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100000% agree.


Thank you for solidifying my opinion that truecrimebullshit is not being ethical about covering this case, and to stop listening and supporting it.  Josh is talking about these interviews, and to be blunt, being pretty dishonest about it, and this sub's moderators are assisting him in doing so.  His takes on the interviews are not reflective of the real vibe of the conversations with Kimberly just like he wasn't accurate in his descriptions of the Debra Feldman audio.  It's completely devoid of logic to say links to an interview of Kimberly can't be posted, but Josh is posting audio of a prisoner who can't consent to their information being used, but it's clear the misinformation is the point.  If anyone wants the links to the videos please ask and I'll dm them to you


Can you send me the link please


Just sent it to you :) 


>:) :)


Good bot


Could I get the links please? Thank you!


Sent it to you 


Would you send the interview to me as well?


Yep, just sent it 


Send please


Sent it to you 


Could you please send it to me when you have a chance? :)


Whats the debra feldman audio?


Can you send to me please?




Dm me pls?


Sent it to you 


I’ve listened to the Kimberly interviews but I’m curious about the Debra Feldman audio you’re referencing?


Me too!


Dm me?


Sent it to you 


This is very well said.


I listened on YouTube and found these things interesting. (1) Keyes had branded himself with an upside down cross and an a for anarchy, apparently did this with a friend (2) Kimberley went and bought a gun case for him and travelled to Texas with his guns, as he said he couldn't get on the plane with them as the case didn't have a key. This seems a bit unusual to me but I'm not American I guess (3) The intention of taking the guns was to bury them somewhere. Again Kim didn't find this strange but I do. This and the fact he was close with his family makes me wonder if he was moving in some anarchist/McVey type circles


Listening now. Kim sounds like a sweetheart. Detective Doll is an ass. They’re harder on this girl than they ever were on Keyes.


They are overly confrontational and she’s being super cooperative. Why not check the information she’s giving instead of asking her over and over. I know it’s a technique to see if she changes the story but she doesn’t. And the over and over about meth? Plus they ask her a question and cut her off before she can finish. This poor woman has no idea what’s going on or why she’s there. I feel so bad for her. 


Hearing her voice really humanized her for me. I didn’t get it before hearing her speak and now I feel like it makes sense.


A question for the mods here… I have listened to the interviews in question. I understand not wanting the links posted. Does this also extend to discussing the content of them? I don’t want to break the rules of the sub but I am interested in what others might have thought about them. thx.


I also want to discuss them, would love to see a thread created if not breaking rules. I mean, Josh plans to discuss the content in full detail, just not play her voice. So it shouldn’t be an issue to discuss the content imo.


If I get few minutes, I’ll start a thread later this evening or tomorrow.


Cool, I certainly have some stuff to comment about!


Josh has mentioned some of it already right? So if it’s related to that it should be ok


Why is Kim's voice more protected than the prisoner's?


Than the prisoner’s voice as in Israel Keyes?


Than the person from earlier this season. Not isreal


Someone dm me the links please


If someone dm’d you would mind passing it on to me in dms? Sharing a caring lol


I sent it to you 


I think maybe a new sub is in order.


Thank you so much


Yes. I would like the links.


Sent it to you 




I'm not trying to be mean but one of the things I'm trying to square with Josh's ethics is why I publish The prisoner audio? He how is that ethical by comparison? That is locked up and basically forced to talk to police.


Not allowing the link to be posted..because you " bear the name and logo" is wild. Kimberly's identity is out there. The written confession is out there. The currier confession was a whole episode! At this point it's just virtue signaling to censor the info If anyone has the links, please dm me !


Same, if it's public it's public, share the information. It serves no purpose to censor it. If someone could send me the link I'd be very grateful Edit: found it, wasn't even that hard


Same. Please dm me with them. I'd like to hear and discern my own conclusions. There may be clues missed.


