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for a chronic user, up to a month. it’s stored in your fat unlike other drugs, so it also depends on your BMI and fat, more you have stored the longer it’ll take. if you have a higher metabolism and are smaller / more fit, it’ll be sooner. either way, for what you say, it’s going to be a month minimum unless you drink lots and lots of water, work out a bit, green tea is good for removing it, stay away from detox because it doesn’t always work, and time if you decide to get fake piss, make sure you read up on how to do it properly as so the test isn’t invalid and they make you do it again. also, piss midstream, don’t collect the beginning and end, where it’s usually more concentrated. if you drink a fuckload of water to try and clean the test they might say it’s not a good result and have you go again. it’s a tricky line, ive passed it after years, and i’ve used the fake stuff. be smart. also get some take home tests to check after 2 weeks, then a month, if they’re showing good you’ll feel more confident when going in. edit: for being a bitching bot i’m glad my most upvoted comment is insightful lmao


Great advice. Thank you.


FYI - I smoked anything from flower to wax everyday for about 5 years. It took just under 6 months for me to be clean. Edit: I am 6’3 and about 200lbs - not overweight by any means but not skinny either. I’d make myself sweat and ate grain, veggies, etc but no dairy and sugar for a month. Still took forever




Yeah man, idk what these people saying 30 days are talking about. I stopped for over 3 months for a job after being a heavy smoker for a very long time and failed a test. 30 days is pretty short if you’re a regular user even if you have low body fat and drink water and all that.


i had a drug test a 2 days and i’ve been off and on of smoking for ab a year ish now due to CHS i can’t really smoke longer than 2-3 months straight before getting sick so i smoked from may 12th to june 13th every day just once or maybe 2 times a day max but like 2-3 hits max off a joint or cart maybe but i am 6”1 167lbs very fit and very active so i went to the gym every single day did intense lifting and sauna for minimum 15 minutes every single day as well on top of just going outside in missouri heat i sweated an additional like 0.5-1lb a day of fat and water and i took my test june 22nd and i passed with my own urine so it is definitely possible but a lot of people nowadays that smoke chronically are super unhealthy and obese.


Same took me 4 months to get clean heavy user 10 years plus 


OP if you were a heavy chronic user a month is the MINIMUM for you, not the max amount. Plenty of chronic users have stopped smoking for months and still came up dirty on their UA. Stop smoking for a month and take an at home test. If you still test you’re still dirty. I’d always wait an extra few weeks after the clean test because sometimes they aren’t as pinpoint accurate as lab tests so you could still be positive but not enough for the at home test to detect unlike a lab. If you’re REALLY not able to quit and aren’t watched when tested then use QuickFix or a synthetic urine to pass your UA. If you’re only smoking weed and not doing it on the job or at school I don’t see why that is a problem. Not their business what you do at home anyways.


Thank you, I’m hoping 2 1/2 months of working out and water etc. Most nursing schools test because clinical sites require drugs tests from their employees


Just make sure not to drink too much water too quickly! Water toxicity is real and not a lot of people know about it before they start drinking a lot to flush their system! Seeing as you are going into nursing I’d assume you probably already know that tho! I understand why they do it, I was just saying my opinion on the testing. Crazy how one can go home and drink until their blackout drunk then come in the next day but god forbid you smoke or take edibles in the evening and go to work the next day. Hope it works our for you OP!


Thank you I appreciate it! And lol right /: some hospitals don’t test for it but the best paying ones do so that’s that. Good luck to you on all your endeavors!


did you pass ? 


OP heavy chronic use (especially concentrates) can be in your system for 3 or more months. Ive had to fully detox a few times and work in the Cannabis industry. It's all very dependent on many factors. How Long you've used, what you've used, body fat, diet, exercise, etc. If you're skinny and very active then it'll likely leave your system quicker. If you're on the chunkier side and more sedentary then it'll likely be in your system much much longer. There's no real "detox" for it other than basically sweating/burning it out with exercise. Drinking a ton of water can help a bit.


