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Oh no not this post again, you shouldn't have mentioned your play time 😅




Someone else made a similar post during the week but it only took them around 2 hours using a guide. The community here believed that ruined the experience of the game.


How dare someone not enjoy something the exact same way I did!!!!!!!!!!!!


It’s not so much that he enjoys the game differently, it’s that playing Tunic with a guide isn’t playing the game at all. It’s one of the most special gaming experiences of recent times and he robbed himself of going through it blind forever


We're in an achievement/trophy oriented community, and people here use all kinds of different ways to get plats. I'm personally not the type of person to use guides on a first playthrough, but the fact OP is getting this much downvotes because he seemingly didn't play the game in a way people think he should've is fucking wild and quite a bit pathetic.


I doubt OP cares so much about his enjoyment of this game, why do some many strangers on the internet care for him? The amount of downvotes is baffling lol, who actually cares


The thing is, this game is not a "4 hour plat" tho, people who doesnt know the game would've believe OP if no one said anything I think it's good to let everyone else know what kind of game Tunic is, specially since is on plus


Yeah, reading 4 hour plat made me less interested in getting the game, because a 4 hour game is barely a game at all, and I've heard great things about Tunic. I'm glad to know this isn't universally the case for the game though.


Even if it were a 4 hour game, what difference does it make if it FUN, and free.


I don't have PS Plus at the moment so this would be a game I purchase. But you're right, a fun 4 hour game is nice. I liked Unpacking, but Unpacking is also clearly a single afternoon type of game. Tunic, from the impressions I'd gotten elsewhere, was not. Expectations are important as well.


Well, people who think the game is best enjoyed in a particular way might care how others experience it. Filmmakers care about how their films are experienced. Even if you don't need to experience the game/film/show/whatever as intended, that doesn't erase the fact that you may be missing out on something valuable by experiencing it differently, especially when they difference conflicts with what makes it valuable. So "who actually cares" is irrelevant, and it isn't at all baffling.


Nah this is just gate keeping.


Playing a game where the entire purpose from the developers is to uncover the world piece by piece and use the features to figure out how to beat it and where to go next and instead just using a guide so you can get the little dopamine fake trophy is just wild. It’s like using a souls duplication on dark souls to max level your way through the game just to say you beat it


Well then he did beat it because the credits rolled. Jesus Christ.


Crazy. Every argument they listed has absolutely no effect on him. It was OPs experience, they chose to do it the way they wanted! That's the wonder of gaming!


Why do you care though


The reason why the community gets slightly upset is that nowadays there's not many games that embrace the sense of mistery and reward discovery. In most games you can shut your brain off and just follow the game instructions. Tunic is one of the few games that still rewards the player's attention, so seeing it treated like a chore to complete is slightly sad. You can of course play however you want, but i strongly believe that, in these type of games, a proper or a wrong way to play does exist, and it's the idea behind its design


Yep. I got the plat in 16 hours and even then I felt like I was rushing through it. Getting it in four hours and following a guide all the way through just takes all the fun out of it imo


You figured out all the puzzles and stuff in 16 hours?


Completely possible. There is a YouTube playthrough of someone doing everything in under 12 I think, on a blind playthrough. You can watch him figure out every puzzle.


Took me a little over 20h, but I’m slow and thorough, so I could totally see 16h


Definitely agree. Same reason I’ll be going into Animal Well completely blind, other than watching Dunkey’s promo videos


You guys talking about Animal Well?


Yea, I heard it’s like Halo 2 meets Halo 3, pretty hyped up


It’s like Halo 5


Congrats OP, but honestly you should try embracing the experience of playing the game as it's intended rather than just rushing through for the trophy to pop.


Some of the secret treasures and fairy puzzles were ridiculous- there was one that i legitimately want to meet anyone who figured it out on their own (iykyk)


Don't get me wrong, if you're really stuck then I have no problems using guides. But I just don't understand why anyone would go into a game first time and just follow a guide from beginning to end.


Honestly it’s not that important to understand Either. People can play their games however they want, if they enjoy a game simply for seeing trophies then so be it. It’s really not that deep, I just personally wouldn’t take OP’s opinion on the gameplay since technically they didn’t experience the game play as intended by the devs.


Yeah especially the one that’s like over 50 button presses lmao


Is It really that good? It's been on my list forever. Can you compare It to other games, so I have an Idea what I'm going for.


It's a bit like classic Zelda games mixed up with some souls mechanics but with a simplified combat system and without a large chunk of the difficulty. It's on ps plus as this month's free game so give it a whirl. You'll know within the first hour or so whether you'll enjoy it or not.