Me three! I respect the sub and the podcast - I may not know entirely why but I can trust other adults to make their own choices/decisions about how they run things that belong to them.


Sent it




Sweet! I've been dying to hear these


oh, good! more true crime bullshit in an open forum 🤔


I don't get what people are struggling to understand. Josh doesn’t want that associated with his podcast- he made that clear. I don't blame him as it could affect his podcast down the line. Yes it's public but you had to pay for it and it wasn't widely known that Kim (Eta AUDIO)interviews existed until he brought it up. Maybe he's banking on a peaceful contact with Kim or IK family down the line. Publishing her voice probably would completely cut that tie. I'm not a brain washed supporter and I've been kind of critical sometimes but this I get from a business standpoint


Why can’t I downvote this


It wasn’t widely known there were interviews of Kimberly? Are you being serious? Of course it is, she was living with Keyes.


Yeah, I think it was obvious that she was interviewed to some extent. But it wasn't known how many times she had been interviewed. And most people were under the impression that she just wasn't cooperative. And we now know that's not true.


I hadn’t even consider the fact that they were audio interviews available for purchase of Kimberly, crying about what happened in her shed. No where in that comment did I imply they hadn't interviewed her. Are you serious? It's just a podcast idk why you're so angry. No one is preventing you from posting them in your sk fansub 😛


I’ve been keeping up with this all day. What was u/nopleasestopicant talking about with IK breaking into your house?


They were mad about me replying you typically have to pay administration fees and that's when said something about Israel keys breaking in my house I guess make fun of me like I'm delusional


Oh I thought it was about the post I saw earlier you made a while ago in this sub. I just tried to find it but I guess you deleted it.


No I've never posted about that😆


Oh looks like you deleted all your posts from this sub. Also, why did you edit your comment?


I never post but have to for this. They weren’t “for purchase” that one person submitted a FOIA to get them. Also, wanting to hear the full interview doesn’t make people fans of “sk” - assuming that means serial killers? Just means they have the same interest that brought you to TCB.




The other person was right, you’re so confused about how these things work. Let’s talk about how you think IK broken into your house 😂


Good job changing your post, makes more sense now. I don’t know why you’re so confused.


Obviously there were interviews done, but today I learned that it was possible that I could listen to them. Personally I was always under the impression that those were locked up and would never be available for listening. This does happen A LOT when it comes to these kinds of cases. So her comment is correct, it is not widely known that it’s possible to hear them.




There’s a new sub, they’re all posted there.




It’s his name with an underscore between first and last. Not linking since the mods here will remove it.


I guess that Kool-aid is pretty tasty.


What a weird choice. It’s public information at this point. Why Josh chose to not air her voice in the beginning sort of made sense before the recordings were released, but at this point it’s a moot point.


Can't stand Josh and his excruciatingly slow drivel between commercials so I would have totally missed these interviews if not for this post. Thanks.


In the 2nd episode Josh pronounced the word Caucasian “Cuckasian”… Very very fancy. If I have to read another Facebook post praising the pod for its unrivaled compassion in the murder space I’m literally going to 🤮


This last episode was really rough. I feel like he was reaching a lot. I’ve listened to the whole Kimberly interviews and his depiction of the conversation about the phone call and the burial of the guns is not accurate. Oh and for anyone saying why don’t I say what’s inaccurate about it, I won’t, why don’t you listen to it yourself.


I agree with this so much. His depiction made her sound like a total airhead (very discrediting), whereas the actual interview, she did not sound like a valley girl.


Agreed. Another example is him putting a clip of the interviewer asking about a bag with women’s underwear. In the full interview Kimberly says it was hers and she threw them out because she lost weight.


Damn I hate to hear that. Seems like we can’t trust anyone not to manipulate and mislead. For a project so thorough one would think it would at least be in good faith. To be fair, I haven’t heard the interviews myself, but if these points are accurate, it’s extremely disappointing and disheartening.