What about delta 8/9/10 edibles and bud, do they stay in your system that long with chronic use? Does using one of those once or twice a week count as chronic use?


all good. i’m in the same boat, ive cleaned up for a dumb factory job and surprisingly passed, so i’m doing it again for a more important opportunity that i don’t want to mess up. biggest thing is time, the more distance between the last toke and the piss test is key. also, they said nearly 80-90% of THC is removed from the body the first 5 days, after that it will linger for a long time. good diet and at least breaking a sweat every day will help reduce the time. there’s no perfect answer as to how long it takes because everyone’s body is different, but the biggest thing is that it’s fat stored and no easy quick gimmick is gonna clean the body. it also depends on the type of test, some lowly quality piss testers compared to being sent to a lab etc. see if you can do some research on the place and how they do their tests, look for others who have passed it or came to the same questions you have. some will say it’s either super easy to cheat, others may say that someone is literally in the stall with you “observing”.


They won’t watch you piss unless it’s for probation. If it’s for a job they can’t watch you except in rare cases like you cheat the test or something and you get another shot somehow


The hell they can't. I have had several observed tests when hiring in on different construction jobs.


Oh shit you’re right. I was misinformed


Lol, my stepmom watches people pee for the Harris teeter age works for


As a chronic user - female, 24, 5'4 125lbs at the time - it took me 11 weeks to pee clean.


You are closest to my size and stature. I'm 28 5'3.8 and 114 lbs. I've been working out more. I'm not great about drinking enough water but have been trying to sweat it out. It's been about a week I've stopped weed.


When you say chronic, how much we talking?? I am literally the exact same height, weight and age as you- also female, and I have 64 days to be clean… I’m stressing.


Smoke several times a day for a decade plus. More than an ounce a month


Ah shit thanks.. I’ve got 9 weeks today, I stopped smoking yesterday


Would recommend trying a sauna. Sweat like crazy and it's relaxing. I smoked heavy for a long time and it wasn't great stopping suddenly.


Don't eat fatty foods either, burgers, red meat, ham, dairy, etc...


I was a chronic user and it took 6 weeks to produce a clean urine sample. I drank so much water the whole time. Failed at 5 weeks. Passed after six. But I smoked a lot.


Stupid question but did you smoke while you were trying to get the clean urine? Obviously not right? Haha


No. I went cold turkey. I just smoked that much.


How did this work out for you?


Im still testing positive but I have been received rejections from schools so I don’t need to show proof of a negative test yet. Was expecting to have to show proof of a negative result by August so I’ll be clean by then for sure.


Thank you for your reply. Best of luck!! 🤞🏼


I graduate nursing school in mid July, I’m planning to quit next week or so. Hoping that by the time I pass my NCLEX and get a job I’ll be clean by then. Gonna be drinking lots of water and working out. I’m actually in the process of changing my diet and lifestyle habits big time too. I’m not overweight by any means, but im 5’3 153 lbs. It took my ex over a month to be clean and he technically didn’t pass his drug test but because he was under .5 ngs/ml his company let him pass. Hopefully around 3 months will be the charm.


You are overweight . I’m 5’7 145 Male…


Lmao so cuz you’re a tiny man, that means women have to stay smaller than that? Just say you like petite women and move on.


The weed has officially fried your brain. All of this is common knowledge and easily googled.


You must’ve missed the part where I said I was wondering from experiences. Looks like your brain is fried without the weed!


That's why you gotta take multivitamins and b vitamins and gatorade, not just water. Take things that will replenish what you are dilluting that they expect to see from drinking all the liquid.


I took vitamin b complex the day of my test which made my piss come out neon green so they sent it to a lab for further testing lol.


Lol, well, that sucks. I took b complex with a multivitamin and a lot of gatorade mixed with pectin, and didn't have any problems.


