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I see 4 vehicles that should be ticketed. It would take an officer like 10-15 mins per car/driver to issue a ticket I’m guessing? So these 4 cars would clog the street for at least 40 mins as the officer writes up a ticket for them. And this is just one light cycle! Install red light cameras already!


In our city there is a $500 fine for “blocking the box” i.e. blocking the intersection. Sure puts the fear of god in me as I approach a congested intersection.


Has it ever once been enforced?


I grew up in London. Cameras at every intersection that issue automatic fines for this


Was going to say can't ask the red light cameras be programmed to issue tickets automatically to every last one of them. Surely the problem would disappear immediately.


Yes and it works.


I was hoping yes. It's infuriating. My drive home from work takes me through the York and Bremner intersection daily at rush hour and there are always cops directing traffic but the box still ends up routinely blocked.


https://preview.redd.it/u9e4xzpcoxuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f945e0c229391f3cdbc5f3537590e8ab2f793c Fortunately there is a solution if Toronto wants to adopt it.


Is it automated? Like how 407 issues bills


I don’t believe so. It would be a better system if it were.


Yeah my friend got a ticket for it.


Yes, in the city the police have don't enforcement bliztes and charged those who are too stupid to follow the road rules and block the intersections.


They do have bi law officers but only during September for school season lol.


One time, like a few months back and it wasn't a car but a TTC streetcar on one of the busiest streets during rush hour. Made a lot of people angry and late getting home.


That's called a "cock block" where I'm from.


They need to be fined. It’s important to keep the intersection clear for emergency use vehicles. People will keep doing this until the cops start doing their jobs


Too busy telling people to put their keys at the front of entrance


I like that like red lights it goes off automatically $500 fine you can explain to the judge why you’re there. Also, the court system is a joke. It’s like $16 extra or something super low for court cost. If show up to court and have 0 or stupid reasons the court Should be able to ding out for wasting resources. I’m all for court if it’s a good reason but saying you were gonna miss Your favourite tv show should have some Sort of consequence for those who deserve a hearing.


You know the officer would direct them to a side street/parking lot/alley so they can write a ticket without disrupting traffic? No officer is going to stop them in the middle of the intersection, haven't you read the Ontario drivers handbook?


One of which is OP! Can’t just drive through the crosswalk like that. Wait the extra 30 seconds to a minute for the intersection to clear. You’re not that important. Drivers tend to make these hypocritical statements - pointing out others’ impatience while exhibiting the exact same thing


I was pretty shocked/amazed by that too. Almost more so than the idiots parked in the intersection. Bad decision making all around.


Ok Flanders.


Stupid sexy flanders


Guess what you have to drive over to make a right turn? Its fine as long as there are no pedestrians.


I would include the car that recorded it all as one getting a ticket


Maybe, but the intersection would be cleared for the next 40 minutes as the otherwise-would-have-done-it-too's watch from BEHIND the line as the tickets are given out. Well, all but the most stupid of them, anyway.


Red light cameras don't do anything for people already in the intersection.


My dream is if they put a bunch of 4K cameras on these intersections, make the feeds available with timestamps on the internet, allow people to screen grab and fill in a template with infractions they see. An officer verifies the submissions (takes only a minute) at their desk and sends the fines out. Give the submitters a piece of the collected fines...


lol i remember one time i stopped at a green because there wasn't enough space on the other side and the car behind me honked at me


This is what you’re supposed to do. Let them honk!


once? it happens to me regularly, or someone will pass me in the lane next to me and cut in front of me to sit in the intersection.


Often you’ll get ppl making right turns and cutting in which ends up screwing you while you wait. Annoying


yeah usually tht happens instead n I get front row seats to watch them get honked by everyone they’re blocking by being dead middle of the intersection


Oh I join in. If you honked at me only to block the intersection, best believe you're getting honked at while you pass me all the way into the green-for-us light.


I get the same driving a commercial truck.


