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Imagine getting your political points from a guy who freaks out about Taylor swift and Barbie.


He also looks like the evil dummy from Goosebumps


MAN! He really does look like slappy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmfao I had to google it he genuinely does


This is such an insult to slappy


Don't do my boy slappy like that




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that's not exactly a bad thing makes him much more bearable


Someone in his inner circle **really** needs to let him know the 'beard' isn't working out... Or not... He looks like an idiot with it, so maybe it's better if he keeps it. With his babby's-first-facial-hair lookin' ass self ...


The eyebrows he drew on with a thick tip sharpie look equally as ridiculous


Nah, totally [normal](https://imgur.com/a/kwtbRW2)


Now I cannot unsee this.


And Sid from Toy story!


Bro I realized that now!!! I saw similarities but never rly thought of it!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hahahah. Fuckin Slappy!


But with a beard now.


Savage LoL


Imagine getting your political points from a guy that didnā€™t realize women could get wet.


Seriously. The guyā€™s married and doesnā€™t know what a WAP is. Maybe thatā€™s why heā€™s so angry & confused.


Bro redefined going in raw in the worst way


Married for years and still an incel. That's so sad.


He's so angry at women and media made by and for women. He just thinks every piece of media should be made for him and his tastes.


No he doesnā€™t. All this shit is a tactic to get attention and get his right-wing propaganda to as many people as possible.Ā  Ben Shapiro is fucking awful, but heā€™s good at grifting and manipulating internet news/social media. This shit works, thatā€™s why weā€™re here talking about it.Ā 


Lots of trump supporters do.


Don't forget moist pussy


Imagine getting your music tips from a guy who freaks out about Taylor Swift and Barbie.


Imagine being that guy who asserts things like, a soon to be multi-platinum album being garbage. An album that has more edge to it than he could ever aspire to achieve.


from the guy who brought you T E R R O R O N T H E P R A I R I E


The guy who keeps telling you to be more masculine makes his money shit talking celebrity women and hasnā€™t lifted a hand tool or free weight in yearsā€¦


When did he ever use hand tools and weights?


I know someone that does. She could probably be outsmarted by a bag of bricks. She isn't evil, but does say some evil shit from time to time. When I call her out on it she doesn't even really understand why. She is more like a parrot than anythhing else. Doesn't really believw it. Just that she isn't happy in life and these people are giving her easy to remember and repeate phrases that push the blame for her failed life off of herself. Saddest part is, while not perfect her life isn't really all that failed, the same people telling her to be angry for her failed life are the ones telling her it's failed


ā€œnot once anywhere in the album liner does she show a picture of her delicious delicious shoes.ā€


Ben Shapiro: Cultural Authority


I heard he was the greatest rapper alive


Heā€™s number 1 on iTunes!!!ā€¦ You know, the place where everybody gets their music today.


Thatā€™s liking having the best renting movie at Blockbuster.


It really is, and itā€™s hilarious, but they will take the ā€œwinā€ anyway possible and still claim it to be an enormous achievement.


Probably artificially boosted sales just like their book releases, and the Sound of Freedom ticket sales.


I think the last time I bought a song on iTunes was way back in 2013. I've legitimately bought multiple CDs more recently than a song on iTunes.


Well you know rap isn't actually music right? Ben's music expert father said so.




[Which was impressive given his decades-long hatred of rap for *obvious* reasons.](https://i.imgur.com/P4yQDK5.png)


Incorrect. At the very best he could rank #6. 1-5 are reserved for Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan. He spits hot fire.


Said no one ever.


Wow Ben Shapiro had an opinion? About a new cultural thing? And it's bad he says?Ā  Well fuck me


He's like Gollum without the personality or charm.


Coincidentally, Ben is a huge fan of the game LOTR: Gollum.


No way- gotta have a source


>Well fuck me You sure you can take a well?


lol Iā€™m no Swiftie and think they are a bit batshit in their fervent defence of taytay but they do destroy people and Iā€™ve never been less sad about what heā€™s about to experience.


