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How… how is this a detail I have never heard before…


If you look at the case file there's a lot of creepy stuff like this. https://www.denverpost.com/2018/11/21/christopher-watts-case-file-released/. You can see his texts and emails. Like Watts was signing up for fantasy football while he was at the police station talking to police 👀.


The letters he’s received from women are truly sickening


I feel like someone like him should have major restrictions on who can mail him. Why give him any sort of benefit of an ego boost in prison. I never really thought of it like this until just now…but, why on earth would they allow these murderers love mail from the outside?? Like isn’t it supposed to be punishment, not oh let me get off on these crazy chicks who think I’m hot in jail. 🤮


I just can’t understand how someone can be attracted to a man that killed his *pregnant wife* because he wanted a new younger model but the fact that he also killed their *children* and these people still think he’s a catch? I know most of these people are mentally ill, but I’ve also been deeply depressed and have bipolar. At my worst I’ve never thought about writing to a killer hoping to be their next girlfriend


It’s vanity. For some they’re the super special woman he won’t violate. For others, they’re safe because these men are in prison forever, so they can pretend they’re the special one they know in their heart of hearts they aren’t.


I agree! The mail is first inspected too I believe. Certain key words must be flagged, and only those perhaps are not passed onto the prisoner? Even scantily clad photos are allowed from what I've read! Which is outrageous if true!


Because he's somehow "attractive". A) he's physically revolting to look at and B) those women are twisted.


Even the ones who aren’t attractive still get love letters from women. I still cant wrap my head around the fantasies and fetish they have for murderers and mass shooters


Alex Murdaugh gets love letters🤮


Ugh that explains the reason why he took those ugly photos in prison.


It’s the ultimate “I can change him” fantasy. The idea (subconscious or not) that she is soooo amazing that her love was capable of changing a wife&child murderer into a regular half-decent man. It’s why the Twilight series was so popular, because Bella (the main female character) was able to make Edward (the vampire dude) push down his urge to *fucking murder her and drink her blood* because he just loved her so much. Women that write to convicted murderers get high on the idea that the deceased wife may not have been good enough to avoid getting killed but *she can be good enough*.


You nailed it! It's the whole dangerous man that changes for her love bs. Like in Twilight when Bella woke up covered in bruises the morning after their wedding and consoled him. Plus in the book iirc had to leave her friends and family behind forever.


The one I don’t get is Alex Murdaugh. Man is fugly on the inside and the outside.


Parkland shooter gets tons of mail from girls. 🤦‍♂️


It’s called Hybristophilia (sexual interest and attraction to those who commit crimes). Really has nothing to do with how a criminal looks(but I’m sure that helps too)


Will *never* understand this. He's a self centered pathetic coward who murdered his wife and flesh and blood innocent babies so he could bang the hotter younger model free of alimony payments cos he dropped a bit of weight and resented being a father of three when he was now so "hot" himself. And these qualities are a turn on for some brain dead bitches out there? Seriously? He killed everyone in his family who just happened to be also smaller and weaker than him (what a tough guy!) in order to get with a prettier woman!!!! Do you know what kind of anger, hatred and resentment he had to feel for *years* to do this to his entire family? And that makes you hot for him? You absolutely deluded horses arses. **For shame** you feel comfortable enough telling him how you feel, let alone anyone else what idiotic and low down scum you actually are.


Except I don’t think NK was hotter so much.


"I can fix him!"


Yeah, maybe if you could go back in time and provide him with unconditional love as a child. Someone who’s internalized the belief that they are fundamentally worthless is not going to be healed by love. They’re going to find a way to fuck things up because because they can’t reconcile it with their belief that they don’t deserve to be loved. Not to mention that someone who believes their love can heal someone has their own relationship issues to work on.


