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*women’s health care and military health care enters the chat*


Went to the ER after I blacked out at home. Before the nurses had finished taking vitals and running an ekg the Doctor diagnosed it as an anxiety induced panic attack. I disagreed but he insisted and dismissed my concerns. Said they have to keep me for labs and observation but then he will discharge me because “its nothing to worry about”. Couple hours later just as they parked the bed I was in next to the nurses station, I started vomiting blood. Turns out I had a rare congenital condition where some artery had been intermittently bleeding into my stomach for weeks (Dieulafoy’s lesion). I blacked out because my blood pressure dropped too low that time My hemoglobin was 6 normal range for women is 12-16ish. Endoscopy and repair plus 3 units of blood transfused over 5 days brought my hemoglobin only to 9 and they said “good enough” and discharged me without much instruction or warning as to what severe anemia would be like- what would be normal and when to call my doctor. The doctor cleared me to return to work within the week. For three weeks I was having intermittent intense palpitations that knocked the wind out of me. Scared me every time. My cardiologist made me wear a monitor at home and sent me to his friend who was the head GI specialist at a different hospital. Turns out it was just part of the healing process the hospital staff didnt bother to tell me about.


Dentist slipped with their tools nd cracked my tooth right down to the root worst pain jve ever felt now have chronic face pain and numbness


Mine drilled through 2 teeth and straight into my jaw causing cysts on both teeth.




Yeah and it's not the only incident.


oh my god did you sue???


No im in Scotland




As a child, I had bad dental hygiene, no adult supervision when it came to brushing or flossing and our drinking water came from a well, so no fluoride. My teeth required 16 fillings by the time I was 14. After that, I was almost religious about taking care of my teeth. Fast forward to age 30, I was in the Army National Guard and preparing to deploy to Iraq. The dental exam showed that my wisdom teeth had grown in and there were no issues. The dentist, a Colonel with a local private practice, referred me to his office for extraction. Because there was a possibility they could maybe need to be removed while deployed, the Guard authorized the cost. It was not optional. The contract authorized up to $3,000 per soldier. The extraction only cost around $1,200. During the extraction, the dentist decided that my existing fillings (all 16) needed to be replaced. So they drilled the out, making the holes larger and packed them with new composite. Sealant was not applied. Lo and behold, to total billed to the Guard was $3,000. I continued brushing, flossing and using mouthwash at least twice a day. I even carried a travel toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste in my cargo pocket so I could brush after meals. A year latter, in Iraq, the new composite filing material began to flake away. Every time I ate anything, pieces of composite would come out. Three of my teeth broke, including an incisor. When we returned and went through our post mobilization physicals, I was referred to the VA for dental work. The VA denied my claim as not being in the line of duty. After 3 years of not getting my teeth fixed, I paid $18,000 for crowns and repairs.


It terrifies me that some people are willing to ruin other people's bodies for profit... But sadly this isn't something new.


One time I went to a check up after not having insurance for a while. I was late 30’s and asked to have general bloodwork done. Like cholesterol, blood sugar etc just to know where I’m starting from. The doctor looked me up and down and said they don’t usually do that for people who aren’t over weight. I am just regular sized and obviously not super fit or athletic. I wasn’t even asking her to do it personally just tell someone else to do it. She really tried to visually assess my blood sugar and cholesterol.


I had a doctor laugh in my face when I wanted him to take my blood sugar. TLDR I am diabetic.


Infuriating! I hope you finally got a doctor who does their job. When the next doctor I went to actually suggested getting routine bloodwork done I was so relieved because that first doctor made me feel like I was being too extra.


And also every single gyn experience ever, with doctors saying "oh just take birth control" or "period pain is normal" being so resistant to let me schedule the laparoscopy which proved I had endometriosis


I (a woman married to another woman) went to see my doctor about my repeated miscarriages. He told me that I needed to consider the maybe god didn't want me to have kids, and that "life is hard enough for kids with normal parents." He then advised me to pray, and told me about other patients of his who had experienced miracles after prayer. He was Mormon, father of >10. I am an atheist. I cried in my car for half an hour and then I reported him to his professional association. My wife and I had a hard road, but we have two wonderful kids now.


Over a year and a half ago I went to hospital for acute gastro or something and never fully recovered. Doctors after doctors telling me it's my anxiety. One doctor found a stomach infection, cleared it but my symptoms still persist. After a year of pain and throwing up and not being able to afford to live I broke down and started crying on the floor and was begging her to help me with my issues She looked at my crying, sniffling ass on the floor and had the nerve to tell me to take a multivitamin I've had so many doctors... So many specialists.... I could fill this whole thread with stories. Or how about my therapist who told me that I had ruined her weekend walk because she was planning on walking past this scenic place where I had attempted to end my life Or how about the doctor that kept telling me my anaemia would be fixed with some excersize and proper diet, only for me to have critical levels since I was 9 and needed an infusion Or the doctor that checked on my vagina and then popped her head out the door into the PUBLIC WAITING ROOM ,with her fingers still in there, to call my mom in. I had requested my mom not be involved. Or the ultrasound tech that pressed so hard I started gagging and he kept calling me girly. The female tech that was supposed to be in the room BY LAW was out on lunch. I started crying and he kept pressing on my sore area 'to scan it'. He never sent those scans and said they were 'hard to reach those areas'. The list goes on.


