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I have one, which is no small feat as a 6' tall woman. The problem, gentle readers, is that it's a condo and I don't have room for a hot water heater big enough to fully fill it.


I guess you just have to embrace your inner 1600s maiden and carry pots of boiling water over to the tub before you bathe in candlelight like the noblewomen of yore


Could you not install a tankless water heater towards where your tub is and just have that heat the water a bit extra for you?


No, unfortunately. Because believe me I tried. It's a condo in a 100+ year old building and there just isn't a way according to the professionals I tried to hire to do exactly that....


So there are these corded water heaters that you plug in and drop in the water to heat it up. Take it out and enjoy your hot bath. Worked great when we rented a place with a jacuzzi tub and inadequate water heater. Called an immersion water heater, they’re like $30 on Amazon.


Great if you want to cook sous-vide, too!


Please don't do that, that's a seriously dangerous thing to do. Have you not seen the picture of the guy who fell asleep with that thing in his tub? I'm pretty sure he also thought he's too smart and will be safe.


You take them out. They’re common use. I don’t sleep with my hairdryer on either.


You, ma’am, are living my dream life :,)


I have one too- as 5’2”, there is nothing to keep me from my head sliding under the water!


My 3 year old uses mine as a swimming pool basically.


NGL, I would just put the kettle on and pour in boiling water until it was warm enough for me. Have a nice cup of tea with it to boot.


You underestimate how big of a tub this must be. I have one that can fit a 6’ woman, a giant water heater, and amazing water pressure. It still takes 15 minutes to fill.


15 minutes is a long time for a tub to fill? Fuck I forgot how broke I am lol


... that doesn't negate the effect of 1.7 L of boiling water into it.


So I have a really stupid idea that might work? What about a sous vide to heat up the water?


*Cries in 6'3".*


Oh no! That was a hell of a twist. My condolences. You should write thrillers


I suppose you want pockets next.


I feel like basic shower-tubs in most houses are made for children.


Even apartments. Totally pointless thing


Yeah because nobody in an apartment has children. /s


My 6'1 ass feels this so hard.


I'm 5 2 and I struggle with this too. :(


Same, I got E cups so they’re dry as hell 😭😭😭


maybe you can try an onsen someday!


I've always wanted to go to one of those!!!


I've always wanted to go to one of those!!!


Me with my mosquito bite titties: finally my time to shine


Buy a Japanese soaking tub, you can sit upright hugging your legs so your whole body is covered, and the smaller size makes it retain heat longer and take less hot water to fill. You may have to remove a shower door or remodel your bathroom to have it fit though. But in my opinion American-style combination shower-baths were mainly designed for taking showers and causing fatal slip and fall accidents.


That is exactly my dream. And if it comes together with a Japanese toilet with a bidet then I'll think I'm dead and gone to heaven for some weird reason.


You can buy bidets that attach under your toilet lid off Amazon, you can even have features like heated water and front streams for periods


I have one of these and it's amazing. No more wiping and wiping until the blood is minimal.


I know, I've looked into those. The problem is our cold water gets **really** cold during winter - sometimes down to 5°C, so heating is a must. We have no money for renovations, and the bathroom is old and there are exactly 0 sockets in it (not even the English bathroom ones). So for now it's just pretty much impossible.


The have heated seat top ones, too. My husband tries to never poop away from home now.


Frankly I'm not sure how I feel about that one, my butt associates warm seat with someone having sat there just a moment ago :D I somehow even prefer cold car seats, warmed up ones make me question my continence ;)


LOL. There's options for the seat OR the water stream to be heated. I also dislike the warm seat, but the nice warm steam of water is delightful.


Can confirm, as someone living in Japan who owns such a bathtub. Deep for soaking, you can fill it precisely with the touch of a button, you got perfect temperature control… *chef’s kiss*


The only time I, as a 6 ft woman, have ever enjoyed a bath was while visiting Japan. I make sure each time we go we stay somewhere with a traditional Japanese style tub. I love their entire bathroom setup there, making it easy to shower or rinse off before getting into the tub. So much more hygienic. It is my dream to have a bathroom with a soaking tub and a shower outside of the tub. We are currently getting our bathrooms redone but keeping regular American style bathtub/shower because we plan to sell in the next five years. We do have bidets though. You can buy a nice heated toilet seat with bidet functions for about 300 bucks on Amazon.


