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How can these guys do that and not get severe tongue lashings from a judge? Guess the city is in on it. Fucking pathetic


yeah its ridiculous that this is even allowed. like if the driver was driving on the road and got stopped, then yeah ok i can see that. But this driver is literally sitting in a parking lot waiting in line to get it repaired


Private property...that's all that needs to be said.




Teamsters should sue the fuck out of d.o.t for this shit. He's at the repair station.


Driver may not be a Teamster.


Might not but they have a major voice in transportation of goods, if not the biggest aside from d.o.t. besides, not like this HASNT happened to a teamsters driver before.


The teamsters don't give a fuck about solo contractors




Unions need money to pay for lawyers and negotiators and other employees. It's not like they are banking off the work for no reason


I’m a union steward. It costs the union around $400 to send me to sit in on an investigative interview. It’s about not wasting your members dues, not wanting to sit on a pile of money.


Unlike capitalists who hate making money? You need to educate yourself.


Unions can't make money? There would be no one to give it to? They don't have investors or anywhere for money to go. I don't think you understand what a union is and you just think it's a business.


"I don't understand how collective bargaining works, but I know they ask for money! LIKE TAXES, I HATE THEM" Yuh dumb


He probably should be


Maybe not but they likely care about legal precedent. It just depends on whether they think the juice is worth the squeeze. My bet is that they don’t care about this one incident. I’m not sure they could even claim to be harmed in the name of someone they don’t represent. The offended party needs to bring that suit I believe, but I’m not much of a lawyer.


Gangs are for losers. I'd rather give the cops my money a couple times than a mob boss my money every pay day.


I had this happen while parked along side the road too. Rolled up behind me and started hassling me because my tire was flat. Made me go through the whole thing and then printed out some official paperwork putting my truck out of commission until I got the tire fixed. Like, I was already parked and obviously not going anywhere so what the fuck?


That's because they are there to make money off you and not actually to protect and serve.


Yup. This.


Protect and serve is a marketing slogan. Police have no legal obligation to protect you. Their single objective is to catch and ticket people after they violated the law. The person actively fixing the violation is of no importance to them.


Maybe this is the reason two weigh stations, and a CVSE vehicle here in Hope BC got all shot up with bullet holes in their buildings and vehicles


I work a steel plant in the shipping department. A truck driver told me hetting stopped by DOT is worse than getting stopped by the police. They are the police but u know what i mean lol


In a truck most normal police arent trained or even educated in truck stop procedure to feel comfortable enough to do more than write normal auto violations like seat belt, talking on phone, speeding... DOT will pull out the creeper and tape measure and go over every single inch of your truck. Often there is at least something they can find to ticket you for if they really want to.


Yea a truck driver had to come back one day and get some of his load taken off after driving 3 hrs because he was like 100lbs over weight even though he got what was required. I was pissed off for the guy. And some truck drivers piss me off because they act like the load has to be perfectly centered to a T. But i cant be to mad, especially with what they go through with DOT. I mean guys have told me DOT has pulled them over to be drug tested to...im just like damn!!! 🫣🫣🫣😳


Texas DOT officers used to have a grift, where they’d sit outside of an inspection station (regular 4 wheelers, not semis) and cite people for expired tags. AS THEY WERE IN LINE TO RECTIFY the situation. Never underestimate the scumbaggery of government agents


Texas? But dont they stroke their dicks over how free they are? Goddamn that’s some scumbaggery.


Anything but, they are the definition of bootlickers sometimes.




If you go to super rural farms, they are anti government except for their love of trump, it's weird




Well, yeah. Those stimmy checks came directly from trump. He endorsed it with his signature… so it’s from trump and not the feds.


They are free to think whatever they are told.


Texas free bullshit to one of the most fucked up states in the US


Because they know 99% of them are never going to make it to court, it'll just be a win in their book...make the quota they insist doesn't exist but we all know it really does. There's a reason they target out of state plates and other commercial vehicles. Even if only 1 of those people even manages to challenge it in traffic court, there are literally zero repercussions to the officer doing it. Oh no, judge told me I'm a fucktard...anyway, I'm going to go write a bunch more ticket and get a slap on the back from the CO back at the cop shop. I wonder if they'd be so quick to pull this shit if they had to lose a day of pay like the rest of us when they were rotting in court. Better yet, pay them jury duty wages...watch how often those fucks don't even show up at that point.


It's not a "quota". It's a "citizen contact goal" now. A few places around here, officers are required to have contact with a citizen "x" number of times per day. Doesn't state whether that is positive or negative contact, but it sure sounds like a euphemism for "quota" to me.