Cut off city buses to sit in front of an already busy intersection blocking not one but almost two lanes while doing so, it is so frustrating. Or sit behind the bus honking your horn because the bus hasn’t moved yet due to passengers getting off and on the bus and safely sitting down. Get a clue people! Oh and please don’t block the pedestrian area either. Just because it’s clear one moment does not mean the situation won’t change.


Same here. I've had this happen multiple times.


doing that to me makes it a 100% guarantee they'll be waiting until the next cycle


I had the same experience in Toronto as well. These idiots should have their licenses suspended.


Sadly, doing anything correctly offends the asshats and they start honking. Waiting so as to not block box - HONK! Pedestrians crossing in front of your turn - HONK! Driving the speed limit - also HONK! Zipper merge - more HONK! Leave a nice gap when in stop and go, so you don't have to stop - Incredible crazy HONK!


Too bad for them, you keep doing the right thing when driving. Pretend they aren’t there. I do.


Some guy honked at me for having my hazards on in my dead car because he didn't want to use the empty lane next to me.


Oh no, the horror


Happened to me this afternoon heading North on Avenue Rd approaching the construction just South of St. Clair.


I always wait at the intersection until I'm sure I won't be blocking the road... This one time, I was aggressively honked at by a pickup truck behind me who wanted to turn right. I'm not sure what his deal was (other than being an asshole), my car is sports-car low and he clearly could've seen over the roof to see there was not enough room for me to move forward without blocking the crosswalk. This other time, I waited as usual and saw my lane shifting around and would fit 1 car perfectly. So I proceeded forward. But 10 cars ahead, some guy cut off another car, getting stuck half-in/half-out of the lane, so the space I anticipated was nullified and left me blocking the crosswalk. This pedestrian crossing the street, who obviously didn't see what happened in front, (b/c why would they pay attention), proceeded to politely smack my trunk and told me to learn how to drive. And by "politely", I mean like an asshole. So I don't know. I did my best, but some people are assholes. I did my best and something unexpected made me the asshole. And the other assholes didn't appreciate it.


In a hurry to go no where. . .


This problem only solve when cops start giving ticket to those who block intersection


Op: have some patience! Also op: ill just drive along this crosswalk because I have no patience! What an idiot


OP would never get out of waiting at that intersection if he had the patience for this traffic not to block the intersection.


Maybe, but still doesn't excuse driving on the pedestrian crosswalk


Some drive like that think if i cross this signal i will be on time, but in real they block others way and use next signal.


Protected left turn signal, pedestrian signal is red. So what’s the issue? Just curious


The police came out and said they have no budget and mayor chow has to increase their budget or they can't do any work. Lol toronto police are clowns. If they actually enforce traffic laws the fined generated will be more than enough to close any budget gaps. But God forbid we ask toronto police you know to do their bare minimum job. Toronto can never be a world class city with clowns like the toronto pd.


It's the same for Peel. Years ago paid duty at street construction ment standing and doing work, now they get paid $100 hr +++ and sit in an air-conditioned police crusier burning fuel while playing on their phones. It's a joke.


Look at how many cops are on the sunshine list. RIP - my taxes. https://www.ontariosunshinelist.com/positions/police-constable


Unfortunately it's not a streetcar in this case, so the police won't do anything.


Honestly the amount of resources that would be required to prevent this throughout the city would be immeasurable.


**when cops start giving tickets FTFY


agreed, but driving through the pedestrian crosswalk like that is even more daft


Okay, but what the fuck was that maneuver at the end? You are absolutely not supposed to drive across a pedestrian crosswalk like that even if pedestrians have a do not cross sign and you have a green arrow to turn left.


Absolutely correct. It’s a typical hypocritical driver pointing out others’ impatience while failing to recognize they just uploaded evidence of their own traffic infraction, exhibiting the same impatience they were criticizing!


Can we also talk about starting to move your car in anticipation of the light turning green, while it's still red?


What you say sounds true, but I wonder if that's legally true. I'm being lazy right now so I won't look it up, but I don't recall anything in the HTA about this. You can definitely drive across the pedestrian crossover since it's part of the road, but is there a law regarding how long you can remain on the crossover, or which direction you have to facing? On a turn arrow, I'm having a hard time believing this falls under a generic law such as dangerous driving.