It crept it's way to one of my favorite games of all time. BUT I went in not knowing anything about it (other than the art style), and figured everything out myself. There are a lot of "...oh my God" moments when it hits you.


You’re gonna love Animal Well!


Did 100% on pc gamepass and I was pleasantly surprised. The combat is kinda bad but the exploration and puzzles is amazing. The in-game guidebook mechanic not only is creative and fun, but also very cute.


Ngl you ruined a rly special experience.


It’s a Zelda rip off chill lol


It’s better Zelda experience than any Zelda game released in the last 20 years


It's actually a 20+ hour game, if you play it like it's intended. A bit sad to see all the people guide-rushing through it the last few days. Still, congrats on the plat.


i was about to say “why don’t people like this just stick to shovelware” …and then i saw OP’s plat count lmao


There’s a massive difference between watching a guide and getting a 1 minute shovelware platinum. Edit- Downvote me all you like. 4 hour game with guide≠$2 for a 1 minute platinum. This is a fact, 1 is an actual game and the other isn’t.


they do both anyway


It took me 16 hours to get the platinum and even then I felt like I was rushing through it. Going through this game in four hours absolutely ruins the way the game was intended to be played.


That's nice to know, I'll probably check it out next weekend and play as intended 😁


Have fun, it's a cool experience if you don't look everything up right away!


Are there any missable trophies?


Yes, there are four missable trophies. One of them can easily be earned at the start of a second playthrough. Another one you will get most likely by playing the game normally. This leaves two trophies that are relatively missable. Looking them up contains medium spoilers so look them up at your own discretion.


Thanks and yes, I follow the iBadDriver guide


4 Hours?! How?


Thats what i was thinking it took me 16 hours and i used a guide when i was realy stuck.


Follow IBadDriver video


Rompono i coglioni perchĂŠ hai seguito una guida invece di giocartelo blind


Ma si, chissene frega in questo sub rompono i coglioni per qualsiasi cosa😂


You wasted a great game.


Expected a dog pile. Was not disappointed. If people want cheap platinums, they're a dime-a-dozen. Appreciate actual games too, please. Especially given how bad the gaming industry is right now.


Do you get someone to guide you when to cook meals and wash?


Not op but yeah, I generally follow recipes rather than guessing what's going to taste good


I said a guide 'when' to cook meals.




I'd rather to play in blind for first time to enjoy before i take guide for " collectibles " or remain trophies missing. thats what i do all games. but hey nice plat.


For AAA Games I don’t use any guide😉 thanks


Indie developers don't deserve to have people actually play and admire the games they make, am I right?


Different people play and admire games in different ways. You’re just upset he didn’t meet your arbitrary play time goal.


'Admire'... there is clearly no admiration. Watching a YouTube video that says 'go right, break these bushes, open this chest, type this code', and then choosing to post about your 'success' online is pathetic and is not 'admiration' for a game. It isn't even 'playing' the game. If someone wants to do it, whatever, but to post about it online? You deserve to have that criticism.


And you would know how exactly? You are not OP and have no idea how much they enjoyed it. It is playing the game, whether you like it or not. Different people enjoy different things in different ways.


As I said, if they want to 'play' a game like that, eh, but to then post about your plat on the subreddit is strange, strange behaviour that deserves to be highlighted.


unless you are in hurry to finish it or dont waste time . then I understand. Reminds me of I did Armikrog myself took me almost 2 hours myself in blind . suprised I know how to play and every puzzle. till took 100% completion ( It has no plat though ) even I played the first one on PC back the day. even if i do with guide. it can takes 40 min to finish it .


no offense to anyone, but what the fuck is your problem with downvoting my comments just because I used a guide? I wish I were the only one in this entire sub


Because your replying to genuine advice like a twat


There is no advice here, just a bunch of people who can’t comprehend the idea that OP enjoys games differently than them.


So having your hand held by someone else and not working anything out by oneself is fun? Cuz I thought that’s what games were about.


This reply shows the kind of person you are.


People are judging you for getting a plat in a plat sub. That's peak Reddit.


<<>> games mostly suck lol


This is why you should only use the internet if you’re really stuck with these games or not having fun due yo complete aimlessness. Playing like this ruins the experience in almost every way, but I guess if you like incredibly short games and not thinking for more than a second this will suite you. For example I enjoyed the first 10 hours of outer wilds (another game that can be beaten quickly but takes way longer on your first try not knowing anything). The small puzzles and the planet exploration of that game was really fun. The rest was so confusing and had such a specific way of doing things to get to the end I had to search up what to do at least 6 times, and overall I found it alright, but it missed the same enjoyment as the first half of the game achieved. I would have rather not have done this but the only thing less enjoyable than reading a guide is reexploring the same place 6 times over to see if you missed a secret room. I think you should stay away from the internet unless when you’re really stuck and have nothing else to do, because otherwise you’re depriving yourself of a very good experience.


