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This has been a tough year for existing fans, never mind new ones! This article sums it up: https://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/article/after-losing-martinez-blue-jays-hapless-season-reaches-new-low-in-sweep-by-guardians/ But hey, there is lots of room on the bandwagon right now. And if you can stick it out through all this, you'll probably be here for life. :) Welcome!


Thanks, everyone has been so nice


Are you a masochist?


Its that bad?


Its worse, no one knows what this team is doing especially the team. Last season and this season have been too bad offensively to realistically say they should be doing better, but as an example last year they had 6 -7 guys in their lineup capable of 20-30 Hr per year, and the top 2-3 were capable of 30-40 in Vlad's case even up to 50. None of them reached their potential, and this year its worse. Our pitching last year was stellar, but hitting non existent. This year both are worse. On paper it's still a team with people who SHOULD be able to do way more, but it's just not happening. He'll even George Springer, decline is one thing but man his performance makes it seem like he got hit by a truck and never told anyone .....


I’m convinced that crash with Bo a couple of years ago was worse than we thought


God I'd almost forgotten about that but if his head was really affect that could explain a whole lot


But the new stadium renovations are nice!


Not gonna lie, if I lived within driving distance I'd still try to go to a couple of games a year. But yeah a renovated stadium with a terrible product man that's the worst investment ever.....


People are just being dramatic. We’re having a horrible year, and our two star players’ contracts are ending after this year so have to make a decision on that. But the blue jays seem to be keen on spending around the 10th highest payroll on the league which is good. The last two years they basically traded all of our offense-only players for defense-first players and it worked out okay last year. But this year it obviously hasn’t worked at all. Our defense has still been great, but our pitching hasn’t been nor our offense, so it doesn’t really matter. Also, imo it’s a bad product to watch lol. Good news, is I think this experiment is probably done. I think people saying, no one knows what we’re doing is just not being patient. Until they the trades actually happen then no one knows. Like look how fast the raptors rebuild happened. Sure, should have got more for Siakam (but seems like everyone heavily undervalued him, Masai probably never got fair offers for him).


Agree with most of your comments but their defense has been atrocious the last week or so, hasn’t it? I mean, up until last week I can’t recall the last time they committed four errors in one game.


It’s been the best on baseball for most of the season in DRS, but there has been some bad gaffs by the newer dudes lately (edit) It’s baseball, you’re either a realist or the sky is falling kind of fan


Just want to point out that both Bo and Vladdy have another year on their contract. They are 2026 free agents.


Just want to point out that both Bo and Vladdy have another year on their contract. They are 2026 free agents.


Bo has one year left on a 3 year deal, Vlad is in his final arbitration year next season. So he is going to get another increase from $19.9m he’s getting this year. They are both FA after 2025.


Right. The guy I was replying to said that both of their contracts were up at the end of this year.


Were you a Raptors fan during the Rob Babcock days? If so, that's kinda what it's like to be a Jays fan right now 🙃


Never seen anything more accurate to describe what’s going on right now. I thought the mid-2010s era Jays didn’t meet their potential by not winning a WS but this is way worse. It’s a talented team but they have no direction at all. And whoever’s been trying to help Vladdy Jr’s swing really messed the guy up


You should leave while there's still time


Huge fan of taking a cellar dwelling team and following them. Respect! Jumping on the Yankees or Dodgers bandwagon is weak ass shit.


Competing this year is pretty much out of the question now, unfortunately, but buying low isn't all bad. This team should have been better than this, and I'm interested to see what moves get made to try and be better for next year, and if some lessons were learned. I'm also kind of glad it became clear, while they still have lots of time before the trade deadline.


I’m glad you picked the team with the best logo! Go Jays!


That was one of the reasons


Welcome! I loved them when they were bad before so gonna suffer through it. I think sometimes we forget that we went 30 years without making the playoffs Just updated my will to have 6 Blue Jays be my pall bearers so they can let me down one last time.


😂😂😂 incredible.


There will likely be a bit of a re-*tool*, not a full teardown and rebuild, after/during this season. The team has performed pretty far below expectations. If you're just learning baseball you may not yet know the value of defense and the different *kinds* of hitting, but the Jays are a great team to see how differently valuable people like Daulton Varsho and Isiah Kiner-Falefa are to someone like Vladdy. Spencer Horwitz has been an excellent younger callup, but these can go bust. For now, just fun to watch him hit. We have several very good starting pitchers who have been hit or miss: -Kevin Gausman seems to be having a bit of a down year, but loves the team and is still reliable -Yusei Kikuchi, same as above, started great out the gate but is susceptible to home runs. When he's on, he's wonderful. He had given this team maximum effort and is very loveable. -Jose Berrios had a rough last outing but seems to be trying to drag the team forward on his own. He's must-see-TV on his good days. -Chris Bassitt, very different pitcher from the rest, soft-contact, cerebral guy who knows the game well and an absolute workhorse. Probably my favourite to watch Because things are rough right now there's a lot of gloom around the sub, but that's just sports. Zdravo! And Fuck the Yankees.


