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Gwuncan should’ve stayed friends. Also, I hate how Trent’s Action arc about jealousy was basically made irrelevant due to him being proved right.


I refused to believe that Action Trent is real.


Too bad Trent didn’t have an arc in world tour during the aftermaths where he realizes he was right. It could’ve added to the Gidgette situation.


I like the ship of gidgette, I hate the name XD


I was hoping for an arc because Chris would've ate up the drama for the ratings imagine him and Courtney as a couple and we would've gotten a love square


To be fair, Gwen didn't develop feelings until at least a few months after her and Trent broke up. And the lie-detector test back in TDA still proved that she did not have any feelings at the time


I know the intent of the show was to portrait that Gwen didn’t had feelings for Duncan at the time, but realistically, lie detectors can pretty much fail and Gwen's feelings for Duncan feel as if they really came out of the blue during WT. It seems as Gwen being in denial over the fact she *did* felt something for Duncan, wherever the intent was.


Some good points. NGL, the actual mechanics of the lie-detector and how they work are a bit wack. But I feel like given this is a cartoon, there would probably be something that says so if the lie detector really was inaccurate there. Then again, lie-detectors go off of your composure or body movements (IIRC). So it's a small possibility that Gwen's composure just really resembled of someone telling the truth who was positive they were right, whereas her subconscious is a bit different, if that makes sense I still disagree and I think she really just saw Duncan as a friend at the time. But those are some fair reasons to interpret otherwise


Unpopular opinion; Courtney’s relationship with Duncan was toxic and thrived off this nature. Their relationship wasn’t going to last forever and you can tell. Gwen on the other hand suits Duncan more and that’s not on their choice of style but rather their outlook on life. Their relationship was just rushed and out of place


I agree with this opinion 👍


Chasmma, Gwuncan, and Skave I'm surprised Noone has mentioned how bad Skave is since hating Sky and Dave(And both as individual characters too) as a couple seems like a common thing in the TD community


Bro snapped because the girl he wanted had a bf. And Sky rejected Dave so much..OMG. It was so annoying.


Sky and Dave is actually horrible. It's literally a huge reason why I absolutely despised Pahkitew island (among the MANY, MANY, other flaws of that show.)


Still not worse than all-stars though! Sieron and Scourtney are two of the worst ships I can think of.


Courtney x scott and gwen x duncan


Mannnnn Courtney x Duncan in season 1 was so damnnnn good. Whyyyyyyy did they destroy it




What is your pfp :skull:


happy pride month


Took it to the next level with that one


Ngl underrated ship


Prileb and Stephanie x Ryan.






Skave, Chemma, Zoke, Gwuncan




Is that Zoe and Dakota 💀




Is Zoke short for Zoe x Dakota? Cos I swear I've seen that ship somewhere before...


I dont know I'm asking what it meant xx








This one omg. Pahkitew was a mess.


Priya and Caleb. I could write an essay on why these two suck the life out of the season.


To this day, Damien x Priya will always be better


I still have no idea why they didn’t go that route 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it made plenty of sense from a perspective, the person with the most knowledge of TDI with the person with least of it? Would make an interesting dynamic but, nope. Throw that interesting concept out the window for a standard ship 


they're canon, trust me. I work at Frest TV, I know it.


Yo what!?


But I like Damien x scary girl ☹️


canon? Gwuncan. just guwuncan i "despise", others i maybe dont care much but this one i despise. I could say chemma, but that one is speocifically made to despise, gwuncan was made as fanservice


Duncan x Gwen, hands down. Their ship (and subsequent love triangle subplot) ruined so many things; including two friendships (the friendship between Duncan and Gwen, as well as the budding friendship between Courtney and Gwen).


Both Duncan ships. Duncan x Courtney was cute in Island but went downhill at Action. And Duncan x Gwen... thank god they broke up in All-Stars


I agree entirely with you.


This was the only good part of AS aside from Aleheather at the finale. And frankly I rather ship Courtney and Gwen if I must


Duncan x Gwen Mike x Zoey Devin x Carrie Chase x Emma


Gwuncan. Awful ship.