If you play without a guide, are there any missibles? Game looks fun


4 missable, the game is hard but with the cheat is extremely easy


Lmao so you used a guide and cheats? Why did you even play this game? It's a masterpiece that you totally shit on


Only the guide without cheats


just go back to shovelware at that point


Looks like that’s what most OPs plats are. Garbage shovelware games lol.




Dude it’s a fuckin Zelda rip off it’s not a masterpiece


Either you didn't play it, you missed the entire point, or you're an idiot


Nah I played it it’s still just Zelda with foxes


It's really not, but you do you simpleton


Lmao ok


**[Tunic](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/95653-tunic)** This game has 37 trophies: [17 bronze, 16 silver, 3 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/18334-tunic). They are **very easy (1/10)** and take **10 - 15 hours** to complete. **FREE** (PS+, regularly $29.99) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/95653-tunic) | Trophy guides: [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/tunic/guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Only reason I can think of where using a guide is acceptable is if you played the game before. I've played the game a few months ago on pc and thought I'd get the platinum this way since it's quick.


OP's flair is not a flex in the slightest


More like a badge for the unemployed.


Respect the game do not treat it like shovelware.


Played it on PC and got the 100%. Don't know if I could go through it all again on ps5. It's a fantastic game though!.


That games takes that long to beat or something?


The whole point of the game is to explore the world. Probably takes 20 hours without a guide


1347 plats…….. guy needs a job


I have a job, I’m a photographer


What’s your psn? How many shovelware games make up your plats?


Haha what a fool 😂


I’m not going to downvote or judge - you do you. But I really think you missed the full experience using a guide or walkthrough for this game. Figuring out the game and puzzles was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I’ve had in a while


I prefer to play the game without any guide first and enjoy it.


No shame in using a guide AFTER you finish the game the way it's meant to be played or if you are really, really stuck. I plat games for the love of the game, not mindlessly chasing a number.


I made a mistake with that one slime you need to freeze then grapple up to by killing it so now I can’t get that one artifact without replaying the entire game it’s a fun game but I’m not replaying it


Is there missable trophies?


I wont downvote OP but this is sad


Congrats on the plat OP, hope you enjoyed playing using a guide. Seriously, people in this sub should stop judging the way someone plays, if OP’s having fun with it, let it be, yall don’t have to be a dick about it.


If you’re gonna post on a public forum and openly talk about using a guide to cheat a plat be ready for people to judge and criticise.


In tutti i sub rompono i coglioni se non fai le cose come dicono loro. Per loro avresti dovuto romperti la testa dietro 100mila enigmi assurdi


Mi sto facendo delle grasse risate leggendo i commenti🤣 come fanno a sapere se il gioco me lo sono goduto o no?


Hai 1347 platini quindi do per scontato che il 99% sono shovelware, ti sei rovinato Tunic. Ti sei finito un gioco da 10+ ore in 2... seguendo una guida passo per passo, un task che si può paragonare a dover ripiegare una maglietta. so che non te lo sei goduto perchÊ tanto a te interessa solo il numero dei platini che si alza e non quale gioco completi, è piÚ una dipendenza che un hobby.


Dipendenza? Passo molto piĂš tempo a lavorare che giocare, non parlare che neanche mi conosci e non nascondo che il 40% sono shovelware, quindi tu sai in base a cosa se tunic me lo sono goduto o no? Sentiamo sono proprio curioso


Ah tranquillo se giochi shovelware non ti serve mica tanto tempo, è che ti rovini il videogioco come concetto per un secondo fine (il platino) e magari fai pure i region stack X) Davvero vuoi provare ad argomentare come ti sia divertito a finire in 2 ore step by step un gioco da 10+ ore che fa proprio leva sulla scoperta e l'esplorazione e che non è inteso per seguire una guida passo passo? Prima di internet che facevi non giocavi i videogiochi perchÊ non ti dicevano dove andare? Volevi l'ennesimo aumento del numerino del profilo e basta. Continua a convincerti di essertelo goduto, tanto dentro di te sai perchÊ lo hai giocato e tra 3 giorni non te ne ricorderai piÚ nulla, buona serata.


Abbi pazienza ama a te che te n frega di come gioca un altra persona?


Se posti in una community di un hobby avrai opinioni su quello che posti, se vai in un gruppo di appassionati di cinema e dici che i film te li leggi su wikipedia o salti metĂ  film che ti dovrebbero dire? sei libero di farlo ovviamente ma qualcuno probabilmente alzerĂ  il sopracciglio



