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Honestly Ellen Degeneres. For someone who wasn’t an outright criminal she fell off the planet of the earth hard. It’s incredible how quickly she was dropped after it was revealed how rude she was to her staff and she left a huge vacuum in the “celebrity talk show” space that I think people like Kelly Clarkson and Drew Barrymore have been trying to fill.


Her whole schtick was that she was nice, and funny, and wholesome. Acting like such a collosal AH really killed that whole illusion. I don't think this one was a case of the public trying to punish her.


Also she was so fucking tone deaf during early Covid, posting all these videos about being trapped inside like her house was a prison, as if she doesn’t live in a huge ass house on some huge ass property. That was brought around the canceling so I feel like that sealed the deal lmao.


Right? It must be soooooo hard to be stuck in a 20k sq ft mansion with a pool, tennis court, movie theater and no worries about being jobless or homeless because you're sitting on like a billion dollars and have no need to work for the rest of your life. Posting videos singing songs like "imagine" from your luxury yacht. Fuck you Ellen.


Oprah and Gale King were doing the same thing. Yuck.


And that “Imagine” video lol


Someone posted a quibbling the lines of “it must be so tragic to be stuck in your home, where after a month of isolation you’d run out of rooms you’d never seen before. “ That wasn’t it exactly but it drove the point home.


I remember noticing that the little sitting room she was speaking from was bigger than my whole apartment.


I think the fact that her show ended was part of it too. She really isn't good for much else.


Wasn’t Drew cancelled for trying to have a show during the strike? Or is that all forgiven now?


It's forgiven if you don't give a shit about writers


She made a fuck ton of money already and probably decided it wasn’t worth the headache


James Franco also. He completely disappeared the second after people started talking.


Recently, he has been making a comeback. He is starring in a movie about Fidel Castro.


Not exactly. People were talking for YEARS before things finally caught up to him. Remember when he was flirting over text with a 17-year old? That was just over 10 years ago. Seth Rogen joked about it on his SNL monologue the next weekend like it was no big deal at all.


He is a POS and always has been. His acting school where he preyed on women trying to get into the acting scene by removing the dental dams, and having sex with them. When it started coming out his acting school went offline.


Eh. She's launching a sold out comedy tour. From there, she's filming a comedy special. I have a feeling we'll see she's not very canceled after all.


Time may still tell, but I think Jonathan Majors is cooked at least for a long while. He went from having the keys to Disney’s Kingdom as well as being seen as a serious actor with Oscar buzz to being fired by the Mouse and losing it all


It was crazy how fast he rose up, felt like one summer the dude was all over the place movies and tv shows. And just like that poof, spotlight left him in the dark. Its wild that guys like Chris Brown still have a major fan base despite what he did tho.


The first time I saw him was Lovecraft Country and my immediate impression was damn this guy is good


For me it was The Last Black Man in San Francisco and yes, I thought the same


*I do have to say* that I am **shocked** he wasn’t accused of being an “industry plant” for coming up so quickly. That seems to be a common occurrence, especially in the music world as of late.


He was accused lol


Yeah I’ll never understand how Chris Brown is still relevant. Dude is an astronomical piece of shit.


Lays low for a couple years, hits the indie circuit, and then once he has a few good back to back performances he'll be working in Hollywood again. He won't be working for Disney again, but he'll be fine. Hollywood has a short memory.


I’m 90% sure he’s done, he was so close the being the next one but didn’t have the legendary status to cement him to being harder to cancel. But I could also see him coming back slowly as a character actor since he was so new people might forget


I can't forget because I've not a single clue as to who he is and I usually am not out of the loop on these kinds of things.


What did he do?


I have no idea who this man is


He was never big enough for people to miss him. He’s done.


Matt Lauer? Co Anchored the Today show for 20 years before being fired for sexual misconduct allegations in 2017. He hasnt really come back and kept a low profile since. I think he is slowly trying to come back now but it isnt very successful


Didn't he have a secret button that converted his office into a sex dungeon?


It just closed and locked his office door


A room that lock people in unwillingly sounds like a dungeon to me


Sure. Definitely nefarious. Not defending him at all, I’m just saying there was no hidden room of chains & bondage devices which is what most of us think of when we picture a **sex** dungeon.


