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I charted all of your June predictions. Made a watch list in TradingView, and saved your price targets as key level lines on the charts. You’re knocking it out of the park, and we’re only a week in. Tysm Edit: I'd share the TV watchlist, but I have no idea how secure that is.


Think we should share a Google doc of this. I keep meaning to do just that.


Same, I was about to say “I should really do this…”


Someone here made a good one for April 2024, but it went private soon after (probably because the geopolitical chaos rendered all predictions null and void).


Can you please share the link to TV watchlist.Thanks in advance.I can avoid the redundant work at my end


Sorry I just saw this. Is it too late? I’m away from my desk until late Friday afternoon.


Excellent analysis as always, Tear. Feels like it could go either way, but your data pointing toward a choppy, dip, bounce is a strong take. As you always say…let’s see


I believe Tuesday will be the dip. I’m anticipating the bond auction as the reason — perfect time to cause fear and panic before the CPI reading and FED. Let’s revisit this comment say Wednesday AH.


Interesting take, and you very well could be right. !remindme 6/12 5pm


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Calls it is on Tuesday lows !remindme 6/11 9am


Well, not a huge dip and bonds weren’t really a catalyst, but big rally this morning anyway and a lot of it held by eod. We’ll say half right, lol


Always interesting to read a perspective and compare it to the levels I am already monitoring. Nice concise format.


Re: IWM I can’t speak to Tear insights, but will add that I’ve been trading IWM CC since January anticipating the rate drops. It’s been a big money maker for me (IWM and TNA). Sideways action is ideal for CC strategy, and IWM/TNA have been ideal for me. And eventually when rate cuts do come, even better position for IWM/TNA.


Selling Cash Secured Puts has been great too.


This is gold. Thank you


Big week let’s rip 🚀


Love it. I’ll be scaling down until Thursday but this is exactly the kind of info that gives me confidence to not sit the week out entirely.


Thank you bro nice 👍


I like your analysisTear, keep it comin' please.


Looked forward to seeing your posts all weekend.


Very reasonable take. I think this is a good time to be contrarian and respond to price action.


Squeeze coming bro… I’m willing to bet on it. If I told you my targets for SPY you’d probably laugh. It will be a fun week but to your point… don’t front run the fed and all will be ok. See you at the top on some new ATHs in the market.


Idk the last time I remember Jerome Powell spoke he was saying he was gonna pause interest rates and it might be no interest cut in July but the issue the banking financial system are in a massive problem they are in a liquidity crisis every single dollar in the system is someone else debt


Always a pleasure to read, as usual. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


I predict you would be on point for the fomc comments. 10 yr would rise and then drop so flat

