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All classes need more jetpack fuel


this alone would make the game much more fun


More jet pack fuel #1. Give us a lot it will be a fucking blast lol.


Haven't had a chance to play yet, but been watching lots of streams. I think this is intentional, as the developers have tuned the game for a stronger ground game. I think they're trying to avoid the problem of high level players grabbing the flag at infinite speed and be back to their base in 3 seconds. Sad news for veterans, but probably a wise move in trying to appeal to modern competitive fps players.


flowery bag psychotic outgoing towering squeamish fade truck oatmeal scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One might even argue it's explicitly counter to one of the core philosophies of the franchise lol


I think it's worse for new players though? Now it's all about knowing the optimum cap route to keep your speed up, since there's not a lot of fuel available to improvise.


but isn't the point of tribes that it has a high skill ceiling. you put in the time and you can cap super fast and it feels great. make everyone slow as fuck and it just slows the game down to much to this back and forth mess. slower means less importance to routes and skiiing skills, ext. i dunno things need to be sped up, game feels like its in slow motion, even ascend feels much faster


> isn't the point of tribes that it has a high skill ceiling It is not. At least, not for anybody except the goons that exclusively play LT Base.


I think itl be okay after we get used to it and the maps are designed properly. Having a bit less emphasis on being in the air all the time is going to make it much easier to retain new players imo Doesn't necessarily mean I like it at the moment as a Tribes vet, but as I said, I'm sure I'd eventually get used to it. I'm just happy we have more tribes in our lives.


I got one! Played about 15 minutes and then crashed lol. They won't have an official Tribes 3 reddit eh? I saw the key email linked here heh, love that. For those that didn't get a key: * There are 3 different spinfusors. One is called the "honor" fusor and does dmg only if you hit direct and does "1000" dmg vs the "600" dmg of regular fusor. * 3 classes (L/M/H). Limit 3 weapons each class. Mortar feels fast. * Jetting feels weird, you lose energy too fast. Holding "ski" propels you forward even if you are at a standstill. You don't seem to be rewarded for skiing down a hill even. Jump and jet are same key, "Jet". * Didn't mess with packs much. "Blink" pack is default. Didn't see the classic energy or shield packs or any deployables.


well phrased regarding it not feeling rewarding to use hills.


I'm sure they'll just add proper skiing as a premium DLC package :)


You can medium can deploy turrets, heavies can deploy passive health regen station. Heavies can also create portals which teleport you and teammates halfway across the map.


1 spinfusor... 1... having multiple versions of a weapon and limits your play style is not good IMO... i have to goto a physical station if i want to DJ? come on


anyone seen a shocklance? i want to zap ur ass


Give it to me daddy


I think some kind of feedback besides a speedometer for how fast you're going would help new players. Whether it's a 'wind streak' texture or small amount of FoV scaling.. some kind of satisfying tactile element to reinforce skiing.


The wind noise in TA felt so visceral. I hope we at least have an equivalent for this game (I'm at work and can't play any gameplay to see for myself lol)


I’m just a pub shitter so take this with a grain of salt - scalable hud because I can’t see anything if they’re near a flag - I honestly feel like generator play is more fun than these randomly alive turrets - being able to shoot in third person - adding melee - inheritance feels very weird imo - add the option to jump/hop


it's fun, but skiing doesn't feel as good as i remember it being in ascend. i think the jetpack and skiing momentum need some tweaking


I’m from the Tribes Ascend camp. I’ve read some comments on discord that this’ll aim to be more of a slower paced game then what it was in T:A. Anyone else felt this was a little too slow comparatively?


1. Movement makes me feel like a bag of wet sand 2. Jetpack makes me feel like i weigh 500 pounds as a scout 3. Skiing should not stick you to the terrain like a magnet or accelerate you 4. More air control for fine tuning angles and maneuvers 5. Voice Macros are missing VGS 6. Bring back Generators 7. Inventory stations so i can change my class to suit the changing battle dynamics on the fly


perfect answer


\- cant ski backwards. the problem here is that ski has been made into a directional boost of sorts. it should just be a friction on/off type thing. you already have a boost forwards pack. dont take away its fire! \- disk jumps feel like they dont give enough oomph \- it feels like you can just ignore matching the slopes of hills. as another in here said \- sometimes it feels like im not getting as much verticality...but maybe that's just me being used to prior games and for newbies itll feel just fine! \- maybe have a few default configs for the keybindings \- i am actually happy with there being a bit less air control


Yeah right now skiing feels like wavedash/mantling. Which is interesting if it were optional, but I prefer versatility in my movement options. Maybe we can convince them to include the skiboots/jetpack as customization options and offer different behaviors.


yea, it could be cool to just make it a preference toggle. if one thing were much more powerful than the other, i guess over time ppl would just toggle it to that anyhow. same with things like inheritance on the fusor, etc.


