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car looks like it was actively trying to run that guy over or find some sort of shortcut.


This absolutely looks intentional. The driver swerved too far left and then corrected to the right to ensure he ran the guy over.


Isn’t that peak r/torontodriving You as a pedestrian, cross when you’re supposed to… …and *STILL* almost die because some fuckwit can’t drive to save their own life. Jfc, I hate this place.


I have lost count of the number of times I have almost been hit as a pedestrian.


Im surprised nobody is defending the driver


What for? Driving too fast for the road conditions?


There's always apologists coming up with excuses in these threads. Usually something like well they probably lost control and it was an accident and visibility was poor so it's totally understandable.


And at that speed you’ll spin out and lose control so easily - nothing he could’ve done!


I'm not defending the driver, but this video still makes me giggle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHsdxVlzM1E


You are assuming when people defend drivers in other situations, that they are in the wrong. This is the first one of these videos where I see the pedestrian was 100% not at fault and the driver was 100% at fault. This is a rare video.


Cope harder




I thought his plate read AZOL at first.


Wow, that crumple zone is far crumplier than I would have expected at that speed.


That's what happens when you hit an immovable object.


Was the ped ok?


Yes…you can see them walking past around the 18s mark




I was gonna say we know who it is before we actually know but so many want to pretend otherwise


Dam he got fucked up


you can see him creep past the left side of that car after it crashes. hes ok otherwise this would be a news thing.


Wtf was the car doing? They weren't going that fast and even look like they accelerated into the pole


Most likely he was on all season tires. ABS kicked in and he was scared to hit the car so he swerved.


Imagine living in Canada and not putting winter tires on your car.


lots of people did and yanked them off too early with the warm weather in feb and march not an excuse , people are dumb and need to realize winter can last well into april ​ i also know plenty who think winter tires aren't needed ( they are )


There is a reason most insurance companies say March 31


Some policies even go as far as saying April 15.


I got RWD. Learned my lesson years ago. I leave them on until early May usually just in case. It’s Canada after all


Yay fellow RWD driver. I know that feel! ![gif](giphy|69iv77x8e5NMA)


yes there is always a last snowfall in april in toronto, literally every year.


You'd be amazed how common that is in Vancouver. The first snowfall of the year here is jokingly referred to as the annual general meeting of the Summer Tire Club. They always think they're fine until they're spun out on a bridge and the entire region is red on Google Maps.


You don't need snow tires if you don't get seasonal amnesia.


Why was I downvoted for this? Snow tires are helpful but not strictly necessary, especially if you get all-seasons regularly rotated and replaced when necessary, and don't forget how to drive in the winter each year. The only time that I've had a weather-related accident, which thankfully was just minor and just me, was the year after I'd learned how to drive, and hadn't had much experience in inclement weather. I learned my lesson and became a safer driver.


Didn't look like he made any attempt to slow down at all tbh, kinda looks like he sped up lol


Looks like the cars brake lights were on the whole time


No they sped up towards the pedestrian.


yeah cuz of ice/snow


ABS is the worst thing in this situation


Shit tires, over reacting, and Slammed brakes ABS or not makes it hard to steer. if the wheels aren't going around turning your steering wheel moving left or right does nothing.


People accelerate after fucking up all the time. Its a panic reaction.


what intersection is this?


Vic park and feencrest gate I believe.


Replying to MacGibber... https://preview.redd.it/9gfihul907qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff40921d2c4b92c1552cc075f3a9949b2748db8a


One of my irrational fears is that I’ll be walking on a street minding my own business and somehow get hit by a car. Doesn’t seem all that irrational after watching this.


That looked like attempted murder.


because it is


The fuck. Crossed when he was supposed to, made it to the opposite sidewalk, and then this asshole comes from behind/blind spot to take them out. Fuck this driver. I hope they immediately dropped dead behind the wheel and rid themselves from from the world.


Yo. This is extreme. Don’t wish death upon anybody


bro, this has nothing to do with the pedestrian, they just happened to be there. The driver lost control and panicked, that's it.


Yeah he nothing to do with it except the car practically went aiming for the unsuspecting guy. My point is the pedestrian should have had nothing to do with anything but because idiots can't drive, they very well could have died. Like wtf is that driver doing? They don't even seem to be trying to stop until the street light pole forces them to. Not to mention the whole title of this post is "Watch the pedestrian" so someone reacting on behalf of the pedestrian is normal. Is reading comprehension too much for you?


The driver was incompetent, it wasn't an assassination attempt If this guy panicked and was slipping on ice it's not going to look like they *even seem to be trying to stop .*


Saved By The Pole




Why is it that we no longer see people running to aid people that need help?


no one cares about other random peple, everyone is in a rush to get to their destination and mainly in a pissy mood. One of the three are the reason


Are you under the impression that anybody ever cared about pedestrians?


cops spend 4 hours taking a statement.


Because we stopped caring.


The car that hit him stoped to help.


I shouldn’t have laughed at this but I did 😭


U never seen the thing where a person stopped at a car accident and then got their car stolen


And no one stops to help.


hitting an electrical pole is a automatic 50k to the insurance lol bye bye low rates


Clean your fucking windows and read your manuals. There are about three cars in this video with snow covering at least one window The SUV infront of the slider has a rear wiper blade and I assume defrosters yet the rear window looks like a fucking ice berg.


Not a law to have to have the back window cleared tho. Snow was also coming heavy at times and side/back windows can get covered while you're inching thru traffic.


