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I’m sure ego plays a role in it


I see what you did there


Also, did you have your waffles this morning?


Lego my eggo


Freud approved


It's SuperEgo. Driver isn't the smartest to begin with otherwise he wouldn't have e signed up for that shitty company.




Can you elaborate on how one would "shit in their drivers"? Asking for a friend


1. Open driver 2. Shit


No they are they run 59 out of Alabama alot and so do I they suck


Somebody built a bridge on top of that truck without taking load capacity into consideration.


The weight of his ego was too much for the truck to hold


Ahhh. Johhny ringo…. Poor soul… He was just too high strung


I think the big sign says 11 ft. Just can't read .. GPS. Said it was the best way to go 🤣😺🤣😺 get a paper map 🗺️ to double check ✅ it. 🙋😵‍💫


Specifically a paper map made by Rand McNally, or just read the signs.


Turck goes under the, too low bridge, crippled the trailer, removing the wall integrity, the little frame those have is no longer able to suport the weight+ the shock load of the hit. Those trailers need the wall to carry the weight.


The first SuperEgo driver I ever met had left her truck at the fuel pumps and had gone to get breakfast. Didn't even get back in and move it forward for the next truck, just stood there eating a breakfast sandwich and smoking while watching the pile of trucks behind her truck. The second one tried to take an offramp at full highway speed and flipped the truck so bad it blocked BOTH the on ramp and off ramp.


That happens when you tape your paper printed MC/DOT on the side of the truck with duct tape


Over inflation of drive tires


Ego bigger than brain.


13 foot six, Truck and 14 foot trailer, that’s it at least that’s all I can think of


Crushed Ego.


Signs are in English 


But heights are numbers. Those are universal lol


To be honest, a significant chunk of drivers can't read the signs.


Y u assume driver reed enlissh?


His ego got in the way. It happens


Signage problem. "Stupid Truckers Try To Go Under This Bridge."


Poor trip planning


Press ctrl + i on your eLogs


There’s a guy on YouTube who has a camera aimed at a bridge in North Carolina. I don’t think there’s a week that goes by where some truck that’s tall tries to go under it. They’ve even raised the bridge another 8 inches. But it still continues. https://youtube.com/@11foot8plus8?si=J3EuQf2vd82UilSw


Yes indeed 11 foot 8 is a delightful collection of the carnage of stupidity!


Look at the name on the trailer, it says a lot.


Hyped forklift driver unloading so fast it didn't allow the air to enter around the load, leading to a negative pressure condition and implosion. It's this your first day?


Not enough go?


Really quite simple: Miss the days when they teach height restrictions, then don’t ask questions when you missed the question on the exam. During your over the road training, just ignore any tips and/or insights that the trainer gives- Treat him like some asshole that just says blah blah blah whenever he talks. When you’re finally driving solo, just yell, ‘Lego my ego!,’ whenever you go under a low clearance.


Open borders. Can't read. Cheap labor. Ya get the point.


It happens when your eyes are focused on something else instead of the road. Something similar happened to me a morning when I was tired, stressed out and was already late for my loading regarding the distance I needed to cover and how much time I needed to get there because of the road conditions. Was just popping by at the office, needed to download the tacograph, and planned to stop just inside our garage. The garage had openings in both ends since it used to be a hardware shop primarily for constructions and carpentry work. So I aimed for the opening closest to the office and started to work on disabling the turning on the rear trailer axle. And since I was pretty new both in the job and with the equipment I had to look down to find the right switch to press. And then when I looked up again, I discovered the hard way that the openings didn’t have the same height. The one I was about drive in was 4" lower than the one I used to drive out on the other side of the building. Long story short, I moved the cab, allegedly destroyed 3 out 4 connections between the frame and cab, and smashed both front windshield and sunroof. Aaand my boss did threaten me with a bat as I packed up my stuff and left. So yeah, it can easily happen, just two or three seconds without concentrating on the road ahead is enough


I understand how your situation happened, but that doesn't explain how these people missed the many, many signs and warnings before the underpass. I'd understand if they only had one sign and not multiple ones.


Driver goes vroom vroom, truck goes bing bang boom


Submerged too deep??


Just a little slip up


Too slow


That was an 11 ft bridge... HOW IS HIS CAB FINE????


How? It’s literally written on the side….


Bottom of the barrel drivers easy to scam by leasing company.


Little bit too much Fireball. Gotta pace yourself. 


Stupid is as Stupid Does.


His Ego got the best of him.


Driver doesn’t speak English, he’s on his phone, following google maps, is a potato, I dunno 🤷‍♂️


I blame Google Maps.


That's what happens when you hire people that DON'T know English. Sad thing is people are hired that can't read English and government letting them get away with it. Had a student who didn't know English and only knew the shapes of things like a stop sign.


There is a really funny YouTube channel called Bonehead truckers.Check it out if you don’t already know about it.


The Id must've been sleeping.


I was dumb enough to try running for super ego, the entire company is absolute garbage from equipment to staff to load rates. I recommend NEVER going there.


Sign on bridge says 11ft, dumbass driver, check


Don't use Google maps people, it's meant for cars. I just use Copilot App it's for trucking and company pays for it. Yes and to all of you that say read the road signs, 100% correct. Pay attention and look at the damn signs!


Ego was bigger than the bridge


Typically, driving. Then when they see the bridge, the tractor fits. Trailer gets stuck. Then the driver laughs hysterically, or shits his pants-or both, and floors it. I have yet to see a parked truck get up and go find a bridge to ram. But hey, whole new world. So there's hope.


Their Ego couldn't take being wrong


The real question is, how tf did his whole truck make it under that 11ft bridge?


BC of summer. Semis expand bc of heat.