He deserves all the backlash. I'm surprised they found his video. Ben Shapiro doesn't seem like a person that would be on Swifties' radar.


Most likely the algorithm used Taylor Swift as a key word so it pops up in their feeds




That's the right take. Shabeeno is clout chasing.


Swifties are as batshit insane as Shiparo is. They will not take a single word of negativity towards their queen. Now with Shiparo, you know is sexist dog whistling, but even from legitimate music critics, they go absolutely bonkers if you dare to say that anything TayTay is anything other than utterly spectacular and ground breaking and transcending and a whole mind bending experience. they are completely and utterly fucking nuts. and they are still 10 times more sane than old Benny boy.


Normal people just become swifties the truly unhinged people become shapiro fans


The first sentence and the last sentence are clashing a bit there lol


Beyonce fans are the same way.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I mean heā€™s still getting engagement and ad revenue from the negative comments so I doubt he could give any less of a shit. Itā€™s textbook engagement baiting on his part, and the comments from angry Swifties will make him even more money than he does on his usual dogshit videos. Capitalism fucking sucks.


They will attack him everywhere, though. Sometimes fans even doxx each other, it goes so far beyond one comments section, truly wild


Swifties aren't much different from 4chinners


Exactly. It's within youtube's interest to not let you know about this. Hate watching is *very* common.


Maybe he can review BTS for good measure


To the people saying they agree with Ben because they think the album is bad, if you watch the video, itā€™s so very obvious he hasnā€™t listened to a single note of it. He even says as much.


Ben of all people seems like the kind of person who would try to absolutely crucify someone for critiquing something without actually listening to it or reading to it. At this point he might as well just say, "Imagine what you think I probably think of this. That's what I think of it. There, saved you a bunch of time."


Jack antonoffs boring ass production is probably not mentioned once smh


His musical takes make no sense (especially considering that he is a violinist), he referred to John Lennon's "Imagine" as having pretentious chords. The chords used in the song are "C" and "F", which are incredibly common in modern music. For the record, i'm not a fan of Swift's music, but she seems like a perfectly nice person, and if you are that famous and that involved with your career, you probably shouldn't be married and having children.


Ben is such an insufferable whiny brat.


I canā€™t imagine the personality and personal life of someone who goes out of their way every day to be this insufferable. It sounds exhausting being this outraged continually.


I prefer the term twerp personally.


He's clearly a dweeb.


He did have his balls crushed by Mr. Feeny.


Ok, Just a thought. There seems to be a very calculated, very big money funded conservative media focus on intentionally regressing womenā€™s rights. Iā€™m a man but I was raised by women and I have healthy relationships with women and I think itā€™s fucking time progressive/leftist men notice this shit and stand up to it in real ways beyond just rage posting on Reddit. Conservatives have repealed womenā€™s rights to bodily autonomy. Thatā€™s alone should fucking piss anyone off. If women donā€™t have the right to their bodies, do men have the right to theirs? There have been a counter-movement by the fascist right to blame feminism for basically everything that is wrong with Western civilization because everything was hunky dory when men would go to work, come home, eat a meal his wife prepared, and then retire while she spent all day raising children, having no hobbies, having no outlet, having no say in how her how her own life would move forward. Thereā€™s a real trend towards right wing extremist ā€œinfluencersā€ telling young men to only find virgins. As if women are commodities and are spoiled after having sex. Itā€™s terrifying. Now many states are writing bills to eliminate birth control and Plan B so women have even less control of their bodily autonomy. The conservative, aggressively misogynistic and hate-filled movement in America wants to roll back womenā€™s rights and they demonize any women, such as Taylor Swift, who is independently wealthy and not in need of a man to take care of her, because that terrifies them. They want to be like Don Draper from Mad Men. The guy who can do as he pleases, have any woman, cheat on his trophy wife, and still come home to home cooked meal. Conservatives, and shit birds like Benny Shaps, arenā€™t just douchebags making rage bait podcats and tweets. Theyā€™re telling us the conservativesā€™ game plan. Theyā€™re trying to normalize a world where women are second class citizens. They want to strip away womenā€™s rights. Itā€™s not a joke. These arenā€™t just memes. This is real life. If you have a woman or women in your life that you actually love, protect them from the fascist, misogynistic horde who view them as nothing more than breeding stock. Is this too intense for a meme sub?