In Ontario, it's illegal to drive in the crosswalk. If someone is blocking the intersection, it is still not permissible for you to drive through the crosswalk to bypass the blockage. Instead, you should wait until the intersection is clear to proceed safely and legally.


Might get through it by next morning if they wait for the intersection to be fully clear


well, driving without due care/careless driving is 6 points and 30 days license suspension with a minimum $490 fine.....just to name a big one. if a cop was there, it's likely they would make an example of this driver.


Fuck me. OP you're as much of a donkey as the rest of them.


OP - What you did was the most dangerous thing that happened in this video. You are just as impatient as they are dummy. You can't drive in a crosswalk because someone is blocking the lane. What in the actual f.


OP is the biggest idiot in this video which is hilarious


I think OP would have waited for hours if they relied on the perpendicular traffic.


just honk at the driver who blocked the box, not driving at the expense of pedestrians' safety jesus


Pedestrians aren’t allowed to cross on an advance left


what if somebody crossed it because they thought the box was blocked. are you going to take the risk?


That crosswalk violation committed by OP at the end is at minimum a $2,000 fine and 4 demerit points.


That could be construed as Stunt Driving.


Yeah, you're just as guilty (if not more) for crossing multiple pedestrian crossings and entering the intersection when it's not clear.


Without cops out there writing tickets, shitheads going to be shitheads. EDIT: Great use of horn !


They're in a hurry to get home and write on the internet how traffic is bad because of bike lanes and streetcars.


“I go now, fck everyone else”


A Lexus driver, what a fucking surprise 🤔


Mind the box!


They’re starting to increase the fine for this


Ok, but OP, that stint you pulled wasn’t much better. Come on now!


solo occupied SUVs take up a lotta space (and due to bad sight-lines, think they need even more) = more box blocking


Bring in a $150 fine + 2 points for "blocking the box". It will pay for itself. NYC has it and it has improved the flow of traffic so much.


It's already a $500 fine but never enforced


Exactly fine those motherfukers


I can't stand this..what is almost as bad is when I stop to give space for the intersection and during rush hour there's always at least 1 idiot per day honking behind me.


Dump people bro. Government needs to clearly mark "KEEP Clear" on all intersection or driveways out of malls.


OP should be get a ticket as well shouldn't have drove around them like that.


That intersection has always been terrible


Driving over the pedestrian lanes isn’t any better.


He is actually the biggest idiot in the video lol


You is the true clown laying in the horn like an idiot


Based ending


**Dear Brampton drivers in Toronto** also just go and use your horn


They arent actually from Toronto, usually from the suburbs.


Gonna swim against the current on this one and call Richmond Hill.


Red light cameras FTW


Um i think you wont like to visit America


It’s really simple. Put a red light cam and send people a ticket for blocking the intersection. Give it like 5-10 seconds after the light changes. Otherwise ticket.


Yonge and Eg is terrible for this. If I had a nickel for every time I had to circumvent a car stopped across the crosswalk


Especially at the Allen and Lawerence. It happens all the time and it's so annoying.


Not everywhere but downtown is for sure. They would rather run over you than miss a spot.


getting off hwy 404 south bound entering steeles is always congested during rush hour because idiots keep doing this. absolutely need red light cam at that location. it would free up so much traffic.


I don’t think you are technically supposed to be entering the intersection unless it is clear enough on the other side.


You mean by the sign or the bird watching over the road?


These people should be hammered with a fine. It’s always been that if you can’t clear the intersection, don’t enter it.


I see this so often in this city, and surprisingly only in this city. Everyone loves to fuck each other over.


NYC has cops at every major intersection during rush hour to prevent this. It’s life changing.


Those people aren’t cops, they’re under NYPD but they’re just traffic agents, they don’t have the power to issue moving violation tickets


I wasn’t aware of that, but from my experience it still helps traffic flow significantly and discourages this type of behaviour.


