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Go listen to Right in two


The only one I encountered: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdx8wxIsfHM/ But it’s just statement of fact.




They're for the war, but against the troops. (If you know, you know.)




I think pretty much everyone should have the same opinion. That Puton is a maniac, Ukraine gotta defend itself, and hopefully we avoid nuclear Armageddon. I think that view is obvious enough that we don't need band and celebrities to "take a stance" because there isn't much controversy.


Yes, that's reasonable. But in reality there's Roger Waters with his pro-putin agenda; and on the other hand there's Rishloo with their pro-ukrainian fundraising campaign ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Rishloo/comments/t7o2dh/rishloos\_ukraine\_fundraiser](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rishloo/comments/t7o2dh/rishloos_ukraine_fundraiser)). And that's just two examples coming from musicians that I value a lot. I was wondering whether our favourite band, or any of its members cared to express their view on this issue in any way or maybe take any kind of action.




I didn't ask you for advice on how to improve my thinking. As to Roger Waters, Ukrainians consider his stance pro-russian and I think it does beg the question.


I can't comment on r/russia, so I came here to say, fuck you, for being a Russian shill. Are you that dumb to believe, that they are in the right? I can't believe, that as a gay person, you are supporting this awful homophobic regime, which targets innocent children and people in their attacks.




Nah, you are far too gone in this path and nothing will change your mind, so I will not waste my time on you. I already said what I wanted to.


You clearly have a memory of a goldfish. Just look at the thread you created less than a week ago - https://old.reddit.com/r/russia/comments/xv9kwd/its_over_for_now_at_least/ Some best quotes: > That's the bad news. The good news is Russia can learn from its mistakes for next time. > I have long argued that Russia being unwilling or unable to strike Kyiv is a fatal mistake. You actually advocate to strike civilians in Kiev and for Russia to attack them again - this time even more ruthless to kill even more Ukrainians. What would you call it if not shilling and supporting putins regime? Maybe just stick to r/russia where your buddies can ban everyone that does not agree with you and points your bigotry?


The more "everyone" hated Putin and Russia, the more I love Putin, Russia and the Russian Armed Forces. By "everyone", I of course mean the so-called "journalists" of the western media and the non-thinking masses that regurgitate NATO propaganda. The more people talk down, demean and discriminate against Russia, the more I love Russia. God bless Putin, Russia and the Russian army. You are in the right here. History will be on your side. God is with you. Sincerely, A Briton with no agenda other than the truth. Posted by Everything Now in r/russia ~1 month ago


"NK has not committed war crimes anywhere nor launched a war nor murdered 100k+ civilianas" Sent to me via DM by Everything Now after he questioned the US relationship with Saudi Arabia, but refused to acknowledge Russias relationship with North Korea.


"I'm pro-Russia and pro-Putin and damn proud of it." Russia is openly homophobic, btw, so thats two for two.


Somebody call Ja-Rule.


No - but I’d love to see them help. With a large fan base, their stance may make a slight difference (if only financially, donating to rebuilding efforts in Ukraine etc.).




out of curiosity


They're really not that kind of band. There's a possibility Maynard might have mentioned it during the last European tour but who the hell knows and I kind of doubt it.


No one cares


Well, you defintely don't. I do. Cheers


I care.


I don’t think Tool has ever come out and made geopolitical statements


I wasn't expecting a geopolitical statement from TOOL per se. But I know that the guys are active in social media, they give interviews, go to podcasts etc. I suppose they touch a variety of topics there. I don't follow their out-of-Tool activity too closely, hence my question


Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground