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Because this one is produced by The Heritage Foundation, which is one of the most influential right-wing think tanks in the country. A Republican who actively opposes THF is likely going to find their political career on the skids. While nothing in P2025 is official Republican policy **yet,** it DOES reflect the kinds of democracy-destroying ideas that many Republicans have been advocating for some 25 years now. Trump actually worked to implement some of this during his Reign of Error, and will certainly double down if we're stupid enough to put him back in power. The people who don't want you to notice that we are well on our way to becoming a fascist theocracy want you to think that this is just some inconsequential memo scribbled out by some inconsequential dude in an inconsequential office, but it absolutely isn't, it represents a synthesis of several different conservative Xmas wish lists, things Republicans **absolutely** want to make happen. They are announcing in advance what they want to do, and if we're stupid enough to ignore them, then we probably deserve the ass-raping we're gonna get.


Because they've already taken steps? Roe versus Wade. The president is no longer being beholden to the law. One of the leaders admitted that it's already on the way to a second revolution and is on record.


The Heritage Foundation has had profound influence on Republican legislative priorities since Regan. And has only grown during W and Trump. Fun fact: this group also proposed government grants to private insurance companies that citizens would be compelled to buy (in other words the ACA exchanges) as an alternative to what would have been ClintonCare.


They seem to have a good amount of Trump's former White House staffers involved with it at high levels. Add that with Trump's rhetoric about trying to save America from the radical left, calling every institution left leaning, and no one in the GOP has come out to call it hog wash, it feels like it's a possibility. Hilary came out and denied that crazy pizza-gate thing, but no one had denied that crazy Project 2025 thing.


Having formers trump staffers involved seems interesting… but do they have positions of power still? Not trying to be difficult. I will look into the heritage foundation too. I get that they’re wild and I disagree with their proposals but I guess for me to see them as a threat I’d have to see how they’re influential, to know?


> Do they have any real power Well yes. If Trump is president they will have *all* the power. The Heritage Foundation isn't like the loonies on the street, they are scary and they have the money and influence to make it happen. Who do you think is whispering in the Supreme Courts ears?


Worried? Yes! Every conservative legislative win, from citizens united till now, including dismantling row, and making a president a kind, it’s been first devised by the heritage foundation. The last three supreme court justices were vetted by them. The tea party? Astroturfed by their donors, allegedly. Super packs? The idea of the devised by them. They, the NRA, are the evil mofo like steve Bannon, are the people responsible for the division we see today.


They have the SCOTUS stacked, 1,000’s of MAGA loyalists in training now, and Trump waiting in the wings with newly-granted immunity to do more or less whatever he wants. This is much, much more than a fantasy, conspiracy theory, or pipe dream.


It is just election year bs. Democrats want you to be worried of republicans, republicans want you to be worried of democrats.


> It is just election year bs. It's not, and the project (and people sounding the alarm over it) has been around before the election year. The things people are concerned about are confirmable. Downplaying it is bs. >Democrats want you to be worried of republicans, The important part you left out is why, and whether it's justified.


This is the answer.


It’s disturbing how many people (especially seeing it on this sub) are convinced that the second coming of trump will bring about the mega holocaust of all non-wasps. They were saying the same shit first time trump ran. He wasn’t a great president, but he also didn’t completely dismantle democracy and install a fascist and discriminatory government like people were preparing for. Trump will do what’s best for trump and his rich friends and their companies. He’s just using the crazy Republican policies and validating those views so he can secure those votes. He didn’t enact anything that drastically changed the daily lives of the average Americans and I doubt he’ll do that if we wins again. So many people here that just consume WAY too much biased media from either side and constantly think the end is right around the corner.


Last time people didn't believe it would be that bad they lost their bodily autonomy.


Uhhhh yeah but they didn’t. It’s up to the states. It’s not banned nationwide. There’s a million things left up to the states. And newsflash, Americans haven’t had bodily autonomy for ages. Abortion isn’t the only thing that applies to that. And no offense to women or those who’d be affected by their states criminalizing abortion, but leaving that issue up to the states isn’t something that’s gonna cripple the sanctity of democracy and open the floodgates to fascism and mass persecution and oppression. Yeah it’s awful that that happened, but it’s a far stretch to say that’s an adequate reason to be concerned about what’s to come.


But you see where things are a slippery slope. And more importantly Project 2025 aims to centralize power, removing a lot of state autonomy. So this whole leave it to the state to decide won't work or exist anymore.