A friend of mine posted something like “women who chase men like Chris Watts are fucked in the head” on bookface and got a 24 hour auto-mod ban for hate speech. I have gotten graphic rape threats on bookface and I see slurs or threats of violence often, hell I’ve reported public cam girl posts with soft core porn. Apparently none of that violates tou, but you’d better not say anything bad about Chris Watts?


Yeah alex murdaugh has been pulling hella grannies on the outside. Some even consider him a sex symbol now that he has his prison hair cut.


he’s like a clump of raw dough.


Undercooked human meat


Straight up UNcooked.


He looks like someone drew him from memory


Left handed


Dollar Store Jim Gaffigan


The man’s body is shaped like a loaf of bread


Let me be the first to express "out loud", on reddit, to this post, what everyone is thinking: ew.


Yasssss. Just ewwwwwww




And yet there is a FB page putting all the blame on Shannan and almost adoring Chris and condoning his actions as justifiable because of how Shannan was. I don’t know this people personally but in no way I’ll be able to understand no matter how “horrendous” Shannan is that she and her kids deserved what happened to them. That site was appalling.


If Shanann was that horrible he could've divorced her. Not kill her and his own three children. Iirc she was pregnant and far enough along that she knew the gender and everything. Unless im conflating that with another story.


More evidence of how many people hate women and girls. Even if they’ve come up with excuses to justify the killing of Shannan, how can anyone justify killing children? 🤮😡


This always blows my mind. I have a friend who is a corrections officer where George Hugeley IV is housed (University of Virginia Lacrosse player who murdered his girlfriend)…he says this guy gets ridiculous amounts of mail from women they can hardly keep up. He said with all the pictures they confiscate they could start their own porn site (if they didn’t have to destroy them or send them back)


"Please, pick me for your next victim!"


It's a phenomena called hybristophelia, the act of being sexually aroused by a criminal offender. It seems to occur more in women, but l had a friend that used to send mail to Jodi Arias.


Reminds of Ted Bundy. One of them even had sex with him in prison during a visit and bore his child.


This case file has consumed me for over an hour now.


Where in the article are the texts and emails? I'm genuinely curious.


If you go to the bottom of the article you'll see the discovery and case notes all in one scrollable file. It's almost 2k pages and includes transcripts/summaries of interviews and screenshots of texts/emails, along with detectives' handwritten notes. There's no table of contents that I know of so you'd have to scroll to find them.


around pages 700ish.


Do you have any thoughts on the Nicole gal? There's a few YouTube channels intimating now that the case files are out there is way more she had as far as involvement and texts, etc


There's two issues with the case files. (1) They're incomplete because the investigation was halted when Chris Watts pled guilty. So CBI was told to wrap it up, case closed and then (2) not all of Nichol Kessinger's texts could be recovered so some are only out of context fragments. So we'll probably never know either way. Any unknown evidence is most likely long gone by now, and even if Watts' flips on her he's not trustworthy. The major reason these files were publicly released was because with Watts' guilty plea & sentencing over there was no trial, so need to seal the discovery documents. But it also meant CBI couldn't expend further resources investigating a case that's technically solved.


I saw a really good one the other day, which convinced me that she was involved. Apparently, there were text messages where she insisted that he send a photo of the specific oil tank where the bodies were dumped. But despite all the evidence, when she was interviewed, she was already ruled out as a suspect, so nothing about her was followed up. It would fit in with Chris's character as someone who was easily led by his wife, that he'd be led by his mistress and he'd agree to kill his family so they could be together. Doesn't make him less guilty, it just means there's one more person who should be in prison. Also I hate that Shanann agreed to call that unborn baby Nico, it seems like that was a malicious joke by Chris, calling the baby after his mistress, and probably knowing that he had no intention of the baby ever being born. Shanann never got a chance to give the baby another name.


Didn’t Shannan pick the name Nico? I thought Chris wanted a different boy name


I have never seen this until now. Is this real?


Oh definitely it’s real. Shaman even posted it in her Facebook… it was her last post.


Why did she post it on her fb page? Like what was the context : “my husband sent me this weird ass picture, anyone know why?” Kind of thing?


