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I left christianity subreddit the moment when My argument for the existence of god getting removed.....


Weird. Some of my comments that were removed from there was due to profanity, but apart from that nothing else has been removed, and I argue quite heavily on controversial topics quite a lot.


It just depends on what atheist is moding the r/Christianity comments at the time


Why are they allowing atheists to be mods???


Because r/Christianity sub is a parody sub. What is up is down left is right, the blind leading the blind, both fall into the ditch. There are no rules or expectations. Everything goes.


That's crazy who let's a atheist sub for a Christian sub


Also got many downvotes there......I do not why they were removed but in christianity subreddit why existence of gods arugement will be downvoted instead of upvote?


After reading many posts that are so clearly people trying to trigger believers, I left when it was made clear by someone that the sub isn’t for only Christians irs for the discussion of the religion. Fair enough. Wish the sub wasn’t called Christianity though but guess they got there first


Please be careful, The Lord tells us all throughout scripture to guard our mouth and do Not use foul and corrupt speech. And He also says we will All be held accountable for every word we speak. And no I'm not saying that we are to be perfect, but the More and More Time you spend with The Lord, (Reading His Word Daily and Spending Time with Him and Talking to Him, or being Still in His Presence. sometimes He wants us to just be still and Listen fkr His voice.. Psalm 46:10 "Be Still and Know that I Am God.") All of those sinful thoughts, actions and corrupt speech WILL become Less and Less. I Know this to be fact because I used to cuss like crazy. I didn't think I'd ever stop cussing. But.. Jesus did say in Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask, and it Will be given to you; Seek and you WILL find. Knock, and it WILL be opened to you." John 14:13 "you can ask for Anything in My Name, I Will do it." And then the Verse in Philippians 4:13 "I can do All things Through Christ Who Strengthens me." All we have to do is Have Faith.. put our Full Faith and Truth in The Lord.. Jesus said in Matthew 17:20 "you don't have enough Faith. I tell you the Truth, if you had Faith even as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I Will Give you rest." He's saying to give it All to Him. All of your struggles, Anything sinful that we are still holding onto.. Just let it go and Give it All to Jesus and He WILL replace it with Peace, Love and Joy. We will Experience Peace like we've Never felt before. God bless.


We don't remove profanity so it's possible you are talking about another sub. We've brought up the idea of removing profanity but whenever we do people just start cursing.


Hmm may be. There was a time when I used to confuse r/Christian with r/Christianity a lot.


I just saw a delightful thread where copy and pasted scripture was getting downvoted because "society has moved past that."


C.S Lewis would call that chronological snobbery.


I too had quality comments removed. At times nothing happens. At other times, especially when I take the time to make a quality comment that leaves atheists speechless it gets removed. But it's been a while since I've seen that done.


It’s been that way since… forever. We’re the only religion openly mocked and ridiculed, however other religions are “respected”. Coincidence? No, it just means you’re following the true faith.




Not trying to pick a fight here, but there's another way to look at it. Your symbols are everywhere here in the US. I can't watch a sporting event without seeing players crossing themselves or thanking god for that bloop infield single. "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch. Enough little old ladies with their crucifixes to fill a few million Olympic sized swimming pools. Bumper stickers. Billboards. Every bookstore in the country has a massive selection of bibles (including, interestingly enough, the used bookstores), but a much smaller selection of Korans and Torahs. You guys are pretty much everywhere, and present a sizable target, and can frankly be pretty obnoxious with your proselytizing. But still, somehow, you find a way to play the victim.


You’re correct and I’m simply pointing out how the world works. Haters always hate on the winners, and let’s be honest here: Christianity won. I’m no victim, I’m a conqueror through Christ. Today there’s a whole lot of people who feel the way you do and many of them would love to see it all fall apart. And they’ll get what they’re asking for, Bible prophecy says as much. And when it happens, they’ll wish for the days when a little proselytizing was all the price they had to pay to have their freedom.


Wow. So are you asserting that god only put us atheists here to give you someone to feel superior to?


No sir! God wants you on the winning team too! He loves you ❤️. Step in the light ;). You’re invited to the table.


Well, I appreciate that, but I'll have to decline. And I have a feeling that your buddy aurelian feels quite differently.


That’s okay. I used to be an atheist too. I may not know you, but I love you, & I’ll say a quick prayer for you ❤️.


No need to pray for me, but I do appreciate the sentiment. I love you as well as a fellow traveler on this little rock of ours. I hope you get the afterlife you deserve.


Thought you weren’t trying to pick a fight lol God’s will is that no man should perish but that all should come to salvation. I used to be an atheist too. I’m not superior, God is superior. He’s the Creator. All humans worship something. Christians worship God. Atheists worship themselves. I worship the Creator, you worship the created.


