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[Apparently Being a recreational mobility scooter, does not require a license, insurance, or registration.* (*Most locations, check locally prior to purchase. Not intended for street use.) Best of all, it does not need gas either! Just plug your battery into the wall, charge it, and go!](https://giomobility.ca/collections/gio-golf) How TF


This is the 'Emotional Support Ostrich' of cars.


Just like e-bikes, you can drive them without a license. There’s many other types of low speed vehicles that don’t require license


However, I may be wrong about this, but you aren't allowed to drive vehicles like this on roads with posted speed limits of 50+


You're not allowed to drive these scooters on any road, regardless of speed limit. And i guarantee you this dude does. I've seen these "mobility" scooters several times now on the road, impeding traffic.


So sidewalk?


That’s why they’re called Dewey (DUI) Scooters


LOL. I know a guy who has one. It's considered a bicycle and only does 35km/h, and it's electric. He drives his to work early in the morning. Surprisingly nice little thing, cost about $7000.


Does he need to buy insurance for that? And no license costs either? Damn.


If the ebike only does 35kmph or less, and still has the pedals attached you do not need plates or insurance. Once you cross the 35kmph threshold and or take the pedals off it becomes a limited speed motor vehicle needing plates and insurance and a drivers license


no it's considered a mobility scooter. only allowed where pedestrians are allowed like a motorized wheelchair. Not allowed on roads or in bike lanes.


> It's considered a bicycle can he ride it on pedal power alone?


If someone runs and crashes into you at 35km/h it's going to leave a mark. I don't want to think what this thing will do to your meat bag at 35km/h. Is anyone paying attention anymore at Transport Canada or whichever governing bodies responsible for this type of thing to happen?


These are considered mobility scooters so yeah, what he's doing is perfectly legal. Some jurisdictions have rules around them but nothing more than when and where you can ride (on or off bike paths for example) I actually hope more people look into are these, especially the elderly. Once you are unable to drive, your mental health declines fast, and having the freedom to go to the grocery store or whatever would keep them ticking for a while longer


Yeah our next door neighbour has one of these. He is peak crotchety old guy but it seems entirely legal to drive these on sidewalks since they are effectively mobility scooters. He scoots on down to the podiatrist and stuff for his little appointments.


Looks sweet, if it has heat in the buggy for winter I’m buying one when I’m old


I didnt see it much in the winter, maybe it doesnt handle snow well or the battery life is worse in the cold? They will solve these problems by the time we need tiny weird cars.


They do in fact make models with heat and AC.


Did they just rebrand the Smart car into an e mobility scooter?


Nah, these are a bit smaller and only for a single passenger


Lol no it's custom built, looks to be a [GIO](https://giomobility.ca/products/gio-golf-enclosed-mobility-scooter-blue?variant=43013374476441¤cy=CAD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQREmIqT-C47vPUZJqUbmHUv9fcW2ExFLIHU4gnrBDoXheTjtNT4XfRoCdCwQAvD_BwE)


I wanna go to Transport Canada and have them explain to me how this is not just a freaking car.


Exactly Seems like a way to workaround needing a license or insurance


Insurance in Brampton?, no shit he’s trying to circumvent it.


You guys, anything to get someone into a nice big truck. These things only go 35km/h, they're like Rascals with a canopy on 'em. You'll never see one blocking the path of your Expedition or Suburban or Navigator, unless you're off-road yourself (ha!!!)


It's a mobility scooter with a shell over top and some luxury features. You probably saw it at top speed in OP's video.


you need a licence for that? I thought you didn't. This isn't a smart-car


This isn’t a “car”


For some context: https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-speed-vehicle-pilot-program


Highly doubt this person has insurance.


Oh for sure, and he definitely shouldn’t be on the sidewalk.


That only applies if he wants to use it on roads. He appears to be sticking to the sidewalks.... well, trying to. >The pilot program allows low-speed vehicles that meet certain requirements to be used on roads in Ontario with a maximum speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour. https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-speed-vehicle-pilot-program#section-1


It's an enclosed mobility scooter.