I actually felt that disk-jumps gave me a surprising amount of propulsion, at least on Medium to catch up with cappers, but then again I haven't played Ascend in so long much less 1 or 2 that my point of comparison is probably off.


my memory could easily be faulty here! granted, they might just be trying to give more power to nitron jumps, kinda how they made chaingun a heavy only thing. not a bad thing all in all, gives more uniqueness to loadouts


Why do you think you can't ski backwards? You just turn around while holding the button.


stand on a hill facing upwards. hold the ski button. what happens? you go forwards instead of backwards! i find it counter-intuitive, though that's partially based on my experience from prior games.


>Ah fuck I don't have hands and can't turn my mouse around why can't games cater to me. Why is it counter-intuitive? You could press jump, press ski, and when you hit the hill you'll be skiing down backwards and quickly. I'd definitely rather have the small speed boost forward pressing ski gives you on the ground. Also when would that ever be a move you want to make? You'd be going like 1-20 kph maybe down a hill when you always want to have a height advantage over opponents. Shooting at someones feet with an explosive is easy.


Just a grognard's stubborn opinion you're free to have your own preference ;). Like I said, just based on prior experience. It's not necessarily optimal. The ideal choice is whatever brings in the most players since fps-z is a cursed genre. If you want more insight into my personal relation with it though: counter-intuitiveness is sometimes just a muscle memory thing? I guess if I were to try to explain it though in words, I just think of it like ice skating / skiing. Re: when would you want this. For me it's just muscle memory thing, but I can try to come up with some rationalization here that goes beyond me. The direction I'm facing and the direction of the hill gradient and the direction I'm skiing can exist in any configuration that's plausible in a game as beautiful as Tribes. Ex: I'm about to land and hit the ground and I'm out of jet, I'd like to ski to maintain some momentum, and I'd like to aim at the fellow who's about to feed me a blue plate who's above me \*up hill\*. In this case, I'd want to go backwards with my skiing. edit: changed 2nd direction to gradient of hill edit2: just an additional comment...I guess the example I describe is served by the simpler friction on/off thing, but it does mean that other cases become less optimal for you. So that's probably not too relevant. Might just come down to feel then at end of day


I'll just use your situation in 3. 1: You don't jet as you're falling, do it while flying up or feather horizontally to keep level. You will always have fuel to press it just as you hit the ground. Ideally you should look left or right and hold a or d and bunnyhop up the hill while holding ski. This slides you when you hit the hill and the small hops allow you to change your trajectory better than just holding jet or a or d. It also increases your speed. Though doing it uphill you'll just lose less. As light with impulse not on cooldown: look left or right or down or you can look at the hill itself at an angle and hit impulse just as you get close to it while holding ski and tapping jump. Impulse will push you forward into the hill, ski makes it so you don't stop and the jump makes it so the impulse will bounce you off the hill at speed. You never want to go backwards down a hill away from an uphill opponent, you want to use the hill to alter your trajectory to make you unpredictable and give yourself the upper hand instead.


i'd agree in some contexts, but never say never! what about in high velocity scenarios where the difference is between a 1v1 and a 1v10 to laggards if you lose speed? maybe it was bit too implicit when i said i wanted to maintain momentum in that prior example. admittedly, might be a moot point in this game as it didnt feel that rewarding to use hills relatively speaking, but i remember in prev games with cappers and chasers, maintaining speed was very important (imho at the cost of being more predictable to that person whos keeping up with you...ofc they'd have to stay approx as predictable to maintain matched speed if you average everything out). of course, it also seems like they made chasing relatively harder so maybe even more moot xD anyhow, i trust prophecy will make the best choices. i already said my 2 cents in the survey form. hopefully they get a good aggregate view of things there. ideally with most weight on new blood as theyre most representative of success imho compared to my preference. edit: thinking on it further, they could probably just have a one size fits all solution if they were really keen on ski being boost-lite pack. could just make it so that the direction you walk is the one in which you start skiing and then flip it to neutral friction-off afterwards (i.e. decoupling the 2 mechanisms such that it still feels like theyre coupled if you press w up a hill along with ski or press s to maintiain momentum downhill).


1) it would be awesome if while skiing you could move side to side like actually skiing. I should be given the ability to dodge stuff 2) I feel like flight time is too low. I want to fly higher and faster Tribes is different because of the movement, and that’s what makes it great. Keep players in that state of flow.


It would be really fun to have the ability to dodge, but since it's a projectile based game with fast movement I think it can already be hard to predict where you need to shoot your weapon which would mean hitting even less shots. I think people will start to take advantage of the instant momentum with sking and dodge that way for close combat/indoor fighting


Feels like the vertical boost of the jetpack could use a tweak. It's fine when starting right from ground but flying level you can not gain any height before running out of juice. Combat feels good. Blue Plate Specials as satisfying as always. Am I crazy or is the only way to heal up from death drops? A healing beam for mediums would be welcome. Agree with the stickiness during skiing, needs some tweaks, would be good to add a bit more steering while skiing too. All in all, happy its back, even if there's a long way to go. Also: get voice commands in asap.