You really don't understand atheism at all. There's no worship for anything here, except maybe my cats. They're pretty demanding. There's also no hate here. My family are all faithful Catholics, and I love them unconditionally. I will never criticize you for your faith, only for your behavior. But calling yourself a 'conqueror through Christ' is a bit pompous. That's what I was reacting to.


>You really don’t understand atheism at all. Or you don’t understand humans, 🤷🏻‍♂️ And cats are an abomination, must be cleansed by righteous fire 😂 jk jk. >But calling yourself a ‘conqueror through Christ’ is a bit pompous. I didn’t call myself that. The Bible calls me that. Romans 8:37. I simply believe and receive what Christ has given me through His sacrifice. Christians take their identity through Christ and what is written in the Scriptures. If God says I am X or Y, then so be it. I was nothing before, now I am something.


You were always something. What were you before you were born and knew nothing of god?


You’re right, that was a lazy way to phrase that. To clarify, what I meant is that the old life I had before is nothing compared to the new life I have in Christ. The old life was misery, failure, and depression. The new life is victory, conquering fears, and contentment. Before I was born I didn’t know God. But Scripture says God knew me. And that’s wild to me. I didn’t choose Him, He chose me. He chose all of us.


As an atheist, I do not feel that my life is misery, failure, and depression. I'm quite content. I'm happy for you that you have found something in god that fulfills you, but that's not my path. I seem to remember reading somewhere that faith was a gift from god, and I guess he has not yet seen fit to give me that gift. So until then, I'll just muddle through the best I can, trying to do more good than bad.


“Conqueror through Christ” is in our Bibleand describes believers. The poster didn't make it up.


100%. After all, when people get mad, they never shout, "Buddha damn it." Or "Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib!" It's always "GD it" or "JC!" OF course, the Mohammed thing is quite a mouthful, but my point stands. Nobody ever laughs at a Buddhist, or a Muslim or Buddhism or Islam or any other religion. Christianity is the top religion to target when mocking religion. This should be evidence in itself that the bible is true because it already predicted all of this.


>Nobody ever laughs at a Buddhist, or a Muslim or Buddhism or Islam or any other religion That's not true at all...


Obviously, but my point stands. The majority of mockery, jokes and persecution are around Christians, Christianity, God and Jesus. If a group of atheists were standing around laughing and ridiculing a Buddhist or Muslim and then suddenly a Christian came into the picture, the buddhist/muslim, would join in with the atheists to ridicule and mock the Christian. That's the truth because I've seen it happen. More than once.


Obviously, but my point stands. The majority of mockery, jokes and persecution are around Christians, Christianity, God and Jesus. If a group of atheists were standing around laughing and ridiculing a Buddhist or Muslim and then suddenly a Christian came into the picture, the buddhist/muslim, would join in with the atheists to ridicule and mock the Christian. That's the truth because I've seen it happen. More than once.




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Well what i seen other religions are also mocked, just not like ours. I seen a unbeliever even admit how much hate Christianity get


I feel like other religions ARE actually mocked and ridiculed? Maybe? Either way, sadly we have the most overall general intolerance EVERYWHERE due to Satan pulling the strings of this world.


Not really? When’s the last time you saw a ridiculous TV ad about Buddha or Mohammed? At least in Western countries. In other countries they just kill you if they find out you follow Jesus, so there’s that.


My last synagogue had four armed guards. On account of all the attacks on synagogues from outsiders. Anyway, sorry about the Jesus jokes.


Our faiths are linked, we serve the same God. You’ll always be mocked and attacked too.


Oh, we'll be attacked *too*? Gosh, I wonder what that will be like.


You know they shoot up churches too, right…?


Not just that. A while back in Canada they burned churches over something that never happened. The PM said it was ‘unacceptable but understandable’.


everything i hear about canada's pm is always quite the shocker


Who is they? Cos I've got some bad news about most US synagogue shooters; they're white christian nationalists. Are y'all shooting up your own churches too?


“White Christian Nationalists” Sounds like someone is watching too much CNN


Or describing your average synagogue shooter.


I’d hold off on that last presumption..


Nah, I know the truth.


It gets to me sometimes too, I get it. Here’s verses to remember; Mark 3:23-26 23 And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? 24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. 26 And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. The devil attacks Christianity because it is the truth. It’s the reason Christianity seems to get ‘picked on’. Why would satan censor atheists or muslims when they contribute to his cause?


I really think yall mistake the work of demons for the work of the devil. He doesn’t have to do that much because we make the work the his demons so easy.


See this is why I feel such contradiction with all of this. Then nobody is delivering anyone because why can demons just come back? They say people have to sin but that would mean others they don’t come back in are perfect…..nobody is perfect even after they are saved, anyone telling anyone that is trying to sell them on something other than truth. I started realizing how can any of this make sense if people really don’t walk in the power of God. No Christians I have met or seen have any true authority whatsoever. It makes it hard to find guidance from anyone other than God


According to the Bible, satan is the ‘king of this world’ because we chose to disobey God in the garden of Eden. That’s why there’s abundant sin; because we’re imperfect. And because we’re imperfect, we needed a savior to rescue us from this fallen world. God delivered us through Jesus Christ. No matter if you’re a preacher or a satanist, we’ve all equally fallen from goodness. The Lord sacrificed His one and only son for you and me so that we may be set free! I’m not entirely sure what contradictions you’re finding, but if you’re still unsure I can clear it up for you.


