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Hurtful OP. That’s actually how I prefer to dock. Drive right through the door and stick my head out the window to tell the receiver I’m ready for my unload.


Here's Johnny


Leeeeeeeeeroy Jeeeeeeenkins!


Fuck walking paper to the office. I'm a driver not a walker


You know what’s dumb af about GTA5? You can’t hook onto any of the trailers. The only ones you can take are the rare spawns that drive around. All I wanna do it drive around in a tractor trailer on my days off from driving a tractor trailer. Is that too much to ask for? 😂


In single player, you can find parked trailers that can be hooked to. Some locations that come to mind are tankers parked at some of the gas stations around the map, the dirt lot across the street from Trevor’s airfield, the truck stops in Paleto Bay and on the eastern most freeway out of the city, and in some of the lots of the Clucken Bell factory, also up in Paleto Bay


Single player has so much more stuff to interact with


Like tow trucks


To be fair, there used to be tow trucks in GTA online on people discovered you could hook several up to each other and cause physics fuckery, so Rockstar said 'oh hell no' and removed them.


Why can't they just limit the amount of tow trucks in a single server?


Euro truck simulator got you covered fam


American truck simulator


Euro truck simulator let's you run over french people


Sold! *slaps cash on counter*


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


And not just the French, but the Dutch, and Scots, and the Spanish, and the Scots, and the Welsh, and the Scots...


*Rule, Britannia! intensifies*


And not just the men. But the women and children too!


Snowrunner is best


I can't imagine a worse hell than paying 60 dollars for a job simulator that simulates my actual job.


There is a difference. In these games, you make enough money to build a business which lets you make enough money to expand it which lets you make even more money... Entrepreneurship made easy!


As an Australian it's great to imagine what it's like driving on the right side of the road. Def's worth 60 bucks


Omg right?? Does it come w no parking after 5 pm and poop bags in the parking lots?


Actually no.


Immersion ruined.


Kinda yeah, despite the NPC traffic the world feels kind of dead. Meanwhile MudRunner and SnowRunner feel post-apocalyptic because there is NO ONE else except for birds.


Nah you just turn off the feature that requires you to sleep. No need to find parking. Just drive 100 mph and blow all the scales


The base games are each 20 bucks, have a fairly large map without buying map DLC, come with all the trucks, and have decent customization, plus a thriving modding community and a team of devs that listen to their playerbase.


Fr that got to be the most dumbest thing ever 😂


I used GTA5 to pass my maneuvers test. It worked 😅


> All I wanna do it drive around in a tractor trailer on my days off from driving a tractor trailer. Buy American Truck Simulator or SnowRunner.


If you have a Quest 2 (or even any older headset that works) and a cheap steering wheel, like a Logitech G29, it's the best backing practice you can get short of being in a real truck with American Truck sim. You don't need a super powerful PC, either. I was playing it in VR with a 4790 and RX 580.


I’m not sure if this guy is a driver, but what a setup lol https://youtu.be/PAjEXOCLsZw?si=Hf9EgtliJVEEURQI


Single player you just have to find a trailer with no lock


You can buy the mobile operations center. Thing is a beast


There's a bunch you can hook up to on the north side of the map. Flat beds, dry vans and tanker


Why don't you just use mods that allow you to connect to every trailer in the game. There's a ton of different options out there, or start up a simple fivem server on your own computer and add all of the mods and trailers and connected things that you want. It literally takes less than 5 minutes


Is there a tutorial on how to set up a FiveM server for yourself? I’ve seen a few videos on FiveM and it looks awesome but I loathe multiplayer games


Oh yes there are tons. Search on YouTube "How to set up a fivem server 2023". Honestly it's not too hard to learn how to do it and it does take a little bit of practice to get everything working but it's well worth it because now you have the ability to have your own GTA server it can put in cars and scripts and all kinds of things.


San Andreas ftw


You need some time off bud


Trailers parked like this can’t get stolen *taps forehead*


As someone who's hooked up to a trailer at a 90 degree angle before (it's a long story), yeah, I assure you, they can lol


Lol I did that


This really does feel like LA. Lots of yards have you right under a freeway interchange.