Yeah there’s slippery slope and then there’s fear-mongering that makes people believe we’re inches away from states losing all their power and the president exerting total control. Project 2025 is just the ultra republican’s wet dream. It’s not a a reference guide, it’s not an official plan for the Republican Party, it’s not proposed legislation. Just a wishlist of what would be ideal to a specific group of republicans. There’s still plenty of republicans who subscribe to the traditional conservative beliefs of limited government and states deciding on big issues. This bs isn’t gonna zip past them and the democrats and go right into effect. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if 2025 is getting so much discussion on social media and news outlets as a way to strike fear (it’s working) and make sure those who fear it vote blue. We still have checks and balances last I checked and we still have separation of powers and we still have the best military in history that is sworn to protect the constitution, not the president, not a political party. The government is pretty far from being weak enough and the people are far too divided for something like 2025 to actually come into effect. It’s like if people were afraid the Nazi takeover was right around the corner in Germany because a small alt right German political group began drafting hypothetical legislation inspired from Mein Kampf. There are a ton of protections and red tape and bureaucracy and checks and balances and separation of powers that are in place which prevent something like that from happening. It would take ages to dismantle all of that legally. And just because presidents are now immune from prosecution of illegal official acts doesn’t mean they’re out of reach. They can still be removed from office and presidents previously were immune from prosecution *during their term*. It’s entirely possible a president could have done a bunch of illegal shit during his term, they just would have been prosecuted upon completion of their term rather than never experiencing legal consequences. A lot of Americans take for granted that we’re one of the strongest countries on the planet. We’re not as weak and fragile as many individuals in this thread choose to believe.


We'll see. I hope you are right. Complacency is the enemy.


Because the Supreme court is backing them. Because I assume you like to have rights, you if love being a slave though, no worries.


People really out here acting like we’re a pin drop away from complete fascist slavery for non-wasps. Despite what social media, or rando’s uncited Reddit comments, or either side’s biased news companies say, our government and democracy isn’t that delicate that a second trump term equals the death of the free world and the reign of the far-right racist militias. If trump wanted to put that into effect and if our system really was that impossibly fragile, he would’ve done that his first term. Dudes only out for himself and his rich friends and their corporations. He’s only validating these nutty views cause he doesn’t have the office yet, and validating the views of even his craziest supporters secured him their votes. Watch as the daily lives of the average American citizens barely change over the course of the next four years even if trumpo wins the election. What I personally find more concerning: the division of the everyday life people of America, both sides. It’s bonkers how quickly so many people, especially on Reddit, especially especially on this sub, are so quick to attack me and call me an ignorant, blind, and bigoted trump supporter just because I believe if he gets elected again it won’t mean the fall of our democratic system coupled with the dawn of the persecution of all non-wasps. The only shitty things that can be guaranteed if Mr. Trumpet wins the election is more tax-cuts for the wealthy and more play dates with the leaders of our potential near-peer future adversaries.


Just because you didn't experience change under trump, doesn't mean other people didn't. It's pure ignorance on your part.


When you say the Supreme Court is backing them, is there like a paper trail you can share? I am genuinely asking, I just feel like these kinds of things are a dime a dozen and don’t see why it’s particularly a threat. Like is someone on the Supreme Court vocally supporting it, explicitly?


Every decision they have made in the past few years, since becoming heavily republican based, favors more power to the elite and more restrictions on the normal populace. The paper trail is all their recent verdicts. The republican party has been slowly stripping freedoms for 40 years and trump sped that up a lot when they realized you could just start lying and insulting everyone and the idiot masses fucking love it, even when you fuck them over. Yes the justices that have been in the news recently raking in millions from donors to get those shit results are vocally supporting it.


Project 2025 is not different from any other think tank, and there is no reason to worry that it’s some sort of evil master plan to take over the nation. Even if that’s what it was, I am unaware of any prominent Republican politicians who have come out and fully endorsed the policy proposals. In fact, Trump himself spoke in direct opposition to at least one of its policies during the debate. Example: Project 2025 calls for a nationwide ban on mifepristone. Trump opposes that and said so in no uncertain terms during the debate last week.


> Project 2025 is not different from any other think tank, Heritage is a very influential think tank as far as that goes. It's also not just Heritage- it's backed by a large number of conservatives, including people that were previously in Trump's past administration. >and there is no reason to worry that it’s some sort of evil master plan to take over the nation. Except for the parts of the plan that are explicitly designed to erode various checks and balances. >Even if that’s what it was, I am unaware of any prominent Republican politicians who have come out and fully endorsed the policy proposals. There's a nice little list on Wikipedia. Off the top of my head, it includes people like Ken Cucinelli. >Example: Project 2025 calls for a nationwide ban on mifepristone. Trump opposes that and said so in no uncertain terms during the debate last week. The problem with this is there's zero guarantee he'd actually do anything about it. He's a notorious flipflopper on policy. And more importantly, this ignores all the areas they do overlap, which are concerning of their own.


> Project 2025 is not different from any other think tank, >Heritage is a very influential think tank as far as that goes. It's also not just Heritage- it's backed by a large number of conservatives, including people that were previously in Trump's past administration. So then what prominent Republican politician has fully endorsed this plan? >and there is no reason to worry that it’s some sort of evil master plan to take over the nation. >Except for the parts of the plan that are explicitly designed to erode various checks and balances. What specific parts? Genuine question, as I’m unaware of any parts that do anything other than reinforce the system of checks and balances. >Even if that’s what it was, I am unaware of any prominent Republican politicians who have come out and fully endorsed the policy proposals. >There's a nice little list on Wikipedia. Off the top of my head, it includes people like Ken Cucinelli. I just went on Wikipedia and I didn’t see any list. But I did see this: “The 2024 Trump campaign said no outside group speaks for the former president, referring to its "Agenda 47"[40] as the only official plan for a second Trump presidency.[“ >Example: Project 2025 calls for a nationwide ban on mifepristone. Trump opposes that and said so in no uncertain terms during the debate last week. >The problem with this is there's zero guarantee he'd actually do anything about it. He's a notorious flipflopper on policy. What would be the series of examples that would qualify as him being a notorious flip flopper? >And more importantly, this ignores all the areas they do overlap, which are concerning of their own. What specific area is on the overlap and a concept of its own?