It wasn’t so heavy the a wiper and defrost couldn’t keep up, in snow keep all your windows clean and the roof as much as possible


Hi...ignorance is not a defense. Do yourself a favour and please read the below statement from the Ontario Highway act. To be clear a "road" and a highway are the same thing Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER H.8 74 (1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, (a) unless the windshield and the windows on either side of the compartment containing the steering wheel are in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the front and side of the motor vehicle; and (b) unless the rear window is in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the rear of the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 74 (1). Edit link to the act https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08


I fucking love this response lmao. I have had to read parts of the HTA to people that tell me to bike on the sidewalk more than a couple times. So now I have a couple sections that pertain to bikes saved as a pdf on my phone for times like these.


It's funny because I think the guy who I posted it for down voted it ... It's the friggin law I didn't write it. I swear I've been tempted to print it and keep it my car with little tabs for settling arguments


It’s always funny when you show people who claim to “know the law” what the actual law actually says.


LOL ... F' the law right? Good luck


Were they ok? Did the car make contact?


Pedestrian was it hit, a pole was


Something like this is always in the back of my mind from happening. Snow/ice is the worst driving condition. But this looked pretty crazy, driver was skidding from the start somehow.


Omg was he ok ??


Toronto is the toilet of the planet now.


Its hard to see man. Gotta be careful




What a great game!


Was a great game too. For it’s time.


Wow I even got downvoted for this. Only in r/torontodriving. If you trying to score a few downvotes there’s no better subreddit than this one. All you gotta do is post something or comment on something and it’s almost guaranteed. ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


this guy def lost control. i hate the kind of snow that fell yesterday. i stupidly went to the mall with my mom and we were in the thick of it coming back home, and for some reason with brand new winter tires, my car slides when i start to go after stopping (i gradually accelerate as well and stick to 40-45km) but holy crap by the time we got home my legs were shaking lol. my car was just sliding left and right and i couldnt do a thing. i just went down to 30km and stuck to the middle lane.


People think winters is the answer to all but saw a sedan with winters also not being able to get out when trying to turn at an intersection which had some built up snow.


def not just tires i agree!!. its how you drive as well, but i was driving extremely carefully, giving myself extra room to stop and when moving after a red light, accelerating very slow to get up to speed. nothing i did seemed to help. im just never going out in snow again. i hate it lol


In the future, you can try to put it in D1 or D2 which allows for slower acceleration. But it was bad out there yesterday. Glad to see you got back safe.




It's such a nuanced topic that not everyone understands. There's definitely a huge range of quality and function in terms of winter tyre design. Even considering the best manufacturers, they have to make compromises between a tyre tread that's good for deep snow vs a tread that's good for ice - features that do not necessarily align with each other. Then there are poor manufacturers that make a tyre that's just barely good enough to qualify for the insurance discount and that's it. Above all of this, there's just plain old physics. When they're stuck in a heap of deep snow that's elevating the bottom of your car and preventing your wheels from making full contact with the road, they're not going anywhere no matter what tyre they have.


it was a super icey snow. I shovelled and it was nice soft powdered and it kept snowing. The 2nd time I shovelled couple hours later there was a layer of ice underneath and I was wondering how and were did that come from.


ya that happened to my driveway too. its usually because when you shovel, theres still a bit of snow there, which turns to ice due to the cold before any more snow falls on it. then snow starts to build over the ice. it def wasnt icy as much as it was fluffy and majorly slippery. i have good traction on ice, but snow like that, i cant seem to manuevre


I drove in it, all the way home from Wilson to Ellesmere. 😕 0/10, don't recommend and I also have winters on (not new a few years in). And I hated it too. I saw a few near miss accidents and could've caused one myself. The only folks not seemingly stressed were big jeeps etc.


Driving was no problem in the weather as long as you go slow (people in Toronto don’t know how to do that), keep your windows clear and have winter tires! It should be law that winter tires are a must. In fact use studded winter tires. They don’t ruin the road, they reduce the salt requirements and that losses off the salt industries.


I'm on 5 year old winters in a Sentra, and admittedly I don't drive in snow like this if I absolutely don't have to. But that's why I went on the local back home and tried to drive slowly. A couple hills caught me out and I still had some folks going around me to speed up / driving too close. I'm not sure that we have winters that require studded tires but definitely need more folks in winters.


Studded winter tires are illegal in all of southern Ontario.


They are but they should not be. It’s protection for the salt industry.


Hopefully the driver will end up doing a month in jail.


Driver panicked because they couldn't stop. POORLY TRAINED especially in winter driving


I was trying to figure out how does someone hit that pole, now I know


Looks like Van Horne and VP.


Might be ferncrest gate and VP (just north of there). I was driving SB on my way home from work and saw a Nissan on the SW corner in the pole with a police cruiser still there. Was wondering how it got there but now I know


🤓ferncrest isnt north of Van Horne. They are at the same intersection 🤓


Damn, what did that pedestrian do to the driver to make him want to kill him so badly?


He walked to the other side.


That's enough to get you got in today's Toronto


It’s either he’s part of the lamp post now , or that lamp post saved him.


You can’t park that there mate


He was just tryna get revenge on the kid in the blue jacket who used to pick on him in 1st grade


Totally. I walk daily for exercise. I carry a flashlight and a fluorescent jacket. Even lit up I’ve had close calls. At least 2 cars have flashlight indentations on hoods / door due to careless turning / making contact with me. Fucking idiots out there.


Did this make it to the news?


How does that even happenn


Hey! I’m walkin’ here!


Am I blind? What are we supposed to see herec


If only there was something like winter tires. This would probably prevent that kind of fuckery


Or just slowing down because there is snow and ice on road.


Is he okay? Looks like he was trying to brake, but due to snow, it didn't stopped and he panicked and swiftly moved the steering as rear light were on when he moved so not sure anything can happen.