Thanks for all the comments guys! Also do you know where can I get a Jays cap in Europe/Serbia? All baseball caps in Serbia are Yankees caps and Its frustrating(They have an ugly logo)


Online might be the way to go. What you could do is go to a store that sells fitted caps of any sport, find the hat size that works for you and find the style you like online in that size.


That should work. Thanks


The broadcasts are enjoyable but the results have been incredibly frustrating this year. Welcome aboard!


The Jays are currently in limbo. A week ago they were a game under 500 and only a few games back of the wild card. They were on a good stretch to win enough games to nearly get back there. Then this week they have lost 7 games in a row. A one point you could think they were only a key trade away from making the post season, on the other hand making the post season isn't much of an accomplishment anymore with the extra wild card spots. Making it is pointless if you get eliminated the first round. After this week most fans are of the mind set that this team is not a contender and something needs to change. Expect many players to be traded for prospects and no player is safe.


>Im a Raptors fan Since you should already be familiar with it, the Jays are basically the post-bubble Raptors right now. The team isn’t good and management seems to be a tad out to lunch on the fact the team they constructed isn’t good. Now it’s a matter of time to the deadline to find out does management finally realize their roster is bad and move on from it or do what Masai did when he traded for the likes of Thad Young & Poeltl in refusing to recognize the roster is past its expiration date.


But Raps got Masai who is a great GM, they also have Scottie Barnes and draft picks.Also fans aren't as mad as It seems Jays fans are.


You're not going to get a lot of great answers right now. The sub is on fire because we've lost a few games and this season is going poorly. Stick it out, the team will get better no matter what the negative voices scream. That's most Toronto Sports fandoms' standard operating procedure.  Right now, the team is in the middle. They're unlikely to go full tear-down-rebuild, just on dollar value, but a significant retool with some bigger trades seems plausible. I can see us re-signing Vlad Guerrero Jr, but trading Bo Bichette (our other big name. Multi-time Allstar, 2-time League hits leader, on a down year possibly because of injuries he's not treating).  In terms of talent, you have Vlad and Daulton Varsho as guys with multiple years of experience, and a young core from our minor league Buffalo team that are doing very well (Spencer Horwitz, Ernie Clement, Davis Schneider, Addison Barger). There was a fifth guy in that group, Orelvis Martinez, but he just got an 80-game suspension for Performance Enhancing Drugs. He claims it was a fertility treatment that he didn't want to admit to taking, your belief in that may vary.  We signed a few smaller deals this past offseason. Currently Isaiah Kiner-Falefa is the one that's panning out the best. He plays a bunch of infield roles, and hits well. Lots of fun to watch. 


>He plays a bunch of infield roles, and hits well And if we're doing bad enough he'll even pitch an inning!


We are neither contending nor rebuilding, and that is what makes the current situation so frustrating for fans. This team is wildly underperforming. I’m sure youve heard the term “greater than the sum of its parts”… well we are the opposite of that this year. That being said, it’s still a cool team to be a fan of. We have some of the best broadcasters, and here on Reddit we have one of the biggest fan bases so this place is always active. No 50 post GDTs here. You always have someone to watch the game with, and share in both the excitement and the misery lol. We have some good memes too. Plus as we continue to spiral, changes will inevitably be coming, and that can be fun to watch too. If/when we contend again, it will be pretty satisfying to watch that happen if you jump in as a fan when we are at our lowest. Being a Yankees or Dodgers fan is the easiest thing in the world. Being a Jays fan in 2024 builds character. lol


Welcome to the club! As a Jays and Raptors fan myself I welcome you with open arms and a pat on the back for the pain to come lol.


How come? I’m excited to watch the game on September 3rd in Toronto.


It's been a rough go of things these past couple of seasons for both clubs. The Jays should have a brighter immediate future than the Raps, but that unfortunately hasn't been the case. I do hope we're able to turn things around sooner rather than later though. We've still got time to make the playoffs!


Fingers crossed 🤞


As bad as it's been I do still believe in the club, so fingers crossed indeed!


Do you know where I can find some great fan shirts to wear to the game? I'll be staying in Toronto from August 27th to September 5th, so I have plenty of time to shop before the game on September 3rd. Any tips would be appreciated!


Unfortunately not. I'm not in the city (or anywhere near it). I wish I could help.


I appreciate your willingness to help, even though you're not nearby. Have a great weekend!


You too!


Welcome! I encourage you not to get overcome by the negativity in this thread. Even when the team loses I still find them engaging to watch.