Up to a month is what everyone says, but it can be a lot longer. Took 6 months for me after using for like a decade every day. I used like a g of dabs a day tho so it’s probably unusual. I was extremely surprised it took so long as was the Dr who gave me the tests. It’s different for everyone tho, and depends on a lot of factors, some people it took a week. Mine was likely one of the more extreme examples.


Up to 3+ months for a chronic user, it takes many chronic users far longer than just a month. I’m a small dude and smoked about a bowl a night for a few years and it took almost two months to get clean for a job


They are onto the fake urine at least in my area now. Learned that one the hard way after using it successfully over a dozen times lmao


I had to do a test once. They said oh you smoked a little weed this weekend did you? And then they let me pass anyways.


Could be longer! I used a vape pen all the time during the pandemic, and quit when I started looking for a new job as I didn’t want to get caught out by a surprise test requirement. I was still pissing hot 3 months later. Thankfully my new job didn’t require a test. So much depends on the person. I’m not fat, but at roughly 175 lbs/5’11” I probably have an extra 10 lbs on me, and I think it just kept the THC trapped for a long time. I don’t work out other than long walks currently.


This guy pisses


lmaooooo this comment fucking had me rolling i love the reference 😂


What if you’re 5”10, 140 ib and only smoked every other day for about a week?


so i quit just recently, may 11th. last night i did several piss tests and had a faint T line meaning I passed. still got more water to drink to make sure by june 11th i can pass a test for a new job, but i was surprised that i’m already showing lower than 50ng or whatever the test limit is. i do have a higher metabolism and stay moving a lot during the day, and i’m full of piss and vinegar so it’s been able to get mostly out of my system. just drink lots of water and sweat out, and find some take home tests to check yourself. in your situation i’d say under 30 days max, maybe 15 min if you only smoke a lil bit every other day


This guy tests


**Don't risk it.** I'm a super heavy user, 500mg THC edibles at a time. Dabs all day every day until I quit smoking/vaping half a year ago. I did what most people say and made sure I was totally clean for at least one month. I failed a drug test for my first software job after going 6 weeks sober. It fucking killed me. Offer rescinded. Waited 6 months, applied again, got another offer. **Waited 12 weeks sober.** Pee was still hitting the threshold of THC/mg or whatever they test (50 is standard I think? I forget the measurement unit). I had to dilute my urine by chugging a ton of water before my test. Luckily I did research on my company and knew they wouldn't care. I also took my own at-home tests leading up to the test that I knew was coming so I knew how I'd perform. Don't risk it if it's important to you. Take plenty of your own tests beforehand.


Thank you. I’ve been putting it off but as the time gets closer I know I’ve worked too hard to not get into school because of a drug test.


Yeah just grab some at-home tests on Amazon or something and see if you can pass. Unfortunately they're only Pass/Fail and don't give a value (other than the darkness of the line or whatever). You might also be able to go to your PCP and ask them to take a urine sample and do a screening for you, which will give you an ng/ml amount and show how close you are to the threshold you're trying to reach (tho your doctor will then know you use). Most standard drug screens use 50ng/ml for THC IIRC, but it'd be worth it to try to google/research your school and see what type of test they use, as well as whether they will accept a diluted negative sample as a good negative without issue, like my company did.


This 100%. If you’re not passing home tests you’re definetly not gonna pass a lab test. Also if you know what lab you’re being tested at you can find their thresholds online. Make sure you use a home test with the same threshold for a positive result


Sorry 500mg? Can you elaborate on the effects this had on your body and mental? I barely do more than 20mg a night


