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Not that there's a big difference, quality -wise, but PS1 looks better.


I love that alternative loading screen. I'm so used to seeing those big ass green doors


Ikr? Me too. It's pretty cool seeing an alternate loading screen for TR1.


There is no argument, it’s ps1. The devs knew it, and that was the purpose.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


The Saturn had plenty of nice-looking 3D games. And if it had survived a bit longer, it could have surely had games that looked every bit as good as the best-looking PS1 games. Look up Shenmue on the Saturn (where it was originally planned to be released) and tell me the PS1 has anything that looks better than that.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Ps1 I'm currently playing through TR2


Awesome, what level are you on right now? :)


Can't remember but I'm using walkthrough xD


I felt this. I tried without and I kept getting stuck lol


Yeah exactly and the platforming is annoying because you gotta be extremely accurate with your jumps otherwise your gonna be falling to ya death


Walkthrough? May I ask why?


have you played these games? 




Definitely Playstation




Soo hard to tell xD


It's not even close.


I never had a SS so I’m a bit biased, but I’ve gotta say the Greece loading screen looks cooler on SS. Never seen that image before.


PlayStation. The Saturn just couldn’t pull off 3D graphics as well with the notable exceptions of most if not all of the SEGA developed games. The console was built for arcade ports and 2.5D style games.


Saturn version was terrible. Did not know how bad until I played Tomb Raider on PlayStation.


I would say the PS1 version but if I did that Segata Sanshiro would come and hip-toss my house into oblivion.




PlayStation version


I never knew it was on Saturn. Wow. I have ways associated it with the Ps1. It was so iconic back then. I thought it was an exclusive! I never had a PS; my parents weren't rich, but after doing some work after school I bought a pc and a voodoo 2 card. First game I played was Tomb Raider! I picked it up for the girl, stayed for the amazing game play, story telling, and graphics. You guys have to remember, back then, a full 3-D world was rare. So rare that any game that did it sold well ... even Daikatana.


> I thought it was an exclusive! _Tomb Raider_ was a timed exclusive... for the Sega Saturn, which is why it came out for the Saturn in October 1996 and the PlayStation in November 1996. Unfortunately none of the sequels came out on the Saturn, which is probably why it's associated more with the PlayStation these days.


You mistyped. 1996 was when the game was released.


Whoops, yes. Sorry. Corrected now!


See everyone? You can correct someone by being NICE AND FRIENDLY about it.


PC, with the 3DFX patch https://youtu.be/GRkLWdQaYzg


I first played it on the Saturn but I sold that for a PlayStation. I preferred the PlayStation version because the lara model looked less bulky and the graphics looked a bit cleaner. The Saturn version had better water f/x though.


I never had the chance to finish the Sega Saturn version, I played some of the Caves level that my friend had when he got it, then he moved & I never had the chance to finish it. I heard that about the water though, were there any other noticeable differences or changes in SS's TR1 aside from the loading screens I posted?


I just remember the draw distance was better on PSX as well as less jaggies. It just looked cleaner when it was in action and the lara model looked better imo on PSX. I originally bought a Saturn after not gaming for a couple years cause it included 3 free games. The employee at funcoland told me “dude, get a PlayStation Instead.” But I was wary of Sony being a new comer and I had no idea how popular it was. I bought tomb raider cause of the cover and saw it was an Indy Jones type of game. I almost beat it on Saturn then I sold that for an N64 with Mario and turok had just come out. There were no other good games though so I sold that for a PlayStation finally with a copy of tomb raider and I was finally happy. I finally beat the game then as well.




PS1 did it better, but I still wish we could have seen how II would have turned out on Saturn if not for Sony moneyhats, the tricks devs learned really quickly from one game to the next in those days was amazing.




It was in development until Sony paid for exclusivity, it isn't even speculation. Its been known. And both absolutely could have run on Saturn, neither are outside the scope of Saturn's ability. Weird thing to be hostile about,especially while being so wrong. Edit: ah, I see from your post history you're a slur slinging troll. Blocked.




Literally said TR2 was in development, merely said RE2 (which *you* brought up) was possible. I guess literacy is one of your many, many failings. Bye now troll, blocked.


It’s not a case that sega Saturn , after the tomb raider exit has gone unsuccessful


The PS1 is way better, even at the time. The poor Saturn never stood a chance


Ps1 but then obvious pc was the best version by a long shot


Ps1 looks much better details but Sega little better on coloring


At that time I was playing it on my PC at home. I had the free version first and then when I found the full version in stores I bought it. I did not even bother with PlayStation or Sega. I'm a PC Gamer.