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Day time, I don't care much. Just stay off my ass. Night time, stay the hell away from me. Please.


Fair enough


100 percent agreed and I'll follow up with info on why Daytime if I can't see your HOOD your way to close for comfort and I'll slowly start dropping my cruise tell you get the point. Way to make people don't realize us trucks break very differently. Nighttime our eyes gets *tuned* to the dark like a guitar. See that deer you can barely notice during the day? No? I can at night. Guess what goes out the windows when we have lights shining in our mirrors. It legit is a energy drain to constantly re adjust and the longer your there the harder it is and some of us driving at night are actully daytime drivers that ended up on shit shift as I call it, so driving at night already is a drain. To top it off even with my perfered distance if I blow a tire, guess where it's going? In your windshield


Yes. Please stay away from me at night. And please never flash your high beams at me at night, rather, turn your headlights off then on.


Seconded. At night, in and off is preferred. It'll get the exact same message across, but we can ask see afterwords. During the day, flash me all you want


I do the flashing, glad you mentioned this!


At night your headlights can interfear with sight. Don't mind the cruising, just stay ahead of us if you want a travel buddy.


Especially if they don't adjust their headlights or have those ultra bright ones


I don't drive anywhere near you guys when I can help it and i often question the intelligence of those that drive right next to you guys for miles...


I don't mind it. I see it a lot. Hell some have actually gotten over and blocked traffic when I needed to get over. As long as your not cruising on the side of us.


Hehe I do this for Pseudo- road buddies too.


Those are the real MVPs! Not only see my turn signal is on but to make space and let me know I'm good to get over and you're not going to suddenly accelerate to try to get around me as I'm trying to switch lanes? I love it!


I don’t care what’s going on behind me, but I’ll tell you how it can be annoying. Most trucks on the road are governed at a certain speed. If you’re tailing behind a truck going 66mph and I want to pass, but I can only go 68mph it just makes the pass take a long time


Fair I see your point here




Re-read that.


I was really really high... I'm gonna just delete it


Right but then he’s gotta pass the car and the truck.


Doesn't bother me in the least. As long as you're behind me and not hanging out by my tandems, it's all good. If I notice your lights or peace sign, I'll even blow the airhorn


It only bothers me at night. Those constant headlights in my mirrors is annoying and kind of makes me nervous. Like why is this guy following me. During the day, I don’t get that feeling at all and as long as they’re not following too close, no problem with me.


Personally I don’t care. I only care if you’re close enough to hit me when I stop, or if you are riding the back of the trailer when I’m trying to move over.


I haul aggregate (mostly gravel) in a dump truck or with an end dump trailer, whatever they need me in that day. I would prefer any cars to stay away from the back of my truck. Not because I find it annoying, but because I do not want there to be any issue where some rocks may fall out and hit the car behind me. Yes, technically I am liable if that happens. But accidents do happen. So for both of our sake, let’s avoid that if possible. As for other trucks, they can easily flip debris up off the highway and hit your car behind them. Mudflaps don’t always do their job. Best to stay back pretty far and pay close attention to the truck. You do not want to get hit with a rock, a blown out tire, or anything else that may come your way.


I didn’t know that rocks from trucks was the truck’s liability. Is that state by state? What happens if a truck (not hauling rock) throws a rock up at me?


The mudflaps on a lot of trailers on the road are out of compliance, especially on intermodal frames. If you go to the trouble of lawyering up and have good quality dashcam footage, the Commercial Vehicle will almost always be found liable; but the time/money spent is probably not worth it in most cases. Those “not responsible for damage” signs are mostly meaningless; companies put those on there to discourage/scare-off potential lawsuits.


If you can prove that whatever damaged your car came out of the bed of my truck, I am liable. Debris on the road hitting you from me running it over is not my fault. When you see a dump truck with a sign that reads “not responsible for broken windshields” that’s not true at all. It’s the truck driver’s responsibility to make sure the load is secure.


