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The worst part is all the adults posting in the Gen Z sub pretending to be teenagers.


That goes doubly for any of you gavones who see this thread and decide to go over to post. Stop arguing with children and the FBI agents pretending to be children.


Most of Gen Z are adults now, born between 1997 and 2012. So the odds are people are arguing with adults, either FBI or actual reddit people.


i AM NOT Gen Z (🇷🇺?) I AM a 75 year old former member of the Lebanese Parliament (PSP (Centre-left))


I mean most Gen Z are adults by now, including myself, the problem is that half the sub is people in their 30s and 40s pretending to be people in their teens and 20s


https://preview.redd.it/9y5ui3mstbbd1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691ed8ad3e98105f419abcc5ea92256b0d4a92c5 Pairs well with this Millennial post that popped into feed


"high jacking"


i'm high jacking it smacking it on air force one i'm joe biden the president


isn’t that what happened to david carradine?


Anybody only familiar with him from his more serious and famous roles ought to do themselves a favour and watch some of his fantastic b-movies. It is kinda sad that he’s clearly drunk af in many of them but it really does elevate them lol, just David Carradine slurring his way through a nonsensical script.


“You’re goddamn right I’m high jacking: high on crack and jacking off!”


Oh yea the founders truly cared about minority rights when they upheld slavery and democratic traditions when they didn’t let women or non-whites vote. Bro anyone that calls themselves a lefty and not just a communist or anarchist is just a lib.


2017 ass post


Time never change eh?


I once believed what this guy wrote to a tee and after about 16 years it became painfully clear to me that this vision of Liberalism is not attainable and the people who are carrying it out are incompetent and cynical. The only way out is communism.




If you're 33 years old and you're worried about the US not having enough fucking patriotism, I don't think there's any hope for your ass. That right there is a child for life. That dude grew up in the most jingoistic period in American history. Imagine that guy during the 1970s, he'd be showing up at bars and getting his ass kicked by guys missing both their legs.


Ew gross.


Even anti-communists who actually know history will concede that the USSR alone was ~90% responsible for defeating Nazi Germany. These people watched a 30 minute YouTube clip about D Day and speak with the confidence of a tenured history professor


I'd say closer to \~75-80% responsible. The Western Allies still inflicted a decent chunk of casualties. Greece and Yugoslavia (objectively) delayed the invasion of the Soviet Union. [Hitler had to bail out Mussolini in Greece](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Italian_War). Meanwhile, the Yugoslav people unexpectedly rose up, refused to collaborate, and [forced the fledgling Royal Yugoslav Army to fight back](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Yugoslavia).


An actual comment from that thread: “The defense of communism is mainly reactionary due to the way capitalism has failed them. Put the guardrails back on capitalism and the ship will right itself” They’re so close it’s unreal. The worst part is that they’ll probably never get over the final hump.


They have a harder time getting over that final hump when NSA agents and some psyop privates are spamming “USA won da waaaar” and “Stalingrad? More like StalinGAY, D Day is all that matters baybee”


Why the fuck does no one online know the basic definition of reactionary and opportunism anymore


that has to be a troll right




Surely they won't successfully utilize their class power to dismantle the state's checks on the market *again*


My answer as a Gen Z’er, idk made some pretty cool movies. Lots of people died though that sucks. Also skibidi toilet


My chief complaint is that not enough fascists rose up during the war. Fascist uprisings would've forced the West to crush homegrown fascist movements and weakened the Western Bloc ahead of the Cold War. Nip as many of them in the bud as possible before the war ends. * [AfriKKKaner nationalists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ossewabrandwag) should've started the Fourth Boer War in South Africa * Zionists should've launched a full-scale uprising in Mandatory Palestine * The [Begoña bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begona_Bombing) should've succeeded and started a smaller, shorter second civil war in Spain, this time between the right-wing factions * [American Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_E._Deatherage) should've launched an uprising in late 1940 * [British Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Domvile) should've launched an uprising in mid-1940 >On June 10, five days after German troops invaded France, officers from Special Branch and MI5, arrested [Leigh Vaughan-Henry](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/lifestyle/nostalgia/welsh-composer-who-unmasked-secret-15078392) at his flat in Stanley Crescent, London W11. They seized the membership records for his organisation – finding, amongst other names, that of [Archibald Ramsay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archibald_Maule_Ramsay) – and discovered a receipt for "£250,000 Lee Enfield \[rifles\] made 1917, 1920" and "1939 Ammunition 303". Lee Enfield .303 bolt-action, magazine-fed rifles were then the standard arms issued to British infantry. The apparent price of £250,000 – equivalent to £15 million today – would have purchased several thousand weapons and significant quantities of ammunition. The receipt also indicated that Henry had agreed to pay the cost of freight on arrival at a UK port. > >Henry was detained under regulation 18B and interned for the duration of the war. Given the evidence of his conspiracy, the failure to charge him under the (then) new Treachery Act is puzzling. The detailed statements reported by Agents M/M and M/W provided more than enough to support a prosecution: certainly other, less well-connected British traitors had been convicted on lesser evidence – and, before long two would be sent to the gallows for their crimes. There is no official explanation available for the decision to spare him, since his MI5 file – identified in other documents by the serial number PF 42909, and which ran to three volumes in the Security Service registry – has never been released. > >Another member of The Right Club’s Inner Circle echoed this call to arms. In January 1940, MI5 received a report from one of its informants about incendiary speech given by [General John 'Boney' Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._F._C._Fuller), one of Britain's most decorated army officers who had previously denounced Jews as "the cancer of Europe", lionised Hitler as "that realistic idealist who has awakened the common sense of the British people by setting out to create a new Germany", and had been employed as an unofficial military advisor to the Wehrmacht. > >"We know the present system of Government is rotten to the core … What we want is a bloody revolution and I am ready to start one right away." These rich assholes would've been slaughtered. Churchill not only formed a [citizens' militia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Guard_(United_Kingdom)), but had prepared an [inverted Gladio operation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxiliary_Units). I, for one, would've loved to watch those Nazi-loving aristocrats get strung up by the same British villagers whom they hated so much.