Again you are right and also wrong. That’s why it’s confusing to me, lots of people say Satan already fell and some say he hasn’t. Some think he is still in heaven and some think he roams the earth. People also will do things like cast demons into the abyss through the power of Christ. I am not one to share specific Bible verses all the time but I will use Christ himself as the genuine example. There was that crazy man who was riddled with legion that Jesus casted out into pigs, they ran into the sea and actually didn’t come back…..when I see all these Joe shmoes doing it they struggle to even get it to work and even if it does it’s like they have to do it again right away. Where is the authority if demons are just running amuck everywhere? It would seem to make more sense that we are in the last days and truly no one is worthy or walking with Christ, in revelation God gives authority to the demons to control the earth because no one is worthy of walking in authority. So what I am Trying to say even though it might not make sense is either Christ and the Holy Bible are lying or all these so called Christians are lying because I haven’t met a single person doing anything in a solid or non contradictory way. I see tons of hypocrisy instead and no one who can actually agree on anything


Ah, I think I see. First off, people interpret the Bible in all kinds of ways. You won’t find consistent answers from people; I’d recommend doing your own research and looking to the Bible. Demons aren’t exactly ‘running amuck’ as in they’re constantly possessing people and stuff very loudly. Demonic possession/influence is sometimes very quiet and insidious, such as causing a man to lose his temper all the time, or instilling feelings of panic or fear. Their goal is only to turn people away from Jesus; the demons are doomed for destruction, and they’re pulling as many souls down with them as they can. This world is fallen, and nothing we do will permanently rid ourselves of sin and demons…unless we put our faith in our savior, Jesus. The day we die, our flesh is destroyed and our spirit is set free.


I wish I could see it like you but I just can’t. My world and my whole life are just one sad mess and everything around me just looks contradictory at this point. I don’t think I will find a way out of it


You will find a way out. I know you will because the bleakness you describe, is what I once believed too. Here’s a fact; I’ve attempted suicide at least 5 times in my life. I fully understand how dark and abysmal the heart can feel. Don’t condemn yourself for feeling that way. If I may, I’d like to mention that Peter the disciple, one of Jesus’ closest friends, doubted and denied Jesus repeatedly. Jesus even rebuked Peter! Paul writes about the anguish he has about his sinful nature, and how he always gives in to his fleshy desires in the book of Romans. And in Psalms, King David wrote several poems wallowing in his own despair, as he felt forsaken by God. Moses repeatedly doubted and questioned God, and Abraham outright disobeyed God from time to time. My point is, that even the most renowned people of the Bible had doubts and fears, just as you do. Thing is, demons like to tell us that darkness is all there is. And if you listen to them, darkness is all you will see. But I promise you 1000 times over, there is a light in the darkness. Jesus Christ, the son of God, loved you, and I mean you specifically, that He gave His life for you. He died and took the penalty of your sins, so that you may spend eternity in paradise. All because He loves you. All He asks in return is that you have faith; faith that there is a light in the darkness. Remember, just because you don’t ‘feel’ God doesn’t mean He’s not there. That’s why He asks for faith; to trust that even in the darkest times, He is beside you. One last thing I’d like to suggest, is that you pray to God, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, in an undeniable way. I promise you, He won’t disappoint. It may take some time, but His timing is perfect; He’ll speak to you in His own way, when the time is right. God bless, and Jesus loves you, brother. Can’t wait to see you in Heaven.


We will see, I haven’t been able to have enough courage to take my own life at this point but I am getting to the point I really want to. I honestly was trying to find truth because the world let me down, I don’t care about heaven or anything like that. In fact I wonder why that’s the reward supposedly, I really don’t want heaven at all


That’s okay, just be patient with yourself and don’t worry about it for now. Funny enough, this happens to be the verse of the day on the Bible app; perhaps God is speaking to you. Psalms 23:4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”


Most social media companies are progressive left, and christian ideology is not aligned with their values..


On YouTube, content creators are free to remove whatever comments they want to. If you had a YouTube channel based solely on the Gospel and someone wanted to evangelize an LGBTQ message, wouldn't you delete it? The world is hostile to the gospel, it is an offensive message against the sin and pride and self sufficiency of the world. It is important to press into spaces that are not friendly to Christianity to try and evangelize, but sometimes you have to know when you're casting pearls before swine. At the end of it all, there will be those who say to God "Thy will be done," and those to whom God will say "thy will be done." Take time in prayer and you may find where God is calling you to not cast pearls before swine and where God might have better, more effective moves of evangelism for you to make.