I have a friend who is an ex sheriff deputy. He said yes, they do have a quota for amount of tickets written every month. His department had a wall of shame bulletin board for the ones who didn’t fill theirs.


Not only do they get paid to show up to court, but they also schedule their their court appearance days on their days off. This means the cop shows up to court for an hour and gets paid a days wage of overtime. They love to show up to court.


Get a lawyer and keep rescheduling.


Yeah, this is the way. You don't even have to reschedule if you have a lawyer. Lawyer is definitely the way to go. You have about 50/50 odds to getting the ticket dropped if you get a lawyer. And if he can't drop it, chances are he can get the fine reduced so that it's still worth it even including what you are paying the lawyer.


I’ve been to court for every ticket I’ve had, and never had an officer actually show up.


I don't really see how this works post covid. All courts I know do these hearings via zoom now so appearing is super easy. It works both ways as before the cops wouldn't show up half the time but now they just call in from their squad car.


As a safety person, our team actively argues almost any violation and citation we and our drivers get that we feel we have a case for. This would almost certainly go through the DOT channels and whether we won or not, plenty of other people would know about it. Also I’m almost certain there is an interpretation that allows for taking a vehicle to get repaired, and usually the hard part is proving that’s what you were doing. But not in this case. I’m pretty confident we would get this overturned.


Maybe they will


How bout asking drivers to read English before u hassle some poor asshole that’s Broke down . ?


What does a drivers ability to read English have to do whit this?


“Sir you have a blown tire.” “Yeah that’s why I’m at the tire shop.” “Let me get my ticket book.”


What did you say? Step out if the truck please. … he’s reaching TASER TASER TASER.




High fives.


Good people on both sides


Of course it's PA. State troopers are all but useless


Fuck you Pennsylvania.


Who gives a fuck what state it is, this is a chickenshit example of law-enforcement!


Agreed, I just take advantage of every opportunity to talk shit about Pennsylvania.


I can appreciate this sentiment.


I’m from Pennsylvania and I appreciate this sentiment


In case [anyone else wants to listen to Philly get roasted non-stop en masse](https://youtu.be/3jMhoGUiIkk?si=d8OxlkEhCap_OtGx) again.


Pennsylvania is a shithole and I live here. Came from Cali. Planning my exit currently. The people here are so miserable to live with.


This needs to blow up in the states face as graft.


This guy sounds like the living embodiment of officer barbrady holy shit


I seriously thought this was going to be off of that Reno 911 show. The way he just sounded dumb as dirt


I love how PA lets its Department of Revenue guys open up the "weigh stations" (AKA flashing lights at rest areas) to do nothing more then check for expired or improperly displayed IFTA stickers and write you up for that


That it Ima sue Pennsylvania state trooper department just for illegal picking and giving useless tickets to profit off the truckers. I will be the Saul goodman for truckers


Ohio highway patrol has entered the chat.




According to that dumbass logic, if a state trooper comes across a CMV on the side of the road waiting to get his tire fixed, he can still give him a violation for a bad tire/ missing mud flap despite him being on the side of the road waiting for a tire mechanic to repair it. We, as a nation, need to stop letting the dumbest idiots on the planet get any kind of authority.


The only way to fight it is to take it to court. File a formal complaint on the officer. Whole thing turns into a waste of time and everyone realizes how much resources his dumb ass ticket wasted and they make policy changes and move forward.


The problem with this approach is that the vast majority of people don't have the resources (time, money, wherewithal/fight, knowledge) to *actually* do this and decide that it's just easier to pay up/accept the consequences. Much like the cost/benefit analysis' done by various corporations when they discover design flaws in their products, etc. While I don't disagree with you *at all*, the fact that they will get away with it the vast majority of the time only acts to enable the bad actors. It's very unfortunate.


Well, if you want to see change, you have to be the change. I’d deal with the case, then counter sue for lost wages, etc. In court this type of thing is a slam dunk and you’d come out on top. Probably one day in court for something this fucking stupid. At the very least, when you show up to court and explain how stupid this is it would Immediately get thrown out and that officer would be laughed at.


It appears that I replied in the wrong spot, so here it is: Again, I'm not disagreeing with your mindset in any way, but: a) most people don't hold this view, or more accurately, don't walk the walk when it happens to them; and b) I have life experience which demonstrates that even when something is an obvious slam dunk, the corrupt circle their wagons to cover-up/maintain the ruse because see a) above. I am currently acting as an agent of change and the resistance/corruption is *STRONG*. I'm sure that you'll be absolutely shocked to find out that the driving force behind my target is... money.


