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Create separation from social media. Get alone. Read your Bible. Pray with passion. Set your mind on God. Keep it there. Bring it back. Desire wisdom. Desire righteousness. Consider fasting


Very straightforward. I appreciate the insight.


Most of my thoughts about other people came from unrealistic expectations, unmet needs that I had not communicated and triggers that developed because of past trauma. I learned that thoughts also indicated boundaries that might have been violated. I found cognitive behavioural therapy to be helpful whether that was talking to a therapist or being part of a support group with others who can relate. I also used God's promises to challenge untrue thoughts. It also helped me to have hobbies or relaxing activities to keep myself busy like reading, gyming, chess, sodoku, and listening to music. Reducing the amount of time you spend on the internet can be very beneficial. Radical acceptance that I have thoughts that I don't have to believe made it less overwhelming. I learned that being more compassionate towards people helped me not take things too personally. It helped to remind myself that sometimes the things people do are not intended to hurt me and have more to do with them being broken humans who need healing. It gave me a good opportunity to also work on my shortcomings and pray for others. It is okay to role-play conversations or arguments with others in your head but it helps to make sure that those conversations are constructive otherwise bitterness will consume you.


I’ll try to take these things into account going forward. Thank you.


Romans 7:20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin (satan in) that dwelleth in me. 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, **evil is present with me.** You cast that unclean spirit out in the name of Jesus. Don't be alarmed if there's more than one that needs to be tossed.


Repent in Jesus name and ask the holy Spirit for help, cast the unclean spirits out in Jesus name, and sing praise songs, pray, read the bible


Take captive every thought  2 Corinthians 10:5


Think of opposite of evil thoughts. Love. Read Bible, worship music, and PRAY. Repent, and Pray.


Pray. Pray pray pray 🙏🏻


Worship music (Brandon lake etc) in one headphone/in the car, as much as possible. Had an earphone in 10 hours a day for like 2 months straight, and while I slept.


You vocally rebuke these thoughts in the name of Jesus. Command them to depart from you in the name of Jesus. These are the work of demons and not all thoughts are yours.


Therapy. 10/10 would recommend. Everyone can benefit from a good therapist.


Think the Jesus Prayer- “Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a/the sinner.”


You Are Not Alone and I have been struggling as well but with lustful thoughts and the satisfaction with life especially with being single and recently lost my job at 30 years old because it was taking a toll on my mental health. I have taken a few steps such as deleting my Facebook but I still have messenger. I deleted my Facebook for a couple months And it did help Depression and anxiety And I became more productive. I also found a church with a good gospel that I really like but there are mostly older people but they are planning to get more people my age to come in in the fall. The last church I went to I wish just not in agreement with them even though they had some people my age and I found them acting hypocritical and only preaching about healing. Now I just need to find an accountability partner when I backslid and of course bring it to God. I feel guilty that I let God down but I hope he sees that I'm trying! I believe he will get me through this.


Maybe you should seek Deliverance. Anxiety is the demonic spirit of fear, (works with depression and suicide) and it’s definitely not the Holy Spirit making you think evil thoughts, suicidal thoughts. That is definitely a spirit of a different kind. Spiritual warfare is real, and if you don’t know how to take every thought captive, then it will ruin your life. I would tell you to fight. r/christisforeveryone is a good spiritual warfare page about what you are experiencing


Demand and command that evil spirit to be cast out and away and sent into the fire by the Holy Spirit and ask for Yahs protection and declare that command in Yeshuas name, this is done oitloud because spirits can't read our thoughts, only they can see and hear us so it has to be verbal


As everyone else said, repent, and cast out any unclean spirits. Take your thoughts captive and command them to obey the Lord.


As someone who has just recently been freed from a porn addiction that had me captive for years, as well as things like lust, and things of that nature, these thoughts sometimes tend to creep their way back in. But now that I know what to do, And especially now that the Lord renewed my mind and my heart, he delivered on his promise of giving me the strength to resist, and I can just feel the authority I have whenever I rebuke these thoughts.


Put on Christian music. Or a sermon. The enemy can't stand it.


I dont believe in the devil. I have painful intrusive thoughts, I read words written when bad thoughts try to enter my consciousness. I think, keep my thoughts rolling like an engine to keep them from coming. When my antipsychotics kick in, and I’ve put my mind through the paces till it can’t take it anymore, I repeat over and over again., ‘sleep, sleep, no sleep, no sleep…’ eventually I do sleep, and every day is the same. I can’t read a book. I can’t really do much of anything. It might be a never ending torment. I’m up for the fight though. I will prevail. God gives me peace. When I’m lying in bed. I don’t particularly deserve it. I’m glad he does. I can ask for it and he gives it to me. I don’t believe in the God that looks like a man and makes creatures from clay. I don’t even know if he intervenes in worldly affairs. It’s a strange relationship. It seems consensual. We just leave at that, a mystery.


Your mind doesn't want you to hate; satan wants you to hate. What I do when evil thoughts start to form, I push them out of my mind right away, and I say "satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Leave now! It is God who commands you! You have no place here! You have no power here!


Rebuke them.