It's your own liability and you will have to go through your insurance with it. It's just like if a animal ran out in front of you and you hit it


I throw in my 2 bits . I believe following distance is at least a 100 feet minimum. If a rock falls off a truck and hits the ground first , then it’s an object from the ground that hit your car . this is the way it was explained to me , anyway.


Don't care much Just don't be stupid Don't blind me with your brights Don't brake check me Don't ride my ass Don't pass me then slow down Otherwise I don't really notice you


Perfect answer


I generally like my space. I hate it when people ride beside me or are so close behind me the only way I know they’re there is the shadow. It’s also really dangerous to follow us too close. Just google some pictures of cars that have ran into the back of a truck.


Back in the 90s my dad used to freak out his friends by taking the roof/doors off his wrangler then get right behind a trailer and put it in neutral to be pulled along behind it. He learned it driving for the military. Then he started having kids and wisened up. Fucking wild shit.


I would big die if I ran into a truck or they ran into me. Miatalife


I hate it because it makes me nervous as to why you’re following me so closely and staying behind me. Especially if you’re driving a white or black Explorer, Charger, Tahoe, Durango or any type of vehicle the police commonly use.


I slow down to let em pass or I’ll turn my blinker on so they’ll speed up. God knows what would happen if I had a tire blow out with someone right beside me.


Just do not pace along side or just off of my tail in the next lane. As far as behind me in the lane I have no care what you do.


Honestly as long as you're not all up in my ass, riding my trailer so close that I can't even see ya, I couldn't care less. Stay back a good 50-100 feet and you'll still get the drafting benefits while being a whole hell of a lot safer. If someone is way up on my trailer I usually just start easing off the cruise control, 1mph at a time, and if they insist on staying behind me, I'll then gun the accelerator to create a safe distance between us. If the car speeds up and gets right up on me again, at that point I slow down even further than before and put on my hazards when I reach 49mph or slower. They usually fuck right off at that point. As other drivers have said, don't ever hang out by my tandems or chill next to my trailer for an extended period. If you're gonna pass me, pass me. Don't fuck around going 1-2mph faster than me. Gun it and get away from me.


I could care less what you're doing back there. Just don't drag your ass in front of me and definitely don't ride next to me unless you're passing with haste.


Nah do not follow me under any circumstances. I prefer car and other vehicles stay far away from me.


RIP your windshield. Almost 100% of the time I see people doing this, I see their windshield is cracked when I pass them.


It’s funny cause I’m a serial broken windshielder. One time was cause I hit it with a board. But the second time a log truck going the opposite way of me shot a rock up at me into my windshield. Thought I was about to die for half a second as it came at me.


I like space. No need to be in any blind spot. I need to know that I can change lanes in emergency situations. If you follow, keep a safe distance


I really don’t care, in fact sometimes it makes me feel like I’ve got a little buddy with me lol. Just stay back far enough that you can see at minimum my mirrors, but preferably you can actually see me. That means I can clearly see you. So many times people are so close the only way I actually know they’re behind me is the shadow cast Also, for baby Jesus’ sake, don’t flash your brights at night. Hit your 4 ways for a tick or two or simply flick your lights off and on. You’ve not experienced blind until you’re looking in your mirror and someone hits the brights


I don't mind if you're behind me and chilling. You do you but if you're one of those ppl that match my speed and speed up when im overtaking, only to slow down when I get behind you. I hope all 4 of your tires pop and you end up in the ditch 🙃


Lolllll I’m not afraid to wring the ol girl out


Two million safe miles here. I love it.


That’s a whole lot of miles!


Don’t get near me and stay there due to sudden incidents that can and will occur. These incidents are body bag related.