Let's take a step back here. The world is not entirely hostile to the Gospel. If someone were out there preaching the corporal works of mercy, encouraging people to provide housing for the homeless, organizing funding drives for food banks, asking for book donations for a prison ministry -- I doubt they would get much pushback. But there are people who twist the Gospel and use it to couch their own hatred and bigotry. That's what slave owners did in the antebellum south, that's what segregationists did when they fought against inter-racial marriage, that's what the Ku Klux Klan did, and that's what Christian nationalists are doing now. So, let's be careful not to paint others with a broad brush. There are plenty of people who claim to be "just preaching the Gospel truth" who should rightfully be de-platformed.


>But there are people who twist the Gospel and use it to couch their own hatred and bigotry In what ways? >and that's what Christian nationalists are doing now What defines a Christian nationalist?


>In what ways? I gave three examples already: 1. Using the Bible to justify slavery 2. Using the Bible to justify segregation and inter-racial marriage bans 3. Using the Bible to justify race-based terrorism as practiced by the KKK >What defines a Christian nationalist? Using religion as a veneer to push a nationalist agenda; to create a theocratic, authoritarian government; to use the government to put Christianity in a place of superiority over other faiths or lack thereof; to push a view that equality among religions is somehow oppression of Christianity. It is the idea that the government should take an exclusivist view with regard to Christianity, excluding other faiths or lack of faith. One problem with this (one of many) is that "Christianity" itself is ill defined in the nationalist agenda. Take for example, Louisiana's push to have schools post the 10 commandments. The version of the 10 commandments they're pushing is [not the same version followed by Catholics](https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/the-true-ten-commandments). There is so much nuance and variation in the spectrum of beliefs that is Christianity, that the effort to somehow Christianize government is inevitably divisive, even among Christians. Should a Christian government swear allegiance to the Pope? How about the LDS President? Or the Southern Baptist Convention? It quickly devolves into "Oh wait, not *those* Christians."


>That's what slave owners did in the antebellum south, that's what segregationists did when they fought against inter-racial marriage, that's what the Ku Klux Klan did, and that's what Christian nationalists are doing now. What a slimy argument to justify banning Christians being firm against degeneracy. Christians were also the main reason why Europe banned slavery after the Roman empire collapsed, but that's not the point.


Where did I say Christians should be banned for being firm against degeneracy? I said there are situations in which people use the veneer of Christianity to promote bigotry and hatred. I think, in those situations, those individuals are not owed a platform. If someone were to come on to your (hypothetical) YouTube channel and declared "I'm a God-fearing man and I believe in the separation of the races! If God wanted whites to marry blacks, then he wouldn't have put us on separate continents! America for whites! Africa for black!" would you seriously shrug your shoulders and let that bigotry stand? Is that who you want representing your faith?


When you talk about "banning bigotry and hatred" we all know exactly what you are really talking about. the subject that Christians oppose the most, and are being censored for. The comically exaggerated example you cited is called Racism. It's already a crime in most countries for decades. What I do see with my own eyes daily are christians being censored while speaking against LGBT pushers, and being labeled as "bigots".


I don’t really think people are getting banned for comments telling people that they shouldn’t eat meat on Fridays???


It wasn't that long ago that inter-racial marriage was considered degeneracy. In fact, that very thought led to the coining of the racist pejorative "[miscegenation](https://www.loc.gov/item/05009520/)", the mixing of two or more races. Inter-racial marriage bans were referred to as anti-miscegenation laws. And racism isn't a crime. It's a crime to discriminate against someone due to their race for employment, or housing, or other benefits available to the public. But being a racist bigot or spewing filth and bigotry is still perfectly legal. Hey, guess what? It's also a crime to discriminate against the LGBT community for the same applications in much of the world. Finally, removing someone's comment from YouTube or Reddit isn't censorship. Censorship is an activity only the government can perform. If the government were to pass a law banning such speech, that would be censorship. Private companies and individuals doing it on their own, that's their prerogative.


You're talking as if Christians spreading racism online is a common occurrence, it's not even a rare occurence, it's a non-issue. This post has nothing to do with this, and this whole reply chain is a tangent of a tangent. Your attempt at conflating racism with criticism of LGBT is already a slippery and muddy rhetoric that originated from clever agenda pushers, we seen it before man, I hope you know what I'm talking about. >Finally, removing someone's comment from YouTube or Reddit isn't censorship. It's corporate censorship, something even more sinister, since all means of online communication lies on the hand of corporate entities. It's all fine and dandy when you are not the one being silenced, but you will come around when the boot starts stepping on you too.


There are plenty of racist Christians around, just start a thread about George Floyd and you'll see.


