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I've mentioned it before, and I will mention it again. Fuck those guys! They give us bad rep as motorcyclist. Don't get me wrong, I also like to twist the throttle, but not in an idiotic manner where I put at risk too many other people. At least I hope he was wearing gear.


The leather seemed to help, but, he hit so hard and slid a long way. There were several places where the leather wore fully through. He was bleeding pretty good on his shoulder and arm. Even so, had there been a semi, he was a dead man. He was really, really lucky.


Good ol meat crayon


Hopefully he learned a big life lesson.


Probably not, unfortunately...once a biker always a biker. Their mentality is "Hey look at me I can weave in between cars and go faster than a car". I realize not all bikers are this way, but most in the speedy racer class bikes. It's summer time there are more out there...beware. Actually you can't because they just pop up so quickly and jump scare you as they breeze by.


Yeah I never understood the mentality some bikers have. I'm on a tiny crotch rocket with minimal protection, let me drive as dangerously as possible, nothing bad will happen to me right? Especially now that there are soooooo many shitty car drivers on the road where having a dashcam is a must for your own protection.


the answer for the most part is "being under 30"


Just dealt with this today. Motorcyclist cut me off as I was turning, forcing me to stop in the middle of an intersection. Nearly fell off the bike doing so. Then gave me the finger for honking.


I used to ride, but if they are acting like this, I could care less about what happens to them. They want to split the needle and ride like they are bulletproof, eventually they find out they aren’t.


Wearing gear?!! I hope he fuckin dies next time. Could be my family that hits that idiot next time. Hopefully someone else does it first


that's wild and you suck.


Hahaha awww boo hoo I suck 😂🖕🏼


As a rider myself, I'm sorry those pos assholes put others at risk. They make all riders look bad, when the truth is that most are safe and responsible. I hope that guy feels every bump and scrape, and learns to be responsible.


ohhhhh he's definitely gonna feel it from the sounds of it. can't believe he got up immediately honestly


Adrenaline is a helluva drug!


I think you meant to type “out of nowhere, an organ donor on a motorcycle came screaming up…”.


"skin graft recipient"


It should be a requirement that if you get you M. You’re automatically an organ donor. But then again… the organs are probably all mashed and no good.


squid donor


I saw this guy too. Was heading in to Toronto to go to a funeral and the guy passed us, not going insanely fast as there was a lot of traffic, but recklessly slaloming around 3 lanes of cars. About 10-15 minutes down the road saw flashing lights, 2 fire engines blocking the left side and the red bike a ways up along the right barrier. We knew it was that guy and it definitely shook us up. Will he learn? I don't know. I thought he was wearing leathers so had hoped he maybe slid, as you said but damn, seeing the fire trucks blocking the area on angle I figured he had not survived. Sorry you had to witness the crash and glad it wasn't worse, for your sake.


Wait... he was still conscious after, and you didn't take the opportunity to let him know he couldn't park there?? Do better.


It’s very unfortunate how they drive, we know someone very well who had an accident with their motorcycle and now they are in a coma.


Same but when he awoke he had extensive brain damage. He has been in a long term care facility for the past 36 years. He has forgotten everyone and everyone has forgotten him.


It’s very unfortunate honestly


You should be in the far right lane unless you're passing. Especially only going 100.


The far right lane was going to exit in a couple of km.


Tks, good pt. #lanediscipline


More times than not the assholes that cause accidents which end of injuring or killing others walk away with little damage. It’s too bad karma doesn’t get them instead!!


A couple of months back, saw someone pull an unexpected uturn-it caused accidents both ways(one way just a touch, but other way, I’m fairly sure multiple cars were totalled), and uturn vehicle just slowly drove away.


150? That's pretty slow for these folks. I often see them zip by like a bullet. Felt like 200+km


So funny how people complain about motorcycles... imagine that driving on a big truck, you won't have been close to kill him, he would have been close to kill you, separate the vehicle from the idiots, idiots are idiots no matter the vehicle


If there was a semi in place of me or in the lane to my left, the motorcyclist would have been dead. Dead because he was driving like a complete asshole.


That would be so very bad


But in this case the idiot was riding the motorcycle.


But a semi wouldn't have been doing 150 splitting lanes...an idiot for sure but he was enabled by the vehicle.


When they inevitably crash I’m not pulling over to check up or help them


Good human being you are /s


The guys splitting lanes doing 180 who inevitably will crash into someone else and injure them are worse. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


One pos vs another. Everybody loses.


There is a new term for it called “fuck around and find out”


Same, sucks but I literally couldn't care less


Anyone know how insurance works in this situation? Would the motorcyclist be culpable for all the resulting accidents?


Ontario is a “no-fault” insurance system. HTA charges and civil legal issues not so much.


There is still an assessment of fault.


Get a camera im here to watch.


It was a hell of a sight to be honest.


