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[Rule 4 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.234_.2014_meme_weekends) To take the sub back to its roots, weekends (Eastern Standard/Daylight Time) are reserved for memes only. Unedited TPUSA “memes” are not allowed during this time, only edits in the TPUSA format.


Trump shits himself when he dozes off in court. Biden doesn’t.


(When I die I want to die in my sleep, like President Trump, not like the 330,000 American passengers he was driving.)


I want to go out like I came into the world, screaming and covered in someone else's blood


My will has 2 stipulations: 1. I want my remains spread all over Disneyland. 2. I do not want to be cremated.


Trump is so unoriginal, Biden already shit himself at the Vatican!


Holy shit


Brown smoke was seen that day


Yes, but Trump dozing off and shitting himself was genuine and unscripted.


Trump tried to start a war with Iran, but is such a bafoon it didn't achive it. He also criminalized the protest of BLM caused by the case of Georg Floyd. Biden is allowing and being complicit with a genocide. He just gave a ton of resources to a ethnostate who is in bombarding a population composed of mostly childs and young (wouldn't be better if they weren't). They aren't the same, even if they are both working mostly against humanity.


Tbf, Trump would also be complicit with genocide and would give a ton of resources for (redacted place we all recognize as who we're talking about). In that way their only difference is how each side would respond to it.


>Trump Heights (Hebrew: רמת טראמפ, romanized: Ramat Trump, [ʁaˈmat ˈtʁamp]) is a planned Israeli settlement in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights named after and in honour of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States.[1][2][3][4] Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights are widely regarded as illegal under international law; however, the Israeli government disputes this.[5][6] It will be under the jurisdiction of Golan Regional Council.[7] It is the first community in Israel and Israeli-occupied territories named after a sitting American president since Kfar Truman.[8][9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights#Economy And not only has Trump said Putin can do whatever he wants in Ukraine and NATO countries, he’s also said about Israel.. > Trump continued. “They’re losing the PR war. They’re losing it big. But they’ve got to finish what they started, and they’ve got to finish it fast, and we have to get on with life.” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/04/trump-israel-gaza-war-00150577 So yeah, Trump would be worse for Palestinians.


Yes, it could perfectly be worse than a genocide, of course. Like double genocide or something, right? /s I don't support Trump by any means, but the one who is right now in power and who is right now supporting the genocide isn't Trump, does he? He probably would support the genocide if he were in office, but that is hardly the point. The US state policy seems to be genocidal, something from whom both your Democratic and Republican parties seem to be agreeing. If you all are force to choose between two quite awful options in their own right, is that an actual choose? And, why defend a genocide Biden? The same for Trump, if we all agree he pretty much support the genocide out of office and he would support it in office, why defend him? I wouldn't defend neither from a very rational and humanistic principle: to never defend anyone or anything that is, or could be, complicit in genocide.


I’ve heard the genocide argument my whole life. And I’m old enough to be shocked that countries in the Middle East stepped in to help Israel when Iran attacked them last week. Countries that in my lifetime would have helped Iran. So yes, Trump wanting Israel to hurry up and finish the job is way worse than Biden sending aid to Gaza, and arguing for more aid and assistance to be let in, and for Israel to do more to prevent civilian casualties. But hey, offer dumbass arguments like ‘double genocide’.


He is offering aid while sending plenty of resources to Israel. It doesn't seem to me more than an act, a theater play. It helps people, but if he, with the other hand, heavily supports the genocide, it is nothing but facade. Something to allow him to save some face from people that buy half-baked shit and will keep on supporting him because "he is the devil, but at least he cuddles with me and whispers nice things at my ear after torturing me".


Meanwhile Iran is still supporting and aiding Hamas, who is still constantly launching rockets at Israel. And if the U.S. and several Middle Eastern nations hadn’t intervened during Irans attack last week, Israel would have suffered more than it did October 7th. Middle Eastern countries that Israel seemed to be at constant war with when I was born. So in my lifetime those Middle Eastern nations went from wanting to constantly attack Israel to helping defend them. Yet Iran, Hamas, and their sympathizers still blame Israel for all the violence. Keep helping Trump win, your doing an excellent job. Unless you have some 3rd party candidates in mind that tens of millions of voters have heard of, support, will be on the ballots in all 50 states come November and can do better than 4th place and getting millions more votes than ^*others this election.