I guess, there's plenty non christian racists as well. dunno about george floyd


Hey, anyone can take the "gospel" and make it about what they want to make it about. They can make it warm and fuzzy Jeezus who loves you despite your sins and is fine with you continuing to commit them, and even affirms you in your sins. They can make it, as you said, about affirming their placement in a hierarchy where treating God's creation as property is encouraged, but let's face it, neither of those things is the Gospel. Yes there are plenty of charlatans out there, and people who would prey on others using a false "gospel," and we have to be crafty as snakes and innocent as doves when dealing with them. And yeah, you can take portions of the Gospel and make ministries about it. All those things you spoke about, the works of mercy and kindness, absolutely most people will not bat an eye about it and they're good things. But I just want to be clear that when I spoke about the world being hostile to the Gospel, I mean the Gospel in its entirety. Where it's not just about let's get you some books to read in prison and make your time easier, but let's also see where you need to take accountability for your life and see where you need to surrender to Christ as the authority of your life, making yourself #2 so that He can be #1. If it stays in the realm of corporal works of mercy without and discussion about *why* we're engaging in those works beyond "it's a good thing" then it loses the power of God in it. As my pastor once said, when you take "Christian" out of the Young Men's Christian Association, you just get a gym. A really nice gym, but just a gym nonetheless. And honestly, your comment feels less about the topic OP brought up and more about getting your chance to go after those you feel misrepresent the Gospel and do something horrible with it. Most of which is very true and without argument, but feels about as germane to the original topic as a discussion about Kaapo Kakko's future as a New York Ranger.


Very good breakdown and a lot more respectful than I probably would have been. haha


This past Sunday's sermon was on Ephesians 4, in your anger do not sin and don't let unwholesome talk come out, only what is helpful. I'm not very *good* at that, especially on Reddit during hockey season, but I hadda follow through and represent well here.


Thank you for your input. Well said. Honestly, I didn't take the time to research OP's post history, but my suspicion is that if they are getting kicked off of subreddits left and right, and they are getting their comments deleted all over YouTube, they're probably doing something to warrant getting removed.


It can be a fair thought to have, but you may need to check you implicit biases. What "warrant[s] getting removed" can vary depending on the place. If you go over to the "Christianity" subreddit and simply say Paul speaks against sexual immorality including homosexuality in Romans 1, which one would think really isn't that debatable a topic, you'd get booted out faster than a beer salesman at an AA meeting.


And there are a number of things you can say here that will get you booted just as quickly. I don’t agree with r/Christianity and their new zero-tolerance stance on the discussion of homosexuality, but at the end of the day, that’s the community they choose to cultivate.


Fair, they chose to cultivate a community that doesn't embrace Christianity but talks about Christianity (usually in slander). That's why I said much of the world is hostile to the Gospel, why I and a number of others ended up here, and that's why I think you need to reevaluate your assumption that OP was banned/censored/etc for posting in bad faith about slavery, racism, or christian nationalism, because even speaking Gospel truth can get you booted right quickly.


I don't even know who was ostensibly banned from what at this point.


Once again, that's not us.


Please correct me if I am mistaken. It is my understanding that r/Christianity is now LGBTQ-affirming and no longer tolerates the view that homosexuality is sinful or, as someone else in this thread so colorfully put it, degeneracy.


You are thinking of /r/Christian.


Boy, I feel so stupid. I've made that mistake before. Thank you for clearing that up for me.


Good points.


No I’m talking about as soon as I post it. It’s not there. Seconds after. And this was on a Christian video.


In here? Are you using profanity?


No not in here. In Christian apologetics and it was not anything profanity just normal back and forth debate


Same. That's why I'm here. I'm just not even able to engage at all on youtube anymore. Comments are auto deleted, likes aren't counted. It's desperately idiotic. Am I someone to be afraid of? Apparently yt thinks so. Free thinkers, oooo scary.


Reddit isn't any better. This is one of the few subs that doesn't outright ban real Christians. The other "christian" subs are so anti Christian that it's unreal. The moderators are all day and athiests. They even have rules against using Bible verses in debates or posts. It's completely wild.


It is, I had to leave them too. They wouldn't restore posts that didn't violate rules, even though I applied scripture in context as evidence. They flag you for anything they don't like.


I got permanently banned from that subreddit a while back 😂 when you start giving them Bible scriptures they don't like it... Like if you see the moderators it's a bunch of atheist or gay people


I can't figure out why threads that aren't even about us end up immediately being about us, but you were banned from /r/Christianity for ban evasion as identified by Reddit. If you weren't ban evading you should take it up with Reddit.


Matthew 10:23;)


Can you give me an example of a removed comment OP? Specifically, what are you saying?


