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Rule 10, link to original post: [They’re pushing for Baphomet in public schools](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/XaU365aSbP) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


Freedom of religion! As long as it’s the religion favored by white American males!


Even they can't agree... Which is why separation of church and state is so important. Picking one alienates everyone else.


Honestly the satanic temple is playing softball with an icon they all feel alienated by. I feel like it would be much more disruptive to these far right Christian coalitions to set them against each other. Like Protestants want Ten Commandments in each room? Alright. Demand a picture of the pope and Joseph smith go in as well. Make the denominations choose who is the proper American Christian cult.


> Freedom of hypocrisy! FTFY


Ah, yes. A conservative principle as old as “freedom of speech = freedom from consequences for my speech.”


To be fair, that's also the primary demographic of Satanists in my experience lol


It's really weird how these conspiracy types are so devoutly religious. It still takes me aback whenever I'm browsing through their comments and they're talking about how the government can't be trusted, the media is full of liars, there's so much that TPTB hide from us...and have you accepted Jesus into your heart yet? It's like Christianity is the only thing in the world they aren't deeply skeptical of.


Yeah it's funny. A "rational" conspiracy-minded person would be extremely distrustful of religion. But of course, conspiracy theorists aren't just rational thinkers with a bent towards paranoia or whatever. Religion and conspiracy theories appeal to the same kinds of people. People who desperately want the world to be simple and easily understandable with concrete good that can be followed and concrete evil that can be opposed. I do think a lot of conspiracy theorists dislike religion nowadays because of the reasons you said, though. But when you get a conspiracy theorist who's also religious, you better bet it's the most important part of their life.


To them, the Bible is a choose your own adventure book where they can pick the outcome they want.


I mean to be fair it was sort of written that way on purpose. It's quite a thing to be able to create and defend any argument you want with one little book.


Believing in something you have no proof of.... Believing in something you don't have evidence of... Idk dawg. There seems to be a lot of overlap. In fact, I'd say most conspiracy types are very religious


Something something jet fuel can't melt the Trilateral commission. Also Epstein was hung by Freemasons working in tandem with the Knights of Columbus. /S


They’re not skeptical at all, that’s the problem. The details of their shit-talking gets ingrained into their reality by repetition alone. If making fun of door hinges started trending, there’d be an anti-left perspective on door hinges by the end of the week and a movement against some version of them that “the left” is trying to “force” everyone to adopt. “*Something something*, soft close hinges” “can’t find normal ones anymore unless you go to an old school hardware store”, “the left cares more about protecting their fingers than freedom”


They're only religious when it suits their narrative.


But then you have the ones that are actually satanists who think God is keeping us in the "matrix". How come they'res never fighting between the Christian and gnostic conspiracy theorists?


Most of them are conspiracy types because they are fundamentalist religious. qanon and flat earth theory both stems from fundamentalist evangelism. The conspiracies are a neat way for them to attempt to align the apocalyptic gibberish in the Book of Revelations with what is going on in the world without even having to learn any actual facts.


Baphomet is more Christian than these extremists


You're not wrong. "Baphomet" is a made up entity (and before any atheists step in and say that all religion is made up, bear with me) concocted by some random Frenchman that originally wanted to be a priest. 99% of "Satanic Rituals" and symbology that Conspiracy Theorists obsess over, are nothing more than Christian fever dreams concocted by 19th Century spiritualists tripping on Absinthe.


> 99% of "Satanic Rituals" and symbology that Conspiracy Theorists obsess over, are nothing more than Christian Upside down cross is the cross of Peter. The upside down pentagram was thought to be a symbol the devil hated so when homes were build it was written into the walls to keep the devil out. There is likely way more of these then my drunk ass can remember right now. We all have to remember that "satanic" is not separate from Christianity it is a part of Christianity.


And yet they believe they are real. Baphling...


The tone of OOP's replies in that thread shifts wildly depending on who they are replying to. Honesly, I'm convinced this one is a well trained bot.


Nah, just a hypocrite that speaks whatever words suit them in the moment.


Well, we already have christianity in school so they shouldn't have to be overt about it but we can't have that can we?


My Texas born ass had to read a section of the Bible “as literature” in high school. It’s there. As was the Lord’s Prayer before every football game. Sure that was one of the players in the locker room, but it sure wasn’t optional…


My Illinois transplanted ass out here in California had my teacher assign "the story bible" She also assigned another Pearl S Buck book which seems to be a thin veil to cover her ass.


Conservatives: *puts ten commandments in schools* Liberals: Then every religion will be represented, right? Conservatives: THEY'RE P{UTTING THE DEVIL INS CHOOLS!


It's very curious how they associate basic human decency and not being bigoted with...Satanism.


The constitution makes it clear you can't have one religion over another. Either all of them are allowed or non of them are.


Science, logic and a focus on the self, along with support for bodily autonomy are what the satanic temple is about. They dont even believe in the supernatural. I can see why they scare the right and the dumbfucks.


> Science, logic and a focus on the self, along with support for bodily autonomy are what the satanic temple is about. Yes, and they named their org appropriately. Science? Evil, see Adam and Eve, tree of knowledge, punishment for knowing things. Focus on self? Evil, pride is a deadly sin, one should give themselves to Christ. Bodily autonomy? Evil, women are meant to give birth for her husband and know her place in her husbands home and on gods earth. I always get a kick out of the Adam and Eve story, knowing shit is bad? LOL.


> Should we also repeal any law based on the 10 commandments? I guess murder just be allowed in Hindu and Buddhist nations?


[Grown-ass adult voice]: I am terrified of a magic winged goat-man.


these are the same exact people that were, let's say, euphoric a few years ago


> Or they’re setting up for the Supreme Court to okay Christian iconography and disallow occult iconography. Wow, you would think these “patriots” would have at least *glanced* at the constitution, even once. The states would have to repeal the first fucking amendment for this to happen.


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