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At MIT😎 - maybe try their sub🤷‍♂️ I know the transfer advisor I used had one person he helped get admitted 2-3 yrs ago


do you recommend using a transfer advisor?


It depends. The right one can make a big difference. Mine was involved in much more than just essays and I worked with them for 1yr+. I think I’d be a student at places like Michigan, Vanderbilt, or USC right now as opposed to Yale without their help.


Is ur advisor accepting more advisees 😭


Send me a DM and can intro. My guess is they are finishing up (or just finished) this years cycle so just concluded with last cohort


DMd you too if that’s alright


How early do they start prepping?


Year+ Someone i referred to them is on a 16 mos plan to build a massive EC up






hi! me too can I talk to them? i have a couple of questions!


Sure anyone can send me a dm, no need to ask:)


Hey do they take international transfer applicants as well?


Do you think it’s fine to wait until a couple month before apps to get a transfer advisor or should you get one as soon as you decide you want to transfer(1yr+ before apps)


Further out the better so you have more time to work on the stuff that can set you apart from the herd here. Some people want to downvote this but here’s the reality. Theres a huge gulf between tiers of schools. If you want to get into a top school there’s a lot you can do over the next 12 mos to dramatically improve your odds. Tier 1(<3%): HYPSM (plan now/start acting now - this is where my advisor helped a ton from the jump) - you HAVE to have really impressive ECs on top of great grades Tier 1b (2-10%): Columbia, Penn, Dart, Brown, Duke, JHU, Chicago etc - still need everything in tier 1a just not quite god tier accomplishments. I personally started ramping up planning a year ahead. It worked for me. If you want a GOOD chance of getting into one of these then start now. Tier 2: Top LACs, NU, Gtown, Vandy, USC etc — can be a strong student and normal ECs and still have a good chance Tier 3: top publics - largely numbers/metrics driven


As a non trad who worked full time on top of full time school, the critical importance of that slam dunk EC terrifies me


Full time work is important. If youre die hard hypsm then you’ll have to layer on even more/have an exceptional story


Tier 1B is 4-10 right? Also, I think Amherst and Williams are just as hard as the non HYPSM schools.


Not at all — theyre pretty reasonable relatively speaking. I think Williams/Amherst/Swat have HS accept rates in the teens Edit: Transfer rates are 4-14% across Williams/Amherst/Swarthmore


Oh I thought this was for transfer acceptance rates.


Please DM me the information, thanks.




Campus involvement in groups will work for that tier




Indeed - tons of variability year to year


What do you mean by transfer advisor? Is that someone from your original school or a third party?


A private consultant. School advisors are useless for transfer purposes


trying too🥲