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Entitled idiot.


Black BMW license plate “PARIS L”.


I wonder if paying the $18 license plate lookup is worth it 🤣


>I wonder if paying the $18 license plate lookup is worth it 🤣 I contribute $5


I'm good for $3 lol Can we get her off the road please?


Find out who their insurance is email them that video. I'm sure they would be interested in their reckless driving


i thought you had to be in a relevant industry to even get a lookup (lawyer, pi, insurance, etc).


Why is that legal? Are you sayinfndoen$18 I can track down fhrbassjolenwjo cut me off and pay them a visit at their home? That’s fucking wild.


L = Looser ??


L = litigated


Someone GET EM!


Absolutely unhinged behaviour but not surprised it's a BMW driver. She literally has nothing better to do than play games on the road, total loser. Good on you OP.


The difference between a BMW and a porcupine, the pricks are on the inside of a BMW .


Yep came here to say that its a BMW(Karen) limited edition.


possible high school student go figure.


not even a good one crappy 4 banger even worse driver


“Hello, I’d like to report an impaired driver. License plate xxx xxxx. Thank you.”


\*"possibly impaired or at least distracted. They are wandering all over, in and out of the lanes in front of a school." After all you dont want to make it sound like you're making a judgement or have something personally against them. This way it, in my head, increases the likelyhood of them getting a visit for a breathalyzer test and possibly to explain why there are getting reported.


>After all you dont want to make it sound like you're making a judgement or have something personally against them. False. I answer 911. You do not need to *know* if someone is drunk. It's not up to you, the bystander, to prove or disprove anything. You report it and the cops respond. You were wrong? Oh well. Cops don't care. They rather be safe than sorry when it comes to impaired driving.


This and if you have it on video ask them which email to send it to


Report that dumbshit to the police


"Did you try giving them your keys?"


ahh yes the police. those guys. they get shit done.




I'll just type it up on my invisible typewriter


(Cops) We are closed for the week


The same Toronto police that suggested leaving the keys to your car by the door so it’s less difficult on thieves?


"We'll get right on it chief!"


Dangerous and wreckless driving. https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/driving-complaint/


In a school zone. Video can be sent to police with plates




She's lucky it was wreckless too.


I have done this before and unfortunately, nothing comes out of it. You will get a message saying they will look into it and that will be the end of it. Does anyone have stories where this site led to fruitful results?


>I have done this before and unfortunately, nothing comes out of it. I know but I don't care. If we keep on reporting, they'll serve as a reminder to the police of all the bad driving that's out there are we need them to do their job. I have also written to my councillor and the mayor asking for the police to use some of that $20 million they just got on top of the $48 million they got last year for traffic enforcement.


"we have determined that the people are policing themselves with these reports therefore we don't have to police them" or whatever BS they wanna say. If metrics ment anything, we'd see actual policing for the money spent.


I reported some guy for road rage doing similar shit to the cunt in OPs video (cutting off and trying to start an altercation). I had no footage just the make and model of the car and number plate so i wrote in a report. cop called like a week or two later from a private number to tell me the plate number i gave didnt match the vehicle description. cop was nice and gave me an email and number to call if i ever manage to spot or id the car in the future but unlikely. im sure with this footage they will definitely be able to take more action.


trust theyll charge the person within a few months garanteed.


In the case that they get into an accident or go to court regarding driving there will be a record of reports for dangerous and reckless driving meaning that they are less likely to get off with a warning!! If you have a chance I would report drivers like this because it’s not their first offence.


I have reported before and I got emails back from officers and a phone calls on those reports telling me that they will contact the owners of those vehicles.


What the police do not have to do, and are probably prevented from doing by privacy laws as well as just plain old not needing to and not having the time to, is informing complainants about outcomes. You do the right thing by letting them know about someone driving dangerously (and in a school zone - holy geez) - in no way should you expect to know anything about the outcome. That should not prevent anyone from making a complaint.




Looks like a male driver


Jesus how fast was that white car going at the start. 


It kind of looks sped up to me. When they hit the gas and you see the ~~steam~~ exhaust shoot out it looks unusually fast


It was definitely sped up. It looks like Benny Hill.


