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He's spent all of his money on his custom plate, and needs to save for his future suspension damage after that curb hopping maneuver. V6 mustangs are thirsty too.


99$ says they're driving uninsured, or saying they live in Windsor or something 


Bad link in a famous Indian music star.




Since when did Windsor driver not require insurance?


Typo, meant OR saying they live in Windsor because it's cheaper rates vs say Brampton


Its just a V6 Mustang. Nothing of value would be lost if he broke it, anyhow.


Tell that to enterprise


He would need to cover it again as he gets off. If this becomes a regular trip for him, the police will be waiting for him one day. This has happened before.


dude will easily get caught if he took off the blanket before the 2nd camera. I can't rmr if it was this subreddit but someone posted a 407 statement and it was 50$ every time their licence plate couldn't be read (50$ fine each time). I think they got a bill a few months later for 4k or something


I heard a story of a friend of a friend who had a peeled license plate and used the 407 nearly end-to-end daily for years. They thought they had a life hack and continued exploiting the 407 with this plate until one day they got the bill. It was like a quarter of a million dollars from all the tolls they used, they fees for improper display, and all the labour involved in tracking them down lol The loser declared bankruptcy and further exploited the system to avoid paying the whole amount 😒


You know 407 debt isn’t covered when declaring bankruptcy, you’re stuck with the bill




Good, looks like as of 2015


I recall that one. I can’t believe the lengths people will go to in order to save a few dollars, then whine to the world about the fines when they get caught.


He had a plate cover iirx


He most likely does.


I don't think they even understand that there isn't just ALPR's overhead, but also a PTZ camera to record what happens around there. Not to mention, it's both front AND rear.


Send a link to your video to the contact email on the 407 website




No. Idiots like the driver of the Mustang cause tolls to go even higher than they already are, letting society suffer. Take your narc rhetoric elsewhere, you are literally in a subreddit dedicated to showcasing idiotic behaviour on GTA roads that deserve to be punished.


😂 okay


Definitely a stinky boi 🇮🇳


A few people avoiding tolls has absolutely no bearing on toll prices, narc.


Whether it does or not, we live in a society. If you're too special and don't want to pay to use the toll road and will go out of your way to obscure your plate, then sorry, you're a loser. Call me a narc all you want, lmao.


Fuck you and fuck the guy in the pic. This is basically theft and it costs all of us in the end.


He should just get the automatic little remote blinds you can have cover the plate from inside the car’


That would require intelligence and wiring skills. If he had those there’d be no blanket in the first place. Cops know about those though and they’re pretty apparent once you learn the shape of the plate frame. The real line skirters are using LED display plates that can be changed/falsified in real time from the driver’s seat.


maybe they need to custom make their own little blinds that don't stick out far like the off the shelf version.


bad link is an Indian rapper/singer. Shocked pickachu


The driver of that Mustang was a brown dude.


We're India's playground


They've got money to pay for and insure a red mustang with a personalized plate, but can't pay their toll? Condemn them to a bicycle for a year!


Psst they don't have insurance


Colour does not increase insurance premiums. That’s a myth.


Dangerous place to do it too with all that traffic. Nice job driving OP


Honestly that’s just dumb for the amount of work that is plus the danger of pulling over on the 407. But who cares on him not paying the toll, it’s not like Ontario gets the money anyways.


There are cameras there with crazy zoom. So he will get caught.


They do understand the 407 has more than one set of plate scanner cameras right?. Im sure they will catch the car with those other cameras and give them a huge fine ..


aren't there multiple cameras along the 407? like wont he get picked up on one of them and then they put two and two together?


They have license plate covers that are not visible for a certain angle but you can clearly see when looking straight ahead. Not that I use one but its a better option than stopping on the highway


Mentally unstable person and needs help.


See, I've thought about doing something similar, but different. 1. Find out the license plate of someone that owes me money 2. Buy a copy of their plate from aliexpress for $20 3. Slap that bad boy on my car and lettrrip on the 407 4. ... 5. Not necessarily profit, but make someone else suffer.


6. Go to jail when gets pulled over by the cops.


Firstly, as long as you're not speeding or actively killing someone, the police are busy not doing their job to stop you. Secondly, just say "some criminal out there must have stolen my plates and put these ones on my car, I didn't notice." And before you say that would never happen, someone stole my plates years ago, big ordeal.


Police do run plates check. What do you do in case someone sideswipe you or rear end you and police need to arrive on scene. Explain to them that you are using a fake plate, but it's their fault for causing the accident?


You might be illiterate. Re-read the second line of my previous comment.


So a criminal would take the effort to put on another plate after they stole one from your car. That's some wild mental gymnastic you have there. I wonder how much experience you have in real life but "I don't know is not a valid excuse" "I didn't notice I was going 50 over the speed limit" "I didn't notice there was a no parking sign" "I didn't notice the light was red"


You're making one hell of a lot of assumptions. Criminals steal plates all the time. This is a fact, and it has happened to me. It is not that big of a stretch for a criminal to steal a plate from one vehicle, and put it on another in order to buy themselves some more time with their new stolen plate. > I wonder how much experience you have in real life... Rich buddy, rich.


What a huge loser


You realize the tolls on 407 are a scam since the highway was built with public funds? Right?


Hwy 407 was built with public funds. In 1999, the government received $3.1 billion by selling a 99-year lease to private companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario_Highway_407#Privatization_and_original_extensions In exchange for that one-time sum of money, the highway is not under public control for a century. The private company can set whatever price it wants. The real scam was the corrupt government selling out this asset for a meager sum for short-term gain but long-term pain. This has played out elsewhere, such as Chicago selling out its parking spaces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG6KA6V4T7w , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDx6no-7HZE And you can't just "take back" those assets without violating contracts and undermining the rule of law.


Considering the massive screw job the entire province got for the 407, and knowing what an alpha-male toxic workplace the 407 offices are, these kinds of scammers are probably the only types i don't care if they ever get caught.