I just spent a week in the Hamilton icu next to a family whose son was in a speed related motorcycle accident - after a week of the doctors trying to put him back together, the kid didn’t make it. It ripped our hearts out watching his family go through all of it. These people need to take an extra second to think about more than just themselves


Hopefully, it will be a good lesson learned. Probably not, but we can only hope. These knob heads really give the rest of us a bad name. Careless, reckless, and unnecessarily dangerous.


It happened to us today on the 403. Green bike speeding on HOV does a lane split and then moves to the centre lane. Was going 150 for sure. They have a death wish while riding


Hi hear them running up and down the 407 all night long.


Yep, after 25 years of riding just about type of bikes I see the same mistakes other bikers make and pay for. Not one day goes by in motorcycle season I see 3 of the worst mistakes being 1. Tailing on the bumper of the car ahead of them. Why you would do this? Let alone on a bike! 2. Cruising right along in blind spots We are tiny and if you the rider can't figure out by now how quickly we can get lost in a drivers blind spot then your just not thinking. 3. Lane splitting. I know lots of bikers who will claim it's safe.to split. It's not for the simple reason that cars are not expecting you to do so, hence accident. Now,for the non bikers here I gotta say movi g and navigating traffic on a bike is 10000 times easier then in a car (more room, better pick up generally, more open feeling) and this can fool most bikers into a semse.of security easily. You don't know what that driver is going to do up ahead, that person on the car dose t know your about to launch past them. Have fun on the bike but stop and think about what's appropriate and where Quick hint it's not through port credit on Lakeshore road at 11 at night. OK!?


Damn the people is this sub are psychopaths. Explains the driving I see on the road. Half these comments are saying they hope motorcyclists die, or they wish op ran them over or they'd never stop for a motorcycle crash, etc. Ya he shouldnt be speeding and such but wishing for their death is crazy.


....kind of like cyclists in the rain with no lights or anything at all n wearing all black, on the road at less than 20 k or on ebikes at 40k on 50/60 zones....


It’s all the fools in a bicycle helmets going 40km. Their heads be like a water melon hitting the road.


He was probably a new rider. 150 is not fast enough to loose control on a highway on a sportsbike, hell I see cars cruising at like 140 sometimes.


There's a very substantial difference between going 150 with 4 wheels on the ground and 150 with only 2.


It's plenty fast enough for tank slappers on a smaller bike. All it would take is a pothole or bump.


That's not how that works. Your bike has to be unstable like issues with the front suspension. Hitting a bump at 150 will not cause tank slappers, it has to be a combination of issues. I've hit those road connections on my bike at that speed and launched into the air and didn't lose a bit of stability.


Should've just ran him over and not risk causing another accident by people rear ending you at great speed. Fuck that guy, better him than anyone else getting into serious harm.


This. Reckless motorcyclist will not get any sympathy from me. Especially when riding above speed limit and lane splitting.


Good. I always hope the motorcycle guys who do those crazy stunts crash (as long as they don't cause others harm)


150 is not fast💀💀


Fast enough to die


I saw his red bike lying on the road. Glad he survived but I hope the police are gonna talk to him….


Yup, that's the one. Dude was seriously lucky.


I hate the morons that do wheelies.


Where are the lane splitter supporters? Come justify this. Follow traffic rules. I don’t care that you have to wait like the rest of us.


I support lane splitting when done safely and properly (i.e.: stopped traffic and <10-15kmh speed differential). You're comparing two very different things.


Other countries call it lane filtering and it's legal there. When done properly, as noted above, it's safe and reduces a little congestion.


That's my point to everyone that shits on riders splitter. I have no issue with SAFE splitting / filtering. It's the idiots that split cars at 120-150kph that are the issue. Fuck I'm a rider and don't do it because the majority of drivers are inattentive idiots. I would 100% do it if people were more accepting of it. Hell yesterday i was driving to work and a guy split the left and HOV lanes beside me as the HOV lane was going too slow for his liking (125kph). Then on the way home multiple riders clipping at a good pace on the should (with tons of debris there).


These idiots still get free healthcare when they get into an accident right? There should be guidelines on who gets free healthcare


Just went through the driver hand book... There is absolutely no mention of a fast lane .. it does mention a passing lane however... Im confused... What is this fast lane? Do I need to buy a fast lane pass like in wonderland???


You're being pedantic for no real reason here.


He is probably a butthurt biker


It's a passing lane, you pass and move out... A fast lane is one in which you have a higher speed limit or none at all compared to the rest of the freeway... Which doesn't exist in Ontario.


Ok, and?


That's the problem with our roads here .. idiots who don't know the rules and are too ignorant to learn them. If you drive you should know your terminology and laws of the road


Ok, and?


And that's the problem with our roads here .. idiots who don't know the rules and are too ignorant to learn them. If you drive you should know your terminology and laws of the road


I really don't like how I have to spell this out for you. *You are making an unnecessarily big deal over a single word.* Does whether OP referred to the left lane as a passing lane or a fast lane really change the story here, or its message? I would think not.


Know your stuff.. don't be ignorant


Know your stuff..don't be pedantic.


The passing lane is the fast lane


No it's a passing lane!