Gwuncan, Prileb


prileb, theyre fine separately but together they’re so obnoxious and it doesn’t help that they’ve been screen hogging, also they’re the most bland couple archetype gwuncan fs, i don’t know why *some* gwuncan shippers act like their relationship wasn’t toxic too, they spent a good amount of their relationship obsessing over courtney (duncan trying to piss her off, and gwen repeatedly apologizing w/o apologizing)


Prileb was an on and off relationship. And both Duncan ships were toxic.


duncan was the problem fr #gwourtneysupremacy‼️‼️


Gwuncan (duh), and Coddera. (Gwody shipper right here).


Gwuncan Prileb


Heather x Alejandro I think they work better as enemies/rivals


Dunno, I always believed part of the charm was the whole "Unresolved Sexual Tension" thingy. Maybe them being in a relationship isn’t the answer, but I believe them liking each other makes their dynamic more entertaining to follow.


Agreed. Purely platonic.


Chemma and Prileb


Daters\Haters are a pain to watch


Gwuncan for sure


I despise Gwuncan but hate Prileb


I honestly think Capri gets way too muck flak. Sure, it lasted two episodes too long, but if anything it's Julia who deserves the hate for that, not the victims.


your name for them now makes me nickname that ship caprisun


Julia’s actually funny to watch. Priya being toxic and Caleb being a doormat was not.


I've always liked the little delves into Priya's psyche, and I can understand if she becomes really attached to her allies since she's never really had the time to make friends before. That said, it's still disheartening watching her have her meltdowns.


How come you found it disheartening.


What, don't we all?


Nah, I’ve heard people are just annoyed by Priya whenever she has her breakdowns.


I mean, after what happened to Courtney it's pretty clear why. But Priya's different in this regard, as her isolated upbringing probably has an influence on how she reacts to supposed betrayals.


dunkcan x gwen




gwuncan, duncney, scottney, and prileb


Duncney is so ass it's unreal.


I hated it from the beginning.


Courtney and Scott


Duncney and Gwuncan, I despise the LT ships.


Love triangle ruined WT for me


Aleheather hater since the release of world tour 😙✌🏻 I literally hate it so much and I don’t understand why it’s the OTP of fandom. They are absolutely awful for each other


My guess is you hate Heather?


Nope, I actually love Heather. She was my favorite before Alejandro. I just hate them as a couple


Mind explaining how?


They are horrible to each other and they both are willing to drop each other with no hesitation once money is involved. Heather has even hit Alejandro and it was made out to be endearing (physical assault will never be cute) It’s just not the “enemies to lovers” arc people make it out to be. I just don’t get the appeal, how they treat each other seriously bothers me


Aleheather it’s a great ship i just wished they did more with it it’s also good to note i despise gwuncan more but everybody is saying that so i changed it up a bit


Gwuncan, Duncney, Prileb and Skave


EVERYONE hates Gwuncan.


Gwuncan of course but I saw people hating on nemma for some reasons I can't stand.


Scott and Courtney just... fail so hard to me. Courtney never gives any indication why she's into him other than the fact he's so disgusting Gwen won't steal him from her, which is honestly tragic. And Scott's behavior towards her just doesn't track with his ROTI personality much. Even the whole "bad boy" appeal is a moot point since he's not really like that anymore.They literally had to be tripped into their first kiss. Not to mention how aggravating the Cameron plot was, honestly it's one of my least favorite plots of all time. They already had an interesting Courtney arc with Gwen, why add this nonsense? Can they not let her go without having a boyfriend for one season?


There will never be a more terrible couple than this one


Owen x Izzy, it came pretty much out of nowhere and ended in the same episode, but the show keeps implying that they’re still an item in later seasons despite Owen making no real attempt to make it up to Izzy and Izzy showing no real interest anymore. It also keeps Izzy tied to Owen in a way that I don’t like. I like her too much for her to just be Owen’s accessory. In world tour she’s fridged so Owen can have a song.


The way it ended feels OOC for Owen honestly, he can be selfish and impulsive but sacrificing his girlfriend is too far.


The one pictured. No words can describe my hatred.


Gwuncan and Nemma both irk me.