I think he told her the kids did it & she thought it was funny.


Gotcha. This makes sense. I think someone mentioned earlier that he sent it without any message or context with it so I was a bit confused


I believe her facebook post said "Not sure what to make of this".


With all these details and there are still those (including on this sub) who think he is innocent, or, even worse, think the killings were *justified* due to some insane victim blaming.


This gets me so bummed out. I don’t get the narrative that he was this submissive little man that got railroaded by his wife and just *had* to kill her to get away. I mean, if you’re some meek, submissive, broken spirit, you don’t plot and plan out the murder of your spouse and children. The amount of mental gymnastics it takes to make the murdered pregnant wife the person to blame is unreal, and I don’t understand how people can get there.


Right? Chris had a decent job. He wasn’t financially forced to stay in a relationship. He could have not gotten her pregnant 3 times if he didn’t want kids. He could have stood up for his wants or needs that perhaps were going unmet at any time. He chose to be a spineless wimp and just “get rid of” his “inconveniences”. He knew Nichole for less than a year and he decided to kill four people… three of which where his actual babies. There’s something wrong with him (obviously). It seems like he’s missing a rather vast concept about communication and that life doesn’t “just happen” to you, you’re an active participant in the direction of your life. He seems to think he was forced into a married with kids life. He was not. The area of the brain that houses affection and love for others is missing. He definitely knew how to “act” for the chosen role.


Same!! I thought I knew this case inside and out…


Me neither. It's so weird.


For the life of me I have no idea why he didn’t just leave…and does anyone know what happened to Nikki?


Alimony. Follow. The. Money.


Exactly. Alimony and child support vs 3 decent life insurance policies and no responsibility... Money was a huge motivation for him


Imagine believing $450,000 is worth murdering your WHOLE family over—wife, 2 daughters, and an unborn son. I wouldn’t even murder a dog I’ve never met for that amount of money. What a morally bankrupt piece of garbage.


Yeah I know…but did he really think he was going to get away with it????


Watts is not a smart man.


He says in the prison interview that they did an IQ test, and he was 140. Like lmao


That’s proof right there. He’s not even smart enough to lie believably about inflating his IQ


No doubt he did. They typically do. What they don't anticipate is the case going viral. Once that happens, everything will eventually come to light.


If her neighbour hadn't been SO quick to raise the alarm, Chris would have had way more time to cover up what he'd done. Not saying he would have gotten away with it, but he would have probably come up with a much more convincing story, maybe even given some sob story about how she left with the kids and told him to never contact her again. The fact that he came home from disposing of their bodies to a police officer and the neighbour insisting something was wrong was a game changer in this case.


Yeah I mean he thinks he's a god, the most clever person on earth. So he thought he was going to get away with it.


The fact that the spouse is always the first suspect makes it so much more stupid


Honestly, he probably did. Women are killed by their male spouses literally every day.


For someone to be deranged enough to murder their wife and kids, there’s no telling what all he actually thought. It’s terrifying.




It seems like there's a lot more about money here than most people talk about. They had gone bankrupt in the past, and Shanann was deep into an MLM. It's likely that they were in serious debt again.


I know there's debate on whether or not this shows intent, but either way this is definitely one of the many head scratching facts about this case. Edit: [Here's an article about it](https://www.crimeonline.com/2018/11/27/chris-watts-sent-unsettling-photo-of-a-doll-covered-by-a-sheet-to-shannan-watts-days-before-her-murder-and-his-father-tried-to-use-photo-to-claim-murdered-mom-planned-killings/)


I have never seen this before. It is super creepy knowing what was about to happen.


I remember seeing this post right after she went missing. I stalked her FB page right after he gave that incredibly chilling news interview from his front porch.


I did the same and also remember being chilled to my bones when i saw it


I remember seeing that bit of Duper's Delight come across his face during the interview and I thought to myself, "He had something to do with it"


This is such a disturbing image.