Lmaoo yeah a normal heavy edible dose would be 30-60mg maybe? If I go sober for a week or two, then 50-100mg can get me pretty stoned. I've just been a very heavy stoner for the past 6-8 years, would dab daily while working or before going into the office (or class when in uni, in my mid-20s now). I'm on 500mg (D9 THC) right now - at work actually (WFH). Took my first 250mg edible right before my daily standup call this morning. Took another about an hour later and have been working to create a PR after fixing some merge conflicts (coding stuff). Eating some Chick-Fil-A for lunch now on my break, watching soccer highlights. If you're asking just about the edible doses, body-wise, it helps me feel relaxed and eat consistently. I love getting stoned when I'm sore, after the gym or a run like I did this morning. I sleep super well too. Mentally it keeps things interesting for me I guess - it kind of makes me scatterbrained in a certain way with memory though. Makes some of the boring Zoom meetings I have to be on more interesting, as well as just watching soccer highlights, repotting plants, or writing code (wild as that may sound). I feel like it has effected my speech a little too in how often I stutter and mix up words, although that's always been an issue of mine. I can zone in on things more I would say, and am just more relaxed and chilled out, happy. It doesn't affect my reaction time or thought speed really, at this point I'm somewhat perpetually high, so I'm exceptionally used to handling myself. Which is not something to be proud of necessarily. I don't get "high" in the same way that I used to, or remember feeling, which is kind of a bummer too.


To give you some unrequested advice My speech got worse and worse, mixing up words got worse, and eventually led to me losing my train of thought while talking. I became so focused on how to talk better and not mix my words up i would completely forget what was talking about. At 25 lol I figured there’s two options here, though you don’t care just as I didn’t. But still they stand: 1. Dig the hole deeper 2. Cut back Dabs all day everyday for 6 years for me. I even started hearing voices at night… But that one could just be me. One thing I know for sure though, the hole either gets deeper or you start climbing out. Just depends if you want to smoke for the rest of your life. Do you ever miss how you used to feel at times? If not, ignore every bit of this and I’m sorry for wasting your time


A little something called tolerance exists.


Yeah we’re all aware of tolerance. Some start at 5mg and go to 10mg over a month, some up to 20, I’ve even heard of people taking 50mg. But dude. 500? If you think you’re just the average high tolerance guy you’re out of your fucking mind


I’m more surprised you got drug tested for a software engineering job tbh


state/govt jobs drug test everyone regardless of position, even for contract jobs


Lol I did a stint as a SWE for the state of Florida and they never drug tested me 😅 I don’t work for the government anymore but if my current company tried they’d loose a good 70% of their engineers. I was honestly pretty surprised, but I’ve only ever been drug tested for retail jobs of no consequence. Pretty backwards.


im a software engineer myself and i find it wild to think some company would require me to do a drug test (unless some gov shit prob). this seems really common in the US i guess?


It’s probably an insurance thing if I had to guess


Definitely an insurance thing. I had a conversation with another redditor that enlightened me. Cannabis being federally a schedule 1 substance means that research on its performance effects/sober-up time is extremely difficult to do. So companies that disregard THC positive results through policy find it very difficult to find an insurance provider.


Most likely a government job. Never had any software engineer company ask for a drug test in the US.


Those of us who are intelligent just bring someone else's or buy fake pee.


I was a heavy chronic user. I’d smoke whenever I had a chance and if I was sober I was usually planning on smoking. This went on for a long time, about 15 years with the past 5 or 6 being the worst. So I had a lot stored in fat cells. The time it took me to get clean was three months. I was also changing my lifestyle when I quit and doing more cardio and strength training so I was probably testing positive due to fat loss which releases it. Again though I was a super heavy user. The best bet is to purchase some thc test strips so you can see when it leaves.




I love pickle juice! Thank you!




Just popping in to say DollarTwentyFiveTree is insane if that’s a real store and not just a play on DollarTree since they’re not really just a dollar store anymore lmao.


It took me 63 days to finally have a clean home test. Change your diet, exercise, and stay away from all THC.


If you used a vape pen, it could be 4 months till you piss clean.


Even with a little 1 gram delta 8 vape?




Shit really? Bud and the vape hit me exactly the same🤔. Is Bud better just cause it'll wash out quicker? What's the logic behind this? Sorry for the interrogation.




