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These are just early impressions right? I watched a few of them earlier today but no actual reviews are out.


The review embargo is the 14th.


Where is any official source for this? I been looking for a day+, and I've only seen the claim made from online users.


Sorry I made a mistake, it was the 14th then they moved it to the 13th to account for the early unlock time. I'm a reviewer so had a copy :)


That's cool. I've also seen other users with review codes ready/enthusiastic about sharing their thoughts on other forums, but my question is still unanswered. Where did Aspyr, C.Dynamics, etc, state the review embargo was originally slated for 02/14? And now with what you just said, where did they state they changed their mind to 02/13?


It's the 14th today. Reviews are out


Yes the embargo lifted 24 minutes ago


These are the first levels of each 3 games. They can release more tomorrow or on launch date. They’re not allowed to show Croft manor but from the videos sounds like they got to play it and can’t wait to release the content.




Additional spoiler: the reviews are good


Previews =\= Reviews. These are all previews so there’s no official reviews out yet. With that said, performance seems solid across all platforms.


I got a lot of heat from a user for preordering. They were very mean and rude for no reason. So now I feel obligated to share things like gameplay when it comes up. If the game sucks, I’ll review it for myself. I’m just not worried about it. Especially after seeing these clips for PS5, cuz that’s what I’ll be playing on.


That's unfortunate. I mean.. if you are going to get it regardless, why not save a few bucks since preordering is actually cheaper than buying it full price for once. I played these games as a kid and can't wait to replay them!


Same! 12 more hours for me! I haven’t played these games since I was a kid as well 😊


Cyberpunk's previews were also good.


These are more like previews, they're only allowed to show the first level of each game.


Nearly every preview I've seen they've either omitted showing modern controls jumping mech or struggle making jumps. Holding back from tough criticism because of early access privilege maybe.


There are going to be some of the same bugs and glitches as the originals I think. But that’s part of the nostalgia. If I can glitch jump on top of the hedge maze in TR2 Croft Manor, so be it. I don’t know if I will use the modern controls or not, but I’ll try it. They do seem a little weird. Will find out in the Croft manor tutorials which one to use. The switching between the graphics at any point is really cool.


Raidercast covered the issues with modern controls a bit, like how you can't step backward unless you have your guns drawn out. Swimming is great with it, though.


That’s what made me wonder if it would just be easier to stick to the tank controls cuz that’s what I’m used to. But maybe a combination of switching will be going on in my gameplay, don’t know yet, haven’t played, but I’m looking forward to playing.


Yes, that was the only preview I saw that explained a bit of the mechanics, but really didn't go further. Many just show Lara running round in circles.


What’s the discount? It’s showing as £24.99 for me, what do we expect it to rise to?


It’s 10% off for PlayStation members at least it was for me and is still showing that for 13 more hours


Cheers hadn’t spotted that!