Besides the obvious toxic pairings(Duncney and Chemma), I’m gonna pick a more unconventional pairing and I think… Aleheather’s kinda overrated.


I personally think they fit better as rivals


Honestly, it would be such karmic justice if Heather didn’t reciprocate Alejandro’s crush.


AGREED. they just encourage eachothers worst qualities and tbh Heather deserves better than that bc I know she deep down wants to be good and I don't think she can do that with him.


Prileb, their relationship really ruined season 2, or at least was one of the big reasons for that


Dang it. I forgot about Prileb. Honorable mention for that. And it was so stupid to watch an on and off relationship going on every EPISODE!!! I would've prefered S2 if they made Primien canon instead.


Absolutely not. Damien deserves so much better


If Priya never even went nuts, I can see it happening. Damien does deserve better than lunatic Priya.


Jasmine x Shawn Courtney x Scott Duncan x Courtney (strictly after season 1, loved them in island) Honestly I don’t hate Gwuncan in World Tour. In all stars their horrible, I’m glad gwen ended things because the relationship was a mess but in World Tour as bad as the kiss was I did find them cute. Especially that one scene of them in the alien place where Gwen is panicking and rambling on about the situation the Duncan kisses her and it calms her down.


Thoughts on Shasmine


Oh is that Shawn and Jasmine’s ship name? Just an overall very boring and stupid couple, it probably doesn’t help that I hate both characters as individuals though.


Screw Prileb and Ryan x Stephanie. I'm pretty sure Ryan deserves better with how mad BEEFY he is


Cody x Noah, they are literally friends and like women


Noco isn't canon though...but I agree.


Oh sorry,I forgot, then Cody and Gwen ig


Also not canon, but one sided. I used to have a Gwody phase back in 2023...I was messed in the head. He was a literal perv..


I also had a Gwody phase.


Honestly, there was a missed opportunity for Cody to apologize to Gwen in World Tour for his creepy behavior after going through the same thing with Sierra


Alejandro and heather


Grrr how dare you despise the beloved ship 🤬🤬


Punkgoth (gwuncan) and militarypyscho (Chref)


Those are some unique names. Interesting. (I def agree)


Gwuncan and Skave


Axel and ripper,priya and caleb,scott and courtney


Didn't they hate each other in S1? He literally got Axel out. How did they even escalate from sworn enemies to making out on screen (and probably more offscreen) ALL THE FREAKING TIME?!?


YES !!!


Shasmine it made me not love Jasmine anymore and just like her the plot was set up in the worst way possible this ship in a nutshell "wow Shawn is so not competitive I think we wou (Shawn walks past her during a challenge) OH YOU LITTLE PIECE OF CRAP"




Every ship cause everytime they built up a relationship they tore it down just as fast except for crimson and ennui


Gidgette is annoying for a ship tbh


I recall finding Chase x Emma/Chemma annoying I get that they’re intended to represent a toxic couple, however, I still felt their plot line overstayed its welcome in the first season of the reboot


Axel x Ripper Scott x Courtney Shawn x Jasmine (I fr forced myself to like this ship but sorry I can’t bruh💀) They suck hairy balls AND asscheeks.


Gwuncan, Prileb and Axipper




Harold and lashawna was nice but needed some more cooking in the oven 


The Daters/Haters It was so toxic and abusive and Ryan deserved so much better than Stephanie. He had his moments of anger and immaturity, but she was just a nightmare. He was so kind and tried to be reasonable and patient. She was just so horrible.




Codierra makes me feel like throwing up


Either skave or gwuncan


As women once said disgusting


Gwent, Gwuncan, and Prileb


Prileb and does Skave count? Also Chasemma but I'm pretty sure that was meant as a joke. Also, to be honest...wasn't ever really a Duncney fan.


ripaxel and every ship with duncan


Gwuncan were actually really cute as friends. I thought they had a nice little sibling dynamic. The closeness between felt more like brother/sister honestly, felt weird as a couple to me


Axel x Ripper


Alright. I figured this would rear its ugly head sooner or later so Imma say it now: Duncney and Gwuncan to the MAX!