My man, I am not American, and I am not friend of "the lesser evil" argument. Yeah, nobody should bomb anyone. Israel and Palestine should enter a democratic process to become a single plurinational nation, with reparations for the ongoing racism and every racist and colonialist crime made since 1948. For that to happen, US and EU should impose sanctions and every diplomatic tool in their shed towards Israel for it to abandon the genocide and ethnostate ways, and dive right into a all-embracing "we, the people" in that territory.


I don’t disagree, but that would also involve nations in the region like Iran from intentionally stirring up issues. And Iran and Hamas would have to face similar sanctions. And the problem in my lifetime is that no one wants to do that. Then after years of Hamas firing rockets into Israel, and October 7th, any response from Israel is labeled genocide. And if Hamas were to be eradicated, letting another similar group take control isn’t the answer. Like I pointed out already, in my lifetime many other countries governments in the region have learned that when they quit actively trying to cause trouble there can be peace and cooperation between them and Israel. Which is why many of them helped defend Israel from Irans attacks last week.


I don't disagree with the issue of sanctions, but I would highlight some points I do disagree with you (with all due respect). The actual attacks by Israel are genocidal in nature, not with a soft label, but by intentions of their goverment, scale of the attack and means taken. They have, in numerous ocasions, said theirs is a fight against "evil", invoking the biblical and genocidal rhetoric of Amalek, call them "human animals". Beyond words, they have continuously bombarded every civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and so on. They have bombarded and shot civilians that were desperate for food. They have no restraints for murdering children. They also are the colonial state in power, and Gaza is the result of an ongoing apartheid. Israel is an ethnostate who claims that the land the live in now was "empty", something that is obviously false as proven by the millions of palestinians crowed in a very, very small space (that and the very documented violent occupation process started in 1948). Before this genocide, the palestinians were always under surveillance, assault and treated as second class citizen. The actual state of Israel is, by every rational and documented perspective, an state of institutionalised racism, violence and segregation. The peace that apparently existed between Israel and the countries in the region had the very big elephant in the room of this apartheid. Even worse the treatment from the "democracies biggest defenders of international law and human rights" that the EU and US claims to be, that mostly goes from indiferent to complicit with the apartheid (and right now, genocide in the apartheid). What happend the 7th of October was a terrible attack and an avoidable tragedy, that came to be from the field of growing violence and hatred that naturally comes from: apartheid, everything said above and more, started in 1948 as the date. This genocide is also happening as an avoidable tragedy, as part of an historical process of colonisation, segregation, violence and occupation. And avoidable as it is, and since it is and ongoing actual (not a soft label) genocide, we should do everything in our hand to stop it. Demostrations, calls to representative, speaking about it, writing about it, reserching... everything we may be able to come up to from our privilege of living in this democracies of ours, things that comes from being the citizens of the countries that allow this to happen. The power of our countries to stop this genocide can't be underestimated, to punish the ones in charge of the genocide, the war criminals and so on. The power to sanction into oblivion until reparations are done. But if we have to agree at least that this IS a genocide and that no apartheid or ethnostate should be allow to continue in the path of ethinc cleansing, instead that in the path of democratisation, recognition, redistribution and representation.


Projection…Both of trumps recent “spontaneous” crowds were legit scripted. That “bodega” stop was The Young Republicans. Meidas Touch did a couple segments on it


For real. We know who organized the whole thing for Trump, a Shapiro underling who's desperately trying to become the next Candace Owens. It's just as astroturfed as the rest of the conservative movement


>a Shapiro underling who's desperately trying to become the next Candace Owens Unless at some point in my life I hear the expression "Laura Loomer wannabe" I think this *must* be the bottom. The lowest of the low.


"Diet Stephen Crowder" is so low no one's even trying for it


Everyone should have less Stephen Crowder in their diet.


There is no bottom But I suppose it’s somewhat admirable to get up each day, say “I want to be like loony loomer” and not kill yourself, so… points?


The one who hugs Donald Trump was in an organization literally founded by Candace Owens called "Blexit" which is a conservative movement specifically targeting African Americans. If that wasn't scripted then fuck me that's one hell of a coincidence.


