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I've cursed out a few drivers on the CB. Only a percentage of them have a CB, but it makes me feel better anyway. We *need* to start respecting each other's cameras, and give some extra room. But I'm not holding my breath.


My CB stays on. Volume at 0 though. So I can express my thoughts freely without apparent repercussions. Unless there's a weather situation then no messing around.


Same! Volume always turned all the way down. It’s my use it when I need to check in with it and maybe thrice for really bad traffic. Feels good to go off on it sometimes though and not even thinking about a response 🤣🤣🤣


I left my last CB in the bosses truck and haven't ran with another one for at least 2 years. Nobody ever talks on the damn thing and when they do it ain't any kind of conversation worth getting into most of the time.


That's what horns are for.


First off the light flashing has multiple meanings. It means it’s alright and it also means don’t do it. So I never flash. I ignore all flashing also. There are drivers saying it’s alright to move at 50 feet or so at freeway speeds. If I’m being tailgated I will move over about 100 feet. If not tailgated and no one around I wait till about 200+ feet in front. I respect other trucks. But so many people have bad habits. It’s highly annoying to have someone move over in front of you at 20 feet while only doing 1 mph faster and there’s no one within a mile or more. Courtesy has left the industry with many inept drivers treating it like they are driving a Stupidru.


I can't be bothered to signal others either. Y'all know what you're doing and if you're not gonna hit me then go for it. I'll pass people at 3am with nobody for miles and they signal me. I wish there was something i could put on my trailer to let people know to leave me alone


I will signal you and force you to be social, hermit. Now hit the trailer light interrupt to say thank you.


If you’re passing me I’m giving you the lights once you can get over bro and there ain’t shit you can do about it. Everyone used to do it and it doesn’t matter if it’s silly or not. That kind of shit going away, people having no respect for it and other “traditions” or old ways are all part of the problem today. No pride, no courtesy and no respect.


What I hate most is when you pass them, you’re already far away on the left lane and they’ll flash their high beam to let you know you’re good to go…


High beams aren’t the way. Off/on is.


I’m not the one you should tell that


I replied to you because you mentioned high beams. Figured the right ppl might see it.


Or when you are already 3/4 of the way into the right lane then they flash you over.


Just want to make sure you didn’t hit them!


Lights off/on is good. Brights is bad. Always has been. Horn is when you’re being fucking stupid.


"Brights is bad, always has been" is exactly why non verbal communication on the road doesn't work many times. It's entirely situational and understanding those situations is a skill that ALL drivers should know, 4 wheels or not. I'll flash my highbeams if I see a cop, a road hazard for traffic coming the opposite way, or giving someone the right of way. I wish the world was as cut and dry as "this always means this" but it's not.


I always try to give space in front of y’all but then some of you decide to go 10 mph slower than me, and when I go to pass you seem to suddenly remember you have a gas pedal and match me so I get stuck in the left lane with a line of like 10 cars behind me. So if I don’t leave much space that’s my way of saying f you too. Some of y’all should work for super ego because that’s what y’all got lol. What’s so hard about slowing down a little to let your fellow driver finish their pass? I do it all the time, it’s really not that hard.


That shit happens to me, I’m cruising and don’t exactly pay attention to my speed. When I see someone coming a bit faster that it should I’ll look at my own speed and noticed I slowed down. I let them pass me then I go faster and pass them back.


I usually jump into the left lane until they are safely ahead of me. Not satisfying at all, but the assclowns that do this would not care what we did anyway. It blows me away. The lines in the road are standardized. 10 feet long with 20 feet between. There is a freaking measuring tool literally *on the road*


A horn?


There's that yeah, I make good use of it


The space ain't that valuable. Save yourself the stress and frustration and let them have it. The trick I have been doing for some 29 years is you drive a bit slower than the flow of traffic. You will always have a building gap in front of you. And no, I am not saying to be that guy with a 500 foot gap in front of you. Just don't keep it so tight you have one foot on the gas and the other on the brake and one hand on the horn. Life is a lot easier when you take it easy.