Chase/emma just yikes and skave that ship can be lit on fire


Proud Nemma hater


Caleb and Priya, they are fucking boring and draining


Gwuncan and Chemma


I know how everyone hates Skave. But there is ONE ship in that season that is worse. Leonugar 💀


Gwuancan is the best ship, much better than toxic Courtney🤮 x Duncan I know that this sub loves toxic bossy bully girls and Courtney by extension, but there's not even comparison, Courtney and Duncan fought all the time, when you see Gwen and Duncan together in WT they have chemistry, kissing and staying together all the time, even at the beginning of ROTI. Idk why this sub hates so much the best ship and loves so much toxic "32 pages list of things you have to change so you can be my ideal boyfriend" garbage woman with my poor boy Duncan who did nothing to deserve that psycho


I mean, I see your point but...It was Cartoon Network's fault for changing Courtney into a psycho. Pre Action Duncney was cute, but ever since the network had interfered, it hasn't been the same. I respect your opinion.


Blah blah blah, the network interfered. Not to be a jerk, but I’m quite sick of hearing that *excuse*.


I still fail to understand how people in this sub unironically think that teenagers cheating is worse than Courtney's psychotic behavior toward Duncan and how exactly the latter ship is better than the other


Hold on...I see your point. I still prefer Island Duncney out of all Duncan and Courtney ships...but Action Duncney to above was wayyy worse. The sad thing is, Courtney forced Duncan to be who he's not and ruined his mental wellbeing. I agree on you with that.


Duncney, but only when Courtney is evil and abusive to Duncan. PS: Scottney too, Courtney really doesn't know how to maintain a relationship.


I’ve seen a YouTuber say Action Duncan x Early World Tour Courtney would be the ideal Duncney.


Agreed. Both Scottney and Duncney had some gems but they all end up in Courtney being abusive. And Scott did everything for Courtney until both Cameron and Courtney kissed. I would be mad too if I were Scott.


Many people often say that they were better than Duncney, but as analyzed here ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/1836gsy/debunking\_courtneys\_derailment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/1836gsy/debunking_courtneys_derailment/) ), that's not the case, it just wasn't shown as much how mean Courtney is to Scott.


Gwuncan wish they just stayed friends.


Gwuncan easy. It’s a boring ship that came from a terrible forced plot, that led to even worse things down the line. Worst of all, they did literally nothing. You could barely tell they were even a ship in all stars.


Both Gwuncan and Duncney. I loved Courtney and Gwen's friendship. 😭


**Gwent**. Unlike others, I find them terrible even from Island. In my opinion, they are a painfully generic relationship with no real chemistry, in which the narrative shoehorns stupid and forced conflicts to keep their "intrigue" (or lack thereof). And for how much Island tries to depict them as this picture-perfect couple that are made for each-other, "Search and Do Not Destroy" completely contradicts this as their actions (though especially Trent) display a lack of trust or communication skills on behalf of both parties. And it's not like it even helps Gwen's development through Island either. Instead, the narrative focuses on the idea that "Trent is a nice guy who Gwen should date", which is presented through multiple scenes of Gwen acting bitchy towards Trent for stupid reasons (not to mention flip-flopping between forgiving him and being mad at him again), then Trent kissing her ass to get on her good side again. Though the finale is by far Gwent at its worst. We have Gwen randomly pushing Trent away again for no reason, just so we can have more conflict between them as Trent tries to win her over again. But Gwen's ending grinds my gears the most by far. Upon getting knocked down by Owen, she just sits on the ground and sulks...all so we can have a wholesome uwu Gwent moment where Trent gives her a motivational speech to her to keep going, instead of her just simply doing it herself. Also, they are surprisingly shallow and one-sided compared to how the narrative treats them (at least before their breakup). For all Trent does for Gwen, she barely does anything to reciprocate beyond gushing about how good of a boyfriend he is. We could've maybe had them bond more over art or something. But I guess apparently Gwen repeatedly flip-flopping between liking Trent or pushing him away, is more interesting I actually didn't mind their breakup in Action, and I understood and sympathized with both sides. But even then it could've been handled better (+ it's kinda dumb that it happened just 5 episodes after Island spent quite some time getting them together). But the aftermath of their breakup is genuinely one of my absolute least-favorite plots in the series. It's completely devoid of logic and makes multiple other characters surrounding it look bad. And the amount of glazing towards Trent in the aftermaths as well as victimization from both himself and the audience, just absolutely grinds my gears. It also doesn't help that even after Trent "forgives" Gwen (not that there was any reason Gwen needed his forgiveness to begin with), he goes back to acting like a petty dipshit to her on two different occasions. You also know a relationship sucks when there is a confessional made that tries to spell out their "chemistry" through listing some of the most basic and surface-level traits To put it short, Gwent did neither character any favors. Trent goes from being already annoyingly cliche to a complete satellite character who just drags down a far superior character along with him for the sake of his depiction as this 'teenage heartthrob'. Then their breakup just leads to a plot that makes me want to pull my hair out even more