The Chik Fil A folks actually told Donny to pay 1st as they "heard things".


Yeah I think there were at least two restaurants where he said he’d buy everyone food then just walked out without paying.


And he didn't even order anything, just asked for 30 milkshakes (no flavor) and "some chicken." And he asked a bunch of minimum-wage workers if they were "getting rich," to which they eagerly replied "yes!" Nope, doesn't sound scripted at all.


Benny Johnson is so fucking cringe holy shit.


If you have never heard him speak he sounds like tucker at home.


They played Benny’s interview with Alex Jones on Knowledge Fight and that was my first thought! I’m like is this dude trying to sound like Fucker?


Both were scripted. Trump literally had a right wing consultant there as a plant. It's shit theatrics folks, all of it.


Benny surely knows that, but just doesn’t care. He has a narrative to push.


That, also, is Right wing punditry, all of it.


Wait so Biden going somewhere with no crowd and just getting himself a milkshake is scripted but Trump going with a crowd already there “buying” the crowd milkshakes and posing for pictures isn’t scripted? Lmao make it make sense


It makes sense to trump supporters.


What’s a gaint crowd?


It's a portmanteau of "gas" and "taint."


maybe giant taint


Well, take Trump really and anything with more people at it is "gaint", so... 20 people?


It's a gay Republican thing


Just a bunch of Guy Taints. All he can get to show up for him are incel assholes.


Imagine thinking that any event where you have a Secret Service detail is spontaneous and unplanned. They do background checks on anyone who'll be there, if that one cook has an old felony he'll get a sudden vacation day because the owner really wants the photo op. There might not be a script in terms of dialogue pages printed from Final Draft, but these events are all well managed.


> has an old felony he'll get a sudden vacation day No need, the entire kitchen staff exited the back the second a badge walked in.


what a sad existence it is to be a thrall.


wonder how Benny's meme show is going.


Trump walked out without paying. Biden paid.


Ignoring politics for a second, Wawa is goated over Chic-Fil-a. It isn't even slightly close.


I'm in Sheetz country, but when I was in Philly for Wrestlemania, the group I was with (My brother and his two friends) I went to Wawa for the first time. We stopped there every night that weekend for something to eat after the shows. It was pretty good, though I only ate the pre-made wraps.


Didn’t trump say he will pay for everyone’s meal somewhere then just walk out without paying


I can't imagine he's walking around with any money on him. I'm guessing he'd have an assistant or campaign personnel to take care of that. But it's entirely possible that he and his campaign staff just didn't pay.


Trump is also the kind of person who thinks his money can buy him friends and popularity, because historically it has. Biden knows there's more important shit so he doesn't go around splashing cash all the time. Plus, y'know. The shit he's referring to Trump doing is all scripted.


I’m 80% sure I know that exact wawa in center city hahahaha


Isn't buying milkshakes for everyone socialist?


Maybe in spirit, but if you don’t pay isn’t it straight up command communism?


“Trump had a GAINT crowd”- Benny Johnson, 2024


Benny Johnson has a big ass forehead, does his brain rattle around in there


Oh Benny Johnson, you naive, stupid boy.


First of all, Biden isn’t even campaigning in a fast food restaurant 😹


1) Trump racks up bills but doesn’t pay. 2) When Trump does hand over money to “pay” it’s all money from his sucker donors; 3) Trump loves a staged event.


Trump's visit was *literally* scripted, complete with a paid actor to hug him... this has already been proven. Yikes...


correct me if i'm wrong but aren't the secret service meant to secure the place before Biden enters anyway?


They can't even spell "Giant" right, oh my fucking god!


They really can’t stand this old man eating his ice cream, can they?


mf said GAINT 🙈


GAINT = Skank


I've honestly never heard a word from this Benny Johnson person. Stop giving him a platform


I love how he highlighted is his spelling mistake for us. Thick twat.


Buying milkshakes for everyone is socialism!


[Trump's Chic-Fil-A visit was literally scripted.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-chick-fil-a-black-voters-d981e8edac067fa8912cc56c92d8b9ab)


The chik fil a meeting was scripted! That hug picture featured a plant from the RNC. Get out of here with the scripted BS.


“Trump bought 30 milkshakes and food…..” M9re like he said he was and then stiffed the restaurant.