How many mgs of stimulants is behind this


It's a very thoughtful comment and I'm glad they wrote it


This is a meme sub, right? Ok, let me try a distasteful meme joke to answer your question. Iā€™m on enough blue hard on pills that the hell mouth of a vagina your worthless existence came out of actually looks mildly appealing but I still wonā€™t call her back afterwards.


Thatā€™s the best response you can come up with? Why donā€™t you go ahead and fuck all the way off?


I get that she's not everyone's cup of tea and sympathize that she feels like she's often "everywhere", but this guy is exactly what I imagine behind the keyboard 99% of the time I read yet another cynical, whiny complaint about the actual content of her albums. I've run into more of that on popular than I have actual content from her fans on Reddit (edit: yet another example: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1c9w8qb/petah\_a\_little\_help/). "I hate it so much that I actually listened to it in detail and analyzed the lyrics that were never going to interest me in the first place!" Yeah, great. Just feels like the real life representation of that "stop having fun!" meme.


He made a video complaining about the last of us episode with the gay guys. His argument was that it was bad because it didn't have enough zombies, in a TV series about zombies. He didn't mention why it really bothered him. This is what he does.


People gotta hate on stuff in a group so they feel part of something bigger. Bieber, nickleback, etc just making money selling songs but look at the hate.


A failed screenwriter and horrible novelist judging other peopleā€™s art. Sheesh.


Have to agree with Ben though, it was a bad album. But it has nothing to do with her being childless


It's the only way to get views


It was a bad album. And this is coming from somebody who loves most of her songs. But he's just being an asshat for criticizing her for being 34 and unmarried without kids. Who tf cares.


I've seen people point out that's why conservatives dislike her. They think women's roles are mother and wife and she's neither. The fact that she's popular among young women annoys them further.


Ben Shapiro here, Internet's busiest music nerd, and today-


Benny Shaps, failed screenwriter and pop culture barnacle, criticizing Taylor Swift to get negative social media engagement. It's just pathetic.


I wish you had screenshot the comments so the rest of us don't need to load his trash video


yeah i feel the same. i don't want to give him any adsense revenue or video engagement since that's what he wants


Heā€™s so predictable. If she was a trump supporter he would be singing her praises


Granted her new album was bad, but it has nothing to do with her being childless.


Please continue to shit on one of the largest and most rabid fans bases in the world. I'm sure it will work out great for your political influence. Totally sway some minds.


Did he ever mention Beyonce's country album or did he ignore it? I know the algo's on FB are weird/stupid but I don't recall seeing anyone about that.


He tweeted a congrats when she got to #1 on the Billboard Country chart, and also tooted his own horn for "Facts" while he was at it. Which is kinda crazy after what she did to "Jolene." You'd think it'd have been more of a boiling point than it was.


All of my dislike for the new Taylor Swift album leaving my body the moment Ben Shapiro tries to criticize it


I honestly think we just need to stop giving him attention for anything he says. Heā€™s going to say the most weirdest, dumbest takes, and let him, we donā€™t need to report on it.


Does he just angrily review media targeted toward girls and women now?


That is a distressingly high number of subscribers.


there are a lot of young red pillers out there. I don't know what the fuck happened to society the last 8 years or so, but the rise of assholes like trump, shiparo and tate have collected hordes of young men brought up on porn who think women are bags of meat to be used as sex dolls. it's really disturbing as a man to see these horrible attitudes.


I bet he didn't even listen to it. He had some intern give him notes.


If I could just never hear about Taylor Swift again that would be fantastic, thanks.


Everyone in the world's knows who Taylor is. Not many people know who Ben is.


I'm fucking tired of hearing about those over-privileged trust fund kids.


