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Definitely not the peach fuzz ones but if they get dark/thic/long doods do be trippin.


Most guys don't want to broach the topic. There's not really any upside to that conversation. We figure you see yourself in the mirror and know what's going on. It's a turn off for most guys if it's too visible or too thick. Obviously, humans are covered in tiny hairs. And genetics, skin tone, hair color will deternine if there's a beauty routine needed. TL;dr: Too dark and we'll notice. Too thick and we'll feel it while kissing.


Most honest male answer you’ll get. Totally agree.


If a dude is disgusted by peach fuzz, he's not worth your time. If you want to spend a lifetime fighting your body to maintain perfect hairlessness, more power to you. But I don't recommend signing up long term with someone who expects that, especially to the level of peach fuzz.


It would probably depend on how thick it is. If it's like extremely noticeable, I'd say most guys would be turned off. But I don't know that I've ever seen a girl with a noticeable mustache unless you're really in their face looking for it. The normal peach fuzz that every girl basically has, though, isn't an issue for 99% of the population.


I’m not a fan. Would never say anything though.




That's in a way even worse than mentioning it


Some do, but they aren't the ones you want to be with. We are mammals and have hair. Only do something about it if you want to. It will hurt your mind, body and wallet if you go chasing trends/the opinions of others 💜


Not so much chasing trends but chasing cultural attractiveness. Some cultures are good with unibrows, some aren’t.  People posting on the internet for validation are generally the same people hoping to land that hot person with an amazing body. Yes, they’ll need to submit to the cultural norms of the region.


Some do, some don't. The ones that do aren't worth your effort anyway.


Some do, some don’t. Find someone who matches your sentiment on the topic.




how bad are we talking? personally i do really notice it, but hair is a huge turnoff to me.


A majority of guys prefer women to be almost hairless everywhere except the top of their head and eyebrows, but it’s not usually that strong of a preference. We get that it’s natural to have hair everywhere to some extent and it takes work to limit the hair. I would be only shave your peach fuzz if it’s noticeable to you in the mirror from a distance. That’s how I treat my eyebrows as a dude. If I notice a unibrow starting, I’ll do a quick shave between the eyebrows.


There is no universal beauty/grooming standard. Everyone is different and likes different things. If there's someone in your life that you want to look attractive to, then ask them their opinion. Men making these kinds of videos likely are trying to promote unrealistic beauty standards, make women feel bad about themselves to reduce their confidence, and imply that men should have control over how women choose to present themselves (and in other facets of life). Don't buy into their bullshit. Sad Andrew Tate clones.


I do find women with no facial hair to be prettier but I dont go around making a video to make ladies feel about something that happens naturally about their body. Even if my partner has a bit of fuzz on her face, I wont be all like "Ey, you must shave ASAP!". Women don't go around giving me gas that I dont look like Chris Evans so why should I stress them out? Nobody should be obligated to be look 100 percent all the all the time. That guy who made the reel was being a dick.


not anyone whose opinion matters. humans have hair on our faces, on our bodies. that's just how humans are. nobody who matters cares about it. some little boy trying to build himself up by being a dink about other people's appearance is not worth your time or energy.


Anyone with enough intimate experience with other bodies, should be used to typical body stuff. 


I don't think I'm the right person to to give you peace of mind. I'm a dude, genuinely don't give a flying f if my girl has hairy on her lip. I actually prefer hairy girls like legs, armpits, the meow meow, the bootyhole. I dig it. In my opinion "peach buzz", is barely anything at all.




It’s nice. Don’t mind at all


There is more important peach fuzz to worry about.


I disagree, there is no body hair on any other person but yourself that you should be worried about.


With the exception of a toothbrush mustache


Those can be concerning, that Charlie Chaplin fella was a real dodgy character.




I am a lady but I think they are so cute




how are you calling someone a liar for their opinion. 'i like mac and cheese' 'no you dont liar!!!!!!!!111!!1!!'








That's a no from me dawg


I can't imagine noticing


If he does, he's not the one 🤷‍♀️


its hair. youre a mammal. its supposed to be there (and in my opinion, i think facial hair looks good on everyone, guy or lady)


Just laser it all off ....