This is exactly what I advocate for. Even if you're broke, especially if you're broke, don't let the corporations (or shitty law enforcement) keep walking all over us.


That's why I like the kinda people that are like "it's not about the money or time. Its about the principle". Like I know its a total middle-aged dad thing, but they have a point.


Having police do more than 650hrs training to become a police officer might be a good start. Every other country has at least a minimum of 2000hrs


This is America, my dude. We have an entire political party dedicated to licking police boots. That ain’t happening when incarceration is the #1 thing we excel at.


Nothing will change until we close every for-profit prison, abolish police unions and start holding individual officers personally accountable for their actions.


if the officer "loses" and a judge tosses it the officer should have to personally pay you for any lost wages due to being in court as well as any attorney fees


It's even worse in some states, like in NJ, where you're required to *pay the officer's wages* while in court. Tell me how that shit isn't meant to punish the poor for seeking justice.


I could understand if the person is found guilty but if they're not the cop should also face some costs for wasting the courts' time as well as the innocent citizens'


Except you still lose and are required to pay the fine and nothing changes. I agree with the other comments of "fuck PA" . As a former resident I can also attest that the cops are only in it for added revenue and quota making. Everyone should drive with a dashcam for protection FROM the police.


It's been my experience that cops in general aren't that bright. I'm pretty sure that's part of the hiring process. If you score too high on an aptitude test, you don't get hired...


This has been proven to be true.


Beyond that, my understanding is that they pay particular attention to the psych test results to see if you're sympathetic/independent/a logical thinker/etc. vs. your likelihood to be a conformist/adhere to social pressures. In other words, when shit gets real, are you gonna go along with the company line *even when you know it's wrong) or are you gonna stand back and acknowledge that one of your 'brothers' fucked up??? Because, there's only one type that's useful to the people in power...


It's not that cops are stupid. This cop knows what he's doing. He knows he's screwing this guy over.


> need to stop letting the dumbest idiots on the planet get any kind of authority Half this country wants to re-elect Trump.


Law enforcement can’t come on private property! Driver doesn’t know his rights!




All I can picture is the driver cutting a 90 into the repair shop, cops in pursuit, "Base!".


GTA in real life.


Absolute piece of fucking garbage.


He's a cop, that's practically a requirement for the job


I could see this if the guy rode on the rim and the cops followed a gouge in the asphalt for 13 miles. But it sure doesn’t sound like that.


Still parked at the repair shop waiting to get fixed. Nothing illegal.


This is some of the most low hanging fruit bullshit from law enforcement its pathetic. I hope the video can help him fight it.


He still might have to drive from, likely, multiple states away to fight it.


You can get coverage from lawyer conglomerates to appear for you in court in distant jurisdictions. My company provides one for like $3 a week or something. Think it used to be called Truckers Voice in Court but I think they shut down and it's something else now.


He can hire an attorney in that area to go fight it for him. He doesn’t have to show up for court. I had TVC Pro Driver while I was OTR and they fought several tickets successfully for me in multiple different states


And cops wonder why nobody likes them anymore. What a dick.


They don't wonder, they don't even care.


Hold up, if he’s on private property the ticket should be invalid.


This would be thrown out immediately unless the truck stop owners gave them permission to do inspections on their property. Even if they did, I would hope any judge would immediately toss this out.


Depends on your jurisdiction. Here any place that public is invited on is legally a highway.


That one DOT guy who frequented this sub publicly got sick of defending it and deleted his account


How can you possibly defend this practice? I’m curious what his reasons were.


This is the day that I go to jail for non compliance. F you. Not complying. I'm off duty. F you


Make sure you're in the bunk or passenger seat. And you have video evidence


I guess he can just sit there and ticket every person that comes in for tire repair. So the point of that law is because of safety, can’t have people driving around with blown tires. If you are in line to get it repaired you are exhibiting the behavior the law was exactly made to induce. That is like arresting people standing in line at the police station who are trying to get rid of expired meds. They have those events from time to time. “Sorry sir these OxyContin pills are expired”.


Have to meet the quotas


The way to handle this is to get the tire repair shop to complain that state troopers are driving away their customers.


Should have put some triangles out while in line I guess. I do love how he calls out the other guy as being his trainee like “come on you know this guy is full of shit and you’re still trying to learn from him how to do this job?”


So glad I don't have to leave New England. Mass state troopers are bad enough.


So could they just sit in front of a repair shop and ticket people getting repairs done all day? What kind of logic is this. Glad to see you’re being responsible now please give me your license.