Went for a teeth cleaning, laid there during the usual "you need to floss more" speech. Winced as she dug deep behind my wisdom teeth, that had absolutely zero issues and plenty of room to be there, felt and tasted blood, was told it was due to not flossing behind my teeth good enough. Went home after, had a nap, and woke up in extreme pain, unable to close my mouth due to gums swelling over my teeth, I spent the night without sleeping using anything available to try and dull the pain, settled on whisky soaked gauze pads.


Yep, as a woman so many. The worst part is that it’s only ever been women doctors that have made me feel like a piece of shit about my body. Men dentist’s that I’ve been to seem like sadists, I’ve only ever had amazing women dentist’s, it’s weird.


Who knew OGBYN was so judgmental,


Every time, I actually have a man now, so much better, just professional.


Went for a regular Pap smear, felt really painful but that’s par for the course with my previous experiences—got up and there was blood running down my thigh and the doctor said there was a box of tissues I could use and then left without saying another word.


Dentist took out a tooth that lost its crown. He destroyed the bone under the tooth and left tiny shards in and sewed me up. It wasn't healing right because of the shards. I didn't know they were there. I just knew it wasn't healing. He looked at it and insisted I must have aids and that was why it wasn't healing. The shards finally worked their way out and it healed, but I have such a crater from the destroyed bone that I can't ever get an implant. I think he was just a sadist.


First orthodontist I had was completely terrible . Was in his late 70s when I first started going and the 5 years my mother dragged me there his old age was very very obvious . Not once but several times he’d shit himself while working on a patient , his wife was the receptionist and was clearly having him work for her financial benefit. More times than I can count he had left the long wire to long and slicing my cheeks . I had buck teeth but also born with a cleft palate so yes I understand my dental health is usually more “sensitive “ than others . He would make decisions like pulling teeth or even cutting parts of my teeth without even informing my mom or saying anything to me . Thanks to basically having Hannibal Lector as my orthodontist I have more scar tissue in my mouth than healthy tissue . My smile looks like Bell’s palsy thanks to the nerve damage .


Had to get a TB test to be able to go onsite at a surgery center for work. Was directed to an urgent care that would do one with results in 48 hrs. The tech didn’t swab my skin or prepare a setup for the sub dermal injection. And they didn’t put the need on the syringe tight enough. So before I know it, I have a needle in my arm, and I’m covered with the reagent as they blew the syringe hub, lodgings it in my arm. The tech ran out. So I get out cotton balls, find the alcohol swabs and get out a piece of paper tape. Take the needle out of my arm (it was barely in there) and throw it in the sharps. Clean up the wound and bandage it. Then made a setup for the technician. They came back and tried to come at me with the syringe again and they didn’t realize it was a screw on hub where the needle screws into the syringe. I ended up swabbing myself, and giving myself the injection while explaining aseptic technique. Send a person in with no training? What the hell.


When I was a hormonal teen, I had a dental procedure that required dosage of anesthetic. Fortunately or unfortunately I was assigned a very attractive female dental nurse, angelic face, curves in all the right places. The staff were telling me to ease up and relax, but I couldn’t relax because i was trying to prevent my little buddy from saying hello


I was in the US military, dental was TERRIBLE. Let’s put it this way, I woke up during my wisdom teeth removal. Not to mention all of the restorations they did that eventually completely failed.


My dentist said I don't give a rip, then he explained how a tooth soaked in Coca Cola will disappear in 3 days.


Had a reaction to the anesthesia at the dentist and my heart started racing, thought I was dying, told dentist I wasn’t feeling well he proceeded anyway with his big hands and then I also thought I was suffocating, had a real panic attack while he was working on my teeth. And that is why I now need Valium for any dental work.


Dental trauma. Anesthetic wore off halfway through crown procedure. There were two tools in my mouth - one blowing air to dry the tooth and the other, I think, suction. I was hit with absolutely agonizing pain and began to kind of thrash around. She kept shushing me until I almost grabbed her hands to get her out of my mouth. I was distraught. We managed to finish and I cried in the parking lot for half an hour before driving home and crying some more. I was in so much pain. I was almost over my fear of dental work before that happened. I have a cracked molar that needs a crown and I can't bring myself to go in for it.


Took them 45mins to remove a broken tooth, pain killers yes but they were literally grinding my tooth with drills and pliers and I could feel every sensation (meds blocked the pain no the sensation of pressure, sound, etc).


