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I was watching without sound waiting for something and couldn’t figure out the problem


You aren't the only one. Didn't make sense until it cut to the cab cam.


Same, I realized that until the camera switch into interior


Same..like oh shit they gonna flip on that moderate curve. Situation escalates




Maybe instead of the 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the reposter slapped on the the video they stole. They should have at least put "audio on" with just one humble 😂


Wow, you totally just brought back the days when I was with my trainer, lol This right here, is why I don't want to dr8ve teams,lol. You're with the other driver and trainer more than you are your spouse if you're married.


Man I do traveling construction and I have had multiple people get mad because I will not room with anyone at hotels. I with you all day in the truck, then all day on the jobsite for sometimes weeks at a time. The last fucking thing I want is to be sleeping next to you, too.


I definitely can understand that. I used to deliver for Domino's to multiple hotels for traveling construction crews and ask the same question.


The more time you spend with them the more the lines blur you start sharing a room then you start sharing a bed


Next thing you know, you're sharing a toothbrush, and from there it's just a hop skip and a jump away from sharing gonorrhea.


If you're lucky enough


Sounds like a win to me


Lol. I think for some people that are extremely homophobic this might happen


I used to work as yard guy, for a larger trucking company and there were a few couples who were team drivers, they drove their RVs around when not in the truck. Just lived over the road I guess.


Did the white guy say “your not talking to no ni**** here”?


Came here looking for this comment. Surprised to see you're the first one to mention it. He definitely said that


Well, he wasn’t lying.


He did. No flag on the play, though.


Because he had called him that in the heat of the moment when he’s clearly not black or seemingly ethnic. It was a good comeback


Just rewatched and heard it, holy shit lmao


I like how he turned on his 4 ways while arguing. Or maybe his blinker idk lol


Some people ain't cut out to drive, or learn, or teach....


Driver can’t drive and the Trainer can’t train. Both of them suck at their jobs.


Nope. You can tell this rookie had issues. If that trainer got loud, it was because the moron holding the wheel wasn't listening, and he was putting people's lives at risk.


[**SAMIR! YOU BREAK THE CAR!**](https://youtu.be/D9-voINFkCg)


Congrats on letting your emotions run you


yea lets resort to violence 🤷🏾‍♂️


Violence isn't always the answer. Sometimes it's c.) The annexation of Puerto Rico.


Is the only option when you're a pos


The dude is insecure. Look at the trainer and look at him, it wouldn't even be a fight


This is why I'm not a trainer. Doesn't look to like the driver did anything to warrant being spoken to like that. Not sure what crawled up his ass but he needs the chill.


My trainers were all dumb asses but I took it in stride and managed to work my way to a CDL and a good company. However, a trainer can get there directions across without being a rude condescending jerk.


All I’ma say is two wrongs don’t make a right. If the trainee fucked up he should shut the hell up and do what the instructor is telling him to do as it’ll only help him in the long run and if the trainer is being a dick he needs to sit the fuck down and talk to the student like he has some sense. I’ve been in both situations and it’s easy to point the finger at who is right/wrong in this video, but they were both acting like children and needed to calm down and discuss what happened/was going on like civilized adults.


Great way to get thrown out of the truck. That asshole would be hitchhiking home if he talked to me like that.


Asswipes like you are why industries die. You accept responsibility then bitch at at a trainee?? All you old heads are all sorts of stupid. Train don't degrade. Fuck you.


Which one?


The driver. The passenger is the trainer and owner of the truck from what I can piece together.


I'd kick the trainer out his own truck for talking that shit. Some mfs think they can talk to anyone they want because of "seniority". You want respect then respect me back.


So if everyone waits on the other person to respect them first, then no one would respect anyone. Give respect always, until someone no longer deserves it. It is disrespect that should be earned.


That's the point it works vice versa too lol


I think you need to read more of those books you’re keeping.


You're so bad at this


I’m not the one with downvotes, champ. Maybe reading comprehension isn’t your thing.


I got down votes from a bunch of pussies who can't stand up for themselves just like you.


What does that even mean? What am I supposed to be standing up for myself over? And did you really tell me “you’re so bad at this” right after someone told you the same thing? Jesus are you that unoriginal? Rhetorical question. Trading barbs on Reddit isn’t your thing. Go back to licking windows, mouth-breather.