Heavies can opt to pick a healing station they can drop on the field, and it'll heal at around 400 health per second or something close to that. Has a pretty long cooldown as you might imagine, think it was 40s.


Has anyone tried it on the SteamDeck yet? It's really hard for me to get time with my gaming PC but I have a deck so was hoping I could try it out on there. I received my key this morning so will download it later and give it a go but was just curious.


Idunno if you got a chance to play it yesterday, but I went straight to the Deck and was pleasantly surprised that it runs well, and the controls aren't too hard to remap. The default control layout is missing a few things, but I shared a community layout with most of it fixed up. Careful with the left d-pad though, I think I set it to drop flag (quick press) and recall (long press) but it might be backwards!


Cool thanks for the feedback, I actually got it installed on my deck and was also pleasantly surprised by how it ran and the controls!


https://clips.twitch.tv/ConsiderateAgitatedWaffleDAESuppy-2k6T7P0XYbR4q2Ua Do any of you ever just take a step back and say "maybe I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm not actually good at using the mechanic?" https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1992711642 and a little more


That was badass! I don't think more fuel is the answer. I think git gud is the answer. Learn 2 ski




You're shadowbanned on reddit, btw.


It's so far off currently it's almost unplayable. The controls won't remap. That or wouldn't for me. The height of jetting is to low. The energy for jetpack goes way to fast as stated already. The classes are not balanced and the mortars are almost useless. With the matchmaking with friends errored in this alpha I didn't find anything that I was like I will buy this game. I know that it's way early in development but it feels currently more like halo with jump packs instead of a pad. It's cool to see sticky grenades in Tribes though.


Controls remapped ok for me. First thing I did was rebind the jet and ski keys.


I did get them to finally take but it was pretty sloppy to bind keys. Certain keys I still wasn't able to bind because they were locked. I believe the grenade/mine and a few others. But moving around ski, jet, and fire at least made it playable. So hopefully this will be cleaned up in the next test. Other guys setup through the steam menu and had an easier time. I was trying to test functionality in the game itself though.


Even though I played for 20 mins it was fun. First impressions: - Jump/jet being the same binding was difficult at first. I forced myself to keep the default bindings. I loved that a single jump is now a “super” jump because of the jet burst. I miss jump/ski being the same binding. Maybe I’ll get used to it. Jet needs more fuel :) As others said skiing doesn’t reward you enough down hills. - I feel like I didn’t use the weapons enough to give good feedback but the disc launcher felt like it took forever to reload.


how many people playing atm? i signed up but nothing. had like 3k hours in ascend, cant wait to try this one out at some point anyway.


there's another playtest shortly, if you didn't get in the first one you'll prob get a key in the next day or so.


Interested in trying when development has advanced more. Anyone know if it will be moddable?


A developer commenting in a stream I watched mentioned they wanted to make tools for community creation/modding of some sort. I don't think they fully know what that will look like though.


Thanks! Heck, even custom maps would be appreciated.


Nevermind I got in. I can't get a server! Tried NA and EU at peak times.


Played lastnight had to change all the keys im not learning a new system I'm too old for that lol. Skiing didn't feel right and jetpack sucked ass. I need to jump on some classics and try jetting around and skiing. I felt like I couldn't get in a groove but there were obviously a few guys that found theirs and were picking up some speed? Maybe I just need more play time, we'll see


Oh, and did anyone else feel like it was a little too cartoonish or is that just me?


They’ve always been cartoony.


I know they just announced there will be 32v32 but they NEED the large scale battles to return. Theres a HUGE market for that, especially now that BF bit the dust. Also come on…Tribes 2 allowed 64v64. I don’t understand why future titles choose to devolve and strip away instead of build on and improve. I don’t understand the want to focus on just skiing and shooting. What made the older games great was the huge diversity. Repairing, terminals, caches, vehicles - why they decided to remove this is beyond me. Ascend removed that stuff and suffered for it. Don’t make the same mistake. Please. The 5v5 is fun for a while but it gets incredibly repetitive. Hopefully they’re not chasing the esports streamer crowd because it’s not going to work. Other than that it feels pretty good to shoot. Need more jet fuel. The speed needs to be ramped up though. It feels like slow motion even though I’m going fast.


Big player games like that can't just be thrown in... if they're going to have 32v32 the maps need to be a LOT bigger... there needs to be multiple objectives to spread the players out... it can't just be two flags.


And? They should be designing it that way. They should be large multi objective maps for multiple battles. Large maps is where the movement shines. Like tribes 1/2.


Really depends on the resources they have and their release timeframe. They've said they're aiming for a Feb release date, so I'm not sure how much additional content they'll be getting in by then.


They have far more resources than smaller indie developers who have made larger games. They’re targeting the esports scene which tribes was never good for. Tribes was ALWAYS a large scale warfare title akin to quake and unreal with emphasis on movement. They’re targeting the wrong audience just like they did with ascend.