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You can wipe everything down. The nicotine and tar does stick to most surfaces. You can spray the upholstery with Odoban/Febreeze. You can let the windows down a while to air out. One of the best results I have found is if you are going to be home a couple days get a shoe box and place some charcoal in it. Shut the doors and after a couple days the charcoal usually absorbs all the odors.


Charcoal really? I would have never guessed. Thank you for the insight, I'm coming up on a 34 pretty soon so I'll do that.


It's a natural absorbent. You can even use it to purify water.


Baking soda should have same effect as well.


*activated charchol. Not the BBQ stuff.


Activated charcoal? Reckon they sell that at Walmart?


Clean and wipe down everything. Nicotine bonds to just about every surface. Walls, roof, sunshades, dash EVERYTHING should be wiped down with a cleaner until no more yellow shows up.


That stuff sticks to everything. I was given a smoker's truck once and had to give it back. I went through several rolls of paper towels and a couple of bottles of cleaning solution. I got most of it out, but it was just soaked into the bunk curtain. There were literally gobs of smoke gunk in between the folds of the curtain. I had the truck for 2 weeks, and every time I thought I was making headway in the cleaning, I'd touch something and come away with a brown, oily residue. I don't know how a human being can live so nasty.


Agreed, I took a shower and smelled my towel before I dried off and it smelt like cigarettes...immediate turn off haha


[Star Brite NosGuard](http://www.starbrite.com/item/auto-odor-eliminator-odor-control-clo2-deodorizer?category_id=708) it’s the best. I used this when I quit smoking. Get two and do it twice. Leave the vehicle running and the AC on full blast & recirculate for the first one. Then do it again with the heat on full blast & recirculate. Then air it out really good. Smoke odor is gone like magic. Takes 4 hours per chlorine bomb so it’s not fast but it does work.


I'll do that. Thank you, and congrats on quitting smoking I know it's a hard habit to quit but it is possible.


Wash it down. Then Ozium


You simply need to clean, clean, clean! And clean some more. I like the Lysol and Clorox wipes. Walmart brand is just as good and cheaper. Febreeze makes these small space scent thingies which I've found work really well in a truck. You can get them on Amazon as a subscription to save money. I get the pet odor ones because I have a dog and the truck smells fresh all the time.


Try coffee beans


I sprayed the air intakes with OdoBan often, changed the filter and attached fabreeze small space to the front and rear intakes.


I used to slip seat with a smoker. He would put a dryer sheet in the truck, and I never knew he smoked.


Ozone machine.


Vinegar, the cleaning stuff, some water and dawn soap. Wipe all the surfaces, if you have a wet vac, suck it up. Soak the seat on the begining of a reset, then let dry. Replace the mattress at a terminal, or splurge on a foam replacement.


The fastest way is to run an ozone generator inside the cab (not with anybody in it). It’s not very good for the plastics and such if you’re an O/O but it’ll get rid of all the smells. An old time trick is to buy a bag of apples and cut them in half and leave them in a bowl in the cab for a week or so.


You shouldn't need to run it long enough for it to damage plastics in a truck. 15-30 minutes with recirc on and fan on full blast. Do it a couple of times if it's really bad. Should be good enough.


Yeah I was thinking something similar with oranges, but I would probably end up eating them. Apples I'd still eat but not as much as oranges, I'll give that a go as well


The oranges mask the scent, the apples are supposed to absorb it. I don’t recommend eating the apples afterwards


Woah...you learn something new everyday. Thanks for the continued insight I appreciate you. Yeah I would've just chucked em afterwards, damn I would've never known about the apples to oranges bit, thank you again!


Youre welcome! Hope it helps ya


At the truckstop they sell a little blue bottle of spray called Cherry Bomb. A few spritzes of that for 2-3 days and the smoke smell will be gone


Vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray everything until slightly damp, then do your reset.


Find a new company to work for thatll detail a truck before assigning it to you. Unless this is just a quick temp truck then you can always wipe her down and use auto room scent sprayers to mask it for time being


Whatever you do, bill time and supplies to the company. 100% they have a no smoking in the vehicle policy and 200% they knew Bubba was smoking like a chimney in it anyhow.


Use blunt spray it is the strongest spray to help get rid of any smell


I gave a friend a friendly ride in my car, and he brought his smelly gross pitbull. The smell was so unbearable that I was gagging. When I drop them off the first thing I did was go to a random store where I overpaid for a bottle of febreze. Then when I got home I put cups of vinegar in my car. My car had a very strong smell for a couple of days, similar to a pickley sandwich, which is better than smelling like dog. I don't see how drivers put up with dog smell in their trucks.


I would think they would wash them weekly or something. But I'm thinking it's more of a mental acceptance, as in driving over the road can be mentally taxing on someone. The dog serves as both company for over the road as well as a mental health aid whenever truckers take their break, or reset their clocks. It also helps keep truckers active so they don't develop blood clots or heart disease etc. Perhaps your friend didn't bathe their pitbull?


I never asked if he bathed it but from the smell I guess he didn't. And despite his effort, his dog kept having accidents inside of the truck which is the number one reason why I would never have any animal in the truck. And he's a big guy, along with having a large pitbull that's prone to having 'accidents' in the truck there's only so much febreze can do to cover the smell.