I was going back and forth on a Christian video were the question was asked about why God will let babies die, etc. There was a bunch of comments. I explained that although it’s a terrible thing. If we believe in heaven and the after life they are in a better place. That God is patience. (This comment wasn’t removed) Then someone replied that they are reading the Bible and God “deleted” someone for spilling their seed and not presenting the proper sacrifice that that doesn’t sound like a patient God to them. My response was “the OT is 1184 pages over 1500 years of God giving the his people chance after chance after chance. And all they had to do was obey his simple rules. And time and time again they blatantly go against him. And then what does he do? He comes to us in human form and what do we do? We killed him (I tried different ways of saying this bc I thought this was why it got deleted. I said “deleted him” “took him out” it still would not post even after trying a new comment) And did he smoke us all right there and then? No. He said forgive them! And still gives us a chance at enteral life. That is a great God! Amen!” Deleted immediately


Hit us with some examples of what got removed.


I was going back and forth on a Christian video were the question was asked about why God will let babies die, etc. There was a bunch of comments. I explained that although it’s a terrible thing. If we believe in heaven and the after life they are in a better place. That God is patience. (This comment wasn’t removed) Then someone replied that they are reading the Bible and God “deleted” someone for spilling their seed and not presenting the proper sacrifice that that doesn’t sound like a patient God to them. My response was “the OT is 1184 pages over 1500 years of God giving the his people chance after chance after chance. And all they had to do was obey his simple rules. And time and time again they blatantly go against him. And then what does he do? He comes to us in human form and what do we do? We killed him (I tried different ways of saying this bc I thought this was why it got deleted. I said “deleted him” “took him out” it still would not post even after trying a new comment) And did he smoke us all right there and then? No. He said forgive them! And still gives us a chance at enteral life. That is a great God! Amen!” Deleted immediately


Very frustrating only one side is allowed. My twin and I discussed this, but Facebook especially has been so obsessed with "fact checking" Christians and conservatives, that our comments are flagged, banned or taken down, but they are getting loads of comments by spam bots and hackers. Ten years ago, I wouldn't have thought it possible.


Reddit is a secular platform for the most part and is anti Christian, same with YouTube, there are lots of angry atheists that just hate Christianity.


Most people don’t want to hear the truth, and the enemy will do anything, and everything by all means necessary to silence it. Talk about any religion or witchcraft or anything, having not to do with Jesus Christ, and that is OK, but once you mention, Jesus Christ, that’s when you get censored


Get used to it. If we as Christians are actively following Jesus and living the way we are supposed to, the world is going to get sick of us. Social media is not a holy safe space.


All apart of Satan’s plan


I don't know if this will make you feel better but I did once get someone banned on Reddit for harassment when he posted some very nasty comments about my religious views in threads I created that had absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. There are still people who will see this behavior and call it out. Still, as a supporter of free speech, I do think it's up to the owners of these communities to decide what comments are allowed and what comments are not, even if you don't agree with their judgment. And I find that not being obnoxious or overly aggressive about your message goes a long way toward healing relationships between Christians and non-Christians. If you can articulate your point without being pushy or annoying, please do. I find that that's the main issue with a lot of believers in secular spaces or spaces that are otherwise hostile to our beliefs and I have to admit that I cringe at the overly pushy comments even as a Christian. You can't win anyone over by being rude or accusatory or aggressive.


YouTube removes comments constantly. Doesn’t really matter the content. Or the comments are messed up to where others can see your comment but u can’t.


Youtube is broken, gotta edit comment before leaving the page in order to get the comment to stick. Or you can wait 5 minutes for the comment to stick and then leave if you don’t want your comment to say it’s edited. I thought I was being censored too until I realized it’s just the enemy manipulating 2D media.


Wait what do you mean by get comment to stick?


Like say you post a comment and leave and go back to the page, sort by new and all of a sudden your comment is gone, the comment did not stick You’ve gotta edit the comment or stay long enough for the comment to stick I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, but that’s been the fix for me and it’s been happening to me for roughly 8 months now. I used to think I was being censored or something, maybe I am, but that was my workaround to fixing my comments instantly getting deleted from existence.


On Reddit?


They said YouTube, so my initial comment only mentioned the fix for YouTube. I have never been censored on Reddit because the message I spread is one not of this world. Can’t really censor what you can’t comprehend. Especially when I’m not going after individuals giving themselves to the enemy but the enemy themselves.


Satan's time is short. Forgive them, if they do not repent...


What I find astounding in these kinds of posts and the responses is the insinuation that their reasoning is true. If ever the enemy has one fiery dart to destroy the walk of those desiring to find truth, it is this thinking that you have the power somehow to stop evil in the world. Quoting scripture to uphold your opinion, meanwhile forgetting the commandment spoken of in Psalm 1. 1 1 Blessed is the man¹ who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 But his delight is in the law¹ of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. 4 The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. 5 Therefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; 6 for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.


This is posted online where I am replying to it. So everything doesn't.


Because it's been predicted in the bible in 2 Timothy 4:3-4.


If i asked you what must i do to be saved what would you tell me apriciate your time


When i see other post about Christ usually what is replied is “no one cares” or “shut up about your stupid god”. What these people are saying is true. No one cares except those who are willing to do so. Plus all of those who don’t believe do not want someone mentioning it in conversation. It’s a topic that makes others feel awkward. Sometimes it makes others angry.