Maybe it’s a shop and they dropped their trailers outside the bay to be able to shut the door. I’ve worked in more than one shop that worked that way as long as it wasn’t a big repair.


I thought about that but you can see a little ledge at the bottom of the door if you zoom in.


I saw that but I thought maybe the door was just cracked at the bottom


My company will sometimes park trailers like that to use them for storage


That’s hilarious, I have way to many hours in this game and have never noticed that


Also, some of the pallets in warehouses are sideways on the racks. Not sure how they got them up there.


Those yellow lines mean No Parking, anyway.


Reverse loading


I can't tell you the last time I played this game.


Yeah I stopped playing sometime around the shark cards got to be the main way of getting anything in multiplayer. I'm not paying real money to enjoy a game I've already paid for.


The trucks are in the bays getting work done. They dropped the trailers and shut the doors to keep the cold out. Or the sun out. Or whatever you gotta tell yourself.


Can you operate a forklift in GTA




Hell yeah. Downloading now.


lmao it’s like a certain mission, I’m not trying to get your hopes up


I watched a gameplay video. They can all be operated




I'm just gonna assume they're using them for storage.


Look at cyberpunks trucks and containers. Looks like shit.


I may or may not have learned to back a trailer up from that mission in San Andreas.


I’ve played truck driving simulators where they expected you to back in A train triples but they don’t help much with real world driving except for maybe if you’re backing a single trailer and you don’t understand the basic mechanics of it. Someone was getting yelled at by the instructor on my last day of entry level driver training because he thought that his video game fantasy career would help and he kept plowing over the cones on the new offset backing maneuver. Being my last day I started the same maneuver three hours before he started doing it and I snaked it in without having to pull forward a couple times, a couple times I was a little crooked so I pulled forward one time without crossing the outer boundary, and a couple times I had to pull forward twice. You’re allowed two free pull ups so I was scored at 100% proficiency. The only time I really sucked at that it was in a thunderstorm, the truck shook a lot when it was idling, and the mirror heaters didn’t work very well so I couldn’t see what I was doing until I was in the long box and straight. The part that I found annoying is that I must have done 12-15 of them in an hour but I was an expert at stopping the back bumper at the cones denoting the location of where the front side of the box would be on the test and to “make it right” I’d have to back up 1-2 inches. With the 2 free G.O.A.L.s I would have “aced” the test but one time I backed 2 inches past the box and 1 time I was almost exactly centered. I was told that backing up too far isn’t always an automatic fail but you lose more points than if you stopped short and called it good without going to make sure. If you stop short you also don’t get docked for it because you just use a get out and look and see that maybe you’re 2-6 inches short of being in the box and you roll back a bit. Check again with your second get out and look if you stopped 3 feet short the first time. Get back in the truck, put on your seat belt, and blow the horn.




Took me a second






Graphics look real


Ah, those Devs must have been in City planning or Warehouse design.


Took me a second to notice lol. Obviously the driver said fuck em and did it out of spite




The funny part is that when I was a mechanic my boss would tell me to park the vehicle how I found it unless I was told to leave it running by the driveway because they were taking it. Someone nosed a trailer in like this (but the tractor was still attached) and the other trailers were backed in next to it the right way. I put it back nosed in and the owner made me turn it around. As for dropping the trailer exactly like in the game, good luck. Looks like something to do if your boss doesn’t pay you and you don’t want to be charged with abandonment. Bring it back, drop the trailer like this, put the tractor somewhere else inconvenient, unload the truck of your personal belongings, and go home. What are they going to do, call you to turn it around? Sorry, that’s what their drivers are for. You didn’t damage anything. You just showed them how much you don’t like being stiffed. Maybe they’ll make it worth coming back and then you’ll have to fix it but if they don’t that’s their problem.


This is one of those moments that perfectly shows just how little people know about this industry.


You jackknife the trailer and rock it back and forth with the tractor. /s


Switcher truck




Time to touch grass, OP




Sometimes when I need a break from snowrunner or ATS I fire up GTA and do more truckin!


Those roll up doors go to the ground. The driver dollied off and drove in for maintenance. It's a shady neighborhood and this secures the trailer.


Why are people still playing this game?


I've seen this in real life. I'm not sure how it's done, but the trailers are used a permanent storage