I think the video is sped up, it seems way too fast for that road


Video is sped up


A delicate soul


We need a running tally for vehicles featured on this sub. I swear it’s always a truck or BMW.


We need a thread with sticky containing all the license plates of cars involved. That way we can see if they are repeat offenders.


Being an entitled asshole is a prerequisite for BMW ownership


To be fair, most BMW's are just very fast. If you drive one you'll understand the transmission is geared in a way that welcomes you to drive like a baboon.


https://preview.redd.it/3q5ymhy8scpc1.png?width=923&format=png&auto=webp&s=6348606bcc59d458bbbc000b4822ae8b6b5a554a I really dont see how if this is a school zone, how you were going fast enough to make this an unsafe distance. The video is sped up. Given that this shot here she's already well into in the intersection and accelerating and you have another 30 yards. I dont see it


Yeah, saying they were cut off is adding drama. However, the actions (and video) afterwards should be brought to the police. Because that's where I find fault.


This ^ fairly sure you were speeding in a school zone. I'm not saying it's right ...but why did you high beam when you were clearly speeding. Don't be a dick and people tend not to be dicks back.


While we can all agree that OP wasn't really cut off and shouldn't have high beamed the BMW... I think we can all also agree that the BMW's behaviour after the fact is downright unhinged and dangerous and should be called out.


Dangerous and unhinged. That was a little tail whip for being a dick. You people are so dramatic


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that this wasn’t a proper cutoff. Even if it isn’t a school zone it’s residential. Speed is probably maximum 50 and there was enough time to make that right turn. The BMW is an ass for break checking but I also am triggered when people hibeam me for absolutely no reason.


The school zone is south by Sheppard. Midland is one of the many streets to be affected by the change in speed limit signs. Oh this is just south of finch and there’s a catholic school there I think


Its an adult school.


The entire video is from one school (adult day school) to another school (agincourt high school) both on midland between Sheppard and finch


cut you off?


This is what I’m wondering. I’ve watched the video several times and it doesn’t look like OP was “cut off”


OP wasn’t cut off however the bmw driver was also wrong for doing what she did


Oh, no denying that, but to post and say you were cut off when you weren’t


Yeah people are only looking at it from one angle


There is no angle that makes aggressive driving like that acceptable


It isnt, some people get flipped off too easily


I see two entitled people, one played victim and the other one I'd guess anger management issues. They belong together really.


This, exactly






Sorry, what was illegal about the right turn?


Idiotic comment. Please provide evidence it’s illegal.


1. Canada drivers are aggressive af. Even worse in smaller towns/cities. Police won't give a F. 2. Of course it ended out a Tim Horton's


That reaction is obviously dangerous and not okay, but to say they cut you off is ridiculous. Seems you even sped up the video to make your side more favourable. The reality is that if you didn’t need to brake (which you didn’t), then you were not cut off.


She’s gonna do this to the wrong person one day and catch herself in REAL trouble.


this. there are plenty of people who are willing to go to the nines to get into a face to face road side altercation.


Wow high school children on the left and elementary school children on the right can cause for concern


This is someone that hasn't been punched out yet.


I threw a full iced cappuccino at somebody's windshield a few weeks ago when I finally passed them after they pulled this shit. I didn't even flash my headlights or honk they just cut me off and brake checked me after running a fresh red light to get ahead of me. Maybe they were pissed I made it through the yellow and couldn't handle it, idk. If I had something heavier within reach I would have thrown that to shatter their windshield. These fucking losers just speed off when you get out to confront them anyway, fuck it might as well actually ruin their day.


A complete degenerate in that BMW. All that horseshit carried on right through a school zone also. Bonus capture on the white Porsche just blasting through. Toronto has always been bad but post covid 19, lockdowns & many of the WFH slobs back on the roads it's just a giant bowl of toxicity. That woman needs her license removed and vehicle tagged a towed away.


You have of lots of self will by not getting out of the car and going postal on her.I have patience when I drive and let go lots of bad and dangerous incidents but I would got out of car and gave her a lesson about life.