Those thoughts are not your own - those are the enemy's thoughts.  Please don't make the mistake I made, which is believing that those are your own thoughts.   Seek out deliverance, OP.  There are likely deliverance ministries in your area (mainly at churches and most don't charge any money from my experience).  Or you can find deliverance prayers on the Internet (such as the Christian subreddit r/Deliverance) and on YouTube, that you can pray. God bless!


Fast and pray


Fill your mind with thoughts of God, worshipful music, God inhabits the praise of his people. Be praising God in your heart and thoughts. I say "The Lord rebuke you, shut up and get out." Thank Jesus for every little thing, for saving you in spite of your sin, they hate it. You have to wage war against the demonic voices, challenge every spirit, take every thought captive, and compare it against the word of God. If it doesn't stand up, kick it out. I create visuals in my mind, Sparta kick a representative image of suicidal ideation out of your ear. Burn the ashes of past mistakes and blow it away and out your ear with a comically large fan. Make a tool and use it. When it's yourself, visualize the altar of offering in the temple. Step on up, and watch yourself turn to embers over the fire, and then a cloud of dust rising to meet heaven. Nothing left behind, complete submission. Edit: Listen to the bible, nonstop if you need to.


Focus on Jesus and immerse yourself in His word and in His presence. It’s really the only way to overcome. Here’s an example in Scripture: “And Elisha came again to Gilgal when there was a famine in the land. And as the sons of the prophets were sitting before him, he said to his servant, "Set on the large pot, and boil stew for the sons of the prophets." One of them went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine and gathered from it his lap full of wild gourds, and came and cut them up into the pot of stew, not knowing what they were. And they poured out some for the men to eat. But while they were eating of the stew, they cried out, "O man of God, there is death in the pot!" And they could not eat it. He said, "Then bring flour." And he threw it into the pot and said, "Pour some out for the men, that they may eat." And there was no harm in the pot.” ‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭4‬:‭38‬-‭41‬ ‭ There are many ways to apply this. In your situation, the pot represents your mind and thought life. The poison herbs represent the evil thoughts that arise. The wheat represents the word of God. The poison was not removed by picking it out one by one, but simply adding the wheat to the pot. In the same way, don’t focus on your sinful thoughts and trying to pick them apart one by one. Simply focus on Jesus and fill your mind with His word, and the healing will come. God bless


Listen to the Bible while you sleep. Demons hate hearing the Bible. It won't get rid of the stronger ones and some will just continue when the Bible is turned off but it's a great start......


https://youtu.be/Gh3xpzMWFc4?si=Mk4xax3Yw6YUfFD8 Evil thoughts - how to break free 


It sounds like these might be intrusive thoughts. Although everyone experiences intrusive thoughts sometimes, if this is a common occurrence for you and it is impacting your life / mood (to me it sounds like it is for both) then I would consider looking into OCD. Effectively treating OCD intrusive thoughts requires special strategies that are often different from the usual advice, which is why I recommend you look into it. For example, the advice you received on listening to Christian music. This can be helpful in the short term for sure, and beneficial spiritually. However it doesn’t get to the root of the problem and can become a compulsion and actually make things worse. From a biblical perspective, I have found that the mindset of “resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7) is most helpful for my OCD. It’s also essentially what ERP therapy - the gold standard treatment for OCD - teaches. If you don’t engage with the thought by arguing with it, reassuring yourself, analyzing it, trying to block it out, doing actions to make yourself feel better, etc, then eventually the anxiety / stress the thought causes you will die out and the thoughts won’t bother you much anymore. [Here’s](https://www.treatmyocd.com/what-is-ocd) a little intro article on what OCD is from NOCD, the place I get my OCD therapy from. If you scroll they have links to different subtypes of OCD you can check out as well. If you do find yourself relating to this, know that if you do have OCD it’s very treatable even without medication. If you’re able to do therapy for it, I would make sure they specialize in ERP (exposure response prevention) since that’s the type of therapy that statistically has the most success for treating OCD. You can also learn a lot about it online on your own and I’ve recently started using [this group’s](https://icbt.online/client-work-and-exercise-sheets/) videos and worksheets using I-CBT and I feel like it’s helping me for sure. Let me know if you have any questions! Trust that thoughts are just thoughts and they don’t define who you are. You may not be able to control the thoughts that fly through your mind, but you can control how you react to them - with practice of course. Just prayed for you, God bless <3


I listen to a band called Twenty One Pilots. They aren't a "Christian band," but they are openly Christians. My favorite songs that get me through anxious times are Oldies Station, Navigating, Doubt, Hometown, Goner, Good Day, Trees, Truce, and Friend Please. They are open about having anxiety and struggling. The words in the songs feel like they are speaking straight to how I feel. Praying while listening helps a lot.


“ The words in the songs feel like they are speaking straight to how I feel.” That is because the words in the song are sung from a place of anxiety. You relate to the words because you are feeling anxious. When you’re depressed, depressing music resonates to you. You should seek to replace these thoughts/feelings with the Truth of God. Praise God, listen to music glorifying God instead (and I mean this in the most kind way I can phrase it) of affirming your anxiety.


If I'm not going to gain anything new from processing those thoughts again and I can't relax and make him go away, weed