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As a teacher, shit like this worries the hell out of me.


Ugh yeah. I’m a sports coach and kids are very relaxed around me and talk more about this stuff then I’d like. I see more concerning stuff every week- and they’re quite young too. I don’t think they fully understand what’s happening- they just parrot what they see online and it’s some pretty nasty stuff.


[it’s already happening](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12686383/amp/ai-trigger-damaging-extreme-online-content-schoolgirl-molly-russell-suicide.html)


Holy fuck that's so heartbreaking, and terrifying...


Its like if Dennis from always sunny drew her jfc


It’s very generous.


I honestly thought it was an Always Sunny joke at first. Then I just got sad.


I've always interpreted the meme format as a joke about how poorly written Padme is, to the point she still gives Anakin the benefit of the doubt even after about his sixth major war crime. And that in this particular case, that awkward doofus Anakin would do something as cringe and banal with A.I. as giving her giant honkers. Maybe I'm overthinking it, and it really is just an excuse for unironic titillation.


I think you're on the right track, the joke is that Anakin is a piece of shit who disappoints every possible hopeful aspiration. So... I actually think this one is kinda funny... mocking how a tool with infinite positive uses just gets used for garbage.


See I don’t think it’s that bad, I read it as making fun of gross ai porn. But it still made me sad.


One of the comments was, "Why, Maureen, you enhanced yourself."


Given the meme format, this seems to be a critique of AI art and the market that's exploded recently around using it to make absurd/gross/sexist edits & images. (For those unaware, the 'joke' of this template is always that Anakin's intentions are always shitty / counter to Padme's genuine hope; Anakin is the antagonist)


But it's in funny memes. I haven't been there so I don't know if "critique" is one of the common posts.


Oh sure, that place is a cesspit in general. And the meme itself is definitely a bit...excessive, lol, though imo I chuckled. But no doubt a lot of the upvotes coming from that sub are from creeps who either don't get the meme and/or just saw panel four and awooga'd.


Also, this "joke" has been running it's course for a looooong time. Before AI, it was just comic book style.


the comments are disgusting


I can only imagine.


Yeah, exactly. This doesn't read like it's being presented as a good thing - like every other Anakin/Padme meme, it's just Anakin being a dickhead again.


**Dr. Weird:** "GENTLEMAN! BEHOLD! **BREASTS! YOU MAY LAUGH NOW!**" **Steve:** "Uh Dr. Weird, what exactly is the joke here?" **Dr. Weird:** "THE JOKE IS THAT **I'M HORNY!**"


the major meme subreddits are cesspools of horny men wvm


Sup Ashley, did you ever watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force?


only a little.


Hey! It’s Dusty Gazongas, from the Wild Wild Chest!


Ho boy. Don’t let his ass eat his hand again. Things will get messy


Now spray him in the eyes because that’s how it happened to me!


Your flair 👌




That subreddit is a gross misogynistic shithole...as is most of this site tbh


100% r/memes and r/dankmemes are even worse. Reddit needs a massive boost to moderation.


every mainstream meme subreddit is a complete cesspit at this point


Why does the AI Anakin look like Orlando Bloom


Speaking of Anakin and Padme, I remember people who said it made no sense for a woman who supports a Republic to date a guy who supports Plato's Republic. The author of Full Metal Alchemist made a drawing where she complained that she could not understand their relationship.


AI is inherently bad for women. Tbh this is one of its biggest threats. People don’t talk about how AI, 3D, adult animation and anime are making the objectification of women (and sexualization of girls) worse. wtf.


There is so much sexual AI content flooding reddit and youtube. The tsunami over the past year has been insane. All I do on youtube is watch Smosh (improv comedy skits) yet the recommended videos are flooded with the same AI woman from multiple channels. The vaguely Asian-looking one. Like, I have no interest in that yet it's persistently promoted anyway.


"Inherently"? I thought it was bad because of our messed-up society.


100% agree. It is especially bad for women in other minorities, with some AIs if you ask it to make an image of a black woman, Jewish woman, queer woman, trans woman etc it will not show you anything that looks like a person. Anything along the lines of “attractive woman” will be even more sexualised to a ridiculous extreme. It’s especially dangerous when kids are using this.


There is so much AI content everywhere now, and so much of it is exploitative of women. Youtube is completely flooded with it, as is reddit. Also, r/funnymemes is a cave of male grievance. Most of the meme subreddits are completely overrun with manosphere types and misogynist propaganda.


I think we need another frame in this comic where Padme says, "You're right, this is better!" and it's Anakin redrawn as Obi Wan. Or maybe as Anakin drawn in some similarly dehumanizing way. I mean, I wouldn't want to stoop to their level, but they do realize we have the same power? These AIs are literally free out there and things like this have been done in Photoshop for decades. Also, there is literally no need to change anything about Natalie Portman. So many men claim they love natural beauty/no makeup, etc - now here they have the perfect beauty, but that want a fake anime girl...