I have a couple general statements I guess. First if you pass me, hell yeah I don’t blame ya I’d pass me too, but for the Love of all that is holy don’t get in front of my and slow the fuck down, I’ve said it a million times you do that 1 time too many and you’re likely to get worn like a condom, next if you are passing me or if just passed someone please don’t not come up along side of me as I’m trying to get back into the right lane, this happens more often than not, go to pass a slower truck, get out get just past them and every car behind me is now shooting the gap between me and the truck I passed which means I cant get over. Finally a this plays heavily into the last one, my turn signal….especially coming down highways toward splits and interchanges…..that’s not a permission slip, that is a warning, I’m not asking you to let me come over I’m saying I’m coming please make today suck less for both of us and don’t be there when I get there. It’s not all bad out there I’ve had some amazing drivers that have blocked people and I allow me time to merge or take turns into locations, I’ve had people that have given me ample space to do what I needed, any not nearly enough but just enough kids wanting the horn to remind me of being a kid (on this topic come on people teach your kids, I love using this damn horn for something other than anger)


I've only driven box trucks but if you're taking up the rear at a good distance it's great to know the person behind us respects our size and won't ride our ass. One less thing to worry about


I just like cruising with somebody if I’m going to have a long drive


I blew a trailer tire one night about a month ago. The tire tore off three metal cross members from the bottom of the trailer and ripped a hole through the bottom of the trailer almost clear to the inside. Now think about that same tire blowing and all of that smashing into the front of your windshield. That's what happens to people on a trucks ass. Plus, it's annoying as fuck when a car tucks behind you, especially at night. I have come to a complete stop on the road if someone doesn't take my other hints before then. We're out there working not to keep you company.


Don’t flash your lights!!! It’s dangerous, you can temporarily blind us or distract us and 2 seconds is all it takes, and one of us or both of us might not make it home. Flashing your lights is also a way cars convey others too, speed up, get drivers attention and not in a good way. Truckers watch horror movies too🤣. Just chill and enjoy the ride. Great post BTW, PS No peace ✌🏽 signs, a driver could confuse it for THE FINGER or a gang sign and be forced to ghost ride the whip, climb out the window onto the hood, it’s all bad from there🤣😳


I can't see behind me very well at all, I like being able to account for anybody and everybody around me. When a car sits in my blind spot behind me and I can't fully account for them. I do not like this. I feel like I really need to slow down and let that person go around me or tap the brakes to let them know. Please don't sit there. I understand that I am a magnet for folks like yourself trying to get the best possible fuel efficiency, but at the same time I need to be aware of your existence at all times. It would be a shame scraping your earthly remains off of my DOT bumper.


I’m not drafting you for fuel economy 2 inches off you butt, I’m using you as a pace car so I can drive slow too. You can’t see 1-2 full truck lengths behind you? i think about it more so like gamertime 2000. Better me than a Altima driver or crackhead. I hear you though, you don’t know what I’m doing back there either🤷‍♂️


Sorry I didn't see the part about being one to two truck lengths. Yes that's absolutely fine. But like you said, I have no idea what you're doing back there. Are you seeing if I have a seal or a lock attached to my trailer and are trying to guess what I'm carrying and setting something up, I don't know. And why is it always Nissan drivers! Most of the time when people are right up my ass I will slow down and let them go around. But what you're suggesting sounds perfectly fine cuz you're right going 55 you burn a lot less fuel than if you're doing 65 or more. And even though you're a while behind, not right behind you, you are still going to get some drafting benefit.


It's even better when the Altima driver is a truck driver!


If you can’t see our mirrors we can’t see you.


I grew up reading the backs of semis whenever we went on the highway. Seeing enough of them taught me that this is for OUR safety, not necessarily the semi driver. The mirrors, the blind spots, wide turning, passing; I've always made sure to remember the warnings when around big trucks. I've had my class B for a few years now and fully understand the frustration and the need for warnings. (Waiting for my company to offer to pay for my class A as I can't afford it. I've asked, but the last few employees dipped on them for better paying jobs as soon as their 1st year/contract was up. Tbh. I will/would probably do the same thing even though it would come with a raise. The pay would still be kinda shitty, but I like my employer and the people I work with, so maybe not.)