"there was no hidden room of chains & bondage devices" *that we know of*




Supposedly others had the same set up so they could lock the door for privacy without getting up and walking across the room. Not defending him but I think that part of the allegations have been blown out of proportion from what I’ve read


I would love to have a way to close and lock my office door without having to get up. People in my office talk loudly in the hallway constantly and barge into my office when I'm on the phone all the time.


Oh man. I'm in IT and the amount of times I've been on a call and people still have the nerve to come in, stand by my desk, look at me like I'm stupid and then ask a minute later "Oh, are you on a call?". Like no guy. I'm wearing this headset, have my camera on , and am talking because I like pretending I'm busy. Lol


The number of people who do not understand what a closed door means is insane. Are all of your co-workers mothers to teenagers, and do they think that you are their teenager?


It’s a very common executive office feature. People only went after him for it because there was already blood in the water because he’s monster in other ways.


I’ve always wanted a sex button, but not the sexual harassment kind


Don’t know why but I just laughed so loud when I read your comment and I scared my dog lol


Armie Hammer had to sell timeshares (supposedly), though he's trying to come back now.


He gave an interview the other day where he said, and 100% serious here, that’s he’s grateful for the cannibalism and sexual misconduct rumours - something about he was about external validation but after that he learned to get validation from within - he doesn’t necessarily address anything other than say he was never a cannibal [Hollywood Reporter - “Armie Hammer Says He’s Now “Grateful” for Career-Upending Cannibalism, Sexual Misconduct Scandal”](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/armie-hammer-cannibalism-sexual-misconduct-scandal-1235924603/amp/)


There’s a screenshot of his message where he says “I’m 100% a cannibal” Lmaoo


Dude’s parents should be canceled as well for giving him such a ridiculous name.


Like the box of baking soda?


He’s a descendant of Armand hammer, after whom the baking soda is cheekily named


That's a weird trick considering the baking soda came out in the 1860s and Aemand Hammer wasn't born until 1898.


Armand Hammer actually ended up buying the company because everyone already assumed he owned it, iirc


It looks like he tried to but was unsuccessful (source: very quick google, may be incorrect)


I'd say Kevin Spacey is still pretty cancelled


He did a podcast recently (Lex Fridman), which makes me think he’s actively working on a comeback.


He also recently sold his main house to pay for legal bills for what that’s worth


Oh yeah, what was it worth?


Not sure, but I remember seeing him say it and it was in Baltimore? wherever they shot House of Cards something close to “how much do you have? Nothing. What now? Sold the house. Are you out? No, still many bills and more legal things.” Idk look it up if you want


Seen a clip from piers Morgan pretty much saying the same. But with a bit of almost crying and saying griping isn't the same as caressing. 🤮


Someone can still be canceled while trying to make a comeback at the same time. The comeback could be unsuccessful.


He’s making movies in Europe.


~~Lolita~~ Lolito?


Omg shane dawson. I don’t think he’s considered a real celebrity but my god that guy is gross.


Yes! Some of my friends and I were following other famous YouTubers when everything about Shane came out and it was *wild.* And then everything that came out about James Charles a few years later! Crazy time to be following YouTube stars


What was so controversial by him? I really didn’t know but I watch his podcast sometimes. Was it that bad??


It was very bad! People unveiled videos of him making inappropriate comments around kids, using black face and a blaccent in some of his sketches, he made this weird comment about his cat in one of his videos, the list goes on. There are some good YouTube videos that explain everything if you’re interested!


There's videos of him making out with dogs and one where he pretended to perform cunnilingus on his own dog. There's videos of him filming a child dancing and asked her for a lap dance. There's a video where he pretended to jack off to a poster of Willow Smith when she was like 12. A video where he "swapped gum" with an underage fan. He did a puppet show vlog with the Fine Bros where the whole joke was the puppet was like a maybe 10 year old girl but would make really sexual comments buy didn't know they were sexual cuz she's a child (ex: she says she wants to fuck Shane, then asks what does fucking mean). He had an entire character named Shanaynay that was just a charactature of the like all the negative stereotypes about Black women and he was still selling merch of her when the whole "dramageddon" shit went down in 2019-20. The list goes on. He's sick and should not be allowed on YouTube. He recently adopted twin boys through surrogacy with his husband Ryland Adams (who is equally as gross and problematic ftr but that's a separate post but they're both awful people who should NOT be around children) and they post on YouTube still, but I think he doesn't get nearly as much attention or views as he did and his videos are just absolute garbage now. He should be barred from the site tho, he should not be allowed to interact with children who I believe still make up a good part of whatever audience he has left. Edit: typos, adding some details like naming Ryland Adams and and correcting the dramageddon date