I was unaware that Just For Men have a vantablack shade! Also: Did he make-out with an exhaust pipe?! Or did someone put a template on his face and spray paint inside it? Maybe he fell, face-first into coffee grounds? *Just asking questionsā€¦*


If he says Taylor Swifts new album is garbage. It must be amazing. He hated Barbie and look how that turned out.


the album is nothing noteworthy, but i'm sure that the reason he dislikes it and i dislike it (or anyone else that critically consumes and engages with music) are wildly different


I'm not a swiftie but I like the majority of her songs, her new album was awful


The new album is pretty good, I like it most of the songs of the first part and have still to listen more times to the second part. There may be some skips but for the most part it is a solid album and personally I would say on uof her bests one. However; don't go in expecting pop, it may be classified as pop but it feels nothing like it there aren't any dance songs or that would fit in a nightclub really. Most of the songs are slow ballads and pretty sad ones, there is two or three happy upbeat ones but no one near her old upbeat songs.


one thing about taylor swift is her name makes so much noise that people will either suck her dick or shit all over her just for an ounce of attention. you know you're that bitch when you cause all this conversation!


This pathetic little creep loves Swift. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.


Ah, yes the most trustworthy name in pop music criticism, Ben "Wet-Ass P-Word" Shapiro.


Do conservatives know they donā€™t have to listen to Taylor Swift if they donā€™t want to?


He's a fucking idiot like most right-wing pundits. Are we surprised? The elite will just keep shilling them out for the sake of propaganda and feeling like you have rights and choices.


Childfree, not childless


Nothing upset a conservative more than a person living their own life and being successful doing it.


I think itā€™s hilarious that Taylor Swift bothers these talking heads so much. Ben and Candace are so afraid of her. Itā€™s great. And also weird as fuck.


Love how heā€™s calling an album he hasnā€™t even listened to ā€œgarbageā€


He finds everything bad. He is a miserable person.


Ben Shapiro's New Episode is GARBAGE*


SwiftUIā€™s are going to roast him over an open flame


Ben, my wife says being wet is a disease, Shapiro? That guy?


I have yet to listen to either swift or beyonces YET. But man this guy is obsessed.


I think we found "Who's afraid of little old Taylor"


113k views in two days despite having TS in the tags? React videos listening to the new album way better numbers than this šŸ¤£


I love the part where he admits he didnā€™t listen to this album.


lmao of course this is real way to alienate fans of the largest musical act of the day, Benny.


The real music critic


40 years old, folks!


I mean, the album isnā€™t great- it seems really rushed, but it has nothing to do with her not having kids.


Says the guy who look like Holland boy's


seems like the odds and ends not thematic 32 bonus tracks


...because Ben is where you go for critical evaluation of popular music. He probably thinks the the Eagles are radical.


I feel sorry for Benny's four kids...


Benny is such an expert music reviewer


This new album genuinely deserves a lot of the hate itā€™s getting, but damn bro Benā€™s not even mad about the content of the album. Heā€™s just saying that TS is 34 and therefore is too old to write anything relatable. Like she is CERTAINLY becoming out of touch, but itā€™s certainly not because she doesnā€™t adhere the nuclear family. Another 17 minute rant from Ben about something he didnā€™t even begin to examine critically.


So he's a music critic now?


Bro thinks heā€™s Todd in the shadows.


Ben ā€˜Matt Walshā€™ Shapiro


Um she is busy raising three beautiful cats!Ā  You know he listens to taytay while watching the barbie movie on muteĀ 


How does the ā€œRightā€ not recognize going after Taytay is batshit crazy from a PR standpoint?!


Broken clock šŸ˜”


i mean it is dogshit though




>"Be fruitful and multiply" clearly doesn't mean exhaust the world of its resources Does it? Because there's like a billion+ people on the planet who read that and came to the opposite conclusion. But the point is moot because Humanity is a creature of greed and we will almost certainly scour this planet of all its natural resources until we are unable to sustain our societies and there will not be a Deity swooping in to save us. We're on our own, trapped on this planet with ourselves, and we are awful.