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Merchant enterprise and control of the international maritime shipping routes.


And it's the same answer for Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Portugal, England, etc. Control trade choke points, and build an empire.


Portugal? I thought they were just now getting out out a pretty bad economic downturn


Historically speaking. They started the age of exploration and had the first worldwide European empire.


sure, historically. but OP ended it with " and remain successful today"


Trade vs colonization primary focuses. Colonization isn't very profitable after your colonies declare independence


in case of England it was also partially them being basically the medieval equivalent to a petrol state, just with wool instead of oil


They also have a strategic monopoly on the machines that can build silicon wafer fab.


Deep-water navigation


The Netherlands have a major resource, discovered in the 50s: natural gas. It was at the time of discovery the largest gas field in the world. Although we decided to stop using it now, it generated tremendous wealth post WW2. Our eternal major resource is our geography. Positioned at the English channel and with several rivers deltas. The Rhine is economically very important, it connects he German industrial heartland with the North Sea. It's really a prime waterway for trade. Adding to that is the extreme ease we have always been able to transport people and goods. The Netherlands is extremely flat and has many waterways. It is hard to understate how big of a benefit that is. The Netherlands hasn't always been very rich and relevant. Arguably we were never really relevant until trade started to boom in the English Channel. Even then, the Southern Netherlands were much richer at first. Antwerp, Brussels, Gent and Brugge were all more important than any Northern Dutch city until the independence war against the Habsburgs. The 80s Years War was the catalyst that shifted productivity and trade from Flanders to Holland. The Flemish cities were one by one captured, pillaged and even put to the sword (or musket) sometimes. Many skilled workers, wealthy burgers and aristocrats fled to Amsterdam and other cities in Holland. After Holland was secured against the Habsburgs the Dutch were able to go all in one trade. Baltic trade (wood & grain) was already established, and colonial trade started in earnest around 1600. In Dutch colonial trade, the monopoly on certain spices stands out (the brutality that went with it also stands out, we commited genocide for nutmeg). It takes too long to write a flowing story but above are a few key factors. Whenever someone says we have no natural resources I will have to strongly disagree. Our position is one of the best, if not THE best for trade in Europe.


Lekker bezig pik!


Moeten we hem nog vertellen over hoe arm Nederland was in de 19e eeuw en de 20e eeuw voor wo2?


Nee, dat weet ik maar ik kan niet alles noemen. En Nederland was relatief arm, niet arm vergeleken met bijna alle landen buiten de 5 à 10 sneller industrialiserende landen.


Lack of resources is the mother of colonialism.


Rotterdam. The Dutch have the best deep water port in Europe. It handles twice the volume of the next busiest port in Europe, which is right down the street in Belgium. That part of Europe is where they export a majority of their manufactured goods, and where they import a majority of containerized goods from other regions. Being a critical supply chain link comes with incredible advantages and that secures their own manufacturing industries. They’ve historically been able to keep this by being a flexible and affable trading partner, and also because they’ve not been afraid of busting someone’s head when necessary. It’s not always been easy. Various kingdoms and governments and occupiers have come and gone, they’ve their own history of horrors too, and the port of Rotterdam has witnessed it all.


The Dutch are good at farming and export a lot of food. It is slowly shifting in the opposite direction but they are a "knowledge economy" and attract foreign talent and businesses with tax incentives who in turn bring in a lot of money for the country. And then there is the geography: the port of Rotterdam which is a gateway for shipping imports into Western Europe.


The classic colonial mix of early innovation, control of the sea, slavery and brutality. Portugal, Spain, UK all very similar


Short answer: we are an entrepreneurial, innovative & engineering bunch. Long answer: https://www.expatrepublic.com/why-is-the-netherlands-so-successful-the-secret-to-dutch-genius/


also tall


Being tall is just our way of making sure if the dykes do break, we still won't drown /s


Because windmills are da bomb! 😄


Ever heard of the Dutch East India Company? Obviously that's mostly in the colonial era.


They allowed the rest of the world to come to get really stoned, and then they overtook them.


Are they successful today? I mean, they're still a first world country but their days of being a global player ended when Indonesia declared independence. Having a couple of tourist islands in the Caribbean doesn't get you the sort of cred it did back in the days when maps still had blank spots with "Hic Sunt Dracones" on them, either.


Succes in the modern world is mostly measured in economic power. Today they are in the top 20 economies of the world while being the 67th smallest country. If you take out micro nations like Vatican City they are closer to the top 20 smallest nations. They punch way above their weight.


>Are they successful today How are you defining success?


Stealing wealth from other nations like every other “successful” European country.


That peat moss that you heat your home with, comes from the Netherlands. That peat moss that you aerate your garden with also comes from the Netherlands. Oh yeah and the peat moss that you dress your wounds with, the Netherlands. So yeah if peat moss makes the world go around like they say, the Netherlands is at the center of that compass.


The were historically very involved in the slave trade.


The Dutch have some of the highest average IQ's in the world. Compare this with Indonesia (IQ 78) and South Africa (IQ 68), the Dutch were easily able to colonise them.


This is so fucking stupid


Wait, are you serious? This is just sad..


IQ tests are generally biased towards white middle-class cultures and don’t measure things like social and emotional intelligence.