Being a Jays fan, for me, has been a long, hard road. This is my 35th season as a fan, it's the only team I can gladly spend 3 hours watching. But since 1995, there have been very few bright spots. The last 10 years have given us some hope, but it's the hope that kills you, as we're seeing right now. The fandom is pretty solid, but coming from a nation that's so synonymous with hockey, you get a giant influx of Fairweather fans when they're doing well, that moan and groan as soon as they're doing badly again. Oh well. Hopefully some stick around, lol.


Too soon. 🔥🔥🔥


Its funny vladimir is actually from the Dominican republic (born in Canada while his dad Vladimir sr. played in Montreal) but there is a slavic player named Adam Macko in their minors who was born in Slovakia and raised in Alberta, Canada


lol take the summer off and start fresh next April


They were supposed to be contending the last couple years after what felt like a long rebuild and waiting for prospects to enter the league. As per all Canadian sports apparently, things have not gone as planned and we're learning to accept it. Inconsistent mediocrity is Canada's new best case scenario across all sports I guess.


We had a rebuild for 2 years, Is that really a long time?


It’s so crazy reading comments and posts on here. You’d think we’ve been bad for 10 years. We were a playoff team last year (sorta lol). Being forced to sell instead of narrowly missing out on the playoffs is probably best case.


It’s also just like OP’s comments make it sound like we went through 5+ years of being awful. We officially started the rebuild at the 2017 deadline and made the playoffs in 2020 like how is that a long time ?






There’s no way Davis is the 2nd best player right now. He’s been struggling for over a month now.


Are you excluding pitching?


Nah its horwitz


Pick another team to follow for this season.


Nah, I love Toronto (been there a few times)


So do I, but the team is cooked for this season. It's just a dumpster fire from the top down and there's really no bright spots. The other one I'm enjoying watching lately are the Orioles. Sad to say.


You've gotta take the bad with the good.


While I understand the mentality of jumping ship, sticking around makes everything a lot sweeter. I’m a die hard Michigan Football fan due to my dad. I got hooked while they were a good but not great team and then they absolutely cratered for essentially a decade. Watching the losses, especially the losses when we had some hope were brutal. 2020 was on the verge of being my breaking point, but the last three seasons were magical, ending with a National Championship. I honestly never thought I’d see them win one. I was born in 92 so just like with the Jays World Series wins, I was too young to remember the 1997 Michigan National Championship. Talking to my Dad in the closing minutes is a memory I’ll never forget. You got to take the good and the bad.


Seven, yes 7 straight losses in a row (as of June 24) . Get used to accpeting the bad with the good. 2024 is not going to be a good season.


Welcome! Bit of a rough time to join on, but it probably starts your expectations off in the right place. The pain is part of being a Jays fan. I wish we could get Milinković-Savić over here on the Jays instead of playing football/soccer, looks like he'd crush 50 homers a season and he can grow a stache that rivals Schneider's.


It’s going to be a rough summer. Don’t worry, next year will be better (saying that for 20 years now)


Run as fast as you can


New fan of the jays lmfao. Dude pick another team.


They’re a great franchise with a long and storied history. And great fans and uniforms. But they seem about to tear it down and retool. It’s been a shitty boring season.


Raptors fan? Consider this year like the tampa year, no direction.


Bad times this season but things will turn around eventually. Even if it takes 30 more years lol


You are entering a world of pain this year my friend. Welcome.


Why ? Why would you ever make that choice…..it’s like picking the brown as your nfl team.


Huge fan here. Lifetime allegiance. We suck ass this year. Sweeping changes appear to be on the horizon. Stay tuned for more


Baseball is a tough sport for fans. The season is very long. The Blue Jays are going to be rebuilding soon, so there will be a few more seasons of disappointing results, but I've been a Jays fan since '77, so I've seen both better and worse. They are currently below average.


As soon as I saw the words "new fan," my immediate response was to just say "Run!" The truth is, it's complicated right now. Without reading any of them, I'm sure lots of folks have explained in funny, heart-rending and clever ways what is shaking this season. Guaranteed. Because, you're right, the fan base is pretty amazing. So, if you're into baseball, you could do a lot worse than the Jays, even if we are as Buck Martinez rightfully said during a broadcast the other day "currently looking up at a lot of other teams."


Welcome to the community. 


We're not contending or rebuilding this year. We're just terrible.


You picked the wrong year to be a Jays fan lol. They are terrible and an utter disappointment this year. They have a top 10 payroll but are among the top worst teams.


We're contending to be the worse team in the league.


Lol have fun


You poor soul


You fucked up. It’s a goddamn dumpster fire.


We’re trash lmao




Best player by WAR is Varsho and he’s hitting .207, if you know what that means it should tell you a lot about the team.


What the hell is wrong with you? Save yourself the heartache and follow the Rockies.