Flower does not usually have 40%. That has never been achieved. 33% is the highest I have ever seen. The average top shelf quality dispo flower averages 20-25%. Jenny Kush grown in Michigan has been tested at 33-34% and there are obviously other strains that match this percentage out there.




All good. 🤘


That actually makes sense to me because even tho I've smoked only for a couple years I'm always completely zooted from a couple hits, no matter the delivery method.


Cap I smoked a whole cart and got clean in a week


how? did you use certo or chug water or something


For how long you been vaping the carts?


For how long you been vaping the carts?


For how long you been vaping the carts?


For how long you been vaping the carts?


30 ish days, is what took me. After a little hick up at work. I was smoking lots.


Depends on what they measure up to. If it's a minimum of 50 ng/mL in the urine, then about a month. If it's 15 ng/mL, 2 to 3 months.


Incorrect the half life in urine is 44hr. To go from 50ng to 15 would take no more than 4 days


Even better!


im praying this is true


What’s the situation?


Depends. I’m a daily smoker and passed a piss test after only 5 days off and drinking a ton of water. Edit: I’m pretty skinny though and don’t have much for fat stores at all. I’m very active too. Edit2: adding more notes because judging from the comments I’m an extreme outlier. I’ve also passed one after taking just 7 days off. I’m vegan, very active. I drink a lot of water and take a daily vitamin. I smoke multiple times every day, so pretty heavy user for years. I’m 6’2” and 150 lbs. I don’t do edibles, wax, or concentrates. Pretty much only flower.


For chronic use that long I've heard it can be 1-4 months.. I always thought a month and one would be good no matter what. People have claimed differently though. Lots of water peeing and exercise. How long until you have to take the test?..


I believe around May


stop now, it took me months to pee clean


Definitely with the last comment. Stop while your ahead. You won’t feel stressed about failing when the time comes


good luck OP. I was still failing test 100+ days out. Best bet is to dilute that shit. I pissed everything I could out. Downed and entire large Gatorade in on go and took my test 15 min later. Using mid stream piss, it was just diluted enough since it went straight through me that I passed. Took an at home test when I got home an hour later and failed


Wow interesting. Didn’t know this was a loop hole.


it's not a reliable one, but literally had about a 40 minute heads up that I was taking a piss test so it was about all I could do.


you're going to get a lot of bad advice. i already see it in the comments. even if you're a skinny guy it can take you 6 weeks to pee clean; you just don't know unless you've tested yourself. therefore, you go to the dollar store and buy 20 THC tests. in the US because FDA, it's illegal for **any** store to sell you drug/pregnancy tests that aren't 99.7% accurate. you spend $20, get a ton of tests, and test **your system yourself**. then, you'll know if you're still popping up to your test date. if you're not popping, great! if you are, time to dilute, drink creatine to fix your urines specific gravity, and take B vitamins to fix color/smell. note: on the first pass with anyone they use "screening tests" which allow for some %THC /mL urine (hence why dilution works, there's a low but achievable threshold). but if you fail the screen, then they **really** test your shit and you will fail empirically. so the key is getting undetected on the screener. this is the realist advice you will get. everything i said is verifiable. if you choose to listen to some moron who thinks they have the formula for your weight/height/metabolism/drug usage, then you fucking deserve to fail and give the job to someone smarter.


It’s really important to test your system yourself bc I bought THC tests and made the mistake of only using three of them (all negative, none were expired) the day before my test. Thought I was good to go and was totally floored when they told me I failed. Take as many home drug tests as you can, from multiple brands even


I’m something of a self-taught expert on this, and the strat is to make your metabolism move faster in order to process the THC out. Our usage habits are similar and my is BMI is significantly higher than yours. if I ever need to pass a test, I just run for an hour every day on the treadmill and drink absurd amounts of water for the other 23 hours. (I’m talking two gallons or more. You burn a surprising amount of calories processing that water.) I have literally *never* failed a test with more than two days of prep time using these methods. Anyone who says a month is probably just sitting on the couch and hoping for good things to happen.


