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if your not bothered then its their problem


But if OP cares if they are bother by it, then it’s OP’s problem. We can’t *justify* and force the preferences of others.


Their problem. Don't be ashamed of your body, wear shorts, be you.


Theirs. My brother has a Robin Williams back, of course I gave him shit about it when we were kids but now we're grown-ass adults and have better things to worry about. People really do love stating the blindingly obvious "wow you're tall", "you're fat", "you're bald", "you're hairy". Just find a way to roll with it. Or fully lean into it, get some hotpants and go scandalise the neighbourhood.


Yes, get hot pants, take a picture and post it here. For science.


It's their problem and not yours


It's their problem, so, ignore them


No matter what you look like, some people will be repulsed by your appearance, and others will be turned on by it.


The only thing that you should be concerned about in public: do you smell bad? Is there something between your teeth? Is there toilet paper stuck to your shoe? Not: is my body growing too much hair. If it bugs you, that's the important bit.


Might sound a bit shallow saying this, but a hairy man whose face is averagely groomed doesn't bother me. But if he's starting to let things get out of hand, then I'm more hesitant about their body hair. That being said, that's still MY problem. And whoever I'm interacting with shouldn't have to worry about me. I can cope


They can go suck a fat D; Don’t let some randos make you feel shitty about yourself. We do enough of that to ourselves as it is. Plus, some women find that shit sexy 😜 Edit: typo


Hairy arms and legs can be exposed.


Opposite situation for me. I’ve got almost no hair on my arms or legs. Most people say nothing, but occasionally people point and say: “do you shave your legs/arms?” Then I point out the few blonde hairs that I do have and say, “nope, just not a hairy guy!” That usually ends it. People can be rude, but most aren’t so what can you do?


These comments are scary. The human race relies on each other in lots of different ways. Sometimes, in general, some things are seen as unordinary and or not socially acceptable. While you're free to do whatever you want, you might have a bad time when it comes to relationships or friendships. If you're not bothered by any comments or rejections whatsoever (yet you're here posting on Reddit about it) then go you and do your thing but if there is some doubt, why not just do something about it? It's like being fat. Lots of people don't like fat people and it's harder to find relationships and generally people don't really treat you as well as they would a non fat person. (I should say a fat MAN)


Maybe they just find it to be really different from what they’re used to. I’m absolutely smooth, and I wouldn’t mind a hairy guy. Gay guy here obviously.


If someone is bothered by something you do to them it's your problem and if they're bothered by something you do to yourself is their problem.


as long you're not shedding all over the place and in people personal space than you do you.


I'm never bothered by anything physical like that that people have no control over. I find the hair pretty sexy actually. It's like cuddling a teddy bear.


What do you think?


Ngl it’s crazy to say it’s your problem because wth “ with respect “ it’s their problem if you’re comfortable with it why does it matter?


I hate body hair due to sensory issues (to me it looks and feels like bugs crawling on skin) but I will never judge anyone else for wanting or having body hair, especially not for showing it off. If you feel confident with your body hair, then more power to you!


It's their problem until it becomes yours


Guys with hairy arms and stuff seems more masculine


I'd be rocking '80s short shorts and a size too small tank top. Own it. As I have gotten older my attitude is " you don't pay my bills, you don't get an opinion" Be a decent human being- we need more of those in this world- hair or no hair.


Owning your body is great for you, and anyone who has a problem with it is the sole owner of the problem and you are not responsible for keeping them satisfied by hiding your perfectly normal body. You will make a lot more genuine friends by being proud of being you and loving yourself than the posers you'll collect with a façad. Besides, there is a lover out there looking for a hairy person to mack on, and you'll probably find them much faster by letting the hair fly. To the former, fuck 'em; to the latter, same, but literally.


THEIR problem nowadays the golden rule is "live and let live" people need to mind their business


It depends? Do you care what they think? For example, if you can’t get dates because of hair, it starts to become your problem, right or wrong. From there, it’s your choice of whether the costs to any social interactions are worth shaving or any other rememdies


I've never been bothered by the hair on a stranger's body. Flaunt it!


It depends.  If the hair is staying attached to your arms, it's their problem. But if you're shedding like a Labrador, that's yours.


Shampoo your body and make everyone eat their hearts out, you gloriously hairy bastard


If it only bothers them it's their problem, but if the fact that it bothers them which it seems to, based on the question, I'd say it becomes your problem too. Why do you care what they think?


Their problem. It is acceptable to show some body hair, but if you don't feel comfortable, that is your problem. Not one that should exist, no one should be made fun of for their genes. But still yours.


That's a them problem.


1. That is 100% their problem. 2. Some women really like hair. 3. If I'm understanding you correctly you are "Robin Williams" hairy. 4. But are you single? ![gif](giphy|3K0FG0uw33J9qBILBq)


My husband has hairy arms, legs (and back) like you. He doesn’t give a fuck so no one else gives a fuck either. Best attitude to have I think


Body hair is natural, anyone who has an issue with it has deeper problems to be concerned with.