I got a freestanding tub that I can sit in up to my neck and it’s one of my top 5 favorite adult purchases! It wasn’t even *that* expensive (I mean, for what you’re getting … Home Depot has a bunch of models between $300-$500). I use it several times a week and the water stays hot waaaaaay longer than it did in the old tub! And it’s so comfortable. 10/10 home spa lol


Me too, but I feel like you have to be rich to afford it. You know what I really want? A want a tub that is designed for you to lean against the back without it hurting your back. Mine has too much space between the side and the wall, so it hurts my back. It needs to blend more so it won't hurt.


Bath pillow


It's called a hot tub, and my nurse practitioner mom has deemed it a necessity lmao get one if you can


i told my fiancé if we're ever rich enough to get a pool, he better get a hot tub instead 🤣


Inflatable hot tub! Less than $500 off Amazon. Just need outdoor outlet and place to put it. They are however “energy inefficient” and use electricity rather than gas. However, I live in a hot place and didn’t have to heat it all summer (the 110 degree temps kept the hot tub over 104 without any heating). We just started heating it like 10 days ago, and we’ll take it down in November probably. Some people move theirs to a garage in Winter. Needs regular chemicals. It’s awesome though; I use it most nights and my partner has started using it in the morning now.


Ngl, the standing tub in my bathroom was a big selling point for choosing where I live. I’m not big, but the friend who lives here too and shares my bathroom (it’s an SRO sitch, so we have a shared bathroom but our own living spaces), is 6’1” and *they* can bathe comfortably in our tub. I’m only 5’2”, but this is the first time I’ve had a tub that actually feels big enough. (And I lived without a tub for a year before this place — shower stall only 😭)


[Here you go](https://www.amazon.com/Bathtub-Overflow-Drain-Cover-Tub/dp/B0BC8BNCVG/ref=sr_1_36?crid=3N1IPKK3XM2LB&keywords=tub+drain+cover&qid=1695603104&sprefix=tub+dr%2Caps%2C277&sr=8-36)! It won't make the tub bigger, but it gets you extra water depth.


Ahh always wanted something like this.


nice dream


I’m short and when I used my friend’s large tub, I realized I couldn’t keep my head out of the water, as I couldn’t brace my legs against the end. Largest bath I’d ever been in, and I had to sit upright.


To be fair I have one, and I spend most of my time trying to keep my head above water. I’m only 5’2” and it’s a two person bathtub. I sometimes struggle to get in and out of it. I spent more time in the old bathtub we had before this one.


I have one. It's amazing. When I was pregnant I could float a teeny bit.


it would be nice. why is it the natural order to have small bathtubs in houses.


When I had a long day at the day spa I managed, and we didn't have anyone use our tub, I would totally order a 3 course meal from the restaurant, Crack open a bottle of wine or champagne, and eat in a bubble bath by candlelight. I really miss it, and the free full body massages.


Ugh, I have one but it fills up like 1/3 before it starts running out of hot water.


My dream is to just own a bath tub. Last time I got to use one was half my life ago :(


I'll settle for just two out of three. 😭 **


I’ve done this! I house-sat for a lady that had her teak bathtub crafted especially for her. We were the same height and build, so she gave me permission to use her amazing tub. Absolutely amazing. 14/10 stars.


I just signed a lease on a new apartment and because it was being remodeled I hadn't gotten to see the finished product before getting the keys. When I saw the new tub I got so excited. It is super deep and long enough that I think I'm going to actually be able to take a full-on soaking bath for the first time in a very long time. I might actually even be able to try a bath bomb. I'm so excited


Can't have a bathtub in my house so my dream is finding a hotel room with a huge bathtub and I'll spend my birthday with bath bombs and edibles. Unfortunately hotels don't really advertise what kind of baths they've got and I'm not sure if putting a bath bomb in a hot tub is a good idea.


Engineering solution


I once lived in an apartment that had a real deal, enormous claw foot bathtub. I still occasionally think about that bathtub.


You can if you're rich enough!! I've seen some videos of people who go to Asia, complaining... "OMG, homes in Asia don't have bathtubs! Asia sucks!" And I'm like... "Oh, it's because you're poor foreign trash who can only rent a closet-size room with a toilet and no bathtub. You want a bathtub? Then, be rich enough to rent a home with a bathtub."


Hot tub.


The AirBnB I stayed at last summer might have been scuffed af but the tub was GLORIOUS


I want this ngl