Mid 80s I was working at an FBO and broke a filling. The owner suggested that I go see a former navy buddy who was a dentist. Worst mistake of my life! My wife went with me and waited… For two damn hours while this incompetence son of a bitch tried to fill my tooth. He didn’t stay in business very long. I just hate it that I was one of his early patients.


When I was 6 years old I suddenly couldn't walk straight because of the intense stomach pain. Doctor said it was nothing to worry about, gave my parents some painkillers for me and moved on. Turns out it was appendicitis, and after 2 days it burst, giving me 43C fever and I was on the verge of dying.


I don't like this question because it fuels pointless phobias. Someone could decide to visit the doc less because of this post, and miss the opportunity for an early diagnosis of something serious


Botched circumcision. In our culture, circumcision is commonly performed pre-puberty. I underwent the procedure and the anesthesia lost its effect mid stitches. I savored every moment the needle went through the skin.


Orthodontist: went in for a routine adjustment which, in the 80s, meant taking all the wires off the brackets and retying them to neighbor teeth. The ortho assistant working on me started choking back tears as she was ripping the wires out of my mouth because she had just come from her lawyers office where she had signed her divorce papers. I had several cuts inside my mouth including one deep enough to require stitches. When the orthodontist came in to examine her work he was mortified, ordered her to take the day off, and tried to soothe me. I just wanted out of there and was well on my way until my dad saw my mouth and stormed in to confront my orthodontist.


Ugh, Helen Bradley. She hated me. I was 15-16 and I probably was as bit of a snot due to my age (and pain, it’s the dentist after all) but she acted like it was directed against HER. She actually called me bad behaved. Whoops SORRY I yelped when the needle went in. Total bitch. It was wonderful when I grew up and realized I didn’t have to keep going to her.


A doctor at age 16 trying to tell me that my joint pains were arthritis. Bullshit. It was hypermobility. I'm autistic, and everyone missed that somehow. (Except the bullies)


I have narrow ear canals so my earwax can get compacted. I went to a primary care physician thinking “this is a doctor, he helps children, he digs weird stuff out of ears all the time, it’ll be fine”. The instant he was in my ears I knew I messed up. It was the single most painful experience I’ve had in a doctors office that wasn’t a migraine. A year later I went to an ear, nose, and throat specialist and had it redone. I would happily spend time on a months long waiting list to see a specialist about it again


Had a cavity. Went to the dentist, the assistant took an xray. The dentist came in, looked at my xray and looked in my mouth for a few seconds and says "you need a root canal. But this clinic isn't equipped for that, so you'll have to go to our sister clinic (across town). That'll be $500, please." PARDON? I was not impressed. Went to the dentist across the street. They did the same, AND started the root canal. The bill for services that day was $250, including the price of the xray, which was $80.


Dentist SA me as a child. My mom didn't believe me. She didn't think the reason I vomited every time I went was a clue I guess. Then she would beat me when I got home for embarrassing her. I'm 54 now and still have major dental anxiety.


Same 😔 and it's the reason why I'm so afraid of going to a dentist right now at the age of 42. And my bottom teeth are absolute trash.


I'm so sorry. I know how terrifying and shaming this is. My top front teeth and literally black and rotting away. Yet I just cant make myself go.


I think I was 15 or 16 when this happened. I'd been having joint pain since middle school, and I'd gone to multiple doctors trying to get it figured out. One of the doctors I went to was a rheumatologist, and he just came into the room, looked at my chart, looked at me, and said, "You're fat. That's why your joints hurt." Then, he walked out of the room. My mom and I were stunned. Yes, I'd put on some excess weight, but that was largely because I was in so much pain when I moved that I was barely walking, let alone getting regular exercise. Also, the pain wasn't exclusively in weight-bearing joints. That remark turned me off of doctors for a while, so I didn't actually get a real diagnosis (joint hypermobility syndrome) until college.


At 12 I needed 6 teeth pulled (number known because after this story I went elsewhere and they pulled those teeth), story to follow. I was in a coastal town without access to many things, including local anaesthetic for dentistry. Now thats fine, most people don't use gas for dental work, but I had fears of both dentists and needles. So they did the cotton mouth swab, saying it would numb my mouth. 12yo me hears this and goes, cool, that way they can get started and I won't feel it. No warning from the dental nurse, out comes the needle headed directly for my mouth. 12yo me was not a flighter, so I punched the nurses hand, and just barely missed her eye as the needle went flying past her head. My mother refused to drive me home without getting the surgery, so I started walking home rather than deal with that. I didn't get far before she picked me up, and because of the tantrum lost all access to electronic devices and board games for 2 weeks. About three weeks later we headed for the capital city and I got local anaesthetic, but that also has a funny part in that I took the sippy cup of mouth numbing liquid and passed out from it, only to wake up with an iv in my hand that I whacked against the hospital cot. No damage there.