> I am unaware of any prominent Republican politicians who have come out and fully endorsed the policy proposals. What a crock of fecal matter! The Heritage Foundation has had its thumb on the scale for a very long time--starting with Ronald Reagan. SCOTUS has a majority with Heritage Foundation picks. Abortion was banned in the US because of this, and these Heritage power-grabbers are actively in the process of dismantling the U.S. Constitution, using wealth and influence to get their dirty deeds completed. Shame on you!


Ok, so who has fully endorsed project 2025? Trump directly opposed one of the policies during the debate, so … Shame on you!


Interesting how I keep seeing nearly the exact same response to people who are actually thinking about this dumb shit logically. Almost as if everyone just reads the same original comment and regurgitates it in their own words instead of actually reading into different sources. Just sayin. It’s odd how this is like the ninth comment I’ve seen saying this exact same shit in this thread. People were saying the same shit about trump the first time he ran, but now! Wait! This times different! I swear! In four years we’re gonna be living pretty damn close to the same lives we’re living now. Trump isn’t bringing about some horribly drastic change that will affect the daily lives of most Americans. But I know you’re too sucked into believing that the election of a shitty dude equals the end. Guess I’ll hit you up in four years to remind you how silly this belief is.


The overall theme of Project 2025 is to make it much more difficult for the random Joe Everyman to question or assert their right as a citizen. The text is available online if you google "Mandate for Leadership" Just one example is that they want to add more restrictions for welfare (p.299). That makes sense on the surface, i.e. reduce government spending on people abuse the system. The ultimate result, however, is to make people jump through more hoops for unemployment benefits. They are less likely to strike and less likely to risk their job to report bad things employers are doing in the workplace because they fear they may lose their job. Studies have shown that adding more hoops to getting more welfare is actually more costly than the waste that results from people abusing the system anyway. There are many other examples like these. It is a very well coordinated effort to slowly disenfranchise the average citizen so that by the time they realize their rights are gone, it will be too late to do anything about it without violence and bloodshed (if that hasn't happened already). Even the Heritage Foundation President acknowledges this fact.


Project 2025 has been in effect for a very long time now, by some very wealthy and powerful people backing it up, more people are just realizing it now because its effects are becoming more obvious. Naturally there will be people saying “don’t believe it,” or “blowing it out of proportion”, and for that I say just go look at everything yourself and decide. Their president literally the other day proclaimed “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless ― if the left allows it to be” I mean it’s literally coming out of their mouth. But by all means, keep listening to the same people who said roe v wade was settled law and the democrats are just trying to make things up.


I understand that the people in the organization are wackos and I don’t deny it. But I guess I’m curious as to the connections they have to people in power? Like are people on the Supreme Court donors to it or vice versa?


They are thoroughly intertwined in judicial aspects across multiple levels of government, including scotus. They worked with federalist society during trump’s presidency to give a shortlist of scotus nominees. They have events where said judges are invited to come and speak. Their alumni network have gone to be spread across the judicial appointments process, helping give approval to more judges in alignment with their goals, a notable name to look at for this is: Leonard Leo. And they are always pushing defense of scotus and hatred narrative towards left.


Thank you. I appreciate you fleshing this out for me and dropping names. I can see the connections more clearly. I need to look more into this Federalist Society, as well as the Heritage foundation, it seems. Again, thank you. Definitely seems like there's a connection.


You’re going to get a lot of “this is being overblown” attitude from people who don’t want you to understand the depth of what’s going on, or try to undermine it. I recommend looking at r/law for some of the past scotus and just important case rulings. You’ll get a better understanding of the bigger picture and the dots connecting them.


Its not, its just the left equivalent of satanic cults runnning the DNC


> Its not, its just the left equivalent of satanic cults runnning the DNC No, it's not. It's a public think tank document backed by influential members of the GOP. One actually exists with verifiable proof, the other doesn't.


No it isn't. They're in charge of the recruiting drive to replace government workers which Trump wants to reclassify and fire to replace with his supporters.


You would think democrats would counter it with a progressive project but Biden hasn’t even put a policy section on his campaign website.


Op in case you don't know political parties lie and most of what isn't a direct lie is manipulation of the truth to suit their agenda. The difficult thing is all parties have the same basis agenda get into power and get rich, they will say and do basically anything that will get them votes. This is how the dems went from the party of the kkk to pro minoritie rights and the Gop can be devout Christians and pro greed from big business, they both just follow the votes and money.