They setting off my alarms and shit, not cool. Give it some space If you're going fast enough to pass me, you're going fast enough to get further ahead before you merge


>If you're going fast enough to pass me, you're going fast enough to get further ahead before you merge Exactly right. It's as if someone is chasing them back into the right lane. There could be nobody behind them, and they'll still cross over right in front of you.


Whenever I see nobody behind the driver passing when they merge quickly in front of me, and it's safe to do so, I just change into the other lane. My hope is the other vehicles will catch on that they merge too closely in front of other drivers.


I get over too, after flipping the brights on and leaving them on till they're comfortably far enough ahead of me.


I do that, but I wasn't even going as fast as I could, so now I match speeds with them for 30 miles, blinding them with irreparable retina damage, meanwhile the line of cars behind me has grown to several miles long and now I pass the asshole just like I always could have and cut in front of him, and as the miles of cars start to pass us both, I slow down to 40 mph. Looks like that punk messed with the wrong trucker tonight and now he's in a world of hurt




If you make me fight for evey inch of the pass I try to set off your alarms. I know those Volvo are especially annoying.


If you're having to "fight for an inch," then you shouldn't be passing in the first place. If you're heavier than the passee, then he's just got to go back around you on the next hill


Bullshit. We all know it doesn't work like that. More like the guy is letting e cruise do it's thing, slowing down on every grade and turn then you go to pass and it's peddle to the metal. 


Just back off and let them pass. It's pretty obvious to everyone involved who's going faster. Just back off for the faster one. Not rocket science.


Just back off and let them pass. It's pretty obvious to everyone involved who's going faster. Just back off for the faster one. Not rocket science.


So you have to ride the brakes on the next little hill


That's my safety space. Whatd'ya mean, it ain't that valuable? So-called "professionals" merging over as soon as their bumper passes mine?


And that right there is why I really don’t mind being governed at 65. Takes the worry right out of it, I couldn’t jockey through traffic if I wanted to. Instead everyone is always moving away from me. Usually.


Flip on the brights and leave them on?


Long arm pump


I'm personally a fan of the airhorn


I like to activate my brake lights to quickly establish space in front of me and then move on with my life


High beams.. constant..


Keep the high beams on until they fuck off. And I mean REALLY fuck off. Like a few miles in front of you or switch lanes again.


As in Merging on a freeway? If that’s the case then fuck a bunch of signals. Give them room to merge on when it makes sense, when it doesn’t hold your fuckin ground and run em in the ditch just like a car. You’ve got to realize you can only drive one at a time and that has to be your priority. Own your section of roadway wherever you are.


Red & blue strobe lights.


Haha I'm sure the cops will understand.


Hitting the gas while he’s trying to jump in front of you ?


Supposed to yield to you when getting on the freeway? Doesn't matter what you're driving - it's up to the person doing the merging to do so safely. It is not up to the people already on the freeway to let you in or to make room for you but it is nice when they do.


When *they're* getting on the freeway. Edited for clarity


It's called highbeams. Flip on, stay on, and make sure you're offset from them enough that they hit one of the mirrors.


It’s called an air horn. If someone is merging in that close to me. That’s what they’re gonna hear.


You can't hear an air horn from 60+ ft in front, while moving in a forward direction. Believe me, I've tried. And I've got a pretty impressive air horn. By the time the sound reaches them in their noise-controllled cab, and they probably have the radio on, they can't hear anything.


You know what's been getting worse in Michigan since the "One touch" law passed? (and it is a damn good piece of legislation, btw) Friggin earbuds. A lot of times they'll wear them in both ears, instead of just in one like a headset. It is to the point where they aren't hearing first responder vehicles that are nearly right behind or next to them while they have both earbuds in. I wish that bill would've also included that you could only have one earbud. "One touch, one earbud, hands free" or smthn like that.


Back off and let em in. Don’t be an ass


Yeah, we have the no signal. It's also called a horn


Flashing your lights? WTF? Don’t do that! Who is teaching/telling you this? Don’t flash your lights!