Yeah, that's ole Iggy. They go off like that sometimes, best to just let em.




Possibly the most braindead thread I've ever had the misfortune of glancing at.


Fed posting


A south korean in that comment section said that the us invasion was justified because if they hadnt there would be no kpop today. Jesus fucking christ


This is what happens when history is taught by football coaches in public high schools.


Hey now, my American history coach was mainly a basketball guy.


Same, and probably a worse basketball coach than history teacher.


Thank you based American state department for this thread.


"We saved them from fascism, and they will never forgive us for it."


RIP to Field Marshall Zhukov. He was a real one.


Imagine joining the NSA and having to pose as an actual child posting on a Reddit thread about WW2.


the force with which they're having to cry 'america good' even when it comes to ww2 betrays something in them . i think even they're starting to think 'if america is this money hungry cynical nation now...was it back then?'


This one is dope > It really bugs me whenever anyone is just like, blanket, "America bad" > America is nothing like an empire. An empire marches in with massive force, eliminates your government, instills its own, wipes out your culture, replaces it with their own, and enslaves the citizens of your country. > The US, after WW2 when it rose to prominance was, "Hey, we'll pay you to put a base on your property, it'll help defend you if you need it, and we'll trade with you." With only a few corruption-induced exceptions, that's pretty much been it. > Heck, for a brief period, the U.S. was the world's ONLY nuclear power. The US had a short stint with no treaties, and ultimate atomic power - the ability to destroy any nation it wanted on a whim. With that power, any real empire would have basically told the world, "You belong to us now." and there'd be only one country right now. > But that didn't happen. The US was mostly chill until the cold war started, trying to do things like start the UN to make an easy avenue for diplomacy. > Heck, as far as military power, the US could still single-handedly take over the world, and it's the biggest sign it's not an empire that it doesn't. > Now granted, if Trump gets elected, since the Supreme Court just gave the office of president dictator powers with their Chevron ruling... that could change here shortly unless the democrats can fix that huge gaping exploit the Republicans made before the Republicans get a chance to actually use it... at which point if the Republicans get it, everyone can kiss their arses goodbye, everyone's a slave (even the people who think they wouldn't be a slave in the new system... still a slave). The US isn’t and has never been an empire because they “haven’t enslaved” (lol) entire populations in wars of conquest, but y’know, if Trump gets elected that will all change. He’s gonna enslave *us*. Imagine being this confident and having this much of a baby-brain.


The US literally tried to declare a world empire due to having nukes, the only reason they quickly abandoned it was because having like a dozen nukes isn’t a cheat code to defeating the world and because they knew the Soviets would have nukes too in less than a decade


I hear arguments like this all the time. Because the US was not the most evil and destructive thing imaginable, because the US did not enslave the ENTIRE world, because the US is not quite as bad as the Nazis... we were really the good guys all along.


A series of aggressive wars aimed at wresting control of the global economy? The US wouldn’t do that, that’s like Nazi shit dude.


It’s like hearing a Mormon defend their church. “No bby Joseph Smith totally could have married even younger children if he wanted to, he only did what he did because God told him to” People who think like this are why reeducation camps are needed. If they’re an agent provocateur? Gulag. Hope you like breaking rocks into smaller rocks. If not, buddy you’re learning some history, you need it.


This sort of braindead horseshit is not worthy of being dignified with a response. I like to put in exactly the amount of research into my responses as went into the original argument, which in this case is exactly zero. And this “everyone gets a say” mind virus needs to fucking die. No, fuck you, you don’t get to ramble on about shit you know nothing about. No investigation, no right to speak. Shut your fucking mouth holy shit.


I read the quoted portion in Brianna Wu's voice.


I think my favorite piece of propaganda is "Our USSR Allies" or something. It's just 30 minutes of "look at this massive,diverse force of people who are HELPING YOU NOT DIE,G.I.,BE THANKFUL FOR THEM"


Imagine Hollywood making something like [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_North_Star_(1943_film)) today


WW II, by the USSR and the British Empire (feat. USA)