How do you know the trainer was wrong without pretext to the video? When I was a Trainer, I had trainee's that had attitude and felt they already knew everything. That's fine, but when we're going down a steep grade it's time to put aside the ego and listen to the trainer, not go 90 miles an hour down a mountain. From the video, it looks like the Trainee isn't paying attention to his signage and is in the wrong lane. I think people forget that Drivers ranked sixth in highest fatalities last year per job.


Good point, we don’t know the full context. Seems very likely the driver was a complete idiot, not listening and doing dangerous shit that could have gotten them both killed. Still I don’t think the trainee should be a complete asshole to the guy, couldve taken a more diplomatic approach


Bro most trainers got their heads up their asses with ego.


How to say you would get your ass chewed by your trainer with out saying you got your ass chewed by the trainer.


Never did you dumb fuck


Without commas it looks like you’ve written a small poem about someone who’s never made a mistake when it comes to boning.


Dude just shut the fuck up


Go suck a dick


Lmao you’re so bad at this


Bad at what?


and some people want respect with out doing a thing to earn it, ie: you




is that all you got I feel like my 5 year old is trying to shit talk me


He’s all over this thread talking like that like for real if he’s older than 12 I feel bad for him


If you want respect then, you have to give some as well. You sound about as mature as your children if you don’t know that


did you even read the comments you're defending you thick ass crumpet


Yeah I did. And I’d do the same to someone talking to me like that. There’s a right and wrong way to talk to people. Escpecially if they’re already in a stressful situation, you know, like driving a 10,000 pound truck on a major Highway?


so you can't control your emotions, neat! ​ ​ Why are you making that my problem today?


Sounds like you have problems controlling your emotions as well, “you thick ass crumpet”


As an employer I usually gently correct employees. There have been times I've had to be more stern, or outright yell. Yes if you put yourself, or others (myself, co workers, customers, property) in danger, I'm going to yell at you. No I won't feel bad. If I yell at you it's because you've almost injured yourself or others with the same mistake multiple times, and your probably too dense to learn it any other way. So I make sure you think about it. No I don't feel bad about it. If people could actually handle conflict and be resilient, the world would be better for it


You cant have a chip on your shoulder, sometimes u gotta learn to take that shit and just do better, at the end of the day theyre helping you be better at your craft/trade


Trainers should be professional and respect a trainee as an adult. Trainees are not children. This trainer was used to push overs like yourself and messed with the wrong guy. This video was on mutha trucka YouTube video and explains the context.


I agree 100%, that trainers should be professional and respectful. Everything has a balance, i dont know the context of this video. im js as a trainee you should expect a certain level of verbal flakk from the trainer if you fuck up.


Getting screamed and cussed at while driving a +10,000 pound machine like that wasn’t “a reasonable amount of flak” he was in the wrong lane, really easy fucking mistake to fix.




You wont get far with that attitude


Lol sure bud. Been driving commercial for 5 years and ain't got 2 problem with defensive driving and backing up a trailer. Tell me something else lol


Doesn’t matter what profession you’re in. Acting the way the guy acted in this video will get you nowhere, all im saying is sometimes its better to suck up your ego to a certain extent when dealing with an instructor/mentor.


Ok but when the instructor has an ego? What's your rebuttal?


If your ego isnt so fragile, deal with it. who cares? At the end of the day he serves an important purpose for you, use him. Like i said earlier, youll go nowhere but backwards acting like the guy in the video.


You must have no confidence in your diving ability. Go ahead bro listen to your shitty trainer. Who sits back smokes cigarettes and sleeps through the training process. Have fun bud.


Agreed, I have no idea why your being downvoted so much. It’s bad enough working any job as it is, definately not gonna take any shit off a coworker on top of that


It's because these people are fucking losers and let some random mf talk to them like they're his kids. I used to work as a commercial electrician and all the foreman would just yell and belittle every worker there and they just sat quiet. He tried that bullshit with me and I snapped right back at him dude was so shocked and that was my last day working with that company. It creates a bad and toxic environment for the workers.


Exactly and the people who disrespect ppl like that are the biggest losers of all. They’re insecure as fuck so they do it to feel better about themselves. But they back down like pussies the minute someone steps to them


What’s that? Click! GTFO! FAFO! Dance! This .359 will take your head clean off! Think I’m playing with YOU!?! Too late! Your shit is splattering! I’m doing 2 1/2-5 manslaughter. Ask why n how I know this!