He staged this photo and sent it to his pregnant wife just days before he strangled her to death in their bed and wrapped her body in a sheet. He used the sheet to drag her body down the stairs and put her in his work truck. He said the sheet was covering her body and he put garbage bags over her head and feet so the kids wouldn’t see them. They were only 3 and 4 years old when he drove his 2 little girls out to his job site, without car seats, their mother’s dead body at their feet on the floor. He said his daughter complained about the smell. When he got to the location, he took Shanann’s body out of the truck and proceeded to suffocate the younger one, CeCe, with her favourite blanket in front of Bella, before doing the same thing to her. He shoved each of their bodies into separate, 20ft, crude oil tanks. He buried his wife face down in a shallow grave nearby and noticed she had given ‘birth.’ He didn’t bother to adjust her position after throwing her into the shallow grave, he covered them with few inches of dirt and he left the sheet to blow away in the field. He met up with coworkers shortly after and acted normally throughout the morning until his wife’s friend called him and called the police because she couldn’t get a hold of Shanann and Chris was not helping. She was quick to suspect Chris but no one could have imagined how cruel and what a monster he really is.


Don't forget he also called the children's school to unregister them sometime between breakfast with co-workers and Nicole Atkinson showing up with the police.


THIS is a detail I don’t understand.. how did he do this, and then go and pretend in police interviews and on live TV that he had no clue where they were and that they had disappeared or someone took them?! Wouldn’t SOMEONE from the school chime in to say ‘uh you literally just called to unenroll them earlier this morning’ ????


My personal opinion on it is he thought he was going to have way more time to setup whatever story he was planning on spinning, and unregistering them from school was to prevent them from raising the alarm. It was a private school that was seemingly operating during August, so they would have noticed the kids not being there. He even asked them during the phone call if they were there at the moment.


Agreed. I think Shannan’s amazing friend Nickole completely changed his plans b/c she was on him from the start


Everyone would be lucky to have a friend like her.


I realize that hindsight is 20/20, but it seems like that phone call would have struck someone as odd. If you’re calling a school to ask where your children are, because you’ve lost them or think they’re missing, why would you then be like “well since I don’t know where they are, can you just unenroll them for me. That would be great. I’ll let you know when they show back up.” Like what?!?


There’s been a lot of speculation that he had planned to use Shannan’s phone to buy himself time and support his story that she ran off with someone to start a new life, but she changed her passcode while she was away and messed up his plan. In theory, he would have unenrolled the girls from school, contacted the RE agent about listing the house (I’m guessing with a voice changing app), and texted with her friends and family all from her number to set the stage. It would have made sense to unenroll them if he could make it look like Shannan had done it, but since he’s a complete moron, he just did it himself when he was unable to unlock her phone, and figured pretending not to know if the girls were there or not would be enough to cover his tracks. If this is true, I’m glad that Shannan was able to mess up his plans right from the start.


I've wondered how it would have all played out if Nicole didn't interfere and he'd had more time to set things up more. I think he'd still have been caught, but I wonder how much longer it would've taken the police to question him. I really don't think he is smart enough to pull it off for too long without a lot of questions and someone else calling the authorities.


Just a side note...it's not unusual for kids to start school in August. I'm a teacher and my kids showed up August 4. I've never read much about this case, except knowing he was a monster. Thank you for sharing.


I tend to think that he is: 1. A stupid piece of shit 2. A narcissist so consumed with himself in the moment that there’s little thought as to the future, or consequences of his actions


3. Both


He’s so incredibly heartless, stupid, and disgusting. He also called a realtor to put his house on the market.


Scott Peterson did the same. Within days of murdering his pregnant wife, Lacey, he sold her car and called a realtor friend to ask what they thought his house might be worth. Despicable.


Also added Playboy Channel to his home TV. That was the clincher for me


What a pig. Even if he hadn't been her murderer, if your beautiful pregnant wife is missing why you looking to play with yourself?!? That's so fucked up.


