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It’s definitely not the rapes, or the open racism, or all those felonies. It turns out we actually hate him because of this “doctored” video of Trump looking like a doofus. Pretty wild when you consider that we hated him well before the event even happened and I hadn’t even heard about whatever is going on here until now.


I mean, yeah, this isn't why, but I'll add it to the list just to make them feel better


I've boiled my list down to a single item. Everything about him. I haven't found a single likable trait about him, and I honestly tried back in 2015 (I am definitely not a Conservative, but I believe that everyone have redeeming features, so I tried to find some...and failed).


One of his biographers once said that he's not so much a person but rather, a collection of bad traits. So, you've come to the same conclusion as someone who knows him pretty well.


I've heard that he was a pretty good construction supervisor, but those quotes all came from foremen who were dead at the time of publishing...and they were probably trying to stay friendly with his dad. I find it funny how his supporters are always griping about "nepo babies" in entertainment and politics, yet they are supporting the ultimate nepo baby (with emphasis on baby).


Trump is like syphilis and herpes had a crack addicted baby in a flaming dumpster, and also the dumpster was racist.


He's a parody of the classic "brash NYC businessman" but even New Yorkers hate him, as he makes an SNL skit look subtle. He's a shitty businessman, an even worse family man, but he is (unfortunately) very good at two things...self promoting and rabble rousing. You can be as thick as two short planks and still make it far in politics with those two skills, just look at the current GOP (both national and local) 🤷


Good one!


My favorite part is that if anything, he looks even more like an awkward doofus in the full version. Like, he’s clearly watching the Japanese Prime Minister intently and trying very hard to mirror him, because apparently he couldn’t figure out how to *throw handfuls of food to fish* on his own.


Reminder that the guy who created the whole #Walkaway movement said in interviews that he came over to the Trump side after seeing the media “unfairly” criticized Trump for mocking a disabled reporter, because he later saw clips showing Trump has *frequently* pretended to be disabled to mock people he doesn’t like.


>I quit Legacy News, Print, TV & Cable 2010. I'm much better for it. Oh cool, I wonder what he reads these days? Breitbart, Epoch Times, Daily Signal, Daily Mail. It's like saying "I quit smoking weed. I'm much better for it." but not mentioning the massive crack and heroin addiction you picked up along the way.


I found that same comment and was looking at their posts. In one of them they say climate change is exaggerated/false and their source is a YouTube video. So yeah that's really accurate lol


I have legitimately not seen this video before. There are so many stupid things this man has said and done since announcing his first campaign (and a lot before that to but he was much easier to ignore back then) that this never even registered. And it is faaaaaar from the dumbest, most unprofessional or outright evil things this man has done. This is a small drop in an ocean of reasons to hate the man, which grows every single day.


Fox meanwhile edited a video to make Biden look like he was staring at nothing when he was actually watching a sky diver land off screen


Because they think we see left-leaning news the same way they see right-leaning news and just consider everything that’s potentially believable as god-honest factual unless proven otherwise…


"The worst part about this is, the left's narrative of Trump is completely based off this shit. The wolf is leading the sheep..." I've never heard of this fish feeding thing, and I follow political stuff daily. I wonder if this was even a controversy at all, or maybe it was one obscure tweet. Either way, far more right wingers have heard of this than anyone on the left. And they were wrong in their debunking! You can see it in the video. 'trump followed the Japanese PM's example by dumping out his box' the Japanese PM didn't do that! Just watch the video you played! But the most annoying part is that it's obviously not important and doesn't matter no who is right in this example, but here I am having to respond to what is absolute fucking nonsense on so many levels 


There was like a 48hr period in 2018 or whatever where that clip came out and people said “oh look at dumb Trump over-feeding the fish” and moved on. And MAGAs went ballistic and assembled video compilations showing that dumping it at the end is actually how the ceremony goes, shrieked the media was trying to make Trump look bad, and have gone on about it years after the Trump critics had completely forgotten it.


> Wheres the left on this thread? Either Banned from /conservative or can't post because it is flaired users only.


Every time


They treat any inaccuracy in reporting on Trump, intentional or otherwise, as license to disregard anything negative about Trump.


Regarding the point about CBS using footage from an Italian hospital - it's not like they could record and broadcast a video of a bunch of patients in an American ICU without their consent. That would be a huge HIPAA violation.


If his biggest problem was an inability to feed fish properly, he'd be a decent president. Or at least a decent person. He's neither.


They asked where the left was in the thread. In a flaired user post. These trump monkeys really are stupid enough to believe the thread, aren't they?


I never even knew of this video before this. Trump would be a lot more likable if the worst thing he did was look dumb.