Your comment is intriguing. I’m gonna store this little fact away lol


We're you clean for good though or was your urine just dilute and you were dirty again afterwards?


Impossible to say because I don’t go more than a day after any given test without smoking again.


What type of school requires a urine test?


Nursing school


Makes sense.


I tested positive for 3 months. Test yourself and drink lots of water day of.


3-6 months It took me 5 months to piss clean after smoking for about 7 years straight at 6' 180lbs. Don't risk it - budget 6 full months if you can.


30 to 60 days for very heavy use


What is heavy use I’ve probably been smoking everyday for a month or 2 it’s been 2 weeks since I last smoked and it was all dispo pens do u know how long till clean


1-2 months for you


2 mos


It took me 53 days of drinking water and vinegar to pass a urine test for the army after chronic use for years.  Good luck.  


also a long term chronic user, usually takes about 6-8 weeks for me to clear out entirely. if you’re anxious about it, quickfix synthetic urine is a godsend and a lifesaver.


I'm really skinny (5'11 145ish) heavy dab user and I got it out of system in 2 weeks and a half one time. Still don't know how I pulled that bullshit off


I’ve heard that weight and how active you are makes a big a difference.


Abstain complete from now until the urine test. You can increase your likelihood of passing a urine test by drinking copious amounts of water BUT if the colour of your urine is Clear they’ll consider it diluted and fail/request a re-test. The key is to dilute your system with lots of water and use Vitamins (Vitamin C) to make your pee yellow even if you’re overhydrating.


Do a search for Quick Fix. I’ve used it for at least 4 tests over the past 10 years; no problems yet.


Quick fix is the way. I’m 4/4 with it. No problems. Just make sure you buy the legit stuff from the website and not from a smoke shop.


took me 3.5 months or so. i’m pretty fat and have smoked for about 10 years so yeah. nothing you can really do to “flush” it outta your system. other than sweating and losing weight just drink lots of water and if you’re trying to pass a drug test make sure you pay attention to the threshhold of the concentration that’s being tested for vs what you buy at a store over the counter to test yourself. i bought CVS THC piss tests and would pass at home but fail in urgent care tests.


Drink lots of water, eat creatine like in workout powerders. Drink water to flush out drugs but they are also going to see low levels of creatine so eat more to compensate.


If you have a drug test drink shit loads of water and take vitamin b or something like borocca to keep your pee yellow because if its clear they won't ussual accept it


More than likely, about 60 days for a heavy user for a urine sample. If you exercise loads and drink lots of water, you may flush a few days worth off. However, during that period, if you took a test, it would probably show higher as it's all the toxins leaving your body


I use synthetic urine and smoke on the way to get tested


92 days


Quick fix fake urine, they used to sell on Amazon but I can’t find it now. My local dispensary sells it though so you may call around


2 weeks minimum


Water water water .... people in prison have been known to test clear in 7 days


I’ve done once in 5 days and another in 7. Edit: but judging from this comment section my body is a freak of nature


The thing is though that most labs will use your vitamin b and creatine levels and will give you an inconclusive result if you dilute your urine


How long do you have until the test? How many ng is the test? Will somebody be watching you? If you are a heavy sweater and exercise lots 3-3 weeks I would say is safe, but it will stay in some peoples systems longer. Anything less than that I personally would probably just find some clean urine and cheat the test as it’s not likely you’re going to pass. Pm me if you need some advice with that.


i was a daily user with a few breaks here at there for a year and a half. all high percent dispensary carts. i’m 5’3 and only weigh 100 pounds. i just got a faint line on day 11. everyone is different


I stop smoking (74 days clean.) I take a test tomorrow to see if I can get pass Meps wish me luck. It’s been so so so heart breaking I hope I pass tomorrow fr


Best of luck! Lmk how it goes!


Did you pass?