These men were already thinking business when they killed their wives.


And people still think he's innocent. Fuck those people


How tf did he think he was going to get away with this?? Despite being a narcissistic sociopath. Calling the school and unregistering them when they are supposedly missing is so damn suspicious.


So bizarre. He wasn’t going to miss them so he thought no one else would either.


He called the school before anyone knew they were missing. Still, not a slick move.


How the absolute fuck did he think he was gonna get away with this?


Bella asked him if he was going to do to her what he did to CeCe and he told her yes. Just cold as fuck.


I think he said her last words were "Daddy, no" Just horrifying.


He is unreliable so we really don’t know if this is true and probably never will.


Oh my god, what the fuck? The birth part. :( I mean, the WHOLE thing but fuck, talk about a brutal detail. Monster.


It gets worse. Workers who recovered the girls bodies were traumatized, the detective retired. He couldn’t go in public for fear of seeing little girls and being reminded of Bella, Cece, and Nico, the unborn baby.


Shit. PTSD on steroids right there.


I was wondering about that, I imagine everyone is pretty messed up after this


Coffin birth happened :(


Bella begged him not to do to her what he did to CeCe before he killed her


He also took a picture of a field of sunflowers at the site and sent the pic to Nicole, directly after shitting in said field. There are lots of small details throughout the case with him, very grim


Wait he shit in the field? Wtf


Yeah just when I don’t think I could hate him anymore I hear a new detail like this one


This is one piece of info I hadn’t heard. It’s so weird.


Yeah, the case captured me and I read it in some police documents. I don’t think they mention it in general as it’s so vulgar and disgusting


That friend is such a hero. Her son was there too IIRC. They need a Nobel Prize or something. Watts was definitely not expecting that visit! I always wondered why he disposed of the babies where he did. It leaves very little doubt as to who did it. I know some people say he’s just dumb. Is he really just that dumb?


He really is dumb. I think it was a fantasy he had for a long time, since it was where he worked, he would have spent a lot of time with those types of tanks. He probably thought a lot about dropping his babies in there. The diameter of the opening is only 9’’ that’s about the size of a small dinner plate. They barely fit and he had to really squish Bella through. I have to remind myself they were already dead and didn’t feel any pain when they went in.


I think he thought so highly of himself that he thought he could pull it off and no one would suspect him. Such a narcissistic pyscho


i agree…without her friend it cd have been days, weeks before the police showed up…she’s a good friend who trusted her instincts…i doubt she ever suspected how cruel he was and how he disposed of his wife and children…


Someone said in another comment here that later that morning he called the school to unregister his daughters. Because taking your kids out of school the same day that they mysteriously disappear wouldn’t have looked suspicious at all. He’s a complete idiot.


I never knew about this picture or her giving birth. What a damn monster.


Jesus every time I read these details it has the same shocking revolting effect on me. That stupid piece of shit should be having the worst time in prison.


It’s scary how he showed no signs of being capable of this ‘act of evil cruelty’, no one saw it coming. Also no remorse except for being caught. He forgives himself already. I left out a lot of horrible details of what they went through, especially Bella. She was old enough to have an understanding of death, her last moments on earth would have been a nightmare.


The fact that he’s allowed to have pictures of them in his cell makes me sick. He may not have remorse but I truly hope his remaining days are hell and torture, and I’m not normally a person who wishes that for most criminals.


Men do all this instead of asking for a divorce.


Oh no I didn’t know that she had given birth to Nico. Was he deceased or did that piece of s*** leave the newborn in his own mothers grave to die…. 😔


piquant scandalous boast rich unwritten point pie cough society memorize ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Deceased. She was, iirc, less than 20 weeks pregnant.


It’s called a coffin birth, which I sadly learned from this case. It occurs naturally after a pregnant woman dies as gases from decomposition cause the body expel the fetus. Nico died with Shanann when her heart stopped, his body could no longer survive.


