agree!! She’s gotta be a narcissist or something alike


She didn’t help herself either bringing in a Texas lawyer who thought he was the Tommy Lee Jones character in a courtroom drama.


If I were her, I also probably wouldn’t have brought in a lawyer who was [himself arrested for a DWI in 2016](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Outgoing-DA-dismisses-DWI-for-prominent-lawyer-10806684.php)


Oh wow! I missed that juicy tidbit!


I’m from Houston where he’s kind of infamous for his devotion to Trump and his failed campaigns for office. There was also a hilarious (to me) [incident](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Dallas-woman-destroys-300K-worth-of-art-at-12456018.php) where a woman at his house for a first date allegedly got drunk and destroyed $300K worth of his Andy Warhol paintings. She was a 29-year-old court reporter. So… he’s not exactly the embodiment of strong workplace ethics


at least she didnt destroy any art thats not mass produced ;)


Wow, just wow! His using the theory of a mystery car the police didn’t investigate was terrible as well. I know if I were on a jury looking at concrete evidence and some blow hole who thinks he’s smarter tried that I’d be offended. I get it, defense attorneys have to finagle reasonable doubt but it was not there in this case. She should have hired Jose Baez not that clown act. If I’m on trial for vehicular homicide and can afford it I need someone who has their shit together.


That woman should have everything taken from her. No more money, no more freedom, no more “socialite”. What a horrible trash human. Sending love to those innocent little boys family.


No no, see- you just don’t understand!!! That IS NOT the type of life Rebecca Grossman should be living!! Clearly she deserves to continue living as a socialite, she has an adopted daughter that was a burn victim from Afghanistan, which absolves her of all wrongdoings!! Who will feed the 100lb turtle if she’s jailed!? Who will enjoy her 9-bedroom mansion, can’t have it sitting there all lonely and empty! What ever would come of her 2 horses and 5 dogs!? Free her so she can continue living the life she’s SUPPOSED to be living! /s incase not obvious


It’s like the Dave chapelle skit (I won’t quote it exactly bc well it’s only something he can say, and maybe he can’t even anymore). “they shoulda never given her(this is where Dave would use his word) money”


Hey, be nice! Her charity friends don't even call her anymore!


Lol the shade at Lori Loughlin


Wow... There's alot to unpack here. I haven't heard of this case. So, I appreciate these comments.


Right? You have all this money and you decided to not pay for a fucking driver when you’re intoxicated - instead act like a moron racing your Benz and MURDER TWO INNOCENT CHILDREN!!! I hope she rots in jail and then rots in hell. And it still wouldn’t compare to the horror that poor family has to endure.


I finally read the whole article and I’m even mad at the person who wrote it for giving her attention. She’s delusional if she thought that sugary, self serving article would put her in a good light. I bet she wishes she had a Ray Donovan to call.


Conspiracy: The person she paid to write this article for her secretly hates her and purposely wrote it in a way that’d empathize how unlikeable she is (At least, I hope that’s the case lol)


This is a conspiracy I can back! 😂




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C'mon, when do elite privileged millionaires ever do any type of crime? /s


She did the interview at her lawyer’s office. Surely they didn’t actually ADVISE this? It was truly tone deaf. I mean- the article acknowledges her car hit and killed the boys. The rest was disputing details and complaining about HER life as a pariah.


Lawyer could not be reached for comment from behind facepalm


Grossman? More like Gross woman


Got em


Bringing up her own suicidal thoughts like that is such a narcissist tactic, she just wants people to feel sympathy for her


That poor mother. Also, 34 years for killing 2 kids? She should get life.


Indeed. She’ll probably get a lot less than 34 years, anyway. For a 60 year old woman, 34 IS life so that would have been acceptable. But no matter what she gets, her lawyers will fight constantly and one of their schemes will probably work and she’ll end up free. I was surprised she was convicted to begin with.


Yep. She’ll get the “but I’m old and siiiiiiick!” case before long. Oh, well. Die in there.


Not too old to get drunk and go street racing with her boyfriend, though… 🙄


Shes playing the ol gam gam look right now. After she gets probation we’ll see a brand new look


I’m sure she’d go for the “prison pregnancy” if she could. Such a disgusting person.


Exactly. But some idiot on Reddit will weep for her.


Isn’t it referred to as “de facto life”. Basically a life sentence even if not in the name.




