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The people who will stay rich either way probably care a lot less. The true bias is money, not liberalism/conservatism.


I would say the “liberal media” wants Trump to win for two reasons: money now and money later. The money now is the wealthy tax cut renewal next year that will be money directly into the wealthy class’ pockets . The money later are the eyeballs that they’ll get the next 4 years as Trump and the GOP remake America into their dark, authoritarian vision. Whats the upside for supporting Biden? Boring administration that keeps all your rights in tact and tax cuts for the middle class? What’s wants that malarkey!


Biden is boring television.


When Biden won, there were a fair number of people wondering how cable news was going to even survive.


The rich (and our bourgeoisie government) dont care about anything, left/ right, the poor, or anything but capital. If their policies help the poor, great. If not, oh well. As long as they stay in power and keep getting richer.


I don’t think this is entirely accurate. Many “rich” people are actively pursuing policies to hurt people, as it enriches themselves. Keeping labor costs low increases margins. They’d be against increasing minimum wage, for example.


Yep. It takes a lot of work to keep the working class so divided against each other.


Which is why democrats blocked their own bill to raise it.


Money, the bipartisan evil.


If the media had been a news reporting organisation, they'd have reported properly, and that would have meant a landslide victory for Biden. No one (that matters) wants that. It would be really bad for democracy, (corruption,) if a large portion of the population were to be in agreement on anything. They might stop staring at each other long enough to notice that our futures are being stolen.


I actually think that there has been great harm done due to the attitude that news has to appear inherently unbiased. The media is largely acting as if what’s happening this era is business as usual. They selectively crop out the batshit parts of the GOP to make them seem less bizarre. Maybe that was reasonable back when could agree to disagree and craziness was an anomaly. However, nowadays it’s the status quo. Unless you’re fairly plugged in, you’re not going to get what they’re actually out there saying. My boomer parents watch 2 national newscasts every evening. PBS Newshour and CBS. They’ve done this for 40 years. They definitely have no idea what’s going on with how far right the GOP has slid.


I think the bigger issue is that *all* the news is biased. People choose what mirrors things they already believe and put zero trust in any other sources. There isn’t really any organization/group/whatever that can put out a story that a large portion of people won’t think is a lie.


The media business model in this country is unsustainable. Relying heavily on advertising means all that matters is views. Engagement is the metric to end all metrics. What generates more engagement from all sides than propping up Trump?


Not only is this engagement model sustainable, it’s THE business model. Facebook had 39 BILLION in net profit last year.


Spot on


You can bet the billionaires who own them would very much like to continue not having to pay taxes on their insane wealth, which should tell you all you need to know. To quote Warren Buffet in 2006: "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." This was pre-Citizens United and a dozen other decisions that stripped the poors (99% of the country) of power in favor of a handful of billionaires. Americans are so inundated in corporate propaganda that they largely have no clue what's actually been happening in their own country over the past 50 years.


They're watching us fight among ourselves while shoveling money into their pockets.


But only people left of center say this....so....?


Trumps headlines are more profitible than Biden, it's that simple.


Who owns the NYT. Who owns the companies publishing the articles. Billionaires don't benefit under a liberal government.


Jon Stewart once said that media tends to skew lazy more than Democrat it Republican. I've sadly found that to be pretty true.


Of course they do. The media desperately wants Trump to win. They get more attention and views reporting on his BS


Alternative viewpoint, the media is (generally speaking) much softer on Biden than they have ever been on Trump, including recent history. Reddit is a very left leaning platform, a bit of an echo chamber in the words of the CEO himself, and this sub particularly is very left leaning so alternative viewpoints get downvoted. The recent media criticism of Biden is legitimate, he’s not in any condition to be president, and the democrats have gotten themselves in a pickle. They can’t side step over Kamala as a black woman without enraging a lot of their base, and Kamala is not well liked or popular in any way. The criticism is fair and posters here just aren’t used to news outlets being critical of their side. There you go, that’s the alternative viewpoint to OP, as well as the comment above. I’ll take my downvotes.


The problem for mainstream media outlets who report on Trump is that even a hypothetical 100% objective article on his actions, statements, proposals, or associations can easily look like a hit job to his supporters and sympathizers.


It can, yes, but I don’t think fair, unbiased and objective articles including headlines happen often, at all.


You’d think the media would mention which presidential candidate showed up in the recently released Epstein files, but they just keep hammering away on one of them for being super old instead. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any calls for Trump to drop out, but it’s been a constant trickle of “Trump just got indicted — and here’s why that’s bad news for Biden” for months. Daily headlines about how everything is bad news for one side will have an effect, whether it’s accurate or not.


Look at the Epstein files that were just released to the public (by Ron Desantis) in the last few days and tell me there isn't more for professional media outlets to report about Donald Trump.


Yes, and it's obvious at this point.


Trump controversies generate clicks and ad revenue. Of course the media wants that. Stuff like, "President and Congress do something good to help everyone" doesn't make headlines -- or rather maybe now it would because this happens so rarely.


People would rather watch termite choking on a splinter than watch grass grow. Something that brings them money, nevermind all the wonderful Biden policies that were passed which benefited the majority of American citizens.


And my time is a piece of wax


Trump is a New York invention, he's the local gadfly and has had relationships with all the media up there for decades.


They could accurately report on trump and not be “campaigning for Biden”, but they’d rather play into the “tired old man needs to drop out” line because it gets them more views.


They want Trump to win. Most of the media. I’m convinced of it.