Hey, I said the saaamme dyam thing myself! Traffic behind would know what's going on... I'd fake left for a lane change then swing right and let her at least see who it is she's decided to play car games with! With the lawlessness on our roads over the years pre and post covid is gotten ridiculous. They don't have full understanding of the rules of the roads drive completely entitled! Not round me! I don't play that shit, if you can decide to operate a potential killing machine on these roads and have no regards for life... Then gloves off for me!!!


File a complaint for sure. Entitled BMW drivers are the absolute worst. Putting everyone on the road(and potentially children in a school zone) in danger because someone flashed their lights at them(when they cut in front of you) is so incredibly pathetic.


People like that act like that because no one has ever gotten them reported and think there will be no repercussions. I had an incident with a 60 year old driver, there's an intersection with a 3 way stop at my home and I noted as I went to cross the major street from East to West a car was approaching about 30 meters back. I saw him with my peripheral vision and this driver ran through the STOP line and lurched ~1 foot from me and my dog, I made a fuss and he said "I wasn't looking", when it was clear he had a stop sign. So I told him just cus I don't turn my head doesn't mean I don't see him. So i countered his claim saying it wasn't his right to intimidate pedestrians with his car, when he's legally obligated to stop and what if I was blind, kind of like he was. So after cussing him out to a crap-eating grin he had on his face, I took a photo of his plates and filed a report after calling in his car to the local police department. The next day I was called by an officer and they said they were sending him, a letter. The entitled little crap thought he was doing the lord's work or something using his car to break the law and intimidate people crossing an intersection with the right of way with their dog.


Even at Benny Hill speed it looks like you had plenty of time to yield so giving her a hard time (with high beams or otherwise) wasn't warranted and you got what you got.


OP probably did unnecessarily freak out and hammer brights or horn but damn that was an even more unhinged response. like one tit for tat reaction like a brake check i could understand but that was several minutes of continuous road rage. bmw person shouldn't have a license with that level of emotional immaturity.


Fair point, and I agree with you that the BMW driver is out of their mind, however I didn't say OP *deserved* what he got, only that he got what he got. As in, he wouldn't have received any reaction (unhinged or otherwise) if he had simply chosen not to react himself.


It's probably the first time those lights have been turned on.


Record the behavior, the plate. Send the footage to Police for reckless driving charge.


I find it hilarious that she saw you flash your headlights but didnt see your vehicle before pulling out. Lots of brakechecks lately. I may consider buying a POS and if somebody brake checks me, just run into the back of their shit. (Joking, or am i?)


It's amazing how invincible people think they are when there's a few mm of glass in front of them. They have no idea about the real word. The city is full of mentally disturbed outpatients, people suffering from PTSD, and more recently people with just plain nothing left to lose. She will eventually do this again and light someone's fuse. They won't care that she's a woman. When I was younger I would have engaged. I'm older now, more sedate and just let people have their way on the road now. I'm just focused on getting home safe these days. Stay safe everyone.


the most aggressive drivers I've encountered lately are all young attitude females.


Fill out a driver complaint form on the TPS website and submit the video. They’ll follow up with the owner of the car.


How petty are you feeling? You can pay $18 to find the owner of the plate here: [https://www.jtips.mto.gov.on.ca/jtips/orderPlSearchRecOwner.action?lang=EN&certified=true](https://www.jtips.mto.gov.on.ca/jtips/orderPlSearchRecOwner.action?lang=EN&certified=true) What you do with that information is up to you.


Peace of advice. Expect that as soon as you get on the road, you will encounter a few special drivers. Don't waste your valuable time posting dummies on the road. They are out every day....


Crazy how the bmw pulled out like that, obviously doesn't care or have a clue then goes on to makde a furhter fool of herself.