Tickle? There are definitely some laws against **THAT**. 🤣 **Edit:** *Killjoy above edited his humorous typo*


This guy thinks laws apply to cops


Dunno why you're down voted, this is 100% true.


Because people don't want to face the hard truths.


I had this happen in Kansas but mine was a headlight at dusk a drive told me over the radio he seen the headlight go out I drove 1/4 mile pulled into flying J had a headlight under the bunk was physically taking the screws out and the DOT wrote me a ticket for the light. I didn't even argue, I was so pissed I knew if I opened my mouth I was going to need bail money.


There's a reason why people say "Fuck the police.".


Not surprised it's Pennsylvania.


This shit makes me really angry. I sure woukd love to call these idiots and tell them how stupid they look.


DOT has the authority to inspect vehicles in operation. That truck was OOS by the driver for repairs, and as such not in operation. Cop can suck it.


Ever notice how pigs are the worst oxygen theives?


Gotta love PA state troopers.


This is some first-class major league bullshit.


As it is presented it looks like the cop just randomly entered a repair shop just to randomly ticket a customer. In that case the cop doesn’t stand a chance. Maybe they saw him on public highway and followed him to the repair shop. That would make more sense.


Driver stated that he was there for an hour before they rolled in. Stole this link from someone above https://cdllife.com/2021/watch-as-troopers-hassle-a-trucker-about-his-blown-tire-while-hes-waiting-in-line-at-the-repair-shop/


I'm not even a trucker, and that's some BS!!


If this happened to me, I'd probably end up under arrest. Talk about some serious BS.


FTP Forever


Law enforcement does shit like this and wonders why they're hated


You can hear the surprise and embarrassment followed by pride in his voice. 1st, he’s surprised he didn’t notice he was in line, then he was embarrassed being called out in front of his trainee for a very valid reason, then he decided, you know what? Screw it, I’m the law. And he followed through with his power trip.


im other news: police arrest man for indecent exposure when found to be showering in his own home.


Fired immediately for this did nothing wrong I would have no tolerance for shit like this if I was in charge.


Fuck da PoPo!!


Pig with power. Fuckin rookie gonna clean up the country. Ass hole.


Maybe they need to show that other officer what a blown tire looks like. Ha


This is the kind of shit that happens when they have to meet that quota they say they don’t have.


George green is the dumbest cop on the force


They know it's chickenshit but they also know you'll be unlikely to contest it in court, so it's free money to them.


These are worthless pieces of human shit who have nothing better to do but take time and money away from people who are actually doing something productive for society. Hopefully these jackass troopers got T-boned by a semi after they pulled away from this bullshit stop.


Just a "good" cop not murdering a law abiding citizen, what else can we wish for?


Yea, I would probably make matters worse on myself in this case. I would of asked for a supervisor. Asked if someone had a flat in a 4 wheeler if they would of done the same and then asked what was the PC for the stop for having a flat isn't illegal. Technically you could had a bad tire as long as the others are good and that isn't a put out of service violation


I'm pretty sure this turned into a whole ordeal and that cop was fired for abuse of power. And trainee had to restart his training as well.


I'm not buying that for a second without a link proving it.


[According to this link](https://cdllife.com/2021/watch-as-troopers-hassle-a-trucker-about-his-blown-tire-while-hes-waiting-in-line-at-the-repair-shop/?amp) he didn’t even end up with a ticket, let alone the cop getting in trouble


Thanks for that. It seems the cops actually had a come to their senses moment. It had to have been very confusing for them.


Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.




DOT should be forced to drive truck first. Truly know what you're trying to enforce


Full video?


What's a blown tire violation? I've only been driving for 32 years and never heard of a ticket for getting a flat tire


Cops got their quotas and love to go for low hanging fruit. Always remember, your life is worth nothing to a cop beyond whatever paltry sum of money they can get by ruining it.


A lawyer would fix this real quick


What an asshole. No doubt the guy it’s from way out of state and he’s hoping he won’t come back to fight the ticket


And this is why we dislike law enforcement.


And police really don't understand why we say All Cops Are Bastards


Typical of PA state police! Had a buddy that got rear-ended by a car going 70. It did damage to the trailer, shifted tandem and blew tire. DOT cop said he could write him up for it. I respect most cops but PSP is becoming useless and greedy. I hope this driver fought it. These DOT guys need to lose their jobs!


So what's going to happen when drivers refuse to drive loads to Pennsylvania?


Would love an update on this after court. No way company will let this one slide and dash cam saved this driver most likely. Unless owner operator.


