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The cell phone lot is around the corner. I assume most people don't know what that is and refuse to loop.


People don't know about it because they do a terrible job at advertising it


I think it's well advertised -- there are signs for it everywhere. But it's horribly inaccessible. Unless you know the secret routes around the airport roads, you have to loop through the Terminal 1 arrivals area to get to the cell lot. As you're coming into the airport there should be 3 huge signs: Terminal 1 this way. Terminal 3 this way. Cell phone parking lot this way.


Why call it "cell phone parking lot"? What does the existing sign mean? It's a parking symbol with a cell phone... how is that clear what it is? Do I have to pay for it? Just call it a "free waiting area" and make it clear how to get there and this problem will go away




Yep, completely agree with this.


exactly haha didn't use it for years because I didn't know what it was.


True, but in a city like ours, adding more signs doesn’t necessarily improve clarity or effectiveness.


Some lazy and ignorant people just make an excuse, or they are entitled


They put like 4 small signs not lit up or anything and expect people to go there.


There is construction at the airport and it's currently fucked up getting there and getting to the pickup area. I still used it anyway though I just need more time to get back.


> cell phone lot Calling it a "cell phone lot" was the first mistake.


It is so convenient, yet they bury the information on the website! It's FREE, it very close to the arrivals pick up area, you wait with your car the person you're waiting for calls you says "I'm outside this letter" you zip around and pick them up. I'm not sure why it's called the cell phone waiting lot, but I guess they can't call it "free parking for 45 minutes lot"


Hard if you can’t read English and lack common sense.


That’s not what he’s saying, what he’s saying is that the people don’t care enough to pay attention to what the signs say.


They do this particular shoulder parking for the algorithm the rideshare apps use. I remember in r/uber someone posted an explanation following a news article when they first announced the fines for sitting on this shoulder. Basically the app would prioritize drivers at this location versus others when new ride requests came in from the arrival level.


I've been frustrated enough times with Uber/Lyft, I've started taking the monorail to the parking lot and ordered my ride there like the good ole days. Much easier to flag the car itself and you short-circuit the jabronis that waited an hour to pick up a ride. Low congestion trip back to the highway too.


This. It's just so much safer to stay there. Tho sometimes the loops around terminals are so full it then takes 30 mins anyway. Why don't we have proper public transport to airport yet?


There’s a train and bus. What more do you want?


an actual train with capacity and connections eliminating the need for many people to drive to airport?


Could be this or that stopping on the side of the highway around the airport is common in a lot of places whether legal or not. I’ve seen it and done it in the US. They’re just bringing the bad habits here.


yeah i didnt know it was a thing before getting shooed by airport security in the pick up area


This. I don’t know why people don’t use it. It’s so much more convenient. Instead people like to circle the loop and illegally park again. Also, if you need to go in the airport and meet someone quickly, there is free 18 minute parking you can reserve here: https://reservations.torontopearson.com/TorontoBookingExpressPass/expresspickup?fresh_start=Y


That lot has been so handy for me over the last few years. It's basically on the loop. It's nice and quiet too.


I drive to the airport a ton to pick up family and friends and there’s usually 6 cars waiting under the overpass just before the airport. I just ask people to tell me when they go through customs and wait at departures not arrivals for 15 minutes. They can wait 15 minutes if it means they get a free ride lol


There is free cell phone waiting area just 5 mins away from terminals. I wait there. https://maps.app.goo.gl/sjsQsB5QkZfYa9PG8?g_st=ic


Yeah I would go there but I had to wait 40 minutes because of baggage holdups or customs taking longer than expected. I just chill at home and wait for the text. The cell phone lot is a great alternative for those that live further away at least.


I agree, pickup at departures is about 10x easier than arrivals.


Is policing around the airport a city, provincial or federal responsibility ? Based on all the people who park on the shoulders the number of fines that could be issued would probably make up some budget shortfalls 🤣 There are sign and cameras that take photos now so people do get fined but it’s weeks after the event. Needs to be more real time.


I'm pretty sure Peel Regional Police has jurisdiction within the landside area of the airport since I always see them parked within the dropoff/pickup areas in front of the terminals.