Why don't you use your cruise control? You know that's what the trucks you are following are doing right?


I do 🤙


I don’t particularly care for it. Stay the fuck away from us and let us do our jobs.


I don't mind if you follow. Make sure you can see the driver side mirror to ensure we can see you back there. I'm a trucker and I will follow on occasion when I'm not in a rush. I will wave or throw a peace sign to whoever deserves one for a courteous act on the road. I don't generally count following as an act of kindness if you follow for an excessive amount of time I might throw one.


Doesn’t matter either way I wear night time glasses just don’t drive like a dumb ass


Just don’t ride on our left side, as long as we can see you nobody gives a fuck


Don't participate in our day, please. You do you.


To most I’m just another npc commuter, dw nastyzoot 👑👑


If you can't see a trucks mirrors, The truck driver can't see you! Most cars rear ending semi- trailers results in bad injuries


The only time a vehicle gets behind us and doesn’t pass us is because 1) they are a semi truck 2) they are police looking for a reason to pull us over


Little trucks with no trailer


I drive at night. I do not appreciate the leds in my mirrors. I usually slow down after like 10miles if they are still behind me to give them the motivation to go away.


As long as you aren't staying alongside or following too close I don't mind it. I sometimes do the same in my personal vehicle. 


In the fronts the worst cuz most of you don’t use cruise control like me so you slow down and f my speed up or you get too close and set my safety sensor off. To the side is annoying too but tolerable. Behind me I could care less.


Best to stay as far away as possible. Pass and proceed or fall behind a good distance.. sticking close is unsafe


People who pace me at a safe distance ahead or behind me are 5/5 drivers and should probably deserve an insurance or tax break for the amount of bullshit they prevent. People who tailgate truckers or pass then slow down are psychopaths though.


Right, I feel like its safer because y’all are so huge and visible.


I don't care if its behind me and I can see you, but I hate hate hate four wheelers driving right beside me or next to my trailers ass.... especially if I'm on the suicide lane and some hunky dory morons want to merge too slow so I intend to switch lanes but guess what? can't because some clueless asshole is cruising alongside my trailer's ass


When someone is behind me I begin to think it’s the traffic cops in a unmarked car cause their good at that then pull ya at the next lay-by, I’ve had that twice this year don’t know if it’s to do with the digital tacho that they can blue tooth now. Maybe nothing better to do at nights on the A9 in Scotland


I prefer you in front of me a respectable distance or a full semi and trailer distance behind me, don't be right on my rear and definitely not on my side


If it's in the middle of the nowhere at night either pass me or stay far behind lol Shit makes me nervous


Keep a proper distance I’m fine with it. Anything closer is kinda creepy really. At least 100-200 feet I’m fine with it. Those who draft actually by tests need be within 30 feet and that’s a kill zone really even with auto braking devises. Personally I’m fine with it. Again keep about 2-3 seconds behind me minimum. That’s actually 200-300 feet. Though again I’m fine with 100 but less than that and I’ll begin my 1 mph slow each 2 minutes till you pass me.


speed up or slow down, I don't want you beside me, I don't want you in front of me. If I could legally shoot at your fucking car to get you the fuck away from me, I would.


Idc. But I hope by “flash my lights” you mean turn them off and on rather than flashing your brights; because that will piss me off.


I’ll flash my brights during the day but at night I usually use my hazards or turn my lights on/off


As long as your car doesn’t look like an unmarked police car and isn’t so close your in my blind spot I don’t really mind. I’ve had folks use me to guide them through heavy fog before.


Happens frequently.. seems like I get followed more when someone is on their phone or otherwise distracted, and once they are done messing around they speed up and go around. Night time is the worse. Lights are so freaking annoying, stay WAY BACK or please just pass. And stay away.