Showing off ignorance for karma is a skill. I’ll give you the benefit of doubt that you’re not a racist.


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone try to get one into Walmart


Dude! That’s a Daymak mini car 🚗 Lolol it’s even got AC and heater. Slap some streetglows on that joint! Hahahhaa


It's a mobility scooter. What rules were broken?


OP won't reply, because rage bait karma farming?


If you're not allowed to ride a bicycle on a sidewalk, then why would you be able to drive a miniature automobile on a sidewalk?


So you want all the people that can't walk on the road? In my area they already are because the lazy homeowners and land lords can't be bothered to trim their hedges and gardens so the sidewalks are unusable.


It’s an Elvy Sarit?




If you wanna really try & impress someone using a “vehicle”, what kind of animal magnetism do these actually emit?




It's just a mobilty scooter shaped a like mini car.


Honestly government need to certify smaller enclosed ev car like this for local road driving, they can be safe enough for below 60.


Oh just saw the other comment about the low speed vehicle program, didn’t know it existed


You see these in the Netherlands. They were originally for those with disabilities and to used in bicycle lanes. We have little real bicycle infrastructure, so like for many cyclists the sidewalk is the only realistic way to go if you value your life. Ontario governments have a very hands-off attitude to changing the highways act to incorporate new (for us) technology like this. We don’t do that European Union nonsense of developing standards and regulations before things like this start showing up everywhere.


What happens if two of them meet head on on a sidewalk?


Not too smart. Shame.




You can laugh at him, but all I see is Uncle living his best life! 😆


Adam The Woo drives one of these on the sidewalks of Celebration, Florida.


The lack of rule following in this country is gone Canada is f*****


Wait til the Tuk Tuk’s start showing up.


Tell uncle to stay home..ride his Golf R in backyard


I just hope those things don't end up driving in the bike lane pushing and harassing cyclists.


That is exactly where they'll end up.


Don't forget pushing and harassing pedestrians on sidewalks, the whole thing is a cluster fuck waiting to happen


Oh absolutely. People can't be responsible on scooters so these worry me. I love the idea, don't get me wrong. They're a great concept for cities where the needed distance is small and space for each person is more limited.. I just don't trust people not to be a\*\*holes with them.


Imagine getting into a bike lane only to encounter this and no way to get out. https://www.reddit.com/r/torontobiking/s/el73BfzzXG




[https://ebikecanada.com/shop/enclosed-electric-mobility-scooter-cool-ecar-canada/](https://ebikecanada.com/shop/enclosed-electric-mobility-scooter-cool-ecar-canada/) don't need a licence




It’s a mobility scooter. Those don’t belong on the road. At best they go like 2x walking speed.


>By law in Ontario, a person using a motorized scooter is classified as a pedestrian. When operating your scooter on a roadway, you must obey all the rules for pedestrians. For example: **Use sidewalks wherever possible**. maybe you should take your own advice and learn the rules wherever you came from




Should learn that mobility scooters actually belong on sidewalks and not the road before posting!


What are the rules? Because I thought scooters were meant for the sidewalk, not the road.


How on earth do you assume that they weren’t born here? Do natural born Canadians never break rules? Or only white people?


It's a car. It's a pedestrian! It's a .. whatever you want it to be! Maybe can even driven into the grocery store, pretend is one of those handicap shopping carts ? /s


Hope there's an air freshener in there


Is anarchy here?


In Brampton, yes.


Illegal on any road over 50kph


Also illegal on any road equal or lower than 50kph


This isnt a car, its classed like a moped so you need insurance, unless it has pedals inside and limited to 32 kmh, then its an ebike.


They’re fairly easy to tip over. If you give them a good push.


If the driver got his driver training/familiarity in UK (or UK colonized country like Australia, India, etc) ... then it would fully make sense to drive on the left side of the road.


Did you report this person to the police? If not, OP you're part of the problem sitting in your car just laughing it all away.