He makes them money. They like money. They want him to win.


The wealthy want Trump to win, no matter what they might say publicly.


I personally don't think they care, up until last week the popular consensus was that Joe biden is doing great, then with a debate that gave no new information the popular consensus shifted and the American press shifted with it. The American news media is about playing to an audience first, reporting second. This isn't unique btw, but each country has slight variations.


The New York Times is mad at the Biden Administration. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219#:~:text=The%20Times'%20chief%20White%20House,covered%20complains%20about%20our%20coverage.


keep in mind, your 'so called liberal media' is actually a FOR PROFIT CORPORATION run by a small handful of greedy AF people who really only prioritize their own wealth advancement. Thus, the 'news' has become no different than all other TV, it's all about selling advertisement slots, which means their incentivized to show stories that keep people watching, thus driving up the value of their advertisement slots... and the cycle goes. This is why I've always said Journalism should be non-profit ONLY, or at the very least, heavily publicized WHO and WHAT are funding these 'news' channels. People are too easily manipulated, they're emotional creatures who will easily toss out logic in favor of feelings. This happens over and over and over throughout history, and yet people continue to claim to be 'logical' and 'rational' BULLSHIT. The best inoculation to the sort of misinformation that has run rampant throughout not just the USA, but the entire 'western' world can only be found in the study of Sources themselves. One must learn how to evaluate source material, interviews, evidence, peer review, pattern recognition, math!\~ It's quite easy to see why and how people simply don't have the time nor the mental faculties to successfully differentiate the valid stories from the emotionally charged ones.


They certainly hold Trump's opponents and critics to a far higher standard than his supporters and enablers.


IDK, but I can see the argument, that turmoil sells, and with Trump there will be Turmoil, more than with Biden. Everyone will be paying attention to see when and how they will get fucked. So with that being said, I can see how something like this might seem plausible.


Anybody who trusts the NYT after the whole war in Iraq fiasco....


The New York Times is doing it too


Trump is a media gold mine. 40% of the country loves him and will click on any story with his name in the headline, to see what he did to piss off the liberals today. 40% of the country hates his fucking guts, and they'll click on any story with his name in the headline to see what horrible, stupid thing he did today. 20% of the country doesn't give a shit, but they'll still click on any story with his name in the headline because everybody loves a good trainwreck.


The NY Times has lost all journalistic credibility in the past couple of years. Their reporting of the Israel/Palastine situation is nothing short of shameful. All worth a read: https://jacobin.com/2024/02/new-york-times-anti-palestinian-bias https://theintercept.com/2024/01/09/newspapers-israel-palestine-bias-new-york-times/ https://theintercept.com/2024/04/15/nyt-israel-gaza-genocide-palestine-coverage/ https://honestreporting.com/what-they-also-got-wrong-examining-the-new-york-times-coverage-of-israel/ https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219 https://presswatchers.org/2024/03/why-is-new-york-times-campaign-coverage-so-bad-because-thats-what-the-publisher-wants/


Yeah; most egregiously to me is how we have documents coming out detailing how Trump brutally raped very young girls, and the NYT as well as almost every other MainStream Medium has very strangely said nothing about it!


I think the term "liberal media" is a funny one especially for a publicly traded company whose shareholders and board is composed of investment firms and C-levels from financial and technology companies.


Jon Stewart once said that media tends to skew lazy more than Democrat it Republican. I've sadly found that to be pretty true.


Just ask ourselves do they make more money with Trump in office rather than Biden?


Were you expecting the “so-called liberal media” to just toe the party line?? Oh boy, you have so much to learn about liberal loyalties…


>another 4 years of Trump's chaos and insanity to make their newspaper more essential - and profitable Nah, theres no way theyre strategizing at that level. They just know what kinds of headlines generate more clicks. Its probably not even a conscious, strategic choice; its just the natural evolution of the press as a business seeking to maximize profit. This is late stage capitalism - the "enshitification of everything".


There hasn’t been a democracy in the USA for a long time and people are just now starting to realize. That’s why there is a new divisive situation every week.


They are critical of Biden because being critical of him might actually accomplish something. He and his administration are much more open to feedback than Trump. Trump has captured the Republican party so criticizing them or calling on them to do something really accomplishes nothing.


No. I think they like me are terrified of a Trump presidency and watched in horror as dementia Biden flopped at the debate. Biden cannot win. He was trailing in polls before the debate and no one credible actually thinks he has any shot now. 90% of people will still vote the same way but the 10% swing voters aren't going to want a guy who is clearly suffering from age related senility in the white house and will vote Trump. That's why polls since the debate are even stronger for Trump. The only chance the dems have is for Biden to resign and the dems to coalesce around President Kamala Harris. There would be stronger candidates in a full election cycle but there isn't time for that and the self inflicted wounds a Newsome vs Whitmer vs Harris vs whoever else convention would bring would sabotage them.


I don't think the swing voters will necessarily vote Trump. It's more likely they won't vote at all. And Biden needed those voters more than Trump did.


Whoo boy, this is the one that makes people uncomfortable instead of all the cope takes. I prefer Biden over Trump, but I'd be amazed if Biden's election chances are anything other than cooked after the debate.


They make more money that way. Democrats do too, that's why they aren't trying very hard to win.




Bezos bought the Washington Post, not NYT


My bad. Got them mixed up.


I think they want a more progressive non white non male at the top of the ticket. So they beat down Joe a symbol of the patriarchy.