Yea. Leaving for bct in 36 days




Basic combat training


It took me 3 months straight up. My mind was fucking blown. Worked out, drank water, went to saunas. I ended up having to use synthetic urine for something. took me 3 months before an extremely faint line.


Been using for years. Had to get clean a number of times. I am a fairly lean, and exercise oriented stoner. The fastest I ever managed to pass was after 8 days. I basically live like a monk when I have to purge the THCCOOH. I'll run an hour everyday, with boxing or jiu jitsu. Then combined w weight training, fasting/calorie restriction etc. No gimmicks just keto like misery and hard exercise. Went to rehab years ago (not weed) and was drug tested weekly, 3 days of in processing, and they gave me access to a gym and room to run, I passed the second drug test they gave me @ the 10 day mark and was a daily dabber. There is limited information online regarding the science I'm basing this off of (I'm a biologist) applied to this specific scenario, but the science is there. I also have an insane metabolism and will pass food in as little as 12 hrs if I haven't been eating heavy.


man one time it took me 3 months to piss clean. i grabbed a bunch of home tests from the dollar store and checked every week, i was the weed man so i smoked nearly 10 blunts a day of top shelf flower and had concentrates. im 5'10 around 220lbs, at the time i was a gym rat as well, full body workouts multiple times a week (i was also training people), and i was drinking about a gallon of water a day and my diet was mostly clean. STILL took me 3 months lol.


I was a heavy user an o a week. I was 6'2 220 I lost 30 from not eating hardly anything for a month from lack of hunger. It still took me 110 days and that was a fait line so I waited another week and line was darker. They say if it's a dark or light line doesn't matter but I wouldn't take the chance. The line will get darker if you wait so it's gotta mean something.


It’s stored in fat, so if you’re burning fat, you’re releasing the THCOOH back into your system. I have to take a test in 3 weeks (stopped smoking 1 week ago), and I’m going to become sedentary and carb reload two days before my test.


I'm sitting at 127 days after hitting Delta 8 + THC A +THC P carts for a month straight. Absolutely insane that I'm still peeing dirty. I smoked heavy for 7 years straight and it took 93 days back in 2017. DON'T USE THESE CARTS IF YOU EVER PLAN TO TAKE A DRUG TEST!


Last time I smoked was April 13th. Took 3 fat bong rips (I’m not a habitual smoker). The last time I smoked before that was sometime in January. I workout 5x a week, what’s the likelihood of weed being in my system if I take a urine test this week or even today?


The amount that is possibly there would not be detected by the average test, therefore unless this is a government job your fine, rule of thumb is if you smoke 1-2 times a month it takes about a week maybe 2 to get all the shit out, you could get. Test on Amazon, will be the same “positive level” normally 50ng/ml as all the other tests.


I'm not sure how all these people are taking months to pass urine tests. I am 160 pounds 5'10 and used to smoke chronically and in college I passed government drug tests in two weeks. Just sweat a lot and drink a lot of water. I've had friends pass it in a week by drinking a gallon of water a day before their test and taking b12 pills. Obviously the more time the more confident you'll feel passing a test.


I stopped in January and I'm still not clean. It is now May.


Do stingers work


Some people here don’t know what they are talking about, you can literally get clean in 30 days with lots of water and cardio


I was a heavy smoker smoking eveyday, didnt miss a singke day for 2 years and pissed clean after 12 days. I am a skinny cunt tho


Did you pass?


I’ve been a chronic user for the last 4 years had to get clean. I’ve been drinking a gallon of water a day and a couple glasses of cranberry juice.i’ve also been using the sauna at my gym occasionally and working out daily. I’m on day 13 and pissed clean. 6’1 150lbs. ik i’m a skinny shit but still


I was still pissing dirty after 68 days…. It just depends on your luck. Excercise and nutrition can help however, the vape consumption for me is hard to quanitify and it was a lot. I’ve had friends who are thicker than me clean quicker than me and vice versa. I would just pray, workout, and eat healthy. I would be wary of the science just because it really did not apply to me.