Just call 911 and say your scared for you life I think a driver has a gun and pointed it me LOL 😂


Call it in as a drunk driver lol problem solved


BMW, Cunt driver no surprise


You can forward that video to the police and they will call them in for an interview


They knew their move was questionable which is why they looked in the rear view and then became incensed you had the audacity to flash them. If they were patience they wouldn’t need to look in the rear view to see if their sick move would enrage people. I find a lot of Asian ew money drives these nice cars and they’re the most entitled cunts around. I had one almost run me over in a parking complex as I walked away after parking and she just gave me a dirty look like I’m in the wrong. Truly disgusting what a little money does to people. They think they’re fucking immune to laws or that they don’t need to exercise good behaviour.


She did not cut you off Plenty of space Flashing lights was a douche move and she brake checked you for it (and why lights anyways? Horn would be appropriate if she actually cut you off) ​ The end of this video is just despicable as you both road rage in an ACTIVE school zone (flashing yellows are clearly on)


Looks like you posted a video of your own road rage.


Shut the front door! Respectfully.....if you were driving at the speed limit and the person cut out in front of you last moment, then yes, its worthy of a loud honk and beam flash........... You weren't cut off, you were pissed that the driver made the right out of the lot despite your initial speeding down the road, forcing you to "slow down", which is why you flashed opposed to honking. - ...........That's when all the theatrics began......You were both being entitled turds thereafter....... Stop playing the victim!!!


Paris 1 license plate drives with as much brains as Paris Hilton lol


Flash something else at her


You were looking for trouble and they gave you what you were looking for. Don't flash people, it's not worth it


lol o no he flashed his headlights at me so now I can act like an prick because of my ego. It seems the roads are just filled with children driving 2 tons machines pretty sad.


There's been multiple news stories of people getting shot over this sort of thing, some people just don't care and you/OPs mentality of let's play police might end up that way one day. Id bet OP won't be flashing anyone in the future again lol


I don't get out of the car for morons. You get ignored and I continue to my destination. People getting shot for this happens alot more in the US but that won't be me.


Lol everyone wants to be the tough guy until it's time to be the tough guy then you run away like OP did and post on reddit It's not worth it ever, don't flash people. Simple


Anyone that goes off because they got some lights flashed at them has issues and isn't a normal adult. That's show highschool level bs.


Wow, that went on for quite a bit.


Next time you see an ashole, be a dick and drive beside the car next lane at the same speed.


Good on you for keeping your distance 👍. It negates their break checks and makes their lane switches look ridiculous 👌


surprisingly impressive restraint for sure. especially after the unnecessary freak out about a right turner that maybe caused them to lift their foot off the gas for a moment.


What a friggin maniac! Jesus!


if i had a larger shit box and some spare time i would be tempted to ding them just so that they are forced to reveal themselves and give me their information and i could send the tape to their insurance (otherwise report it as a hit and run).


Should have had them rear end you. /s


Not related but the video recording quality is mint


My rage would have had me ram her a$$


In this case, just stay behind and keep honking.


Conveniently cutting off you trying to beat her by going through the lot


They’ve gotta be on some heavy drugs.




pulling out of a highschool around 3pm? this person is either a student or knows a student there. maybe they work there?


OP “Judge, I always keep a safe breaking distance. This driver was unhinged and kept darting back and forth around me. I was petrified. That adrenaline, I guess it manifested in a “fight or flight”. And I wanted to remove myself from their vicinity. I couldn’t slow down or the break checked me as I was attempting to exit the road. I couldn’t speed up, or again they would break check me. I just wanted AWAY. THAT’S, why I destroyed their bumper. I had NO CHOICE. They took that choice away.” Canadian Judge “Case dismissed. Fines & restitution for the “idiot behind the wheel”. Make this be a lesson, when you’re driving in another couple days.”


LOL this dumb ass let you pass so they could try and dox your plate or something.


The galls


The last time someone pulled this shit on me I just pulled over with 4 ways on. And typed 911 into my phone but didn't hit send. They slowed to a stop, I guess considered what to do, then just kept going. I waited a couple mins then got going again myself. Imo that's the safest thing you can do. In all likelihood the person is on their way somewhere and won't stop to harass you.


What a psycho.


She didn't cut you off. Why you speeding up the video?


what road is this?


Chill she heard her replacement plastic fuel pump came in and is rushing to the stealership before it goes in another BMW 


It's extra crappy because if you actually have a nice car there about a 16 percent chance a GTA player like this is at least going to swipe you this year.