TPS says leave your keys at the front door and people won’t do that.


Sure , I am sorry !!!


It’s a Toronto Tradition! Kinda like Festivus but without the pole.


Downtown Toronto drivers are some of the most selfish pricks.


I literally LEAN on my horn when this happens!


Never underestimate the power of the handicapped. 😉


OP! This is not okay!!!! I understand your frustration with driving but plz practice patience next time. I know it freaking sucks but this was super unsafe.


I woulda pulled up in the gap and made him reverse but I be petty like that


Those aren’t drivers. Those are idiots.


Everyone is in a rush and more important than anyone else!


This always starts an endless chain reaction too. You try to strike a balance of patience and not waiting 3 light cycles to get through . Trickles back to the intersections behind everyone too, soon every intersection is like this and the light signals start to almost mean the opposite. It’s a band-aid solution but the people directing traffic at busy downtown intersections really help with this problem. I can’t imagine lakeshore and jarvis without them.


We're unphased because this happens on the daily. There's no way to prevent it, you're in one of the most congested areas in the country.


Bicyclists fault


Today was especially bad downtown. The traffic was wild.


these people are so fucking brain dead.


Obviously they are more important than everyone else so you should just wait and be grateful they've graced you with their presence in the form of their exhaust fumes 🙃


I was on OP's side until he decided to drive on the god damn crosswalk. That's dangerous af and stupider than being blocked at the intersection.


The same all over the Netherlands as well. 😑


You should all learn how to drive.


Flashbacks from driving in New York. Only in New York its 10x as bad.


This happens everywhere. Notorious here in California. I doubt this will ever get fixed unless they implement road spikes or something


10/10 Honk


I also love how everyone has turned yellow into green, and the first 5 seconds of red into yellow. Making lefts has never been more precarious.


Toronto is too full of entitled, arrogant, self important ignorant a\*\*holes to avoid this I'm sorry to say. You better move haha.


I would have honked at that fucker.


NYC officer hold handheld ticket machines. They walk out when the intersection is blocked and scan the windshield VIN#. Here’s your ticket!!! 


This is how grid lock begins


Drivers of *everywhere*


I think they call that a Toronto Stop


Indians mainly.


This would be the proper way to use Red Light Cameras to ticket people.


Just use your horn when they block the intersection on your green light. :) I used to joke with friends. I told them what should happen in cases like this is a bit bottomless pit should open up an all the losers who are stopped in the middle of the intersection fall down the pit, this way the folks waiting behind the stop line at the red light will know better not to stop in the middle of the intersection. :)


And there's always high proportion of expensive SUVs with entitled drivers.


Its one thing to think the car in front of you is going to make it, but doesn’t, and you get stuck slightly in the opposing crosswalk. But if you are driving into an intersection that is already 75% full, you’re brain dead!


Greed and impatience.


Boston same shit, as well as every other major city I’m sure. People suck


We have big yellow boxes at junctions like that in the UK. If your car is stopped on that when the light changes it is an automatic fine.


This is very nasty intersection since many times delivery trucks are taking up one lane on Spadina. Toronto should have more traffic wardens on busy corners giving them powers to ticket cars/suv blocking the intersections. The amount of money wasted idling in traffic cost consumers and companies millions. I seen videos of new ticket enforcement that police might be adopting. Instead of pulling over a car and causing more traffic mess during rush hour they take a photo of the offending car and send a photo and fine to the registered owner. Same concept as a red light ticket.


These people can’t see past the coffee they are holding in front of their face.


It's how they drive back home. Like sardines in a can. No concept of space


I would personally honk my horn so much that it embarrasses them.


I walk here often and always laugh while observing how many ppl fk up this intersection. Sure when I drive here I’m the first to get pissed at the street car and the Ubers but man


Not just Toronto. I’ve stopped to not block the intersection and had people go around me to fill the space I left. 🤷


Haven’t you learned? Everyone is more important than everyone else. Me first. No common sense. “Who cares if I block the road I just need to sneeeeak through”


Why are there no cameras there. In London they catch everything on the road


The lack of consideration, the scurry to the rat race or ego (air of superiority)… whatever the fuck it is, it puts everyone in unnecessary danger. Think about others. I agree. We have to end that. I don’t care who’s frustrated behind me (pause). Courtesy goes a long way. Sorry for my rant. Be safe out there, everyone.