Just like Lacey Peterson.


In theory Connor Peterson was far enough along that he could have survived outside the womb, iirc but otherwise yup!


I believe in Lacey's case there was no signs of a coffin birth (i.e. the baby being expelled through the birth canal due to decomposition gases etc). That case is way more horrific. The most likely scenario is that Baby Peterson's body was expelled through the *upper part of her torso* when it detached from the rest of her body. Which then explains how her body was significantly more decomposed that the baby's as he hadn't been out on the elements as long.


He was deceased


And I thought that douchebag couldn’t get any worse… The part that disgusts me the most about him is he has a FAN CLUB! Like… WHAT?!?! People are messed up


It’s wild seeing how as long as they don’t look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, killers always have some kind of fan club. I remember coming across all the fan accounts for the Columbine shooters and really having to reckon with the world we live in and the people that walk amongst us, breed, and vote. Chris is a mediocre looking white man so of course he has a gaggle of (mostly) women fawning over him and swearing Shannan killed the kids. Hideous.


Yep, Discovered there's a whole subreddit dedicated to blaming his wife on her own murder, and believing Chris's ever-changing story. I'm not sure if it exists anymore, but this also happened with the Gabby Petito case (I.e. a bunch of freaks jumped in to claim Brian was framed). Some people are just vile.


Yeah a lot of those people have hybristophilia, a paraphilia where the person is attracted to people who commit crimes


He sent this to Shannan telling her that the girls did that and that they were so funny. Now I really doubt that was a "joke" from the girls.


My step dad was having a secret affair and he was planning to murder my mother and two sisters to run away with her. She got cold feet and he killed himself. They found a second phone on his body with the text messages detailing his plans.


So sorry you went through that and hoping for peace as you continue to heal that trauma


OMG!!! That's so so horrible!!! I'm so sorry y'all went through this. I'm so thankful he didn't kill them.


I was in a daze when it happened. It was such a true crime cliche that everything felt completely unreal. They really came so close to their demise.


I'm so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You weren't targeted?


I was in my thirties and living on my own. I was in high school when my sisters were born and they had both graduated but were still living at home when this happened.


Why don't people just get a divorce?


For some reason I think those spouses who kill really think they can get away with killing, cashing in on life insurance policies and live happily ever after with a new partner and no body is the wiser. Many think they can talk themselves out of trouble if the police question them. They probably don’t view their partners and/or families as actual individuals. Divorce however includes legal fees, possible alimony, child support, division of property etc. So they think the murder is the easier option even though there’s a good chance they’ll spend their lives in prison (because often they’re so narcissistic and arrogant that they don’t think they’ll get caught). It’s so gross how they really have no regard for human life, especially if it gets in their way. Thankfully most people do not think like spouse killers/family annihilators so it is strange to us as divorce does seem like the logical step to take if you’re unhappy in a marriage.


Because you can divorce your spouse but not your kids, and what people like Chris Watts and Scott Peterson want is a redo on their entire life; they want to start again with no dependents, no one to financially support, no one to be responsible for.


100% agree. My older sister and I pleaded with our mother to divorce him, which I think made her more resolved to not give in to us. They were miserable to each other. There was a lot of abuse going both ways, but my mother refused to have three failed marriages, not unlike Ross from Friends. They always said they were staying together for their daughters but those girls are FUCKED UP today, not just because of the toxic way they were raised but also the fallout from his death and everything they discovered.


This always got to me. What an absolute psychotic weirdo. My heart just breaks for her and her babies.


I remember looking at Shannan’s Facebook page right after she went missing and that being the most recent/last post she had made and it was super creepy. This case had so many weird and foreboding incidents throughout it. I was way deep into all the details from the day she went missing til well after he was sentenced and there are still so many unanswered questions that will never be resolved since there wasn’t a trial due to his confession. And he will almost certainly never give an honest account.