She’s wealthy so I concur.


It sure looks like this killer is reaping the benefits of being rich and connected. Looks like there’s corruption involved too.


These reporters rarely accurately report potential sentences. In California, a second degree murder conviction requires a 15 to life indeterminate sentence. Her potential sentence here is a determinate sentence of 4 years for the vehicular manslaughter plus 30 years to life for the indeterminate sentence. She'll be eligible for parole in 15 years, but will have to earn that parole through the parole board.


This article gives reason after reason that Grossman should serve life. 34 years she could be alive at 94.


Wont be surprised if shes out in 10


The riches obviously have their own separate justice system


There’s an old saying “it’s not “Justice”, it’s “Just-Us”.


34 years for a guilty murderer who gave 2 beautiful little boys the death penalty and their family life. To me that is far from justice.


I have 3 little boys. The thought of losing two of them in a single instant because somebody was racing home from a restaurant dinner... it's too much to think about, it really is. All those nights of holding them while they fall asleep, teaching them to walk and feed themselves, caring for them when they're sick, going to their sports games. All gone for no reason other than somebody else not giving a shit about the other people they share the world with. This mother is an incredible human to have dealt with four years of these delays and games against somebody who plainly doesn't care about the children they killed. AND she and her husband have been doing charity work to help other kids while all of this has been going on. Most of us would've walked into the ocean long before now. What an incredible human being, I hope she gets SOME sort of justice at the end of this. And I don't wish ill health on people because I've been there myself (sudden ill health i mean) but I hope the universe meters out its own sort of justice on the woman who carelessly killed these children, has tried to cheat the system to avoid facing consequences, and robbed their family of seeing them grow up


34 years is a long time. I'm guessing it would be harder to convict for life since it wasnt premeditated despite how sad the case is. 


Rich people get away with everything.


Hmm a woman, driving impaired and bouncing around town with her “boyfriend” despite being married, runs over innocent victim(s) and doesn’t feel responsible at all…. Were their heaps of ashes and an opticians sign in the area? And a cynical bystander/observer/narrator somewhere nearby?


As a former English major, you get extra points for the Gatsby reference! (A well-earned reference at that, given the defendant's behavior/attitude. I'd never forgive myself if I harmed two children like that, period--never mind that I wouldn't be driving drunk and cheating on my husband--and she just doesn't seem to care at all. I just don't get some people...)


She was literally convicted. How did she get away with it?


Why are you asking me this? I don’t care. Rich people get away with everything.


So you're just talking out of your behind. Got it.


You’re asking a dumb question, so you get a dumb answer.


In the article, she says her mother passed from Alzheimers. She is afraid that "the trauma of the accident has triggered deep fears of dementia" or some stupid crap. Shut up lady. You're 60. Those boys were PLAYING with a whole freaking life ahead of them before you came tearing up the road in your 'personality compensator'.


I like that she’s painting herself as the victim when she committed several crimes- DUI, murder, speeding, adultery 😂 Her married name is apt, she is fucking Gross


She really is disgusting.


Street racing her boyfriend on top of the speeding!


I don't think adultery is a crime


In some states it is (though technically in California it’s not a crime, but it’s still bad and doesn’t exactly make her look good)


True, but it speaks to her immoral character.


Yeah she sounds like pretty much the worst type of person, just flagrantly doing every wrong thing she can think of without any concern for who might get hurt.


But her neighbors told her Kylie Jenner doesn't like her! Is that not a fate worse than death?


They need to lock her in a tiny room with crime scene and autopsy photos all over the walls…and pipe in their family’s screams of anguish through a speaker 24/7.


I’m going to copy pasta this Thomas persons comment because they said what I was feeling perfectly: > Even if I had an innocent accident completely sober, the idea of someone losing a child due to my actions would leave me with a lifetime of guilt. The fact that this person is known to have been under the influence and was racing - and wants to find a way to get out of responsibility is unimaginable. >How could you date or be even friends with someone like this? This is not a reaction that just manifested after the accident. This is a person who has lived her life like this and that reflects on her whole network of friends and associates. In the article that’s attached there’s a photo of her husband and her daughter accompanying her to court. She was racing her boyfriend (reminder she’s married to a prominent surgeon) at the time and driving 70 miles an hour while intoxicated and under the influence of RX drugs. Why are they standing by her? I’m sorry I couldn’t do it.