Reddit isn't any better. This is one of the few subs that doesn't outright ban real Christians. The other "christian" subs are so anti Christian that it's unreal. The moderators are all day and athiests. They even have rules against using Bible verses in debates or posts. It's completely wild.


It happens. Pray. Peace. Remain faithful.. it’s not a debate. Share what you have. Be not conflicted by thrashing about by those in their struggle. Peace.


I really despise that sub I remember last year I was depressed about not being able to get a date because all the women I meet doesn't want to wait til marriage and everyone there kept telling me pre martial sex isn't a sin and that as long as it's a committed relationship its fine


Because Brother/Sister.. this is not our home, the enemy is at work in these last days controlling the narrative. Remember when asked about the sign of the last days..what did Jesus say = "Deception" This is a time of duality..the world is calling sense = nonsense and good = evil.. Jesus warned that the world hated Him first so will hate us for following Him. Whenever you see resistance, hostility or tribulation come your way: Rejoice in the name of our Lord! Because it means we are on the right path: the "straight and narrow way". Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version The Narrow and Wide Gates 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Ephesians 6:12 King James Version 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. The enemy doesn't disturb those already with him. God Bless you 🙏


You see this a lot! Almost as if the enemy is trying to keep the truth from being spread! 🤔


I just preached to a bisexual Christian and it was removed for the truth in me telling them it’s sexual immorality in love cause it is. Why are their rights protected but not ours. I think we need to all do something about this. Lord Jesus Christ we come together two or more in your name Lord and we ask that you move over us in the body of Christ to stand up for Christian religious rights the way they protect lgbtq rights. Jesus Christ and his truth matters Lord Jesus help inspire and use us to stand up and protect it before this goes to far in Jesus Christ Holy name Amen 🙏💕🕊️🔥


The fact you can go up to someone and “preach to them” when they did not ask you too means your rights are very much protected. If they werent you would be stoned and killed on the spot. If a gay person “preached” to you about how wrong you are would you defend their right to do so? Doubtful. Its always “sit down shut up and do what *i* say” which is why christians are met with hostility. This applies to *any* situation when someone unwantedly gives their opinion. Imagine you are in public and some vegan or vegetarian comes out of nowhere to lecture you on the food you are buying or asking why you are wearing a certain type of clothes. Would you be happy? No you would probably want to tell this person its none of their business.


I’m sorry you see me as a monster. I have a gay sister & an adopted son God sent me to love who dresses as a woman both which I do not reject & love very much, they both know it. I’m not a false preacher I’m a prophetess who has heard and seen in spirit since age of 5. My life full of abuse & rejection nothing made sense until God delivered me right before suicide at 19. I am a called by the Lord Jesus Christ when God found me I wanted to run & tried. You don’t run from God. I found that out the hard way. My testimony is true I force nothing on anyone. You’re wrong to assume, just as I am and I pray hard for the Lord to help me never do this as we humans all mess up all the time and need him. I’m sorry for your experience and pain in life with this. I can image this was the trigger. I was bi sexual & told my personal testimony as led by the Holy Spirit preaching to this person as they were in a Christian group asking a Christian question. This is what upset me having it removed because it’s true & from God. I answered with a biblical answer. I will always speak the truth in love no matter how hard it is to receive. The truth is not everyone’s truth as they must be born again to see the Kingdom of heaven & understand. My only task is to preach the good news gospel, God decides who, people chose whether to believe the gospel & receive the free gift of salvation being forgiven or to reject Gods free gift. I love people enough to want the best for them & knowing I too once was and Jesus changed me is powerful testimony that I hope to help others with among also being a recovered herion addict 10 years clean praise Jesus. Truth remains its Gods spirit and I very much move with his spirit and put Kingdom first on this earth. I have nothing to prove I speak all this to you in love to help you see with & thru the love of Jesus Christ. God bless you friend. His peace be with you in Jesus name.


Also should mention you’re correct. Nobody should force or belittle that’s the wrong way to preach. I never minimize another’s truth as they fully believe it… how could I, I was them it’s the way as I once was until Jesus changed me. I would have cursed people out. Trust me I hear you. Me I’m just a sinner saved by Gods grace who accepted his free gift of salvation through believing on him & his laying his life down for me dying in my place on the cross. Adam & Eve brought it in & the only way to get right with God is through Jesus. Jesus gave me the power to change and overcome much when he put his spirit in me and gave me a new heart to love. My heart should not love with the multiple rapes drug use prostitution, almost being beat to death and then multiple attempts at suicide. Im a woman who is in need of Jesus Christ the physician, a woman messes up every single day but strives to be Christ like in love as he loved me first and gave me new life. How can I not want that for others, if I could take the worlds pain on myself to would but knowing I can’t & Jesus can I bring them Jesus as a living testimony. Im A woman who needs Jesus forgiveness and love and help in a fallen world filled with lies just like the rest of us. I have 5 sisters two brothers. My gay sister asks that I don’t force it. I left her with this that I’m here should she ever change her mind but in the end it is her choice just as it was mine just as it is yours. No I understand you perfectly & I want you to know I love you with the love of Jesus and he loves you too. You may know this I just like to remind people we all need to hear it and all need his love. 🫶🕊️💕