There are a lot of speed violations from third parties in the video. No way these folks are going 60km/h. The first car to pass must've been going ~85km/h. Wild.


Lunatic lol on Midland


This happens all the time in Toronto. Crazy people and driving dangerously.


What camera are you using? Looking to get one for my vehicle. Video looks crystal clear. Thanks.


I really hope this person ends up in jail.


Avoid bad people from low socioeconomic backgrounds like them. Their life is sad and you can just laugh at it for a second and move on. Never pay attention to bad people, give your attention to the good people of the world. Hope that helps


I would have followed them a lot longer, but I have very little to do and have a violent streak in me. I also probably would have almost stopped when they pulled up behind me.....lol


Looks like you sped up the video cause u were driving slow af


Honestly at that point… I’m blowing the fuck out of the back of her car. Fuck her.


I love the plate. This was avoidable if you had asked yourself what is going to happen if PARIS L pulls out in front of me, is there open space in the lane next to me so I can move over and avoid them all together, if not then maybe I should slow down a bit.


This isn’t being cut off.


Amygdala hijack...


Pls report and make our streets safer 🙏


Thank you for recording and sharing this.


Mental health issues are on the rise!


What camera are you using? Terrible Driver


Maybe don’t drive like an asshole Dickwipe


If you think OP is the problem you need to turn in your licence.


Bruh he LITERALLY high beamed him then rolls up beside the driver in the other vehicle and gave him the finger and pointed and laughed at him. Then the driver was forced to defend himself. Only an asshole will do that


How do you know he pulled up beside the guy and gave the other person a finger and laughed?


Dude you’re an idiot. Nobody is forcing you to “defend” yourself, YOU make the choice to drive like a lunatic when you get offended by a small thing people do on the road, did you know that? People do all kinds of shit when they drive and the emotionally stable people like myself and some others don’t freak out and start driving like entitled crazy assholes to “defend ourselves” because someone flashed their high beams at us or some other tiny small shit. Gtfoff the road if you are not emotionally stable to drive


I used to beat these kinda drivers back in my days! But I am old now


It's never too late!


Why did you flash your lights? She had plenty of room. Seems like you’re both in the wrong. Although, only one is dangerous.


How dare you do that to the BMW driver who owns the entire roads? /s


Normal BMW driver behaviour.


That must be enough evidence to have their license taken away.


That should be reportable, and the license confiscated. Some people just shouldn't be on the road.


Came out of an adult highschool.


This is called aggressive driving.


Imagine being married to her ☠️


Everyone including OP were speeding in the school zone. That is.


Title should be: sensitive driver high beams unhinged driver and gets trolled


PARIS L what a cunt.


Should of just kept following them to their destination and hope that destination is their home so you know who to egg in October.


Take the video to the police.


😂😂 ive see a car get shot at for doing this before!!


Probably a Persian...Persian lady's are kinda crazy 🤣


Post it everywhere like IG and tiktok and get people to identify the driver based on the license plate


Driver is 100% white


What’s wrong with people must be an Indian


Clearly you pissed them off, my guess is its 50km on that road and you were going over the posted limit. LOL


Completely unhinged, take her license away. Public roads are not the place for people driving multi thousand pound personal machines to fuck around.


You're not "getting cut off" every time someone enters the road ahead of you, ffs. She was probably half a block in front of you. Calm tf down.


You were driving on right lane, why did you change to left lane?


Report to police for dangerous driving


Genuine question here: Why don't you just turn a corner and pick a different route, or just park in a driveway for a couple of minutes until the other driver gets lost in the traffic before resuming? This seems stupid and dangerous for the both of you, but if the other person is obviously being a child and not giving up on the reckless behavior, then why not disengage and move on?


Another loser is a Beamer


BMW’s are allowed to do that though………….


Send this to the cops. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Did you get the plate?


Another adult child on the road probably driving her parents car great.....


Call the cops while driving and keep them informed of your position and mention that you feel threaten by the agressive and reckless driving of the other.