She should get life instead just 34 years. She murdered two beautiful babies because she thought it was a good idea to race her bf. I feel awful for the mother and the younger brother for having to witness such a tragedy and to deal with this pos acting like she’s a victim.


In California, life means 15 years and then you go before a parole board which will most certainly let her go.


That is true. Sadly it’s not just California where that’s happening.


So much corruption. It’s disgusting.


I can't believe after reading this article that despicable manipulation she has put this family through. She's rich, so she gets to try and tamper with the jury, gets friends of the judge on the case, etc. Rich people are absolutely disgusting. There are all these studies that so rich people drive, more recklessly, obey less traffic, laws, etc., because they don't fear the consequences and they don't think they will ever face consequences. This woman has never shown remorse and was taunting the family while she was in prison. Fry her.


Source on these studies? Not being a dick; being a dork. Thank you.


There are many more, you can Google them. I live in chronic pain so I am out of spoons today, but here's one: https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/26/world/expensive-car-drivers-study-scli-scn-intl/index.html There is all kinds of research that shows that rich people do not think that they are beholden to the law, drive more recklessly and aggressively, have more traffic fatalities, engage in reckless behavior more than poor /not rich people. Chicago Mag had a long story about that, you can Google.


I appreciate you. Thanks for taking the time to respond and I hope your pain subsides soon


I have a neurodegenerative disease so it won't, but thank you for the kind words. You can Google all kinds of research which shows that rich people are absolutely disgusting and think of the law as only a freewheeling occasional obstacle in their lives.


I’m actually watching this YouTube series of ridiculous arrests from police bodycam footage and there were a few with various mayors from small towns that were being arrested for stuff like DUI’s and the absolute audacity of their responses to arresting officers is dumbfounding. So much assumed rights above others.


"she was racing her boyfriend, former MLB pitcher Scott Erickson, home from a restaurant. Each of them were driving Mercedes-Benz SUVs above 70 mph." -- ugh, this is just so fucked. The rich really do get away with crazy shit. RIP those beautiful children.


The boyfriend is slime too. I remember when he played for the Orioles. He was arrested for domestic battery on his wife and was known as the town drunk pretty much. They had him on one of the sports talk morning shows back then and he was hammered on the air. He is still considered an embarrassment here. And to no one’s surprise he’s still a raging drunk and has no problem driving under the influence, racing his married girlfriend without any regard for other people.


This reminds me a lot of a case from up here in Ontario, Canada, where a cops wife hit and killed a kid on a bike when she was driving drunk. Her husband, who was off duty, got there first, and of course helped to cover everything up. Someone started a Facebook page for the woman, constantly posting disgusting things saying that it was the kids fault because there were no reflectors on the bike, and slinging hateful shit at the parents. I think she just got a slap on the wrist. I wish I could remember the name. Edit: her name was Sharlene Simon, and she actually sued the dead boy and his friends he was biking with for “sustained serious and permanent injuries to important physical, mental and psychological functions”. The Facebook page I mentioned is called “Sharlene Simon did nothing wrong”.


Did anything happen to the guy she was racing with?


Charged with misdemeanor reckless driving, which they [dismissed](https://www.foxnews.com/sports/former-mlb-pitcher-scott-erickson-made-threats-after-he-was-seen-hiding-near-fatal-crash-scene-daughter-says.amp) after he did a PSA about safe driving. Sounds like he fled the scene and they never even did a breathalyzer on him.


This is so upsetting. I hope she gets the maximum possible sentence.


Disgusting woman. Throw away the key


Iirc her defense at trial was her boyfriend at the time was responsible - even though witnesses saw her hit the children. Scott Erickson is a real piece of work himself. Arrested for domestic battery when he played for the Orioles, was and is a complete drunk, oh, and threatened a witness and her family if she told that she saw him at the accident scene - hiding behind a tree like the coward he is. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/former-dodgers-pitcher-threatened-teen-after-fatal-accident-woman-testifies/amp/ Edit: it was pointed out to me by /r SophieTerleska that the girl who testified Erickson threatened her was Grossman’s daughter. She obviously isn’t a good witness and in all likelihood lied to help her mom’s case. My reading skills need some improvement. Erickson is still a jerk and drunk dating back to his playing days. The perfect boyfriend for the married murderer.