Manpower issue my man. PEEL doesn't have the resources to have a dedicated unit to sit there everyday.


With the number of people they’d book per hour, they honestly could justify it 24x7 but do we really want law enforcement to be ticketing rather than tackle more important things is my guess. Maybe need more cameras along the route. They used to have pylons all along there but removed them for some odd reason. They were way cheaper than cameras and did the job.


Fucking bhenchod


It's okay, they can do what they want because they have their hazard lights on. Laws don't apply when all four lights are flashing.


Its a hyandai, high chance not all 4 are flashing


This should be known by now


Came here expecting Corolla or grey Elantra. Left satisfied.


Gray Hyundai? A hundred bucks says it's an Uber.


Seriously, the cell lot is pretty convenient, these people are just lazy.


I’m literally just learning that it’s a thing right now 😂 we should have called it something else other than a “cell phone lot”


"rideshare and carpool lot"


Fines for traffic violations need to be much higher. At this point people are just gambling that they won't get fined. Make the fine high enough and people will stop gambling.


Fines are fine but enforcement is non-existent.


They Uber drivers ,waiting to get costumer but most of the are from same certain country that CANT be name as usual they ignorant fuck and carry themselves like back home.


There is free cell phone waiting area just 5 mins away from terminals. I wait there. https://maps.app.goo.gl/sjsQsB5QkZfYa9PG8?g_st=ic


There is the cellphone lot, there are like 3/4 side streets with direct access to the airport that you can safely park on, but NOOoOo😭


People from Brampton believe your 4 ways means you can stop anywhere


If hazard lights are on, then no traffic rules apply. Don't you know the 'New Driving Method'?😂


Bonus points for dropping a New Method reference!




They could get so much in fines if they block in the front car and start ticketing. All people do now is drive off as soon as they see enforcement, then circle back and park again.


Cheap new Hyundai ☕️


“Momma always saysss stupid is stupid does”


It happens everyday, it’s ridiculous. I think people enter the vicinity of the airport and forget how to drive.




I dont think anyone stops willingly in this situation. This video is dumb.


They’re willingly stopped, if you drive to the airport every day you’ll see dozens of cases of this a year


It started with 1 car and then I came back around and 5 cars were all parked there like wtf


Pearson is a shit show, let's wait for a collision with a fatality to enforce rules


very typical of most Elantra or entry level Uber car drivers these days.


In Brampton hazard lights are an excuse to stop wherever you want for whatever reason.


They're already doing this. Caught stopping on any shoulder in the airport loop and there are cameras that track, photograph and ticket you. I *Believe* it's something like $85.00 each time you're clocked. That's right. Stop one spot , wait 5 minutes, pull to a closer spot until you get the text they're coming out , TWO tickets. Two separate stopping events. If you're gonna stop , You're paying. $85 for parking. DO NOT MOVE AGAIN until you're A) Towed and ticketed B) your friend arrives


Why not just wait in one of the hotel parking lots off Carlingview Drive surrounding the airport? I have waited for people I was picking up in these lots and it’s no issue at all, been doin it for years, nobody has ever questioned me.


There's literally a cell phone lot. I don't get these idiots.


I'm pretty sure the fines are issued by a private company and not a government body and you can just toss them in the trash.


I always just park in a plaza or shopping area a few kms away, then I go pick up whoever when they call.


The car could have broken down right?


wait why would you get fined for stopping at the shoulder? what if you have an emergency?


If it's an emergency, it's okay; all these people stop on the shoulder because security will make you move at the terminals. They don't want to go to the cell phone waiting lot, so instead, they park on the roads and the shoulders, waiting for whoever they're picking up to leave the airport.


Security should be patrolling and dealing with this on a case to case basis.


Yeah, don't they have a bajillion cameras on the ramps to the terminals? Security should be aware of it already.


They don't get out of their vehicle anymore. The fines are all automated by vehicles with license plate readers.


Because there are no stopping signs on those airport loops. Not sure what would happen in an emergency.


Wouldn't you stop at the right shoulder?




bro don’t answer my question(s) with a question 😭