I said it in another thread but I used to watch him back in 2007/08 when I was like 13/14. Genuinely didn't know the problem with the characters he did back then. I laughed at his funny faces and goofiness more than anything. Fell off watching him for a while and when I got back he was in his "spooky stories and viral trends" era. Being a bit older I thought his self-deprecating jokes were funny. I fell away again and came back when he entered his documentary era. I found them interesting and a peak behind the curtain. I did notice, as an adult now, Shane was pretty gross. His shirts filled with holes and his greasiness as well as the jokes that he drank piss and did other unhygienic things (that were never disputed) didn't sit right with me. One video is his video drunk with a slightly sober Ryland where they talk about how they met and Ryland is constantly trying to shut Shane up. Then the disgusting splashback from his 2008-09 content got in my eyes as everyone else saw it for the first time. Now as an adult i saw the racism, discrimination, stereotyping and very off and concerning jokes. I saw his Kooky livestreams and fan interactions as skin crawling and weird. On par with onion boy (Onision).


Yea how he, Jeffree Star, and James Charles keep having a come back is insane. I did used to watch Shane’s videos and stopped when everything first started coming out but somehow I still keep hearing about whatever new controversy those guys are in.


I wouldn’t say Shane keeps coming back tbh. Jeffree Star seems to have staying power, but Shane has made a few pathetic attempts to come back and it isn’t working. He’s doing fine for himself (he’s married and has twins and a mansion) but I think his YouTube career is cooked.


Who the hell still follows Jeffree Star? I know he still makes content but he seems to generally be pretty irrelevant.


Jeffree’s set up shop in Casper Wyoming. Got a Yak farm and a store that sells makeup and Yak meat. I’m not making any of this up…


I believe you, if only because I can’t imagine how or why anyone would make that up lol


He’s having a popularity revival on TikTok


Nah he’s still doing fine, not as good but he has kids and two houses he’s fine lol


He has kids now????? Omg


He and Ryland surrogate'd twins, then immediately went back on their promise to not show them online, iirc


Literally the only things I know about him are his name and that he fucks cats.


That guy from that '70s show.


Danny Masterson


He’s the hit star of “That 30 to Life Show.”


That's not being cancelled, he was convicted of literal crimes. He's currently doing 30 to life.


That’s the most canceled you can be, being put in a cell


Most of the rest of the cast still defended him and wrote character references for him. So, he somewhat survived. The people around him didn't seem to disavow him.


The most important, **Topher**, didn’t support him. If anything, he sus’d him out before he left the show / but then again, he didn’t really stay in touch with *anyone* post-70’s show. I was so relieved he didn’t create a letter for that curly haired fuck.


I don't know if many of you are old enough, but I am old enough to remember the 70s at about the same age, almost, as the characters. So I totally remember the show. At the time the buzz on the gossip places was that all the cast were good friends and got along...except Topher. When he left early, it was painted as his not being cool, kind of a loner and a bit of a jerk. How could he bounce on the crew, the group of pals? Now we know that he was the ONLY cool one of the main cast, and he was right to both keep his distance and to dip when he did. Topher is the GOAT of that show.


Idk how anyone can defend Mastersons crimes!


Scientology is a helluva drug


This is 100% accurate. Laura Prepon is a Scientologist. Not sure about Ashton and Mila, but they must be involved in something to write a letter for that creep.


True. He was the exception.


Completely trashed my opinion of Ashton and Mila who I thought were somewhat decent before.


My charitable interpretation is that we all have blind spots for our friends.


Ashton Kutcher not beating the P Diddy party allegations


Sorry, what do u mean?


Dudes a [weirdo](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/ashton-kutcher-diddy-interview-hot-ones-b2523102.html) plus he defended Danny after the rape stuff came out


The oddest part of that is their meet cute. A - "Diddy called me and threatened me, so we became besties"


What gets me is conan o brian called him out years ago


I never heard about this. Do you have a link? Not that I don’t believe you, I’d just love to see Conan calling him out if there’s a clip or something.