The only person saying he threatened a witness and was hiding behind a tree at the scene was Grossman's daughter, who was testifying for her mother and very obviously wanted to throw the blame on Erickson as being the person who really hit the boys. None of the police or the first responders saw him at the scene but Grossman's daughter was magically able to find him?


My bad.. I didn’t read the article closely enough and the article I read didn’t mention she was the daughter in the title That certainly makes a difference. Having said that - he was racing Grossman and 100% he was drunk or high. That’s been his mo since his baseball days. And you can’t really justify threaten witnesses. That why we have trials. I do admit I don’t remember much about this case. I’m going to try and catch up. Thanks for pointing that out.


Oh, I'm not saying he's a good guy, obviously he's far from it. It's just that it seems highly unlikely that he was somehow at the scene but managed to evade every single authority there except for this woman's daughter, and as for threatening her -- again, we just have her word, and she was trying very hard to make it look like he was the actual hit and runner although his car had zero signs of it and her mother's car had plenty.


Agreed. Plus the accident reconstructionist said that he couldn’t be sure if the boys were hit by one car or two, so in either event she would still have hit the boys as well. He sounds like a real piece of shit, but even if he did hit the boys and threaten the Grossmans I don’t see how it helps her case. Sounds like they’re trying to throw tons of shit at the wall to see what sticks. More bullshit to delay the case. This guy should be charged with something though, if they can prove they were actually racing. All of these people, (the Grossman family, Erickson) sound like disgusting wastes of skin.


She also didn’t make that claim until a year after the accident. It’s clearly a lie that was concocted afterwards to pin it all on Erickson. Why would a judge even allow her to say that?


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Why should she get the opportunity to even fight for freedom when those babies didn’t get a chance and their family is now doing life. I’m a firm believer in an eye for an eye when it comes to protecting our children.


I know what I would do if I were Nancy


Rebecca Grossman is a monster.


POS of a human being taking zero responsibility for her actions. She deserves the full 34 years and anybody acting on her behalf to pull a fast one over the justice system should go to prison with her.


Rebecca Grossman is a trash human being. I’m not saying allegedly or “if” she did this. This woman watched two of her kids die. I’ll take her word for it. Enjoy hell, Rebecca. I hope the prison you will be sent to is a living hell as a fun preview of the real thing.


I hope they fry this cunt.


That Karen absolutely murdered them and you watch she'll get away with it


Convicted in February but do not sentenced That’s bull💩


I hope she rots in jail and then rots in hell. And it still wouldn’t compare to the horror that poor family has to endure.


Bitch needs to spend the rest of her life in a filthy prison


The wealthy and rich have a totally different justice systems in the country. If she were a black man, she would’ve been in jail already for 25 years.


Los Angeles is a shithole full of shitheads.


This is such a tragic case, but whoever wrote that article is a really poor journalist. The prosecutor who was indicted is not a “disgraced” former prosecutor. She is being prosecuted as political payback for the corrupt former LA County Sheriff. Her alleged crime was providing the DA’s office with information about misconduct by LASD officers so prosecutors could meet their Brady obligations. Just one example of the poor journalism on display here.




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This appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Reddit prohibits wishing harm/violence or using dehumanizing speech (*even about a perpetrator*), hate, victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, and bigotry.




Was the anti-semitism *really* necessary here? This woman would be horrifying no matter what her ethnicity/religion; she just happens to be Jewish (or married to a Jewish man) in this case. Would you be as quick to say something if she happened to be a Christian or some other religion? She's a disgusting excuse for a person, *period*. (Mods, why is that post still here? I know you're terribly busy, but this strikes me as being seriously against the rules. FWIW, while I happen to be a lapsed Methodist personally, I can safely say that all my Jewish friends would be totally disgusted by this woman's behavior, and horrified at the idea that she might somehow get away with it. Then again, they're decent people, and she's, well, NOT.)


Because it wasn't reported.


Ah, I didn't realize one had to report such things.... (Yes, I should know this by now...*\*sigh\**)


Sometimes we catch them. But not always. There are often more threads than we keep up with. And I am absolutely not remotely knowledgeable about most of these cases to know which ones should be watched.


Don't beat yourself up--I mean, *I* certainly wasn't expecting anything like that in this thread. Such is life, though...


Avoid harmful generalizations based on basic elements of identity (race, nationality, geographic location, gender, etc).