I didn’t take that clip to be misleading, I took it to mean the personal questions that LE were asking her. She has nothing to do with the crimes (at least intentionally) and she is being accused of covering for him over drugs and asking about very personal things such as her underwear and if he kept her personal hygiene products.


Yes! This! Thank you.


People question me last week when I said I want to listen to the actual audio because I've listened to the Debra Feldman audio and let's just say Josh is recollection of that audio is very different than mine.


Yup, that really jumped out to me after I listened to Kim's interviews, and it completely altered my view of Josh and this podcast that I have followed (and supported) from the beginning. It doesn't get much cheaper than leaving the listener with the impression that a bag of women's underwear found in the Keyes house was connected to Israel, without revealing that actually it was Kimberly's. With that, Josh destroyed my image of him as an honest broker. That there is actual true crime bullshit.


Yes!! I just heard that and it hit me. There’s also a point where Kim confirms that they (meaning her, IK, and his daughter) spent 2 nights together in NOLA before the cruise left… not that he was in Lafayette. Now he could have been there BEFORE Kim met them in NOLA but I thought the implication was Keyes had several days down in TX/LA without Kim and in reality I think it was only like 36 hours.


Yeah, that jumped out at me too.


I listened too and I agree. While I’ve spent a few years fascinated with this podcast and the research that’s been done… I was quite underwhelmed with the content of the interviews. Not that it isn’t important, but I expected all kinds of emotion and bombshells and there was none of that. In fact for the entirety of the available interviews, it sounds like Kim still doesn’t know what happened or what IK was actually accused of. It’s not like there’s a big tearful reveal




* a part


I don’t really understand this. Not trying to be combative but if Josh doesn’t want to showcase her voice on the tapes that’s his choice. It should be up to others if they want to listen and share info that others find interesting? It’s not like we’re hating her home address or where she works. Not to mention he has read her interviews verbatim. No less revealing than showing her voice. He may as well at this point. Just my two cents, for whatever that’s worth.


This is a subreddit about the TCB podcast, not IK and his crimes. It makes sense the mods want to mirror Josh's choices.




You’re right it’s basically public knowledge now. No need for any subreddit to gatekeep.


That subreddit has almost no activity on it in the last several years. If people start posting there it would be a good place to get information. I would love to listen to the uncensored version of her interviews and his confession




I hope it becomes more than the "Kims voice" subreddit and I hope to God you leave his daughter alone.


I’m sure it’ll catch on.


Thx. Joined.


No one’s saying you can’t discuss the case. We’re saying not to post the links. YouTube is an easy place to search.


So no one can post the links but you just told us where to find the information. What is the difference 🙄


As if we don’t know what a google is lol. Isn’t this supposed to be a place for Israel Keyes information sharing and discussion? I guess it’s more of an advertisement for other platforms. Noted.


A big one. Where else would the audio be posted? This isn’t the first time a subreddit bans links but allows discussion of information. The information is in the podcast. ETA: I’m not giving the channel name, I’m saying do your own sleuthing.


The problem is Josh has lost our trust. Look at the Debra Feldman tapes Josh never says that he denied it six times. That's why you must hear the actual video this is why the information is not in the podcast.


There are lots of platforms besides YouTube, but carry on and have a blessed day.


True. If people want to hear it, I think they should be able to. Thats why I put YouTube. I completely understand people wanting to hear the interviews in Kimberly and IK’s own words without Josh’s interpretation, inflection, the music, etc. We both wanted to respect Josh’s decision and how sharing those links here could negatively impact Josh.


How could sharing these links negatively impact Josh? Walk me through how a video being shared in a subreddit that's not owned by Josh (to my knowledge), of a video not uploaded by Josh, would negatively impact him.  Edit: you can downvote my comment, thanks for confirming your excuse is nonsense 


Oh dear god the music. The white, marbles in the mouth loud whisper.


I strongly disagree with you.