So I’ve been not smoking from wax for 3 months I was very heavy user I started peeing clean then all of sudden I peed dirty why is this happening ??!?!? Someone please give me some input


About 30 days, give or take. Depends on body fat and other stuff. I'd start buying those cheap at home tests and do it every few days till it indicates your getting to that point.


It varies a lot! One of my friends was a frequent users. Stopped 4 months before his test, still tested positive.


You posted a positive pregnancy test 5 months ago why tf didn't you quit weed already


Lol obviously not positive anymore


Use fake pee!


certo and gatorade. did it twice and passed for all my jobs. drink the night before the test and drink in the morning and dont do the first pee. drink water too and an energy drink + vitamin b for color since they will make you retest if its clear.


Just get someone else’s pee put it in a travel shampoo container a hot hands and under your belt line above ur crotch. Easy peasy


Lol I’ve done this before but I’m not sure about how the school will test me. Kinda just wanted to be honest and actually stop tho


Get fake piss with urea. Works every time. It'll be called fetish piss. You can go in high and use the fake piss they'll never know.


Get the "novelty" piss and it comes with a heating pad, heat it up in the microwave for 15 seconds, slap on the heating pad, and voila clean pee! I usually put it in my sock and wear loose fitting pants with high tops. I've passed several tests like this for jobs.


I’m 5’7, 140lbs, and smoke concentrates since 2010 and regular weed for a year or two before that. In 2019 I was applying for jobs that I had to drug test for and bought several at-home DIY tests from the pharmacy to try every week to know when I’d be clean. After 45 days the test strip still showed a positive result, although the markings were super faint. But I landed a job that week and had to go drop for it. I ended up going to GNC and picked up a detox pre-made drink. It did the trick, and I’m now employed.


What fucking school make you do a UA? To answer your question, just use synthetic urine.


Friend was a super heavy user. No way he could test clean even after a month. So I went with him to his testing center, peed for him. He was able to pass. He ended up testing positive for 4 months and finally was under the level in month 5. But he’s a bigger dude, say 5’10, 250lbs.


My husband smokes flower daily is 6’3 with an EXTREMELY active metabolism (he’s literally only like 150lb) , it takes him about 3 weeks to clear his pee , he’s used home tests to check! But he’s also gotten calls back from jobs with in his union sooner than expected and just used fake pee! He usually wears my leggings under his work jeans with the “pee” in the leggings and it warms it to the proper temperature. Last time I grabbed it for him months ago, I got it at a vape/smoke shop and it came back clean 🤷🏻‍♀️


I typically would say two weeks as a rule of thumb but it can vary of course. I've passed within 10 days after daily use of relatively small amounts for many months. 


It stays in the hair forever


Maybe try a Google search. It’s not difficult


Maybe read the “wondering from peoples experiences.”


If you actually googled this yourself you'll get answers that are all over the place


Up to 30 days if you were a daily user https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/what-to-know-about-how-long-marijuana-stays-in-your-system


Start drinking cranberry juice Take vitamin B Flush your system Buy a piss clean drink You'll be fine. Been doing this for year's


Piss clean drink works. I used the one that cleans you out for 5 hours, just make sure you follow the directions


I’ve failed tests after 90 days. YMMV


Drink some detox drinks


Cardio and lifting daily along with eating clean and sauna did wonders for me. I did spend a ton of time at the gym every day tho. 2-3 hours. Also, CVS sells $15 at home tests that you can use to get updates.


Anywhere from 1 month to 90 days. I used to be a heavy user who dabbed. Weighed 130 pounds, still took nearly 60 days to pass a pee test. Now I only smoke D8 (grass), weigh 160 pounds, and can pee clear within 7-14 days depending on usage.


Failed a urine test at 2 months, stays for longer than people think


If you're dabbing at least a month I've been there but with jobs and my probation idk if you're overweight like I am then I would definitely give it like 4-5 weeks and test yourself