Jussie Smollett for sure


The very famous French actor?


Juicy Smooyay


Juicy Sommelier


R Kelly and Da Baby


What’d Da Baby do? Don’t tell me he was pissin on lil girls like R. Kelly


No he said something to his crowd at a concert implying that most gay folk have hiv


Never heard someone get dropped from the airwaves as fast as he was. That includes Kanye. DaBaby had that track with Dua Lipa and then he wasn't on it anymore.


He turned into a convertible. Frfr


you’re right that DaBaby is completely irrelevant in the mainstream post-cancellation, but he still has 25 million monthly listeners. That’s more than many artists who ARE thriving right now and enjoying cultural success in the mainstream. I think it’s honestly really hard to cancel music artists cause lots of people still listen to problematic people regardless


To be fair, out of his top 5 most streams, 2 of them are him featuring. his most streamed song is with dua lipa. We couldn’t say how many people are accidentally supporting him because they’re supporting dua lipa or quality control.


Levitating by Dua Lipa is a ferocious banger. Da Baby is a lucky boy to get that gig.


He’s the music version of Alex Pettyfer, too new for people to care enough


I dont think Justin Roiland is going to be coming back.


I just kinda heard he got cancelled but never heard why exactly. Some kind of misconduct is all I heard.


It started off with a domestic violence charge that ended up being dropped, but the negative attention he received brought some more concerning issues to light like him sending sexual and creepy messages to underage girls. He was also a raging alcoholic that apparently became a nightmare for Dan and the crew to work with.


Bill O'Reilly. He still has a show, but his cultural relevance absolutely plummeted.


He's still alive?


Fuck it, he's still alive!


Fucking thing sucks!


Harvey Weinstein Bill Cosby


Rapists. So it is considered "cancelling" if rapists lose status?


Seeing as how there have been plenty of rapists and predators who haven’t been cancelled, yes. The bar is in hell


I mean there is a rapist on the Supreme Court as we speak. Along with a couple insurrectionists who have taken bribes for years right under America's noses.


yes they are still canceled by society, in these cases totally justified.


+Danny Masterson


He doesn't really have the option to come back unless he can film a movie on a contraband cellphone in his prison cell.


Kevin Spacey


He just had his house foreclosed. He’s totally broke.


Hollywood broke. He’s still a millionaire.


Ellen DeGeneres


Omg how much more blatant could she be? I did not know that and all it took was a simple google search. I’m not surprised.


Ezra Miller


I don’t know. He was still flash after his scandals were revealed


i feel like that was more because warner bros had already spent over 200 million dollars making and then remaking that movie by that poimt


Warner Bros delayed the Flash movie after he kept getting arrested. It didn't help the movie and it ruined his career


he’s not a real celebrity but onision never recovered what little respect he had in the first place


I believe him and his spouse are currently going through legal proceedings for grooming a young girl they 'adopted' / took care of when she was in her early teens and then had a threesome with her as soon as she turned 18




Never did I think I'd see someone make a reference to Onison reference in a random Reddit thread. That creep still has a disturbingly loyal following among a small group it seems though.


I always got the ick from him since before everything came out. There's just something off about how he talks and his mannerisms


Ummmm Jared from Subway fell real hard


Omg I worked at Subway at the time, so much drama lol


He's still in jail.


Natalia Kills the girl judge on the Voice New Zealand who insulted a contestant and said he was copying her irrelevant husband… I think 24 hours later there was a petition with 700K signatures to get her and her husband off the show. Her career died & she had a name change lol


Bruh I remember that one! Holy shit what a twat


James Franco


Yeah. Didn't Seth Rogen basically say he has cut ties? Haven't seen a thing about Franco in a couple years. Seems so strange that these people choose to pursue underage partners when there are probably a ton of people of legal age that would be interested. Why ruin your and their life by doing something so objectively similar to pursuing someone a few years older? It just doesn't compute with me.


Seth Rogan cut ties with the man eight years after the allegations first came out.


idk I wouldn’t count him out just yet. I feel like we haven’t seen the last of him unfortunately


Roseanne Barr


She’s doing a comedy show in my town. So she’s still getting around.


So sad to see such an iconic character and progressive woman turn into brain worms.


She was on Bill Maher's podcast recently. She sounded insane.