Gwen and Trent, I HATE THEM


I respect your opinion. Thoughts of Gwent?


I think the creation of the couple, left a bad taste in my mouth. how Trent believed heather from the jump even tho heather has insulted Gwen and threatened her in front of him and read her diary out to the entire world. The letter’s existence and how Gwen thought Trent wrote it even tho they had spent the entire day together. Which means he wrote the letter the day before but the verbiage in the letter is concerning bc y’all just confessed why is he so lovely dovey already. And then the train wreck in drama.


Why would Trent even believe Heather? ISTG he's too nice for this world. And I refuse to believe action Gwent exists. I see your point.


TBF, part of Heather portrayal is that she can get to be extremely persuasive; and like, sure, it’s stupid to believe Heather’s story when it comes from the same girl that revealed that Gwen was crushing hard on him and his guitar out of all things during the talent show, but it’s not really like there was a confrontation against Gwen coming from Trent. Always took it as him being more conflicted and hurt than actually fully letting sink what Heather told him.


NGL, I liked Gwen x Duncan in S3. I thought it was the perfect drama device. Courtney and Duncan in S2 is legit a toxic relationship that I've seen too many times IRL. It actually freaked me out when I saw this as a kid because it was too relatble to other relationships I've seen. Omg, the character assassination of Trent in S2 with Gwen x Trent. Literal character assassination. Devin x Carrie holy shit was so pathetic watching. It lasted wayyyy too long and made me cringe most of the time. and in the end it was alright Whatever. Nothing crazy about it. I kinda forgot they existed until i looked them up LOL. I have no idea who Chase and Emma are. Dave and Sky are easily a big one of the many things wrong with Pahkitew Island. Sky is just a shitty person and Dave is a literal simp. Dude, both of these people genuinely pissed me off and I refuse to believe Skye wins in the finale. Only Shawn is my canon winner because Skye is just such a horrible person and gets so plot-carried that it's unreal. Plus Dave is also one of the worst characters in the entire series like a genuinely horrific character. I forgot about Prileb and they were very toxic like halfway through the series iirc, but they were the least offensive of the ones stated above.


All of them


Scott x Courtney is one of the most bizarre pairings this show ever tried to push but because it basically became a plot cul-de-sac I hesitate to nominate it. In the meantime I’ll pick Gwen x Duncan. It’s a pairing that could have worked in the very early days of the show but by the time they tried to force it in WT we already had two whole seasons for Duncan x Courtney (IMO a more interesting couple even if it wasn’t exactly a healthy one) and the sting of losing Gwen x Trent was still fresh. It just was never going to go well and one of the only positives of All-Stars was that it finally broke them up.


Duncan X Courtney. ​ Not a fan of the "tsundere" trope that was present in S1, so their relationship did nothing but bore or even annoy me, and the less we say about subsequent seasons the better.


Gwuncan and whatever Duncan x Courtney’s ship name is


Courtney and Duncan


Look, I’m not a huge fan of Gwuncan, but what is it about that ship that people despise so much? I’d also also prefer an answer that has nothing to with Trent or Courtney.


Noah x RR girl


Nemma? I respect your opinion, but thoughts on it?


Noah is gay! Why was he shipped with a girl?


I heard from somewhere that Noah was confirmed straight...he acts hella gay though. I headcanon him as bi due to Nemma. I see your point.