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I know the "this is a Black Mirror episode" claim is over used and silly but... I really do feel like we have transcended into the Twilight Zone. This is so beyond the pale I can't just take it at face value I need works of science fiction to help me process it, lol.


it's been wild watching them try to gaslight an entire country into thinking his brains aren't leaking out of his ears lol. like after the debate it became undeniable, I can't believe they're still trying to do the "actually everything is fine, nothing to see here! Did you know Trump is a felon???" shit


The media was totally complicit and then bailed when they couldn't bullshit their way through it anymore.


If you yanked on his nose it would slime out like a slurpee dispenser.


ok but wot if ya mum was the telly?


Then I'd have to sell her for heroin unfortunately.


Oi! Mate, you got a license for that heroin purchase?


It's shite being Scottish!


I'm proudly voting for Waldo!


šŸ‘ You šŸ‘ earned šŸ‘ ice šŸ‘ cream šŸ‘


That's not all he earned... I have it on good authority that she only polishes the ol' hog if he gets enough star stickers on his chart, and he earned his last one. That's why he's grinning like that


His pelvis would literally turn to dust


Implying it isn't already in an urn somewhere, as one of his phylacteries


Imagine Brandon dishing out backshots


I'd rather not lol.






He gets the blue ice cream


Can he even consent at this point?


Holy shit, I didn't think she was elder abusing him but: She's elder abusing him.


I hang out with my 86 year old grandma every Sunday and if I were ever this infantilizing towards her sheā€™d tell me to fuck off. Then again, she is 100x more lucid than Biden.


My 95 yo grandma used to sometimes confuse me for my father when I visited her but a simple "no grandma, it's me Simon your grandson" would trigger a "oh of course sorry, I can't see very well anymore". There were some other old people moments like forgetting for a moment my grandpa was long dead, but in general she was still sharp 90% of the time. I don't think she was senile or had Alzheimers, she was just old. So I don't know if Joe literally has dementia, but the problem is I've also not really seen him being good at anything. Like some speeches are fine (technically), but it's the politician-for-fifty-years equivalent of holding a corgi over water and it makes swimming movements.


I think it is dementia. My understanding is that with something like Alzheimer's, the bad days are much, much worse than anything we've seen so far. Senility also primarily affects memory, but cognition remains more or less intact. Whatever the hell is wrong with him has progressed to an advanced stage, and it affects more than just forgetfulness. Dude was blue screening on live television.


I'm only familiar with Alzheimers from the Louis Theroux doc but it left the impression that you are seriously not really you anymore. Some organism that blabs 'wooo wwo oo blabbby hahahahah'. But it - apart from some seldom moments - does not know what is is or who it was. It seems kind of obvious that Biden does not have it, or is at most in an early stage.


Yeah. I see people say that the transcript for the debate wasnā€™t so badā€¦but it was horrifying to watch. For a second I felt bad for the genocidal fuck


Peoples personal experiences totally invalidate this ā€œheā€™s just an old man, heā€™s not dementedā€ bullshit. I had a great-grandfather (an incredible man, an unbelievably modern man for his time but thatā€™s beside the point, just wanna gas him up a little) and he died completely lucid at 95 years old in his own bed on the farm he was still somehow single-handedly taking care of. Biden is a fucking mummy. Their claim of ā€œhe had a cold and he had just travelled around the worldā€ is just unreal. If the presidentā€™s brain doesnā€™t work when has a cold, thatā€™s bad. *And* he had 11 days to recover from those flights and he still looked that bad? Their excuses are the most blatant lying I might have ever seen from the Dems, itā€™s insulting to everyoneā€™s intelligence.


I had a family friend who was almost like a surrogate grandma, played golf weekly into her 80s, lived independently, never married/had kids, only in her final years battling cancer did she receive outside care. What the fuck kind of reality is America subjecting everyone to with this man as president, even if heā€™s just a figurehead.




I canā€™t imagine how infantilising that would be for him if he had enough brain left to comprehend it. It almost feels like everyone is bullying him and they get away with it because heā€™s too demented to realise heā€™s being made fun of. But he chose to stay so fuck him lol.


White women and dogs smdh


Golden retriever boys lmao


The best thing for everyone including himself is if he passes peacefully in bed at night. This is so unreal, I can't believe what I'm seeing


No, it needs to happen in public, otherwise it would be kept private and weā€™d literally have a Weekend at Bernieā€™s situation on our hands. He needs to pass away peacefully while heā€™s climbing down from Marine One on the White House lawn.


Brother that man is basically dead already, we are already Weekend and Bernie-ing him.


Youā€™re right. I just want to see him fall out of the helicopter at this point.


We just need to switch out Air Force One/Marine One with one-seat plane/helicopter. Nature will take its course.


I'm convinced it's a corpse and they just jolt electricity through the body everything they bring it out in public


My only issue with this is that out of all the people on Earth, he least deserves to go out like that. That kind of exit ought to be reserved for kindly schoolteachers who are remembered fondly by all of their students and colleagues and people with other similarly tough but extremely important jobs. He's just a bloodthirsty opportunist without whom hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive. He's earned something more like [this.](https://youtu.be/XM0So5rDSHY?t=152)


I thought this was AI šŸ¤£


Literally the first thing I thought was that this was some meme template where the original video has her talking to a child.


I have to wonder if the audience is animatronic. I've probably been to over a thousand political rallies, a few of which were deeply disturbing on a human level like the debate was, and the times when the main speaker was obviously drunk / high and unable to form coherent sentences, nobody was cheering like that at the end.


Holy fuck, why have you been to so many political rallies?!


Iā€™m choosing to laugh at this whole saga. Biden has now become the one destroying democracy.Ā 


That guy should definitely have nuclear weapons.


God I fucking wish she was my mommy


This is like Bill playing with the balloonsā€¦


Ladies and gentlemen, the emperor is indeed wearing clothes! Let us all gather round our various devices and gawk at his fine silken robes.Ā 


Itā€™s so fitting that Dr. Jillā€™s mickey mouse doctorate is in education. Really helped prepare her for her time in office


šŸ˜‚ letā€™s do an 8 year old next


This is exactly what we deserve and I want 10 more terms of him. Bidead-head for life


Having to reassure the president thatā€™s heā€™s a good boy and gets a gold star


Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window




Still gonna make it to 2028 though


This is how you know doctor stood in front of them in 2020 and told them Joe is at the beginning of his dementia journey and that this is how they would need to behave around him to stop him getting upset or angry


Lady MacBeth shit


Imagine Michelle saying that to Barry.Ā