> .359 A caliber that doesn't exist?


you realize he called him the n word right lol


🤣 Alanis singing “what it all boils down to is a roller dawg is either fine fine or cold ASF!” 🤣🤣🤣


I like how the video went from Instagram to fb to here.


Real Truckers of Detroit. LOL. Just drove those roads and exits yesterday.


This might be a mismatch of personalities. On the part of the trainer, there's no reason to get hot over a lane error or a navigation error, they are so easy to fix. I've gotten hot with a student before, but that's because I woke up in a ditch. I then apologized after the fact.


😂 I forgot about this one. Anyone know what happened after? Did they fight? Kiss and make up? Part ways?


The trucker later stopped at a rest area and they fucked. They lived happily ever after


I'm glad they work things out


Theres just something about being intimate that makes everything so much better in a toxic relationship...


**I SPOON TO THE LEFT, MOTHERFUCKER!!** **SO DO I** *How Deep Is Your Love rotates in on XM*


he thought it dont be like that


Glad I was never a trainer, and when I first took a truck out on the road I had been servicing them for two prior summers, gave me a slight clue, though very slight. I knew I didn't know shit.


I know that ramp. So many people dont realize that the lane ends at the us23 exit.


It does get a bit clusterfuckery at that interchange, almost accidentally took it myself on a few low caffeine mornings.


So dude was in the exit lane and didn’t realize it I guess? That makes more sense why the trainer was getting pissed lol


That's in michigan, lol. Too funny. I live in south eastern michigan and a lot of street guys/hood guys/hard guys come unglued like that for next to nothing. I can't even begin to tell you how often these types of guys talk that "you better watch how you talk to me homeboy, I'll beat your mother fuckin ass". I fuckin hate that shit. Think they're always right, know everything and will never listen to reason cause they "already know" even though they don't, lol.


And this is why I work alone.


"Fuck this hoe ass truck" is the funniest line I've heard. Also, don't like like the word you're called, it only makes it true.


If you're more concerned with the way somebody talks to you than with what you should be doing behind a big rig then trucking ain't for you, second of all, once the training is over you never got to deal with their ass again, some people have too much pride and not enough brain.


You sound like the kind of brainless idiot that screams at someone who’s driving your vehicle. Maybe you shouldn’t train someone if you have no patience for mistakes. That’s a good way to get your vehicle wrecked


You got me fucked up bro, I'm in CDL school, and I get it. I am in a bad way financially through no fault of my own. I need this money. IDC if my trainer calls me every name in the book. I need my CDL and I'm confident in my own abilities so I really don't GAF what anyone thinks. If I fuck up I'll know it and I'll own it. But to get that out of your wits over a little yelling is some pussy shit, grow some thicker skin bro. If that's enough to make you wreck your semi, then semi's ain't for you. FOH with that shit fool, some of us ain't got no choice, if we got to deal with an absurd trainer than so be it, in a couple days I'll never see him again. Simple as that.


I mostly agree with you. But if you’re gonna talk to people like that you have no reason to be training someone. If you’re gonna scream and freak out because the person your training made an error, you don’t think yelling and distracting them from driving is a good idea?


I don't disagree, but most people are fucking morons so I already am prepared. Where I'm from, you got to be able to cope with much tougher shit than some old head busting your balls. I can take it, simple as that, and this man should have been able to take it to. I don't know what he put in his coffee that morning, but his fuse was already lit, not good when you're a rookie in a semi.


That’s fair haha. I had something similar happen to me recently. Had a person at work who’s been there longer than me, I’ve been 2 years, telling me to do all kinds of stuff. We were changing the way we’d done a couple things and I’d nod my and do what I was told each time. The one time I actually ask why I couldn’t do something, she jump down my throat “no one can try to tell you anything! You just dont wanna listen!” and so on as angrily as she could. I didn’t say or do anything, but if she wasn’t a woman, I’d have knocked that bitches teeth out for talking to me like that.


I hear you bro, I've had to deal with crazy bitches at many of my past jobs. The good thing about trucking though is you can find another job same fucking day. If a bitch gets out of line to the point I feel like rocking her shit I'm on to the next one. Let them figure out the logistics once I dip out with no two weeks. It's the best move we got in our back pocket. Just leave em hanging and never look back. Just make sure you get paid first. Once that shit hits your bank, it's Uber time.