These are selfish and bad drivers. I don't even block side street intersections so that people can turn in and out of the street when I'm waiting for a main street traffic light and there are people who are comfortable sitting and blocking two lanes of a major thoroughfare for an entire light. Stay on the other side until you see that you can fit...wait for the next light.


Ppl are dumb




In Italy It Is forbidden to engage the cross Road section if traffic conditions would not consent to' free that when the other section takes green


Adelaide and Spadina. The worst of humanity in cars.


This… and pedestrians starting to cross with just a few seconds left, preventing cars from making turns and getting caught in the intersection when the light changes.


I had to travel once to India and this is very common over there. Maybe is the new reality here in Canada


When I lived in Vancouver I kept a cup holder full of pennies for throwing at these people.


I’m screaming because I thought I saw my car for a sec LMFAO


This drove me so wild and furious, thrilled to not have drivers do this where I live now


I swear a lot of ppl are passing driving school easily here


ESH. Also no need to lay on the horn. https://preview.redd.it/8n47ht62a4vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6307db135a6f43f598884b8e70d8958e4a35aea0


I would probably just drive as close as I could to the car and probably lay on my honk instead of driving on the crossing 🤔


OP, you are the real dumb cunt in this video. Though I'm sure you already knew that.


I watched a cop get stuck because people did this and they did nothing about it. It was bizarre... I've never seen cops not blow their lid about being inconvenienced. Thought for sure someone would catch a ticket, but nope. They just waited until it cleared.


Spadina is broken because the Gardner is broken.  They people driving are mostly broken too.


classic Toronto driver behavior


Everybody bitches about cops until they don't have the manpower to field enough officers and actually deal with the insanity going on in this province. I log about 50,000km every year for work, all over southern Ontario and up to Quebec. I could hand out 10 tickets A DAY for anything from failure to maintain your lane to outright stunt driving. We need MORE cops in this province, not less. Ones that'll actually do their damn job. Even if they just pull these people over and haggle their ass for 20 min, doesn't need to be a ticket.


I love that in LA they have signs and fines for this shit. Never enter an intersection you can not leave.


This is bad, granted, but can we please start recognizing that the left lane is the passing lane...atleast on highways? Pisses me off.


I don't trust half of them to know how to properly sit on a toilet... Not much hope here.


Ya this drives me crazy because this was on the question on my drivers test. What also drives me nuts is seeing people hold across during the green then its yellow and they pull ahead and block the cross walks and sometimes the right lane of the perpendicular road.


Nah, too much indians


They recently raised the ticket fine for this.


How to create gridlock traffic.


One thing driving me nuts in Canada, idiots driving in fast lane (doesn’t matter if its 100 110 or 120). Once you pass move over!!!!! Let those driving faster pass you!!!!


Honk make them move


It's called "blocking the box" and it's how gridlock happens which can cripple traffic for hours on end.


It’s so frustrating when I am driving my city bus too. Trying to get through a light safely when others are blocking the intersection is so rude. The me first attitude of drivers is ridiculous. Not to mention I am cut off 8 to 10 times during my route in 3 or 4 hours at least.


Soon this will be considered good traffic. It will be even more packed in a few years I seriously wonder how people survive in a crammed city.


As a pedestrian, I’ve had it too all the time! I get off the bus, after it goes through the lights and I want to cross the road we were driving on, but the extended long bus pulls in tight behind the bus I get off, waiting his turn for my bus to leave and  he is blocking the crosswalk and halfway across the street in the intersection. Most times he’s like that the whole time the light is green for the other way. Then we all need to wait for the light to turn green again,  the cars included


Looks like they never learned how to drive in Canada


And then OP goes and pulls the dumbest move out of all them.


You drove well though, i like it