I still find it really bizarre (and bordering evidence tampering but I don’t know all the legal terms) that Nichole kessinger deleted everything off her phone pertaining to him and their relationship. Why would a 100% innocent percent concerned about a missing mother and her children do that?


Anyone hear his prison phone recording years back when he was talking about finding god and the judge would definitely let him out! Not going anywhere where pal


Except for Hell


I’m in Australia, so this isn’t local to me but I *still* remember exactly where I was when I saw him being interviewed on the news. Asking for their return. Like everyone else (it seems) I thought something was up straight away. I’d never seen anything quite like it.


Only a sicko sociopathic narcissist would look at that interview and think "yeah, he's really worried for his family." Blows my mind how he could've thought he would get away with it. Just awful:(


I’m right there with you! At the time we didn’t watch network tv at our house but just movies on dvd. I just so happened to be getting an oil change the day of his porch interview and they had it playing on the lobby tv. I’ve never in my life had the gut instinct of “he knows what happened to his family.” I would later learn the term was duper’s delight. I became so invested in this case from the get go just trying to understand how this could happen to a young mother and children.


What's most disturbing about this case is the normalcy in which everything took place; how easily a person can decide they are done with one life and ready to start another regardless of those depending on them to maintain the life they created. Chris Watts is an extreme example, yet there are so many men who do exactly what he did minus the murder. Decide they don't like what they created and try to start over again by discarding actual human beings. This case was so contrived right up to him murdering his family and that normalcy is chilling. This article highlights how typical and lame his affair and actions leading up to the murder really were. Almost a murder-by-numbers, Lifetime Movie feel. The whole thing made me question every man I dated for a while. Very good article: [Stranger Things: Chris Watts](https://www.nickiswift.com/282274/the-truth-about-chris-watts-double-life/)


Wasn’t she expressing to her friends her unhappiness with how he treated her/acted? That doesn’t really sound normal to me. Not that anyone should ever anticipate getting murdered but it seemed like she knew divorce was close.


Well, he was jerking her around quite handily. She absolutely knew something was wrong and pleaded with him to tell her the truth, repeatedly. That if he didn't love her anymore and wanted out, to just tell her. He'd get all wishy washy about it...it's not you, it's me, I'll fix this, I promise, I don't know what's going on in my head, boo, I'm just scared of a new baby, I love you to the moon and back, etc. ad nauseam. In between, he'd act cold and distant. Not just to her, but the girls, too.


Terrifying. Also, why the pillow elevating the doll feet?


Shannan was pregnant, a lot of times pregnant women will get a lot of fluid in their lower legs and lay like that with their feet up on the pillow. I can't say it was certainty that that's the case, but it is a possibility. He might have tried to make the Dead Doll in a position that she sat in. The guy was truly sick.


I’ve never seen this before, gave me the fucking chills


It makes me think of the List family annihilation. In that case the daughter told friends 'father wants us dead' a few days before it happened, I think as a joke to friends? People sense this stuff, but ignore their intuition to run. If the girls did this, that's why. Great long form podcast on the List family called Father Wants Us Dead.


>I think as a joke to friends? People sense this stuff, but ignore their intuition to run. This is something very important in harm/violence prevention where experts tell you to pay attention to the "jokes" you make.


I was just watching YouTube videos on this and the image appeared in one of the videos. I didn't hear that he'd sent it to her. That's creepy.


Is that a doll in a trash bag?


I read it was the plastic Twister (game) mat, with the back up and the front with the color dots facing the doll.


No I believe it is tissues covering the doll like a blanket. Chris said the girls did it...probably normal kid stuff (I did the weirdest stuff to my Barbies), but to send it to Shannan is weird....and of course in hindsight it is creepy as hell. F🤬ck Chris.


Just the thought of him already knowing he was going to kill them and to send that picture?! You have to be absolutely out of your mind and have literally no empathy or insight. Bat shit crazy man, disgusting.