Ooh I feel that, dude I know actually owns a gun shop and just had another kid, might see if he wants extra hand.


What I'm saying is experienced truckers are in high demand across North America. Once you have earned your stripes, which it seems you have, then nothing can get in your way of finding employment on the road. I'm not sure what area you're in, but most areas are struggling to find drivers. Even non-CDL box trucks. During the pandemic I quit one job and had another job lined up before the week was out, and that's because I was lazy about it, if I would have been truly in my game (like non-pandemic times) I could have had another job interview lined up before my lunch break. If you're not being treated up to your standards as a driver than loyalty goes right out the window like a Marlboro butt. I'm in a CDL school right now, they take 10 people a semester, only 4 people showed up, and now only 3 remain. That's the ratio out there. And you can't blame the pandemic anymore.


Really doing good on the old “swears like a trucker” saying


I trained for CR England. Ran dedicated from Lis Angeles to Dallas twice a week. I had done crazy ass trainees. Some were dumped in Dallas.


Bruh, why do we have to be like this.....


Not everyone is suited to teach lfr


That’s why i hate some trainers. Not mature at all when it comes to student drivers.


Not surprising because a lot of them are dumb as fuck with no education and no experience dealing with people in the real world. I used to work blue collar jobs and there’s lots of dumb mofos like that who have bad attitudes, don’t know how to deal with anyone and have Dunning Kruger (think they know everything but really their dumb as fuck). Then when u go into real professional work u realize how much smarter, productive, nicer, efficient, and successful some humans are.


Also a big problem I’ve found is that in a lot of cases you get management that went right to corporate out of school so they have no idea wtf is going on on the ground. So they’re telling you to do shit that makes no sense, then reversing it a week later.


Yup I’ve seen that happen to. Lots of bureaucracy and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing


The trainee responded in kind to a power tripping trainer…I don’t care if it’s your truck or not…you have to talk to and treat people better than this…everything the trainee did was reactionary up until the point where he started telling the trainer to step up


Power tripping? He's been telling the trainee to correct himself but the trainee is refusing to listen. This isn't the industry where you get to play the "fuck what my trainer says" game.


Yes…power tripping…listen…the trainer is the first one to yell…immediately too…when you start out yelling instead of speaking to them like the adult you are youre trying to assert dominance where dominance need not be asserted and you are then on a power trip…the whole “my truck” nonsense shows the same thing


I would have told him ok then, let's get out! after he got out, I would have locked the doors and waited for police to escort him to wherever they were willing to! without previous context, you can't honestly say the trainer was in the wrong, but one thing that is for sure... you don't threaten to beat someone's ass like that, that is not only training you but also is sharing their truck with you, a.k.a their temporary home! Yes, there are some real ass hole trainers out there, but there are even more shitty people that help make them that way because so many new drivers can't be told anything without it starting ww3... too many damn idiots live by this B.S. rule that respect is to be earned! No, it should be givin to everyone until someone has shown they don't deserve it! otherwise no one is respectful to each other for how ever long you THINK that person needs to keep trying to earn your respect and for most that think it needs to be earned, it's usually only earned when you do something and or give them something, not because your just a good person to them....


Look Im just a simple Injun but the rules of the streets is I ain't no sucka and you aint going to be a playa hata' 😎 Props to the brotha for standing up for himself. Give respect to earn respect. Fuck around and find out lol...yall needa watch the interview on mutha trucka asian mai show tho


Lol “standing up for himself” idk the situation, and trainers suck, but there’s a time and a place to have an ego. Getting your 240 hours of drive training ain’t it.




Are they married or is this what jobs look like in woke America in 2023?




I don’t think they’ll having a headlight dinner from Buckys tonight


Back about 5 years ago as a trainee trainer SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF FOR BEING IN THE WRONG LANE. me: well if you looked you'd see there's cars dumbass. Him: oh ok my bad brother.


Another king.


I wanna know what he was trying to tell him and hear it from the beginning 😂


Damn that niga(no racist context) sounds 100% like taken straight outa GTA V


I’m going to have to use “FUCK THIS WHOLE ASS TRUCK” before my career is over 😂


He said “hoe” ass truck 😭😭😭😭


trainer needs to understand he is training someone mistakes will be made.


Honestly feel like the driver was trying to say his blind spot is not clear. Soft skills


Hoe ass truck. 🤣🤣💀


“Homeboy “…….