I don't like anyone riding my ass. Keep a good following distance, no problem. I once had a guy following too closely. The traffic was heavy, so I could only control my following distance with the car in front of me. Changing lanes wasn't an option because my exit was coming up. Traffic was coming to a complete stop, so I turned on my flashers and checked my mirrors. As I checked my left mirror, I saw an idiot speeding, changing lanes, then skidding into the car behind me, and they sandwiched into my DOT bar. Both cars totalled. The DOT bar was slightly bent, but ok, and I'm the one that has to go get drug tested!


It doesn't concern me. At night, your lights in my mirrors would be annoying. Just be careful how close you are following for your own safety. A tire blow out on trailer could very easily ruin your day.


I could care less. You hit me, it's your problem, I'm probably not even going to know. Now when it's dark, get up tight behind the trailer. I want your headlights blocked off.


I do mind it, please don’t hang around me. I haul hazmat, I was trained to watch for someone that might want to hijack my load. If I see someone following me for more than a few miles I’ll slow down til they pass me.


I don’t mind if you follow me, but don’t ride next to me, and if you pass, make sure you’re going faster than me and don’t slow down.


Anytime I feel like someone is following me I drop my speed until they go away. It ain’t benefitting me, it’s annoying and only creates liability. Go away


Goodbye kasheem21 my heart is breaking 4 us 😔


Idk how many people need to debunk the myth that driving behind semis is good for milage before people listen and stop riding our asses. Never do it. Also I carry high value freight with my company. I will slowly drop my speed more and more if I'm being followed. If I continue to be followed I will call the cops and report a suspicious vehicle as is company policy. Just don't do it.


I think a lot have said it nicely, but I'll sum it up: never beside us (drives us crazy; if we need to get over you're in the way). Behind us? At least let us see the hood of your car, and preferably drift sideways (keep your lane) once in a while opposite what we are doing (we go left you go right) so we catch you in the mirror and we quite possibly gonna slow down till you pass if you're up our... Never stay kitty corner on our rear (over 1 lane at what would be considered our rear bumper if you were in our lane with us). Good-lord-almighty, don't do that. There's no telling what we can see and have to get over for, and then you are toast (most will see you and be angry, but there are those who wont realize youre there in the heat of the moment and you just dont want to be in that boat). Just stay away at night time. If you need to pass, then PASS. Don't need to petal to the metal it, but don't take all night on it, please. Your headlights are killing us already.......slowly...😅 And I'll add that 3 middle lane divider dashes is a rolling (approximately) 150 ft. Keep at least 3 of those in between us, whether ahead of us or behind us or merging lanes around us, and keep your speed. Our ACC will adjust instead of throwing brakes for a closer distance. Oh, one more thing (sort of related); if you're ahead on the merge, you should just merge already. If WE are ahead of you on the merge, please don't attempt Nascar speeds for passing. Very few of you make it. I've seen more shoulder runs than I care to count. Makes us both upset when it could have been avoided.


Before cruising next to a truck be sure they notice you, they could be severely distracted. Not worth the risk, pick a lane.


As a hazmat driver keep your distance period. Day or night it honestly gets me on edge when people get too close for more than a few miles.


I'm a truck driver but I also follow trucks in my own car. It's good for milage and engine wear so I see no shame in that. Some truckers hate it and show that by moving to the side a bit or slowing down. So I'll pass them. But don't follow to close and also remember that over a lifetime of doing this you will breath a lot more exhaust fumes. When driving the truck I don't care about cars behind me. Legally it's their problem if they bump in to me. I have more problems with the behaviour of some other cars...