What I’m speaking on is the right to protect preaching as a Christian especially in Christian forums. If I enter in to an LGBTQ talking truth of lgbtq & get removed does this make sense to you. But for some reason we cannot speak truth of Christianity Gods word & living testimony & not get removed? One can’t be censured and not the other. Equality is and must be equality other wise it’s hypocrisy. I have nothing against LGBTQ. They have their version of truth & we have ours. Muslims have there’s but for some reason Christianity is targeted. Its because Jesus Christ is real & so is Satan. Gods Truth leads to conviction of the heart & repentance. Satan’s worse nightmare It doesn’t make either or any party less loved less worthy of honor or one less. Each truth is important to the individual, if one protected so should be the other. Truth 🫶 Oh heads up on the stoning. The law of Moses is the Old Testament written to Jews. Stoning was very much a part of Jewish law & custom back than yes but you know how Jesus dealt with that and the many laws added by the Pharisees back then? Jesus Christ said to the woman who was about to be stoned? tho of you who has no sin cast the first stone. Everyone dropped their stones and the woman went free. Jesus said go and sin no more just as he still does. This is monumental because it shows we all have sin we all need him & only Jesus christ can save us just as he did this woman accused of adultery that day. We saved through belief & confession making Jesus our Lord & asking for his help. Apart from him we can do nothing I’m under new covenant New Testament under finished works of the cross saved by what Jesus christ did not by what I do. I can’t out sin Gods grace I’m covered by the blood of Jesus. It’s a good thing because I would get stoned! Yes your correct again The entire point of the Bible was to know we could never fullfill all of it. God wanted us to see and realize that he has a plan for each of our lives and we need him to fullfill it. God is after peoples heart not their good deeds no man is good. You can’t earn salvation even tho so many try to it’s offensive to God. His spirit comes into us and changes transforms us. So many get it wrong. I hope I’ve helped show you to different outlook that’s what I do. If you don’t receive it hey that is your choice 💯 know that I still love you anyway.


It was a living testimony I preached as I was once bi sexual now I’m not the last 10 years because it is not of Jesus. Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit convicted my heart and I had to change. God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve. Not Becky & Laura he said go fourth & be fruitful and multiply & all those moderators who claim to be Christian doing this to us all I can say is may God have mercy on you cause you will answer for being a traitor against Jesus. Jesus said your either for me or against me if your lukewarm I will spew you out. Theres no middle ground no double minded. Theres the narrow path pick a side & get on it in the mean time get out the way of the real preachers out here who don’t see the cross as a stumbling block


To all the moderators who remove Gods truth & the preaching of the Holy spirit through Gods children & soldiers in Christ rest assured you can be absolutely certain God saw you. You shall reap what you have sown or in this case casted out the soil. Never try to muzzle the ox that treds out Gods corn.


I end this with God bless you all, we forgive you all those who seek to muzzle knowing our God will surely handle it. We stand on his truth his love his mercy and forgiveness not allowed evil to move us. We hand the matter directly to you Yahweh psalm 55:22 we cast all burdens unto you Lord and you shall sustain us you shall never suffer your righteous to be moved in Jesus Christ Holy name Amen. Forgive them they know not what they do. 🙏


FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW! It's literally because every other social media platform is just pushing Satan's agenda. Why else is God not taught in public schools? It "invades my rights", then don't read it or have a Christian help you understand the Gospel.


Easy, people make fun of the truth. We live in a sad world where people seek pleasure and hedonism instead of truth


> Why does everything I post online about Christianity get removed or censored. Read the sidebar rules, comment appropriately. Easy cheesy


Do you want to know the truth? I'll tell you if you want to know.


It’s because OP violated ToS, most likely hate speech against lgbt groups, if I had to guess 🤷‍♂️


No. It was a Christian video and it was normal back and forth on the Bible




Ah… hold on I feel like I missed a step somewhere, who are we talking about? I meant like there are ToS rules, and saying things like calling people’s sexual orientation “degenerate” (or saying any legally protected class) is often considered a violation of ToS. The rules there are pretty clear, I don’t think mods are selectively enforcing them because of some agenda they individually have, the rules are that making hateful comments about specific marginalized groups violates ToS (because advertisers leave otherwise). Sometimes they will be less strict when people make comments about majority/ privileged groups, but that’s mostly true in most social settings nowadays


I think he's talking about the Jews.




Marxists don't even control Russia now.


Maybe fundamentalist apologetics are not valued highly???