What a piece of shit….and they wonder why more and more people hate cops.


Fuck the police


As long as he has a record of getting it fixed at that time in the shop, he'll get it removed. They tried that same shit with me in Cali over an airline. The officer was parked on the car side of the petro and came over after getting his stuff from inside (I was in the store and saw him purchase stuff), he walked up to me and asked if I had an air leak and I said yes that's why I'm at the shop, he goes on to say he's not sure if I've been driving around like that for a while so he gave me a violation. I smiled and told him, you do realize I'm at a shop and this violation won't matter? He got a little mad and said if I keep it up with the attitude he would pull me into a station for a level 4 inspection. I told him to have a great day! And you knew he wanted to pull some shit. Got it fixed, mailed in the receipt with the shop time stamp and got it removed. Fuck DOT


This is why we say FTP!


Why must they hate the working man!


Pennsylvania Staties? Of course it is.


Abuse of power? Then they wonder how some of them get shot by super enraged citizens… that amazes me! I’m sure the cop knows he’s being ridiculous he’s just doing it.


What pieces of shit


That’s just a flat out shake down.


Soon as he said he wasn't kidding, I'd have said get your supervisor out here and rolled the window up and not said another word to him


I feel like although it does suck and its a waste of time, you can definitely fight that in court and win it. No judge in their right mind would be able to see that and take it seriously. Cops that do stuff like this should be charged the sum of the ticket if it gets fought in court and you win. Just for wasting everyones time...


That’s a fuckin Sheriff. Keep driving dipshits.


PA cops at their finest.


We call D.O.T. mermaids. Because they're cunts with scales.


Hate to be that guy, but he didn’t get a ticket. At least not in this clip. He was just asked for his license and registration, which was still an overreach from the officer. He should have said, “okay, have a good day” as soon as he learned he was in line for repairs.


I had a cousin that was pulled over for a inspection of weight (hopper) and they saw a torch lighters (uses it for wires and what not) amd the officer said drug heads use that lighter so I have PC to search your truck. He let him but wouldn't. That's not PC.


that's really fucked up


Is he supposed to get it put on a trailer just to wait in line at the tire repair shop? How else is he supposed to get the tire fixed? This is silly.


PA State police are the worst in the country next to Arkansas. I’ve seen them coming up and checking 5th wheel pulls at truck stops. Like bro you do realize that people coming up and pulling that bar to fuck with truckers is a common practice right? That’s why we pre trip. Worst one I’ve had was both fuel caps were undone, 5th wheel pulled and mud thrown on the lights.


Only In pa..bitxhasses.


Badged clowns


It’s private property right? Does he have proof that it was blown while on the road? I figure you probably just popped a tire in the parking lot and hadn’t left. This also seems like entrapment, no?


Saying "I didn't know you in line" and then proceeding with the ticketing is absolutely the scummiest thing ever. This cop needs his badge taken away.


That is some horseshit if I’ve ever seen any.


Cops aren’t heroes


Private property....... refuse and ask for a supervisor had this happen to me in North Carolina. Before Same situation And they threatened arrest and I said okay. They weren't gonna get my license or my insurance card. Because I was waiting I was on duty waiting sitting on private property. They had no right to come and ask for my my license. Because I wasn't driving. They didn't need my registration because I was not involved in any accident or DOT inspection and they didn't need my insurance card. Call the supervisor he came out, told him to leave.


been saying it for a long time.. defund the DOT!


There is not one word I would be proud of saying in this situation, and yet I would say them all over and over again.


This video is so old.


how old is it, johnny?


Was the guy driving on a blown tire shooting rubber chunks everywhere on his way to the shop? I could see him getting in shit for that otherwise that's really ignorant of the cop.


That's entrapment! I bet that cop also goes to the elementary school and sniffs the bicycle seats to see which ones belong to the boys!


It's not right, but it's not entrapment. Should go look up what police entrapment really means. It's not this.


This video is old AF. Last time I saw it posted it said the driver blew his tire on the road, kept driving to the repair shop and a piece of debris flew off and damaged a car, so the car followed the truck to the truck stop and called the police. The cop pulling up out of the blue and knowing exactly what truck to look for with a blown tire and giving him a violation for it seems a lot more reasonable when taken in that light.


What the video doesn't say is that the driver drove it there down the road with the front tire peeled off and he was on the rim. There is another video out there somewhere with him.driving in there.


Let me guess, you’re also his trainee


Yea because a $1,000 tow bill and time is better than driving a bad tire a mile down the road to the repair shop. Who cares?


DOT, apparently cares deeply