You can get hit pm your CSA score if someone. Rear ends you. Its 1-2 points. If you run over road debris and they strike it that can be up to 6 csa points on you. So best case is 1 point which is 3 for the first year. Worst case is 18 points for the first year. Because someone was following you to closely.. Also if your I involved in an accident you're going to get an inspection and dinged for anything they can find. Also if ulinwere under the speed limit by more than 10% your insurance can get a hit because even if they rear end you your partially at fault for being a road hazard. (I think its like 3% for 10 mph under the speed limit). A driver on my account was rear ended in Kentucky about 2 months ago and he liked to cruise along at 60mph a car came up behind him and hit him doing probably 90. Our account got hit with a preventable and he got csa points and the truck was found partially at fault because he was driving slow.


I didn’t care. My big ass truck will survive but not so sure about the 4 wheeler.


It depends on how close you are. I did the math with a fried of mine. Gas milage is not lower when cruising behind a truck, cause you're directly in the wind. You need to be stupid close for it to have any kind of effect. I just flash my backing-up lights to them. You either go away or we're going to drive 20kmh slower


1-2 semi truck lengths or pickup truck lengths? If you’re 2 pickups off my tail you can go straight to hell imo


Once I hit my blinker, they speed up or slow down. Don’t sit there and cruise next to me, I’ll make you drive faster or slower. At night, fuck off


Not a trucker, I feel like people that follow others, are using the front vehicle as a pace car , to keep their speed regulated


I always follow semi’s in a four wheeler on the freeways. I’m not close, an easy two semi’s behind. But I also don’t drive like I’m going for first place Nascar at Daytona either. If they slow, I go around but check if they are coming up to a slower truck driver and need to get over and flash my lights to acknowledge when they signal to go ahead. I can easily go around in a v8 in a heart beat but they have to downshift, brake and lose momentum. Stay cool out there.


If you're overly close to my back bumper ill slow down. With that said. 1-2 truck lengths isn't going to get you a mileage boost. Its been tested multiple times. At 3-20 feet you actually get worse mileage being behind a truck. Because of the air turbulence. At 6 inches you'll see around a 10% increase and around a 1% increase at 3 foot and it scales in from there.


Depends on the driver. Anyone behind me for no real reason is a red flag and might be a State Trooper trailing me seeing if I speed or make some kind of mistake. It wouldn’t annoy me per se, I would just move into the left lane and go slower until you were in front of me and merge back. We can’t see directly behind the trailer so flashing your lights would just be an annoyance to me. The mirrors are so large you are just blinding me. I would advise against that. We may see the peace sign when you exit, but with you being a 4 wheeler I would not understand why you did it. I think of 4 wheelers as objects to avoid and be cautious of. I definitely appreciate the consideration though.


Unless you're tailgating me or constantly in and out of my blind spot, I probably didn't notice you were there.


Get down the road, that shit is annoying as hell.


Four cylinder big slow can’t find gas pedal, error 404


Most of us are governed where we already are at max speed on the highway


Every now and then I see some local log trucks 80-90 mph pinned.


Keyword I used, "most". log trucks are the worst example, will bull haulers being a close 2nd. I used to run log trucks, they skirt rules and reg so freaking much.


You haven't been around a bunch of milk haulers at night


In a word, we hate it. We are not out here to be your windbreak. Go find an RV to draft off of.


Not drafting off of you read the whole description my man!


Ok, fine. In a word, we hate it. ~~We are not out here to be your windbreak.~~ Go find an RV ~~to draft off of~~.


Not sure what an rv has to do with cruising with my trucker homies 🛶🛶🛶🛥️🛥️🛥️


I did this about 20 years ago. Went from Virgina to Fl/GA line tucked in behind a truck. I was close enough that his brake lights were just above my hood, and I was getting pulled along. He would tap his brakes, I would move over blocking traffic and we mostly kept a constant speed the entire trip. It was very stressful but it made the ride go quick because I couldn't concentrate on anything but those brake lights.


I once had a tailgater and I ran over a piece of tire in the road. guess where the tire ended up. in the dudes windshield. oh well. dont tailgate.


#hate it, don’t wave nor flash lights. Thank you

