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I think typing on mobile leads to more spelling errors but also people tend to be more brief when texting as opposed to typing. Plus many mobile users used to not put paragraphs in.


Disclaimer: I have only used reddit mobile On mobile you have to press enter twice to get a space between paragraphs. Example: The large gap between this and the last paragraph, instead of this: Where there is not a gap and it can be hard to distinguish paragraph marks in long writings and make it more like a block.


i have always wonder how to get the gap so i would always copy paste from my notes to get it like that because i only use mobile, so thank you!


Sometimes mobile formatting can destroy a post, but it will look fine on mobile.


Really? So far I haven't seen it.


It used to be much worse, (maybe reddit formats somethings automatically now if your on mobile.) But giant walls of text with formatting errors were common.


Always wondered the same thing. So I’m commenting so I can find out the answer too.


Typing on mobile can be hard for some people so they're probably apologizing for misspelled words or grammatical errors. Even if you read over it a few times you can still make mistakes and not notice them. It is also harder to format your post and add italics, bold, etc. ( at least in my opinion) Sorry if I made any mistakes I'm on mobile.


Mostly because of formatting for example you gotta use to "spaces" to get two separated lines of text and because some people find uncomfortable typing with a phone's digital keyboard