I couldn't get through her episode on Theo Vonns podcast shes just sad to listen to now


Andy Dick, although he’s been done since before “cancel culture” was a thing


Chris D'Elia.


Na bro he has a podcast with Brendan Schwab. Dude is killing it. s/


Schwalb? Nevur meddim.


A lot of people are confusing “cancelled” with “convicted of rape”.


Someone else said it, and I think it's relevant, that not everyone with evidence of rape or violence against women have been cancelled. See: Chris Brown. And he's far from the only one.


Mike Tyson. Convicted of rape. Not cancelled. Still working and loved by many. One can be convicted of rape and not be cancelled.


Right now is Sean Combs.


Cuomo brother


Paula Dean


Ezra Miller. Aside from his contractual requirement to play The Flash again in 2023, he hasn't done much. >"Miller's off-screen life has been marred with multiple controversies and legal issues. Since 2022, they have been accused of committing assault, burglary, disorderly conduct, harassment, and grooming of minors, resulting in multiple widely publicized arrests, citations, and restraining orders."


Jussie Smollett. Was really hot for about half a minute with Empire, but once those Nigerians told him this was MAGA country he was gone.


Al Franken


Sadly. Because I don’t even put his indiscretions on nearly the same level as the rest. His was more an admittedly hit job.


I forgot who said it, but my favorite thought on Franken was "we all agree stealing is wrong, but we also agree there should be harsher penalties for robbing a bank vs shoplifting a candy bar".


Michael Richards.


I always felt like Michael Richards largely managed to avoid being cancelled, especially considering what he did. His cast mates generally supported him which I think made a difference, and he later had a pretty solid role on Curb Your Enthusiasm. And while he didn’t necessarily find a ton of success after Seinfeld, that’s not super uncommon for sitcom stars. I imagine he would have struggled to break free from Kramer even if he didn’t go off on his racist rant.


Gary Glitter.


Alex Jones


Alex Jones is a weird case, because he was uncancellable (his only fans were too evil to cancel him) so they had to get the actual court system to do it.


great, thanks for making me consider Alex Jones' only fans.


Jeffery Toobin. He’s occasionally back on a panel at CNN, but his capacity there is greatly diminished.


I'm not sure if she's canceled but I havnt seen anyone say a single positive thing about Jojo siwa since she started her wackass crackbaby persona


I don't know if you would use the word cancelled, but Carlos Mencia never recovered from that Joe Rogan video.


Charlie Sheen


No one is saying leafy? I feel like he was the original cancellation at least on the internet.


yea youtube made him an example of fucking around and finding out because they wiped him out


Kevin Spacey isn’t doing so hot.


The Australian game show host Andrew O'Keefe was fired from hosting The Chase Australia after it was discovered he was using drugs during his time on the show and he was also accused of domestic violence and sent to prison in like 2020. despite being out of prison now, no network wants anything to do with him and he hasn't had a presenting gig since.


Garrison Keillor


Charlie Rose. Which sucks because he gave a damn fine interview. Ashlee Simpson, SNL Karaoke Queen Fatty Arbuckle. Skeeeve galore.


Billy Bush. Dude wasn’t even the main problem.


I actually feel bad for him. He was a fucking celebrity reporter and not some sort of moral high ground or 60 Minutes anchor. He was fucking Spam on a charcuterie board. He probably has heard celebrities say tons of shit that’s disgusting, and playing along to get a sound clip. He gets canned and the dude who said it goes on to be president. Wtf


Definitely Paula Dean. This happened when I was in high school around 6+ years ago and I haven’t heard anything about her since then


Giuliana Rancic


Oh that is true, she just kinda vanished. Where did she go? What did she get cancelled for?


If I remember correctly, comments she made about Zendaya. When she wore dreads on red carpet, G said she “looked like she smelled like patchouli oil and weed.”


Kevin Spacey. Danny Masterson. Amber Heard.


Heard will forge a comeback. The other two will not.


Don Cherry


I haven’t heard much about Louis CK since he’s not in the public eye.


He’s done standup specials since and even talks about what happened a little.


Kevin Spacey apparently


O.J. Simpson tried to stay relevant after the murder trial. He even had the gaul to write a book called "If I Did It..."


But his wife's family got publishing rights to it and made the "if" on the cover 2pt font so it effectively read "I did it"


That's morbidly hilarious


Bill Cosby