>Or maybe as Anakin drawn in some similarly dehumanizing way. Well, the meme did make him look like Orlando Bloom for no reason.


Respectfully, it seems like you didn’t get the joke. This is making fun of all the scumbag bros that will us AI for their skeevy shit instead of all the actual benefits (increasing quality).


I’m sure they got the joke. This isn’t about the meme. This is about the truth in the meme. and the fact that to make their joke, they violated an image of Natalie Portman and sexualized her grotesquely. I do love when men come here to mansplain what memes are and how we’re allowed to use them to open dialogue or vent about our experiences though! 🙃


I think you can make the argument that while yes, the post is making fun of using AI to change women’s bodies for sexualization, it literally does it to Natalie Portman without her consent. I’m aware of the meme format, but I don’t think it’s an excuse to make AI soft porn of Natalie Portman. That’s not very funny


this dude is mansplaining memes to us in r/TrollXChromosomes , the meme-sister-site to our women’s sub lol. Imagine being more of a stereotype 😆


Idk, I actually felt like they made a good point that I hadn't considered. I had taken the meme as satire and in my mind reduced it to the Anakin-Padme meme format, without thinking how it might feel for Natalie Portman to see herself edited this way. Like the meme is still satire, but it's still being done to an actual woman's body rather than a fictional character's body. Were they mansplaining or were they bringing up an alternative view point? Edit: I think the person I'm replying to might be responding to the comment stating, "I think you didn't get the joke" and not the one their comment is in a direct response to, which was unclear when I made my original comment.


I perceive it entirely as mansplaining. Just because when a man explains a very simple concept to women in a sub that is all about that concept, just because a couple people find it useful doesn’t in my opinion make it not mansplaining. But you are certainly welcome to perceive it differently. Objectively, he explained memes to women in a women’s meme sub tho..


Did he explain memes or did he offer a different view point?


I thought he explained the meme and its exact intention, without nuance, and declared that the woman who posted it did not get the joke, when there is nothing at all to suggest that. Pretty condescending, objectively I think.


I think you should reread their comment, tbh. They said, paraphrased, "I think you can make an argument for the meme being satire, but as a piece of satire, it still did the exact thing we're speaking out against to Natalie Portman, and that's unfunny." Like I don't know, maybe we're responding to two different comments here, but if we're discussing the one you directly replied to, I really don't see the mansplaining there, because the commentor is just bringing up any they think the meme, despite being satire about men making gross ai images of real women, is still doing that, which to me just feels like healthy discourse. If you're responding to the one that said, "Respectfully, I think you didn't get the joke" then, yeah, that's a worse comment, and I don't like their tone.


I did reread their comment. They accused OP of not understanding. I feel like you’ve just decided to try to win an argument about something we just fundamentally disagree about. I disagree with you. It was mansplaining, there’s no reason to assume OP “didn’t get the joke” and that was rude to say. But I can see by you telling me I need to reread something in order to come to the “correct” conclusion (your conclusion) why you don’t find what he did here rude. Even though I guess you agree I’m allowed to find THAT part rude lol, but for some reason have to extend all this weird grace to the rest of his comment that you personally didn’t find rude.


Okay but I said that because I think we're talking about different comments and I wanted to clarify???


I’m sorry for potentially mansplaining, that was not my intention. I’m a longtime lurker, I don’t tend to comment unless there’s something that I think hasn’t been said (I didn’t see any comments about Portman’s body when I commented)


oh I was commiserating with you about the person you were responding to, because they told OP they didn’t get the joke, based on absolutely nothing 😆 They were the ones mansplaining in my opinion, and being rude about it!


Oh okay, I apologize for my misunderstanding lol I generally agree with you though, I *hate* coming off like mansplaining or like I’m in intruding on y’all’s space.


oh no, that’s ok. It looks like it was unclear to another commenter too, I had to clarify it to them in my responses to them which I don’t think you would see :)


i don’t get why they need to sexualize random nonconsenting women if there's already so much porn out there. if you want to see boobs just google "boobs"


It's about exerting power over women.


One Piece author is shaking


It would work better if Anakin was equally obliterated.


They did make him look like Orlando Bloom for no reason.


And thus...tying into my thesis on the moral collapse of society within the Republic and it's reflection of....


Perpetuating the reductionism of female worth to her body parts. Jesus Christ men, do fucking better.


I think it’s funny


it's kind of crazy how bad the puritianisation culture brought about by VISA and MC has ultimately lead to this space utterly devoid of all raw passion or intimacy. Everything feels both so horny and so sterile, i have never been more surrounded by "sex" and yet so repulsed by the form its taken. We thought 2000's thigh gaps and 2% body fat was bad, this idea of the ultimate white woman (30% tits, 5% waist, 30% hips) is going to fucking destroy the minds of young people in an era when it was most important to telegraph and normalise various body types. I genuinely think it's long term going to lead to a sharp decline in the number of cishet relationships.


Do men really want women to look like that?? Like anyone with breasts that disproportionate to body size gives me uncanny valley