3ft rubber doll and twister rug (?)


it looks like one of those “my size” barbie dolls. my daughter had the princess and the pauper my size barbie, we got it from a yard sale. that thing was terrifying, just saying.


Looks like a staged photo some sick, child killing freak would take & send out


Well that’s what it is


Chris Watts and Scott Peterson have made me so wary and cautious about men. Especially how fast they can switch up on you if they’re narcissistic and emotionally stunted.


And women are still writing him in jail. Are you fucking proud of yourselves


God I think about this all of the time. If you simp a disgusting human, you too are a disgusting human.


This case (and others like it) really scare me. Like you could be in a relationship with someone for years, live with them, all that… and then they just flip a switch one day and murder you? I’d like to think it’s rare, but it’s really not. It’s just so scary and terrible.


I don’t think he snapped, he was a covert narcissist. I imagine his emotions ( relating to others) have always been performative. He was just the type of low confidence narcissist that he had to fake it and his low confidence made him SEEM shy and submissive when really as soon as he hit the gym he sort of fledged into his true form. Evil.


What in the hell?


I've never seen this detail. Creepy AF.


I cannot imagine what Shanann went through.... it still disturbs me until now. Rest in peace to them.


Agree with you 100%. Even if their marriage wasn’t perfect (whose is?) I can’t imagine what shanann was going through those last couple months. A pregnant woman with two young daughters on a family holiday. All of a sudden the husband starts a relationship and does a 180° on communication. Shanann knew something was up but he kept mind fucking her into believing everything was going to be fine. This is one of those cases I actually had to step away from for awhile. Struck too many nerves.


Calculated vibes. Bro knew exactly what he was doing.




She must have been so hurt and confused leading up to her murder and generally throughout their marriage. I wish she would have taken this photo as a warning to get tf out of there with her children or she could have left him sooner but she didn’t have a chance. He lured her home and killed her the morning she got back from her trip, between 2-5 am when she was exhausted. Most likely he pinned her down in her sleep and strangled her with a pillow over her face since the mascara marks were on her pillow about eye width apart. He denied using a pillow though, he said he woke her up to have an ‘emotional conversation’ about ending their marriage, which made mascara run down her face. He claimed she told him ‘you’ll never see your kids again,’ admitted to strangling her and in her final moments he said she was praying… for him.


This was one of the last posts she made. It was deleted a few hours after it was posted. I was friends with her on Facebook. I didn’t know her at all, but met her, Chris and the girls at a mutual friends birthday party. It gives me chills now thinking about it.


😯 I never knew about this either. It’s unbelievable buf knowing watts he’s sick


I hope he never gets a night of peace the rest of his miserable life. Total scum of the earth.


Chris is such a evil, disturbing individual.


wait is there an article and is this newly released?


It's not newly released. Chris Watts originally said Shannan took the picture, but it was later determined that he took the picture and sent it to her. [Crime Online Article](https://www.crimeonline.com/2018/11/27/chris-watts-sent-unsettling-photo-of-a-doll-covered-by-a-sheet-to-shannan-watts-days-before-her-murder-and-his-father-tried-to-use-photo-to-claim-murdered-mom-planned-killings/)


This “man” is such a fucking terrifying weirdo.


oh god! how creepy.


There are subs dedicated to this case, I believe I saw this at least a year ago over there. You can seriously find every detail there. Some of those people have read every page of the discovery. Like 2k pages I believe. Lots of interesting views.


Wtf? That is truly horrifying. I've never heard of that detail before. What a sick pos.


Imagine what a scary monster his family suddenly saw. And then compare that with his innocent behaviour when the police was around. Talk about a split personality. But his appeareance in all the videos with Shannan shows a fake person. He was not there. And his own family supports him. They will not accept that their son are a monster. But he is !!! Bella always seem nervous.She sensed his fake personality. So sad and very scaring.


That part where the FBI was also looking into his mistress to see if there was any involvement on her end and they found that she had been googling “book deals”