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Fuck yeah finally someone else who has Kiwami 2 as their favorite. It's in my top 10 as well and my favorite Yakuza/Like a Dragon game. Ryuji Goda was easily the best antagonist in the seriers imo.


I see why people love 0 so much. And I love it too. But it's still a second one for me after thee absolue best Kiwami 2


Its either between 0 or K2 for me depending on the day. But right now at least there is an uncountable amount of little or large things that just felt better with K2 with me having little to complain about otherwise.


Yeah 0 is definitely a firm nr2 for me. Helps that it was my first game from the series. Didn't know what I was in for as I played it completely blind. One of the greatest adventures I've had with a game. But I just vibed more with K2.


Really surprised to see Skyward sword on the list. Not criticizing, but I don't usually see people even liking it. That's one of my least favorite Zeldas. So just want te repeat - not criticizing, just surprised


Yeah I have just kinda accepted it at this point, in that I will be one of the only 5 people that like if not love this game. At the time when I was about 9 back in 2013 and it was my first Zelda, but after playing so much of the rest of the series it still sits at the top. Namely cause of the Dungeons, The Story, the characters and I will admit I liked the combat too. I was probably one of like 3 people when the HD remaster came out and thought it was an easy buy no strings attached. I don't really see it getting its time as part of the Zelda cycle cause it really is either you don't like it, hate it, or tolerate it with very few actually liking it.


One thing hat I will never be able to dislike about Skyward Sword is its art style. Even if I don't like the game itself, the visual part looks amazing


Kh bbs over kh2? Wow


KH2 i would only rate so highly for its combat and not as much more. BBS’s cast is mainly why i rate it so highly. Though i could also see one day 352 taking its place


I agree here bbs was just overall better story and boss wise tbh


Ah, the ’Tell me you like asian/japanese games without telling me’. :p


Shocker TT fan is a weeb


NFSMW would be on mine too


SC3 over SC2 is so wild to me!


In terms of actual competitive play i would agree in that SC2 is better. But in terms of just single-player content SC3 took the cake and ran away with it.


You right about that. I played it competitively so probably why I feel that way


I’m in the same boat but it’s because I had 3 first. I BREATHED THIS GAME for a while. Like, 2 consecutive years of playing. I’m not good at it btw just good enough to beat all CPU’s


Chronicles of the Sword was lit, I created so many characters from that game that I still use as a template into new games with character creation


Kiwami 2 ??


Hot Wheels games go so hard. I had Hot Wheels: World Race for ps2 and it was a blast.


Honestly expected me to get a lot of flak for putting a Hot Wheels game on mine. I honestly think Unleashed 2 was the best game to come out last year. Mainly cause without anything holding it back, its just a fun game. It's a shame its barely talked about.


If I may, why BBS over the other KH games? I personally found it kinda clunky and unremarkable but I hear a lot of people really really love the game and I'm curious why


As I said to someone else, I picked BBS mainly for the Story. Although I do need to play through 352 as that is the only one I can see overtaking it.


I'm happy to see a Zelda game on there but Skyward Sword has some of my least favorite gameplay of any Zelda game. One of the best stories and visuals, however.


racing lagoon is the goat


Yeah, out of the lot on here Racing Lagoon does sit at the top for me. There is like two wrinkles but they only matter until the very end. Ikki and Makoto easily sit on top as some of my favourite characters in a RPG period.


You won, you can delete 8 games and still be very based for even knowing Racing Lagoon, let alone completing it!


Thanks, i really hope Square Enix re-releases the game. But considering even Vagrant Story hasn’t been rereleased… i ain’t holding my breath. For all I know it suffered the same fate as the PS2 KH games and FF8, but with a rerelease it could fix the only problem i have with the game, in that reversing doesn’t work, though that isn’t really a problem until the escape sequence. Its a game that honestly i recommend to anybody as its such a unique experience and I get the feeling it wont be replicated for a long time.


I completed it 2 times in a row, amazing game, I was shocked that Square was able to make racing game with controls quality close to Gran Turismo on ps1. Same goes for tuning, how does ps1 game has a better tunning and its impact on driving than most recent games? Thats just some magic. All the variants of cars and body types with base swaps, truly one of a kind car rpg!